I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 139:

Chapter 139:

Do Whatever You Want

While Kraush was waiting for Haring in front of the women’s dormitory, the female students kept stealing glances at him.

It was only natural, given that Kraush was such a hot topic.

However, no one dared to approach him.

Not many people had the guts to strike up a conversation with someone bearing the name Balheim.


But if they were also a Balheim, it was a different story.

Kraush lifted his head at the familiar voice calling him.


Standing there was a woman with hair the same color as his.

The Sword Saint, Charlotte Balheim.

She must have just returned, as her body was slightly damp with sweat.

Because of that, despite it being spring, she exuded a slightly warm aura.

The Lion Order had returned.

“Kraush, sir!”

And for some reason, alongside her stood Karandis.

The 9th Princess of Poseus Kingdom.

Karandis Poseus.

Like Charlotte, her clothes were soaked with sweat, and her healthy, tanned skin made her appear even more radiant.

As soon as she saw Kraush, she flashed a bright smile and waved her hand.

“Why are the two of you together?”

Surprised by the unexpected company, Kraush showed a curious expression, prompting Charlotte to glance over her shoulder.

“She followed me back.”

Kraush quickly grasped the situation.

Karandis was someone who wanted to marry him.

the mission.

She was probably trying to win over his family first.

The unfortunate part was that the family member in question was Charlotte.

Charlotte didn’t seem to care whether Karandis was by her side or not.

“Giggle, we’re comrades from the mission!”

Karandis laughed good-naturedly, indicating that she was fine with the situation.

She had remarkable mental fortitude.

Meanwhile, Charlotte, as always, looked at Kraush with her lifeless eyes.

“So, why are you here, Kraush?”

“I’m waiting for someone.”

Charlotte’s eyes drifted toward the women’s dormitory.

She looked at Kraush with a peculiar expression before opening her mouth.

“Don’t forget that you have a fiancée. It could get complicated if you do. Even if things aren’t going well with her, it’s best to reconcile.”

“K-Kraush, sir, are you not getting along with your fiancée? In that case, there’s always the option of a new engagement…”

Karandis, who had been listening, eagerly pointed at herself, trying to make an appeal.

Kraush ignored her.

“There’s a misunderstanding. Bianca and I are getting along just fine.”

“Then that’s fine.”

Still, it was perfect timing.

Kraush had planned to meet Charlotte anyway.

“Sister, could we discuss the student council matter?”

Kraush believed that Charlotte’s help would be crucial for resolving the current situation.

More specifically, he needed the help of her and her order.

“Did you come here to see me?”

Charlotte slightly widened her eyes before giving her trademark smile, a slight upward curve of her lips.

“Smart thinking. As expected of my brother. Wait here.”

Charlotte, seemingly in a better mood than usual, said that and headed into the dormitory.

It looked like she intended to wash up and change her clothes before coming out.

“Is something going on?”

Once Charlotte had gone inside, Karandis didn’t follow and instead asked Kraush.

Kraush, who had been staring at her, gave her a wicked smile.

“et involved?”

“Goodbye! It was great seeing you today. Let’s meet again next time!”

Karandis quickly fled.

No matter how desperate she was to get married, getting involved in something of this scale would only lead to her demise.

Moreover, Kraush had implied that she shouldn’t get involved, so she wisely took the hint and backed off.

‘She’s quick on the uptake.’

Though not as brilliant as Sizelry, Karandis was no ordinary person.

It was clear why she had managed to survive as the 9th Princess in a place like Poseus, where royalty was abundant.

In any case, things were looking up.

It seemed he would be able to wrap things up quickly.

Just as Kraush sighed in relief, Astria appeared from the women’s dormitory with someone.

A girl with an unusual mix of black and purple hair.

Haring Lagrain.


She appeared with a much darker expression than the last time he had seen her.

“Are you alright?”

Kraush asked, looking at Haring.

Her face was a complete mess.

Understandably, after hearing that her father was gravely injured, she likely wanted to return to the Empire immediately.

But she had no luggage with her.

Her face was blank, and she seemed at a loss about what to do.

Seeing this, Kraush quickly grasped the situation.

‘The Lagrain family must have told her to do nothing and wait.’

They probably didn’t give her a reason.

Given the Empire’s perspective, it’s a top-secret matter.

The Lagrain family would have no choice but to remain silent.

“…Yeah, I’m fine.”

Haring answered with a vacant expression.

She was completely out of it.

She couldn’t focus on the conversation at all.

Even a stray cat abandoned on a rainy day wouldn’t look this pitiful.

Kraush glanced at Astria.

Astria, with her arms crossed and head slightly tilted back, seemed to be signaling that she intended to listen to the conversation, no matter what.

Well, it wasn’t really a conversation that Astria couldn’t hear.

Kraush decided to just speak openly.

“I’m here to talk about your father.”

Haring’s shoulders flinched for the first time.

“I’m planning to go after the World Erosion that attacked the Poison King in Hardenhartz.”

Haring, who had been looking down, slowly lifted her head.

Her eyes were trembling violently.

She seemed to be questioning whether she had heard him correctly.


Astria also looked at Kraush with a slightly furrowed brow.

Her expression questioned the recklessness of his decision.

“…What do you mean by that?”

On the other hand, Haring’s expression clearly showed she didn’t understand why Kraush was saying this.

The World Erosion that severely injured the Poison King was currently hiding in Hardenhartz.

Buet involved in.

At best, a latecomer would be pushed aside with a “What are you doing here?”

Moreover, even Haring, whose father was directly involved, was told by her family to do absolutely nothing.

And that was the most painful thing for her.

She had lost her brother to a World Erosion and had trained all her life to ensure such an event would never happen again.

But despite her efforts, when her family once again faced the threat of death because of another World Erosion, she could do nothing.

That fact was eating away at Haring.

She hated and feared nothing more than helplessness.

But now, here was Kraush telling her that he would go after the World Erosion in Hardenhartz.

As Haring replayed his words in her head, her face gradually turned pale.

“Wait, wait, no. Kraush.”

Haring stumbled as she approached Kraush.

She instinctively grabbed onto his collar and shook her head like a child.

She seemed utterly lost after hearing Kraush’s words.

Haring had always tried to stay rational, repeating her training and doing her best to live up to that day.

But inside, she had been rotting away for a long time.

Her brother’s death had been her fault.

That fact had tormented her for her entire life.

The memory of counting alone in a solitary cell left a scar on her heart that would never fade.

And now, the news of her father, the Poison King, being gravely injured had carved another wound into that scar.

Blood and pus kept oozing from the festering wound.

Despite her efforts, her family had once again ordered her to remain still.

Helplessness was once again dragging her back to that time.

So when she heard Kraush say he was going after the World Erosion, her heart sank.

After the mission, Kraush had often reminded Haring of her brother.

He was more mature than others his age and often unconsciously displayed a demeanor that reminded her of her older brother.

Given her confusion over her father’s situation, it was no wonder that the Kraush in front of her was starting to blur with her memories of her brother.

“…I don’t want to lose someone like that again.”

Her words were disjointed, and she trembled.

She couldn’t go, so Kraush was going instead.

The situation felt too similar to when her brother had locked her alone in a solitary cell.

At that moment, she felt something cold touch her hand, which was gripping Kraush’s collar.

It was none other than Kraush’s hand.

Gradually, the hand absorbed heat and spread warmth.


Kraush called her name.

Haring slowly lifted her head and met his gaze.

With the sun behind him, Kraush’s face was slightly shadowed.

“This incident will make the relationship between the Empire and Starlon absolutely atrocious.”

As Haring’s eyes wavered, Kraush slowly explained why he had to go.

“I intend to stop that. There’s no benefit to two nations fighting when World Erosions are occurring all over the place.”

Kraush’s eyes were more serious than ever.

He truly intended to stop this event himself.

World Erosion.

To Haring, who had lost her brother in a World Erosion caused by an Erosion Species, it was something she most wanted to prevent.

“And I need your help to stop it.”

Haring’s eyes gradually widened.

Rahelrn Academy was supposed to be a place of harmony.

The Empire, the four kingdoms, and other smaller groups had all expressed their determination to fight against World Erosion.

This was the reason Rahelrn Academy was founded.

And within Rahelrn Academy, there was a structure known as an Order.

Though now used for factional infighting, the original purpose of an Order was for people to gather under a leader they trusted, regardless of their origins.

In other words, the structure of an Order was meant to embody the concept of harmony at the Academy.

If the direct descendant of the Balheim family and the daughter of the Poison King, one of the Ten Strongest Under the Heavens, joined such an Order…

And if they went to Hardenhartz together to help avenge the Poison King’s daughter…

It would be the perfect image of harmony to show the world.

‘Just this alone could make the Empire hesitate to force their way into Hardenhartz.’

The Empire was using the excuse of avenging the Poison King to barge into Hardenhartz.

But the strongest right to that cause belonged to Haring, the daughter.

Once she moved as the Empire’s representative, even the Empire would lose its justification.

Moreover, with the support of the Balheim family, Starlon could declare that they were doing their utmost in the matter.

‘That alone could douse this immediate fire.’

In diplomatic relations, justification is ultimately the most critical factor.

That’s why Kraush needed Haring.

She was the symbol of the Empire’s cause in this incident.


Haring’s eyes began to tremble violently.

Even in her confusion, she understood part of what Kraush was saying.

She wasn’t unintelligent.

But that only made her more flustered.

She hadn’t expected Kraush to suggest they go together.

In her bewilderment, she opened her mouth.

“…My family told me. To stay put and do nothing.”

As expected, the answer Kraush had anticipated came forth.

That would only make Haring more anxious.

It must have been maddening for her to be told to stay put.

Kraush gripped Haring’s hand a little tighter.

Just that alone made Haring feel as if Kraush’s warmth was being transferred to her.

“Before you’re part of the Empire, you’re a student of Rahelrn Academy.”

Everyone here had left their families behind, holding the status of Academy students.

“Screw the family. If you’re a student, just act like a student. Even if you act recklessly, you can just blame it on youthful indiscretion.”

If the Order decided to support Hardenhartz together, they couldn’t be blamed for following along.

If they said they had no choice but to go along with their Order, there was nothing their families could do to stop them.

“The world is surprisingly weak if you push recklessly.”

Kraush said, his words dripping with disdain for the world.

“You hate being powerless, don’t you?”

He looked directly into her eyes.

Kraush’s gaze was sharper and clearer than ever.

“I also despise the helplessness of being unable to do anything.”

Because that’s how he had to live his entire life.

This world gives nothing but the worst possible outcomes to those who live in powerlessness.

That’s why Kraush had struggled endlessly, even up to this day.

And he intended to struggle once again.

He would stop the war that even Arthur couldn’t prevent, even if he had to crawl through the mud.

“So, I’m going to struggle like hell.”

Haring stared blankly at Kraush.

“Struggle too. No matter what your family, your surroundings, or the world says. Do the best you can.”

And with those words, for the first time, Haring, who had heard nothing but orders to do nothing, was told to do whatever she wanted.

Haring’s body began to tremble.

A new emotion started to rise from deep within her heart, replacing her helplessness.

Her face, which had been pale, began to regain some color.

Her body, which had been drained of strength, began to regain its vigor.

“And say you’re going to repay the debt from the last mission. The Lagrain family always repays their debts twofold.”

A boyish smile played at the corners of Kraush’s lips.


Haring stared blankly at that smile.

For a long moment.

“Ha, haha.”

For some reason, a chuckle escaped her lips.

She couldn’t hold back her laughter at her previously distressed face.

Kraush looked at her with surprise, perhaps because she, who was usually as expressionless as Bianca, was laughing.

Well, it wasn’t as if she had her emotions suppressed like Doll’s Eye.

Laughter was only natural.

“…You know, I lost my older brother in a World Erosion caused by an Erosion Species.”

Kraush fell silent for a moment upon hearing her words.

He didn’t know much about Haring, the Poison Fang.

He had only vaguely sensed that she had lost something in the past and carried some trauma.

But he hadn’t known the exact details.

Now, he realized why Haring was so obsessed with avenging herself against the White Ghost.

Why she was willing to throw away her entire family to satisfy that grudge.

‘Of course, she must have lost her mind.’

Bianca became the White Ghost because she had become a vessel for the World Erosion.

So, Haring had lost her family, twice, due to the World Erosion.

“Bu again. I felt utterly powerless. Like all my efforts had been for nothing.”

Being told to do nothing.

Those words were the most terrifying and paralyzing for Haring.

Because remaining still had only brought her the death of her older brother.

In such a situation, Kraush had told her not to stay still.

“…So it’s a debt.”

Having finally managed to stifle her laughter, she took a few steps back from Kraush.

Yet a faint smile still lingered on her face.

“This is also a debt, so I’ll repay it.”

If that’s how she felt, then so be it.

“Alright, do whatever you want.”

Kraush respected her will.

[Why can’t you just leave girls alone?]

And for some reason, he got scolded again.

Even Astria was looking at him with a slightly displeased expression.

Kraush felt incredibly wronged.

End of Chapter

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