I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 84 That Crosses the Line

Chapter 84 That Crosses the Line

Everyone within Balheim is aware of what Kraush has endured during his time there.

Although his situation improved after passing the chief butler’s test, his past hasn’t vanished.

That’s why they considered what might make Kraush uncomfortable.

“I overstepped my bounds.”

“No, it’s understandable from your perspective to be concerned.”

If a dispute arises among Balheim’s direct lineage, it’s the knight orders that bear the brunt.

It’s akin to shrimp getting caught in a whale fight.

Not being concerned would actually be odd.

“Don’t worry. I have no intention of speaking with Lilish. Besides, given my current state, she probably won’t recognize me anyway.”

Thinking back, Kraush had hardly ever conversed with Lilish before.

Lilish was a person of few words.

She was the type to focus solely on her duties and responsibilities.

Living in the Green Pine Mansion, Kraush encountered her even less frequently.

‘Although we share blood, the fact we’re half-siblings is also there.’

There was no particular reason for them to be close.

“When we enter the restricted area, I’ll need to act independently at times. Please be mindful of that. I’ll make sure not to shift any blame onto you.”

“Yes, I’ll take care of it.”

Reblian surprisingly agreed easily to independent action within the restricted area, which Kraush thought might be discouraged.

Then, as if reading Kraush’s thoughts, Reblian gave a faint smile.

“You moved freely in the Forest of the Elemental Kings, did you not? I’ve determined that individual action shouldn’t be a problem for you.”

Indeed, back then, a knight who seemed familiar had loosely followed him around.

Having someone quick-witted by your side is indeed advantageous.

“I appreciate your support during this time.”

“I will serve you diligently.”

After concluding their conversation, Kraush made a mental note of Reblian Fenox’s name.

He seemed too valuable to be merely the vice-captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order, one of the Five Swords.

‘Not sure if there will be an opportunity, but.’

If he were to form a knight order, extending a scouting offer would be worth considering.

* * *

A week later,

Having participated in the Blue Sea Knight Order’s training and built a modest reputation, Kraush seamlessly integrated with them, thanks to their welcome.

Thus, even in the uniform of the Blue Sea Knight Order, Kraush felt no discomfort.

“Bianca, want this?”


In the meantime, Bianca, showered with affection by the female members of the Blue Sea Knight Order, received a piece of chocolate.

Since Bianca’s real name wasn’t widely known, using it didn’t raise any suspicions.

“Krad, moving independently, I hear?”

Ironically, being called “Krad” felt awkward.

Kraush turned to the man who had called him that, slightly taller with a cheerful face—it was Colin, a fellow knight order member.

A surprisingly good source of information, Colin seemed to already know about Kraush’s preference for independent movement.

“Yeah, I’m not accustomed to moving in groups. I’ll handle reconnaissance.”

“You did quite well during our training sessions though.”

“Training and actual scenarios differ.”

Kraush had previously secured permission from both the vice-captain and the captain.

Colin, merely asking, didn’t probe any further.

“Brother Krad.”

Meanwhile, Bianca’s voice was heard.

Given their current guise as siblings,

Perhaps that’s why, as she called him brother, Bianca offered him the chocolate she was holding.

“Have a piece.”

“You like chocolate. You should eat it.”

“I’ve had plenty. Besides, I enjoy it more when Brother Krad eats.”

Lately, Bianca had been particularly attentive to feeding him.

Perhaps she was still mindful of the times she had to fend for meals from Lirina.

“Open up.”

She had already unwrapped the chocolate.

Resigned, Kraush opened his mouth.

Bianca gently placed the chocolate into his mouth with her small, white fingers.

True to its nature, the chocolate was sweet.

Glancing at Bianca, she seemed quite proud of herself, a look not easily recognized by others.

Seeing this, Kraush sighed softly and gently stroked her hair, thinking it might be time to procure some more chocolates soon.

“The sibling bond is indeed strong here.”

“They’re both so adorable.”

The female members of the knight order erupted in laughter.

[ Are their eyes clouded? How can they be siblings? To think such a dark crow could be related. Tsk, tsk. ]

However, Crimson Garden seemed incredulous.

“Attention, all members of the Blue Sea Knight Order.”

At that moment, a male voice filled the air.

The owner of the voice was Reblian, with a notably large, mustachioed man standing beside him—it was Vega, the captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order.

“All members of the Blue Sea Knight Order, as previously mentioned, today we proceed to support the Demonic Bastion in the restricted area. We’ll also be joining forces with the Second and Fourth Swords, so let’s ensure we return without any conflicts among us.”

With that, Vega led the Blue Sea Knight Order to utilize the spatial magic circle installed in Balheim.

“The Second and Fourth Swords, huh.”

“We’re relegated to the menial tasks, it seems.”

Elsewhere, the Blue Sea Knight Order’s level might be considered elite, but not in Balheim.

Perhaps that’s why the members of the Blue Sea Knight Order were already resigned to their reality.

The gap between them and the Fourth Sword was substantial, not to mention the Second Sword.

“Ugh, the Second Sword is fine, but I dislike those from the Fourth Sword.”

Walking alongside Kraush, Colin displayed a look of distaste.

“Dislike the Fourth Sword?”

Kraush, unaware of the internal dynamics within Balheim’s knight orders, inquired further.

“Ah, Krad, you’re new, so you might not know. The Fourth Sword has quite a number of ex-wandering knights. You’d be welcomed, but those guys, perhaps due to their past as wandering knights, can be a bit problematic.”

Colin awkwardly explained the situation with the Fourth Sword, the Green Wave Knight Order.

Indeed, the Green Wave Knight Order had a significant number of ex-wandering knights.

Being scouted by Balheim as a wandering knight required at least top EXPERT-level skills, naturally leading to a concentration of such individuals in the Fourth Sword.

“The swords above us are superior in skill and all other aspects, so the Fourth Sword doesn’t bother them. Unfortunately, we’re right below them,” Colin added.

Kraush finally understood Colin’s explanation.

Wandering knights carry either a sense of inferiority or disdain towards knights who’ve only trained within orders, contrasting with their own experiences battling world erosion.

To Kraush, wandering knights and regular knights seemed pretty similar.

“Be careful, Krad. Since you’re an ex-wandering knight, it might be somewhat better for you. Still, there are a few particularly troublesome individuals in the Fourth Sword. If they cause trouble, just ignore them or call for the vice-captain. They can’t act recklessly towards nobility.”

Poor Reblian, dealing with so much.

Having learned unexpected internal information, Kraush nodded understandingly.

‘As for disputes, I’d better stay out of the way and avoid causing trouble.’

Being a direct descendant of Balheim,

If Reblian, who knew his identity, saw Kraush being harassed by the Fourth Sword, he’d likely panic and run over.

Kraush decided to keep a low profile, given his indebtedness.

Upon reaching their destination, the Green Wave Knight Order had already arrived.

It seemed the Second Sword was yet to arrive.

As he watched those waiting by the magic circle, Reblian suddenly gestured to him.


It appeared there was something he needed to discuss.

“Stay here with Crimson for a moment, Bianca.”


Leaving Bianca with Crimson Garden, Kraush followed Reblian to a slightly removed location where he began.

“Mr. Kraush, it seems an unexpected figure has appeared near the Demonic Bastion on Sephira’s side.”

Hearing this, Kraush inwardly sighed.

Bad premonitions always seem to come true.

The issue he had been avoiding was now confronting him head-on.

“…Who is this figure?”

“It’s said to be Serang Sephira, known as the Princess of Sephira. She’s the daughter of a first-rank officer of Sephira.”

As expected, that name came up.

He had a feeling when Sephira requested support.

“Is there someone accompanying Serang Sephira?”

“Yes, according to reports, she appeared in Sephira yesterday, accompanied by just one guardian.”

Reblian seemed unaware of the guardian’s details.

Well, it would be unusual for him to know.

Officially, he was recently hired as a young guardian.

In reality, he was closer to a monstrously powerful old warrior.

‘If he had retired, he should’ve stayed retired.’

Kraush felt a throbbing headache but soon shook it off.

“Thanks for letting me know.”

Reblian’s decision to inform Kraush was a gesture of concern, hoping he wouldn’t get involved with Serang.

Gratefully accepting his concern, Kraush was about to share the information with Crimson Garden when he moved.

“Ah, carrying a child and talking so much. Since when did the Fifth Sword become babysitters? It’s a disgrace to the knight order.”

“Are you done talking?”

Kraush heard voices arguing.

While the captains and vice-captains were discussing Serang’s arrival, a commotion had erupted.

‘As expected, there’s tension between the Green Wave and Blue Sea Knight Orders.’

Indeed, the dispute involved members from both the Green Wave and Blue Sea Knight Orders.

However, as Kraush observed, his eyes gradually narrowed.

Because behind the arguing Blue Sea Knight Order members stood Bianca.

Her hesitant demeanor suggested she was unsure how to handle the situation.

Having quickly assessed the situation, Kraush heard Reblian’s alarmed voice too late.

He had already given a chilling smile, disguised as Krad, which made even Reblian shudder.

Initially, Kraush intended to overlook any provocation from the Green Wave Knight Order.

After all, he was incognito for personal reasons, while they unknowingly provoked a direct descendant of Balheim.

Yes, that could all be forgiven.

But they had crossed a line not meant to be crossed.



“What’s the name of the Green Wave Knight Order’s captain?”

Reblian paled.

“Seems like their personnel management is a bit lax.”

This warranted a serious conversation.

Of course, after dealing with the instigator first.

As Reblian stood perplexed,

Kraush loosened his neck.

Let’s hear the answer later; first, Kraush decided to resolve this issue.

Thus, he strode forward.

Simultaneously, aura slowly swirled around Kraush’s fist.

The Green Wave Knight Order member was perhaps just unlucky.

Who could have known the target of their provocation was the fiancé of a direct descendant?

But blaming bad luck is futile.

Ultimately, it was their fault for initiating the conflict.

“Brother Krad.”

By the time Bianca noticed him,

Kraush was already standing in front of the smirking Green Wave Knight Order member.



As Kraush spoke, the Green Wave Knight Order member turned around.

The moment their eyes met and Kraush smirked, his fist was already in motion.


The thrown punch tore through the air, striking his chin with precision.

“Ugh, ack.”

Being of equal EXPERT level,

The surprise attack left him staggering.

Inch Strength (寸劲)

The subsequent shock wave reverberated through his head and body.


With spit flying, the Green Wave Knight Order member trembled and then rolled on the ground.

Kraush dusted off his hand.

“Take care of him!”

Shocked Green Wave Knight Order members rushed to aid the one called Daru.

With eyes rolled back, Daru was completely knocked out.

“What have you done!”

“How dare the Fifth Sword attack the Fourth Sword!”

“Can you handle the consequences!”

As the Blue Sea Knight Order members looked on bewildered,

The Green Wave Knight Order members vented their rage towards Kraush.

It seemed they couldn’t stand their comrades being touched, despite being fine with provoking others.

Watching this, Kraush exhaled softly, heat flowing with his breath.

Feeling the extraordinary aura in that heat, the Green Wave Knight Order members hesitated.

They were knights, after all.

Especially, those from the battlefield-laden Green Wave Knight Order had a keen sense for life-threatening situations.

Thus, they realized the aura emanating from Kraush was clearly superior to theirs.

“The Green Wave Knight Order.”

Kraush calmly stated, his eyes emitting a chilling light.

“You’re the ones unable to handle what you’ve started.”

The discord within the knight orders was already irksome.

If they provoked him further, he was ready to flip the entire situation.

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