I Became The Academy’s Narrow-Eyes

Chapter 91: The Upright Swordsman Daltasian

Chapter 91: The Upright Swordsman Daltasian


As time had passed, only a precious few would still conjure the romantic values of adventurers.

The name adventurer was more often used to describe those whose profession was not the noble quest of adventure but the grittier reality of combat.

They were mercenaries.

Verified mercenaries, belonging to reputable organizations known as adventurers guilds.

To affiliate with an adventurers guild, one had to meet the guilds stringent criteria.

Only those who met these tough standards and were carefully selected could call themselves adventurers.

Their credibility was not to be compared with that of ordinary mercenaries.

And yet.

There werent many who put their trust in adventurers.

-Does smearing gold on dung turn it to gold?

The essence does not change.

No matter how prettily disguised under the name of adventurers, at their core, they were still mercenaries.

If there was money to be made, they would not hesitate.

Becoming an adventurer was merely a route to make more money.

If mercenaries were absolutely not to be trusted.

Then adventurers were still not to be trusted.

That was the general sentiment towards them.

However, there are always exceptional cases.

The Upright Swordsman Daltasian was one such example.

Like the common adventurer, Daltasian placed high importance on money.


Unlike common adventurers, he did not prioritize money above all else.

Among adventurers who behaved as if they were crazy for money, Daltasian was the eccentric.

Thus, he was called a true professional and garnered respect and envy in one stature.

The night he returned from an important mission outside the city.

It was not strange for a tavern near the adventurers guild in the 3rd district to become a celebration hall for Daltasian.

Heres to our very own, esteemed friend Daltasian, cheers!

It was a significant mission for Daltasian.

It was among the biggest assignments hed ever had, the most dangerous and the most honorable.

The perilous task was to subjugate a level 6 monster that had completely taken over a small village.

For this mission, he had organized a free raid group, all for the displaced villagers without a home.

Thus, Daltasian didnt receive any monetary compensation for this endeavor.


He earned honor and fame equivalent in value.

It had not even been a day since Daltasians return, yet tales of his heroism had already spread across Arienne.

The story of a hero-adventurer Daltasian, who stepped into danger willingly without remuneration, for the weak in distress.

Many adventurers and citizens gathered at this, Daltasians regular tavern, to celebrate him.

This proud bastard Daltasian. How did someone like you emerge from this filthy industry?

The bald man sitting next to Daltasian hugged him fiercely.

To hear the tale of Daltasian and become profoundly inspired to participate in this mission, to now becoming a member of Daltasians party. He was the level 4 adventurer Bolton.

Huh? What kind of five-star skilled warrior would, as an adventurer, risk their life on a level 6 mission without any reward! And not even to brown-nose the nobility, but to help the powerless folks. Right!?

Yeah, absolutely!

Would this guy be able to do it even if reborn a hundred times?

Kek, hell no. How much could I have earned from that mission if I had taken money for it.

Yall hear that~? In our industry filled with nothing but fools and trash, guess who emerged~

To the eccentric Daltasian, cheers!

To our pride Daltasian, cheers!!!

The serious drinking began.

Bolton left Daltasians side and threw himself among the drinkers.

No sooner had the bald mans vacancy left a shadow, a woman immediately occupied the spot.

How do you feel?

This woman with long ears, an elf, and also a level 4 adventurer, was Elysia.

She, much like Bolton, was deeply moved by Daltasians story, joined the mission, and subsequently became his party member.

Contrary to the public image, Daltasian often wore a reticent expression.

That stoic face of his, now softened at the sight of Elysia.

It wasnt great until a moment ago, but its better now.

Oh? Why is that?

Because the drinking buddy to my side has changed from a baldy with foul feet to a beautiful elven lady.


They exchanged playful smiles and lightly clinked their drink glasses.


Daltasian downed his cup of beer in one go.

After taking a sip of beer, Elysia, looking warmly at Daltasian who had just finished, asked,

What will you do going forward?

What do you mean, what will I do?

You know what I mean. So many nobles right now are lining up to slap their familys crest on you.

Being sponsored by nobility while raising their names was one of the typical sources of revenue for adventurers.

Big time nobles, unlike the common lot thats approached you before, are showing interest in you, you know?

Any from the great houses, by chance?


Elysia chuckled dismissively.

Daltasian, looking puzzled, said,

Thats a bit harsh dont you think?

No, sorry. Great, a great house interested in an adventurer?Thats a massive ambition.

Isnt it? Otherwise, what kind of fool would do a level 6 task without being paid?

Seems like that fool is right in front of me? Anyway, Mr. Fool, dont hold your breath. Great houses. Youd need to pull off several more feats like the one you accomplished, and then maybe, just maybe, theyll take interest.

They sure do drive a hard bargain.

Thats because they are the ones with deep pockets.

Fair point.

As the bartender refilled their glasses, they took another drink.

With a headshake at Daltasian who again emptied his drink in one go, Elysia teased playfully.

If you really want to rub shoulders with great houses, why dont you enter the academy?

Come on, the academy. Youre killing my buzz.

Does that really spoil your mood? Have you heard about the Lebringer lady?

Daltasian spoke with an expression that seemed even drinking the worlds most bitter beer would not match the sourness.

Ah, that one- the one who reached four stars at the age of twenty?

Does that make any sense? Four stars at the age of twenty.

Of course not.

What were we doing at that age?

We were dreaming, maybe, just maybe, we could reach two stars and get into the academy.

And then what happened?

Failed the academy entrance exam, and I immediately got the hint.

This bloody unfair world. The more I think about it, the more Im convinced of its injustice. Some are born to average folk without inheriting anything, while others are born to great houses and inherit talent too.

Yeah, damn this world. Its bloody unfair. So what you gonna do about it?

What else but damn, work harder. Make sure my kid at least lives in a slightly less unfair world.

Yeah, damn, youve got a good attitude.

Daltasian sighed deeply, glancing at Elysia.

Sorry for swearing. Lets stop that.

Alright, Ill give you that. By the way, did you hear? That monster of a lady- missed out on being valedictorian in the entrance exam.

Seriously? Or, is that- the one from the Hanahan family?

Hm- apparently some commoner?

You just made that up after hearing what I said, didnt you?

Why would I?

To comfort me?

Am I in the position to comfort anyone? Coming from the same gutter as you.


Daltasian let out another chuckle.

Does that make any sense? A commoner surpassing the genius from a great house in the academy entrance exam?

Daltasian was evidently the most excited he had ever been.

Doesnt it feel like theyre looking down on us, saying those pathetic ones just blame their birth?

Daltasian paused, seemingly dreaming for a bit, then mumbled to himself.

Well then what a bothersome fellow.

Though his words suggested annoyance, his expression was unmistakably one of deep envy.

Elysia looked at him, smiling contentedly.

Right now youre in the prime of popularity; if you went to the academy, you could see for yourself, couldnt you?


If you detest queuing up for the great houses, how about making a line for that extremely promising, almost terrifying commoner instead?

Good grief. Why on earth would I care about some snotty little-

Daltasian snorted derisively as he lit up a cigarette.

Elysia conjured a flame with her fingers and used it to light Daltasians cigarette.



Daltasian watched the dissipating smoke before casually spitting out,

Should I meet them?

Perhaps if I say, I am Daltasian, the Upright Swordsman currently famous in Arienne, they might agree to meet?

No, never mind. Why would I, of all people, need to meet such a greenhorn

Daltasian shook his head.

He went to empty his refill bourbon glass again but set it back down.

Hm? Where are you going?

Just off to drain the dragon. Be right back.

With that, Daltasian stepped out of the tavern and headed for a deserted alleyway, leaning against a wall.

Instead of relieving himself, he spent his time reducing the length of his cigarette.


The typically stoic-faced Daltasian burst into a chuckle.

A commoner outdoing a nobles genius in the academy?

It was a tale not even storytellers could fabricate without a pang of conscience.

Does that make any sense?

A content smile gradually adorned Daltasians face.


Thats when, sensing movement from the shadows, Daltasian turned his gaze.

The Upright Swordsman Daltasian.

Daltasian rested his hand atop the hilt of his sword at his waist.

The source of the noise was a very ordinary-looking woman emerging from the darkness.

So extraordinarily plain she seemed out of place, her gaze upon Daltasian was slightly askew.

Indeed, I am Daltasian. And who might you be, with the need to find me?

I have something to ask you. Have you heard about the Empty Bag?

The trouble-shooter from Back Alleys?

A name no one living off their fists in Arienne could ignore.

Cant say that I havent.

Do you know anything about his death?

Ive heard hes dead.

Daltasians return, or rather, the topic now creating a bigger stir in Arienne, was indeed the death of the Empty Bag.

Do you know who killed him?

Id like to know myself, who on earth managed to finish off that monstrous character.

The hero Daltasian. Does this mean, youre claiming no involvement with the death of the Empty Bag?

Out of nowhere Of course. Even if the city council offered me a mansion in the 1st district, I had no plans to tussle with that man. I value my life, you see.

I see.

Miss, if were done here, may I go? I hate to say it, but talking with you is somewhat unpleasant.

He felt as if he were conversing with a faceless wooden puppet.

Daltasian was barely containing an urge to unsheathe his sword or just walk away.

You seem in a hurry, Daltasian. Someone waiting for you?

That moment.

The womans eyes, which had been rolling aimlessly like a broken dolls, snapped back into focus with a twitch.

She squarely met Daltasians gaze and continued, her tone and demeanor transforming.

What the fuck are you?!

A sense of foreboding overwhelmed Daltasian, and he drew his sword.

Nevertheless, the woman continued unabated.

Do you realize, Daltasian? Every life holds a different weight. The Reaper can feel it.

The Reaper?

The Empty Bag you know, the Long-nailed Edony, carried a weight quite heavy in the Reapers scale. His sudden death has lightened the Reapers burden that much more. That weight must be refilled, replaced by another of equal measure.

The woman finished her erratic speech with a cheap smirk.

Confusing, right? Let me put it simply. In this city, The Right Arm, which our Harashin cherishes, has lost a direct master to death. Consequently, our Harashin plans to take a life of comparable value from this city.

The woman reached out her hand to Daltasian.

I am a direct master who serves The Right Arm of Harashin, Tangled Hair.

The direct master of Harashin!

Yes. Thats right, Harashins direct master. I have to say it explicitly for you to understand, huh? If youve grasped it, show a more animated faceplease. You know Im spilling all this exciting news because I want to see your expressions? Its your face Ill be claiming soon, so I need to know what expressions you usually make, whether I mimic them or not. Hmm-hmmhmm.

What on earth!

If youre asking, Daltasian. Im going to kill you. Hmm? I will harvest many lives from this city. Why? Because one of our direct masters died here. Youve disturbed The Right Arms peace. Consider it an honor youve caught The Right Arms Eye along with the chicks from the academy. Oh

The woman introducing herself as Tangled Hair, a direct master of Harashin.

She now wore a very pleased smile, having observed Daltasians expression.

Thats the expression I like perfect.

Tangled Hair thought.

It was enough.

The myriad expressions Daltasian showed as he listened to her story.

The reactions.

She felt she had gathered enough information to imitate Daltasian.

So, any further dialogue was unnecessary.

At that instant, Daltasians body wavered.

A rejection force, an assassination technique began to assault his senses.


Things have become tricky.

I came to the adventurers guild in search of Daltasian

Daltasian cant just disappear! Something mustve happened!!! Search for him immediately!!!

According to the woman currently grabbing the clerks collar, Daltasian vanished without a trace.

It was certain something happened to him.

What is this

I was taken aback.

To my knowledge, Daltasian was a hero in the game who consistently showed up till the storys later parts, collecting attendance prizes.

Again, the disconnect?


A loud noise came from somewhere.

A bald man with a glistening head had slammed his fist onto the counter.

Why cant you understand the urgency! Isnt this what you take our money for? Or what, the fuck, should we place a request for you to actually listen!?

At a glance of his shiny bald head.

I recognized the identity of the duo causing chaos at the reception.

Are they Daltasians party members?

The female elf and the bald man.

They were Daltasians party members.

I had failed to recognize the hooded elf, but the glaringly bald head could only belong to Daltasians comrade, Bold or was it Bolt?

Was his name Bold?

In any case

Excuse me?

I cautiously approached them and addressed them.

What do you want!?

Dont you see were talking here?!?

It was as if they were on the verge of losing their composure at any moment.

I assured the furious adventurers at the counter.

Ill help you find Daltasian.


The two veteran adventurers looked at me as though I was a complete idiot.

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