I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 128: Thousand Hand Technique

Chapter 128: Thousand Hand Technique

On our way back. A few rabid humans attacked us but they didn't stand a chance. Ever since the Qi Current has disappeared from the face of the planet, there was a drastic change in the numbers of rabid humans that roam around the place. Since the Qi Current served as a guide for them, its disappearance made them roam all over the place, making it even harder to get a horde. And even if a horde were to form, they might disperse in a snap of a finger if there weren't any High-Leveled rabid humans to take charge over them.

Needless to say, the outside world has become safer compared to before.

"Are you ready for tomorrow? I think you'll be fighting the Immovable Sect's number one disciple in the outer court, Zeng Mehui." Liu Zhi asked after beheading yet another rabid human who was blocking our way.

Poor rabid human, he wasn't even doing anything.

Blade increased his walking space so he could walk beside me. "In terms of speed and strength, he's probably the number one candidate. He's just eighteen years old and he's already in Peak Immortal Realm. Rumors have it that he might break through to the Ancient Realm soon."

"So he's a genius, huh. Well, you don't have to worry. I've seen him fight and I must say he won't stand a chance against me. A show-off like that wouldn't even scratch someone who survived the outside world for five years after the outbreak started."

A smile formed on their lips as they nodded. If I were to compare the 'me' in the past to Zeng Mehui, he wouldn't even be worth comparing to. At that age, I was already in the Ancient Realm. With all the resources he had plus the hard work that he could've pulled off, he would've easily reached the Dao Realm at such an age. He might be a top candidate but he's lacking in other areas.

And his violence? I don't even want to talk about it. Someone like that shouldn't even be called a cultivator.

Tap. Tap.

My head instinctively whirled towards my right after I felt someone tap my shoulder. At first, I shuddered to think that it was Blade who did it since it was a reaaaally soft tap. But fortunately, I saw Wu Yan popping her head over my shoulder.

"Wu Ya eh? Why are you pouting?" I asked, surprised.

With a sudden change in her expression, she turned her head to the right so I couldn't see her current expression. Since I didn't know how to react, I just continued walking while wearing a forced smile on my face. Was she angry? Why was she angry?

Did I do anything wrong? 

I couldn't quite put my head around what I did so I decided to give up on thinking about it. But just when I was about to forget what's happening, something warm clasped my hand, making me flinch.

Apparently, Wu Yan grabbed my hand out of the blue. And looking at her, it was obvious that she was forcing herself to do it. She was shaking so badly as her cheeks reddened into a darker shade. Of course, my face might've reddened as well, I just don't know for sure since I don't have a mirror with me.

"Um, Wu Yan?" I muttered. She looked apprehensive and aggressive at the same time that I didn't know what to say.

In the end, I just let her do as she pleased. Obviously, she likes me, right? There's no way she'd just reach for my hand if she's not the least bit interested in me. I know I've solidified that fact for a time now but I still can't believe she likes me until now. Is she waiting for me to make the next move? Or... wait, what do I need to do?

<Notice: Detecting an enormous amount of Qi Energy nearby>

<Automatic Qi Condensation has activated>

Suddenly, the System relayed a few prompts in my head but by then, it was too late. The amount of Qi Energy that my body absorbed was too much, making my Qi Cores agitated. I don't even know where it came from!

My heartbeat quickened as my Qi Cores were on the verge of exploding. Accidentally, I squeezed Wu Yan's hand as I fell on my knees. I delved straight into cultivation mode before they could even ask what happened.

And then, as if on cue, a huge monster came out of the forest. At first glance, it looked like a mid-boss in a story but upon closer inspection, it was clear that it's a rabid human.

The rabid human was at least ten feet tall. Its arms were so long that he basically dragged them as he walked. I call it a rabid human but it basically is a burning skeleton with long arms so I don't really know. However, I could detect an incredible amount of virus in its body that I concluded it was a rabid human.

And that's when I saw it.

It was hard to believe but... this rabid human has a Virus Qi Core.

<Bonus Quest unlocked! >

<Bonus Quest: Defeat the Imperial Zombie>

<Accept the quest? Yes/No>

How on earth can I accept the quest if I can't even move? Ugh~ whatever. I should just focus on stabilizing my Qi Cores for now. With the amount of Qi Energy I absorbed probably from the Imperial Rabid Human I might even break through to the Third Level of the Ancient Realm for my Virus Qi Core. As for my Original Qi Core, I might break through to the Third or Fifth Level of the King Realm... assuming that I don't die first, of course.

"Yong Rui! Are you okay?" Liu Zhi screamed as he saw me collapsed to the ground. He might've assumed that it's got something to do with the Imperial Rabid Human that appeared. Well, he was right, but I collapsed because of my unstable Qi Cores, not because of any attack that the Imperial Rabid Human might've inflicted upon me.

The Imperial Rabid Human stood still for a few seconds before it roared mightily. Its roar was like the cry of death, deep and hollow but unusually chilly. I don't know if it happened to everyone but its death cry gave me goosebumps. It was obvious that the Imperial Rabid Human was leaps and bounds stronger than me since I felt a bit tensed in front of it.

And I was right. After observing the flow of its Qi Energy, I recognized that the Imperial Rabid Human was someone in the Peak Dao Realm. Even if the four of us were in good shape, we wouldn't even be able to leave a dent on its physique.

It should've been obvious when I detected the huge Virus Qi Core in its body. This rabid human is no ordinary one.

"Can you stand?" Blade asked as he knelt in front of me. "What happened?"

I clicked my tongue in frustration. I knew that I should've been battle-ready at any time and yet, my body just had to absorb the incredible amount of Qi Energy floating around us. Sometimes, the power of the System can be a double-edged sword. And as usual, I'm not the only one who will suffer for it.

After the battle cry, the Imperial Rabid Human reached towards its back and pulled out something specifically, it pulled out its spine. For some reason, it could still stand after doing something so crazy, as expected of a rabid human whose immune to pain.

The spine he pulled from his back gradually grew longer until it was twice his size. And then suddenly, a mysterious orange aura surrounded it, making it emit such powerful Qi Energy just like him.

No... that's not an aura. That's flame!

"So this Imperial Rabid Human even has the Fire Element?! How's that possible?" I exclaimed.

"This happens sometimes, Yong Rui." Wu Yan answered. "Sometimes, zombies retain a portion of their strength before they turned into one. And adding to that, the Virus constantly evolves so its strength gets multiplied at a faster rate than a cultivator. Judging from its physique, this rabid human must've been someone in the Dao Realm that got infected three years ago."

Without further ado, the Imperial Rabid Human charged straight towards us, madly swinging its SpineSword with licks of flames extending from its blade. Anything that the flame touched was burnt to death in an instant.

I would've been burned as well if it were not for Wu Yan grabbing me by the armpits and dragging me away from the Imperial Rabid Human's range. In just a split second, the surrounding area became a sea of flames.

<Notice: Qi Cores are unstable>

<A skill can be learned>

<Would you like to obtain rewards from previous quests?>


"Don't worry about us, Yong Rui. Blade and I will hold them off. Wu Yan, can you go get some help from our Shelter. A zombie this strong should be eliminated as soon as possible. Call as many cultivators as you can." Liu Zhi announced as he pulled out Wind Daggers from his storage ring.

Wu Yan nodded.

As for me, I was still contemplating about the seemingly confusing notification that the System gave. If I don't make a move soon, there's no way we'd be able to survive this predicament.

"Yes." I said in a flash.

<Congratulations! You've learned a Skill!>

[Skill: Thousand Hand Technique>

Description: A cultured man once invented this martial art and it became one of the most powerful forms of martial arts ever invented. After practicing the twisting of ankles and wrists, one can grope, or rather, touch the opponent's weak body parts and make them weaker. Gradually wearing the opponents down while you choke their body with the adept use of wrists and ankles, resembling a snake on the process of constriction. Not only does it limit the movement of the opponent, it also lets the user handle the opponent's body and control it as he wills.]

Oh great! Another weird skill to add to my collection. Kudos to the Sys wait, what is this skill?! This is sexual harassment, right?


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