I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 82 Kraush, The Reappearance

Chapter 82 Kraush, The Reappearance

After Hilnider’s visit,

Kraush spent several days practicing alone in the Green Pine Mansion’s training grounds.

The focus of his training was primarily on mastering Rain Thunder Prime.

Rain Thunder Prime proved to be a more challenging sword than expected.

Due to its aura output, which formed the blade freely, maintaining a consistent blade was difficult.

‘Charlotte, and even Belorkin, managed such output naturally.’

Kraush realized the problem was his naturally lower aura quantity, which made him accustomed to achieving high efficiency with lower output.

Thus, Kraush began to change his habits,

Aiming to maintain his aura constantly like Charlotte.

“…I’m going to die.”

As a result, Kraush found himself on the ground again, drained of all aura.

He realized anew how absurdly constant Charlotte’s aura flow was.

Lying down, Kraush stared at the sky above the training ground,

Planning to rest until his headache and dizziness subsided.

‘It’s hot.’

Maybe because it’s midsummer.

The ground felt unusually hot.

Although having Lunar Body helped counteract the heat, it wasn’t all advantageous.

Under the sun, Kraush felt his activities becoming sluggish compared to before.

‘I never thought there wouldn’t be drawbacks. If only Annihilation Erosion could be maintained constantly, even under the sun, there’d be no issue.’

But that meant, without using Annihilation Erosion, he would quickly become exhausted under the sun.

Kraush crossed his arms while lying down,

Deciding the solution was simple.

Increase the amount of world erosion used as fuel for Annihilation Erosion.

Of course, increasing world erosion would eventually lead to uncontrollable madness, to the point not even the snowman given by Bianca could control it.

‘When that happens, I’ll have to suppress it with something else.’

Fix one problem, and another appears.

Kraush internally decided his next step.

At least absorb enough world erosion to counteract the drawbacks of Lunar Body.

That way, managing a larger amount of world erosion at once would also enhance his strength.

However, absorbing world erosion recklessly wasn’t an option.

‘If the rate of world erosion decreases, the cleansers will find it odd.’

Normal world erosion was out of the question.

It wouldn’t do to arouse suspicion for no reason.

‘So, in the end.’

The only place to go was the restricted areas.

Areas where world erosion was most rampant.

The restricted areas wouldn’t diminish just because Kraush absorbed some world erosion.

However, those areas were strictly managed by kingdoms, the empire, and numerous families.

Entering recklessly wasn’t feasible.

“So, Crimson Garden, what do you think?”

Kraush asked Crimson Garden, sitting next to him, who then clicked her tongue.

“Mirsys can’t help anymore. After the last incident, she’s under scrutiny from the Sephira.”

Kraush looked disappointed.

The help from Mirsys, a third-circle Sephira, had been quite useful.

While contemplating, Kraush remembered something.

‘Isn’t Balheim also sponsoring an expedition to the restricted areas around this time?’

If he participated in the support, entering the restricted areas would definitely be possible.

‘The issue is.’

The promise with Hilnider.

Kraush had agreed to maintain his halfwit status until entering Rahelrn Academy.

He needed to avoid drawing attention as much as possible.

‘For now, staying under the radar is best.’

As Kraush pondered, a figure came to mind.

Someone perceptive and reasonably sensible.

And by now, he should have returned.

Deciding to meet him, Kraush stood up.

‘I have some of Darling’s concoctions left.’

The day he received the elixir from Darling,

Darling had packed several types of drugs for him to use in his absence.

Among them was a drug that altered his appearance, and not just one or two, but in large quantities.

‘Such weird tastes.’

Nonetheless, using them now would be handy.

So, Kraush prepared to leave for the restricted area to find someone to accompany him.

In the distance,

The back of a girl, immobile in front of a device cooling the room, caught his eye.

Despite her hair being blown around by the wind from the magic device, which she clung to, the sight was amusing.

Yet, he felt sorry for her.

Her discomfort was due to being unaccustomed to Balheim’s summer.

Hardenhartz wasn’t that hot, even in summer.


Calling her, Bianca finally turned her head towards him.

Sweat beads glistened on her forehead, now exposed by her windblown hair.

Kraush took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped her forehead.

Bianca quietly followed his actions, then wrapped her hands around his, pressing it to her face.

“Mr. Kraush, your hand is cool.”

Thanks to Lunar Body.

Judging by Bianca’s expression, she seemed quite worn out by the heat.

Maybe he should take her somewhere cooler.

‘Let’s see where the restricted area support is heading. If it’s up north, I’ll take her along.’

As long as it’s not within the restricted area itself, there should be no problem.

Unlike Kraush, Bianca’s face wasn’t well-known outside Hardenhartz.

A simple change of hair color should suffice.

Thinking so, Kraush stroked her hair once more before letting go.

“Where are you going?”

“Just a moment, I have some business at the family home.”

He needed to visit the family home for this discussion.

So, telling Bianca, she naturally followed him like a little chick.

True to her nature.

“I’m going to take a shower.”


“Of course I’m going in alone. Just prepare yourself. I’ll be out quickly.”


With that, Bianca briskly walked away from Kraush’s side.

He was slightly concerned about her staggering from the heat, but knowing she wouldn’t fall, he figured she’d be fine.

“Aliod, I’m going to the family home. Turn on the cooling magic in the carriage.”

“Yes, I’ll prepare it right away.”

After instructing Aliod, Kraush quickly showered, changed, and picked up Bianca to board the carriage, where Crimson Garden slipped in through the window.

Kraush was now quite accustomed to this company.


As Bianca opened a book beside him, Crimson Garden suddenly called out to Kraush.

When she called him like this, it often preceded trouble.

Was something about to happen today too?

As Kraush turned to her, Crimson Garden continued,

“The Princess of Sephira is on the move.”

Kraush’s brows furrowed slightly.

As expected, it was bad news.

Sephira, the world erosion investigation team.

The princess there was making moves.

“…And her escort warrior?”

“Recently, one has been assigned. And naturally, he’s moving with her.”

Kraush clicked his tongue.

It was about time for that man and the princess to cause trouble.

‘What to do.’

Kraush briefly pondered how to deal with the man and princess who might cause future problems.

However, a simple conclusion was reached.

“…At this level, there’s nothing to block.”

He wasn’t yet in a position to confront him, given his skills and the situation.

Thus, Kraush judged he couldn’t do anything about him at the moment.

“It would be easier if I could avoid him.”

“If you head to the restricted area, the chance of entanglement is high.”

“There are many restricted areas. The chance that the princess and her escort appear exactly where I’m going? Haha.”

Even if his luck were bad.

“I warned you.”

…Even if his luck were bad.

Regrettably, Kraush knew himself well.

‘…And I’m not lucky.’

He inwardly decided to quietly prepare for the worst.

* * *

Balheim Family Home.

Returning to the family home after a long absence, Kraush didn’t head towards the main buildings.

Instead, he went to the quarters where each knight order resided.

The Balheim knight orders consisted of nine in total.

Thus, the areas where they lived were also vast.

From training grounds and dormitories to the training center for nurturing new knights.

It occupied a large portion of the family home.

As such, many Balheim-affiliated knights were seen as Kraush passed by.

They immediately saluted towards the direction of Kraush’s carriage.

It was a natural reaction to the carriage bearing the Balheim family’s direct lineage crest.

“Who was scheduled to come today?”

“Yeah, I didn’t hear anything.”

While the saluting knights murmured among themselves, the carriage had already stopped in front of a building.

The building bore the emblem of five swords.

The headquarters of the Blue Sea Knight Order, the fifth sword of Balheim.

Kraush, stepping out first, assisted Bianca down and stood in front of the building.

Soon, someone hurriedly ran down from inside.

“Mr. Kraush Balheim, welcome. I’m Masha, the secretary of the Blue Sea Knight Order.”

The woman who dashed out greeted Kraush with a bright smile.

Despite her smiling face, she was visibly tense.

Understandably, for them, the sudden visit from the son of the Balheim family head was like a bolt from the blue.

Kraush wanted to ease their worries, but knowing it might make them more uncomfortable, he decided to get straight to the point.

“I’d like to meet with the vice-captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order.”

“Oh, I will guide you right away!”

She didn’t want to be caught off guard and swiftly acted on the command.

Then she sent one of the order’s administrators ahead to inform the vice-captain.

Meanwhile, Kraush leisurely followed Masha’s lead.

Along the way, knights appeared chattering but quickly vacated the corridor upon seeing Masha’s fierce expression.

This secretary seemed to have a tight grip on the Blue Sea Knight Order.

‘I’m not too familiar with the knight orders.’

It reminded him that Lakradiyon had expressed a desire to become Kraush’s knight.

Perhaps it was time to properly understand the knight orders.

Having knight orders could be more efficient in combating world erosion than the Skyborne Generation.

‘For the leader, Lakradiyon should suffice.’

Then came the matter of naming the knight order.

Kraush glanced at Bianca.

“Bianca, if you were to name a knight order, what would you want?”

At that moment, Masha, who was guiding them, twitched.

Her eyes flickered wildly.

‘Is Mr. Kraush considering absorbing the Blue Sea Knight Order into his own after his previous enrollment and this visit…?’

While Masha swirled in misunderstanding, Kraush only had eyes for Bianca.

“A knight order?”

“Yes, a knight order.”

“Just name it after yourself, Mr. Kraush.”

“My name for a knight order? How could that possibly be appropriate.”

He pondered naming it the ‘Chick Knight Order’.

“How about ‘Black Sea’?”

Suddenly, Masha suggested.

Kraush, surprised by her unexpected input, turned to her, and she cleared her throat.

“Ahem, it was presumptuous of me.”

From Masha’s perspective, hoping for some remnants of the Blue Sea Knight Order to remain, she suggested ‘Black Sea’.

But Kraush found the idea of ‘Black Sea’ not too bad.

“Here is the vice-captain’s office.”

By then, Masha had finished guiding them.

After knocking, she opened the door upon receiving a response.

Kraush entered briskly.

There, he saw a man in the uniform of the Blue Sea Knight Order.

A familiar name to Kraush.

Recently assigned to Kraush in Halgram, the vice-captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order.

Reblian Fenox.

And the man Kraush had an awkward favor to ask today.

* * *

Reblian Fenox is a man of action.

Efficient in his duties, faithfully following his superiors’ orders, and never abusing his power over junior knights, he was trusted and respected.

Flexible in handling situations, he was perfectly suited to the role of vice-captain.

In fact, the captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order trusted Reblian the most.

Facing Kraush, a direct descendant of Balheim, Reblian was meeting someone he knew to be peculiar since their first encounter in the magical city of Halgram.

Belonging to the Blue Sea Knight Order, he was curious about Kraush’s activities but chose not to question them, respecting the actions of a Balheim direct descendant.

However, unexpected events followed.

After Kraush’s visit, Aslan of the Igrit family stopped his attempts at suicide, and suddenly, his flame magic awakened.

Naturally, Reblian, who had been assigned to Kraush, knew he was involved.

Since then, Kraush showed unusual behavior.

Thus, Reblian continued to learn about Kraush and heard about his conquest of Nakcheon, the ghost of the Demonic Bastion.

Although recently there were rumors that it was exaggerated,

Reblian, having seen Kraush firsthand, knew it wasn’t just a rumor.

“…You wish to hide your identity and join the next expedition to the restricted areas with the Blue Sea Knight Order?”

Reblian repeated the story he just heard from Kraush.

Kraush nodded calmly.

“Yes, just as I said.”

Doubt flickered in Reblian’s eyes.

Why would a person of Balheim’s direct lineage resort to such measures?

However, he kept his questions to himself.

Just as he had accepted the role of vice-captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order when ousted from the Fenox family, he would faithfully follow through this time too.

The knight orders existed solely for Balheim.

A request from a Balheim direct descendant was as good as an order.

“Understood. I’ll make the preparations.”

Pleased with Reblian’s prompt response, Kraush smiled satisfactorily.

Indeed, he was a decent man.

‘If I start a knight order or anything, he’d be the first I’d want to take. Wasting him as the vice-captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order seems a shame.’

He’d be perfect to have by his side.

But for now, he decided not to dwell on it further.

“What name should I register you under?”

Hearing about the name, Kraush pondered for a moment before a sly smile appeared on his lips.

“Please register me as Krad.”

The Night Crow Band’s champion who vanished after winning the Imperial Martial Competition, Krad, reemerged in Balheim’s Blue Sea Knight Order.

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