I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 51: What Did You Say Just Now? (3)

Chapter 51: What Did You Say Just Now? (3)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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The night sky.

It was night when I entered the gambling house, and still night when I came out.

"The night air is chilly."

So cold.

Eugene put his hands in his pockets and started walking.

Walking slowly like a turtle, he heard a loud shout from behind.

"Stop right there!"


Suddenly, three guards surrounded Eugene.

The leader, dressed in black, spoke up.

"The Elder claims you've played tricks! His words cannot be lies, so you must come quietly!"

"The Elder?"

Eugene's face brightened at the mention of the 'Elder', though it was hidden behind a mask.

What a big catch.

"Come along quietly!"

"You've done foul deeds, so you must take responsibility!"


Eugene, uninterested in their words, said nothing.

He was captured by the guards, and then dragged into a dark alley when Nathan joined.

Reaching a dead-end alley with no sign of life, Nathan ordered.

"Let him go now. I need to talk to this despicable man!"


The guards released Eugene and lined up behind Nathan.

Nathan and Eugene faced each other naturally.

'Such a fool.'

Nathan sneered at Eugene.

'He didn't resist and just let himself be dragged here.'

He must have been paralyzed with fear.

'What a coward for someone who tricked an elder of the Hobart Viscounty.'

He doesn't seem to know that I am an Elder...


He must pay a heavy price!

Nathan grinned and spoke.

"Did you play tricks on me in the gambling game?"

"I didnt."

"Its better not to lie. Don't you see the situation you're in?"


"If you confess, it will end with just an arm being cut off. If you don't want worse, then spill everything."


Nathan grinned.

But Eugene remained calm.

"I don't want to."

His unflinching voice pierced Nathan's ears.

'Is he mad?'

Nathan, baffled, scratched his head.

......Dont you see the guards behind me? If you dont want to get hurt, youd better do as I say."

"I said no."

You need to be hit to come to your senses.

Clicking his tongue, Nathan commanded.

"Beat him until he comes to his senses! But make sure he can still talk!"



The guards drew their swords and approached Eugene.

Observing the scene, it was clear what was going to happen next.

'Those capable ones will surely handle it well.'

Nathan turned away, looking up at the night sky.

While inflicting pain on a worthless person was fun, as I aged, I preferred not to witness such cruelty directly.

'It's not good for the heart. The heart.'

At my age, even a slightly accelerated heartbeat could be dangerous, so caution was paramount.

Thud! Thwack!


Thwack! Thwack!

Isn't that a bit too harsh?

Even just hearing the sounds made my heart race.

With age, it's best to only witness pleasant things.

My heart fluttered just listening to the guards working over their target.

Thud! Thud! Thwack!

'But aren't they beating him a bit too much?'

It sounded excessive for just subduing one person.

'He still needs to be able to speak, right?'

Nathan, gazing at the night sky, shouted.

"Make sure he can still speak!"

"Yes, yes. We're being moderate."

"Right, right. Make sure he can still speak...... Huh?"

That wasn't the voice of the guards?

'What did I just hear?'

Confounded, Nathan turned to look ahead.


"Grunt, grunt..."

Beside the standing Eugene, the three guards lay sprawled together.

Their bodies were covered in bruises, and their limbs twisted unnaturally, suggesting it would take months of rest to recover.

Seeing this astonishing sight, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"What in the world...!"

"I tried to be gentle, but it's not easy. These guys aren't exactly weak."

"What, what on earth is happening!"

Nathan screamed in shock, unable to accept the reality before him.

Eugene strode confidently towards him.

Realizing the tables had turned, Nathan, pale-faced, frantically gestured with his hands.

"Oh, don't come closer! I apologize for my harsh words and actions, let's talk this out! There's clearly a misunderstanding..."


After threatening to cut off my arm, now you want to talk?

"Let's start with a punch!"

"No, no, don't do this! Don't do thi..."


Eugene's fist powerfully struck Nathan's face.


Nathan's neck snapped back, and his body was flung into the air.


Overwhelmed by an unprecedented shock of pain and unable to scream,

Nathan lost consciousness and soared through the night sky.


His body collapsed lifelessly to the ground.

"Now, it's time to take him away."

Eugene, with many questions and much to learn, hoisted Nathan over his shoulder and headed into the quiet woods.


Raei Translations


"I... What in the world..."

Nathan, the Elder of the Hobart Viscounty, opened his eyes, squinting through the blurred vision.

'Is it dawn...?'

Time had passed, and it seemed like daylight, as it wasn't dark around him.

'Where am I...?'

Nathan looked around, his memory foggy from the severe blow to his head.

Chirp, chirp.

He could hear small birds chirping.

They were perched on dry branches, with a vast mountain range visible behind them.


As he looked around more, he saw numerous trees.

He himself was sitting against one, so securely tied up with ropes that he couldn't move.

'Have I been kidnapped...?'

Why me?

Nathan's eyes trembled uncontrollably.

He couldn't understand why he was in this situation.

"Who dared kidnap me!"

It was all because of the severe blow to his head.

"Show yourself! Right now!"

He yelled loudly in desperation.

"Did you kidnap me for my family's wealth! You despicable bandits...!"

"Already awake?"


Just then, a man emerged from behind the trees.

His face was covered with a mask, making it impossible to identify him.

A mask?


Suddenly, all the memories came flooding back to Nathan.

Everything from meeting this masked man to being kidnapped.

"I've been kidnapped by a bandit..."

Nathan had completely forgotten that he was the one who had initially persecuted the man.

'Well, whatever he thinks doesn't matter.'

Eugene sat down in front of Nathan.

He had slept after finishing the kidnapping, and the few hours of sleep had left him feeling refreshed.

He asked with a faint smile,

"Nathan. Is that your name?"

"I have no name to give to a filthy bandit!"


Eugene stood up without a word and stepped back a little.


He infused his legs with mana and powerfully stomped on the spot.


A loud impact sound erupted, creating a huge pit.

"Gag... Gaaag..."

A strange noise came from Nathan's mouth.

The sight of Eugene's astonishing power had terrified him.

"I'm going to ask you many questions. Do you want to be hit in the forehead before you answer each one, or will you just speak up?"


Nathan's eyes, trembling uncontrollably, looked at Eugene and then at the pit he had created.

'If he hits me in the forehead...'

There was no doubt he would meet his end.

Swallowing hard, Nathan asked,

"What do you want to know?"

Nathan quickly changed his tone.

"Now we're getting somewhere."

Eugene began the interrogation with a faint smile.

"Your name? From start to finish."

"Nathan von Randel Hobart..."

"So you're from the Hobart Viscount family... You look older, are you an elder?"


This much was already known.

The important part was what came next.

"Being older, you must know things from long ago, right?"

"What kind of 'long ago' are you referring to?"

"Things related to the Grace Barony."


A flash of alarm crossed Nathan's eyes.

'Just as I thought.'

The look was fleeting, but Eugene didn't miss it.

"I'm curious about the previous Baron of Grace. It's suspicious how he suddenly fell apart... It doesn't make sense that such a righteous person could change overnight, right?"


"Do you know anything about that?"

Nathan hesitated to answer immediately.

It was a dark truth meant to be taken to the grave.

Revealing it would bring a storm too great for his family to bear.

He couldn't speak of it, no matter what.

But he couldn't feign ignorance either.

The masked man had kidnapped him, clearly harboring deep suspicions.

So, the only option was to sidestep.

"Shall I speak as I know it?"

"Go ahead."

"To my knowledge, his downfall was caused by a hallucinogenic mushroom, a 'Madcap Mushroom.' Just a bite can blur judgment and drive a person mad. I'm not sure how he came across it, but given his sudden madness, it seems likely."

"I see."

Eugene nodded as if convinced.

"Alright. Madcap Mushroom. I'll remember that."

"I'm glad to have been of help."

"Is that all you have to say?"


"Alright. Madcap Mushroom... Madcap Mushroom..."

Repeating the same words, Eugene stood up and then...


He drew his sword and pointed it at Nathan's neck.

"What! Why are you doing this!"

"Don't know why I'm asking?"

"I... I don't know why you're..."


Eugene's forehead vein bulged like lightning.

"Let's say the Madcap Mushroom drives people mad. But does it also make them indulge in debauchery and sacrifice their iron mines as a symptom?"

"The... the previous Baron, in his madness, acted on his own..."

"That won't do. You need a good beating first! You're too used to lying!"

Eugene tossed the sword aside and rolled up his sleeves.

"Wait, just wait a moment, please!"

Nathan, who had been sent flying by Eugene's punch, shook his pale, blood-drained face frantically.

Facing that fist again felt worse than death.

"I'll tell you everything, the whole truth!"

"No need for that! Don't speak. You don't have to say anything! Just brace yourself!"


Eugene planted his feet firmly on the ground, channeling mana through his entire body.

His fist, moving with the fluidity of a wave, surged towards Nathan's face.


As the fist filled his vision amidst a gust of wind, an overwhelming fear pressed down on Nathan's heart.

He inadvertently uttered words he should never have spoken aloud.

"Gu poison!"


The fist stopped right in front of Nathan's eyes.

Eugene withdrew his fist and asked,

"What did you just say? Gu poison?"


"The kind where parasites are used to drive people mad and control them at will?"


"How curious. Why would an Elder of the Hobart Viscount family mention something like that?"

Eugene crouched in front of Nathan.

'I'm doomed...'

Nathan's face, drained of color, trembled uncontrollably.

Today, he might have doomed his family with his words.

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