I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 137:

Chapter 137:

All Schemes Revealed

Due to the recent duel between the Empire faction and Starlon, there was quite a commotion for a while.

Naturally, the fact that the arena in the training ground was destroyed reached the ears of the faculty.

However, the faculty did not particularly reprimand the students.

Such incidents were quite common in Martial Arts.

They only received a mild scolding.

“Kraush, we understand the circumstances, but it would be nice if you could restrain yourself a bit.”

The person responsible for delivering this scolding was none other than Assistant Professor Kairan.

Pirate Empress Kairan.

She, who had been defeated by Kraush during the entrance exam, spoke with a tired look on her face as she addressed him.

Understandably, she had been pushed to plead with Kraush for restraint after being forced by the assistant professors to clean up the arena.

Having not seen her since the entrance exam, Kraush awkwardly scratched his head.

He had a rough idea of how much hard work the people below had to endure due to the absurdities of those above.

“Yes, I will.”

When Kraush answered obediently, Kairan looked surprised.

The Kraush she had seen during the entrance exam had shown an overbearing demeanor and arrogance that even provoked an assistant professor.

Of course, she realized lauard.

Even considering that, he was the younger brother of Charlotte.

She thought he wouldn’t care about the hard work of others, just like her.

Yet, he clearly appreciated the efforts of others.

It was a maturity not seen in children of his age.

At this age, children usually prioritize their self-esteem and pride, often grumbling whether the person speaking understands the circumstances.

Especially the children of nobility were even more so.

Moreover, Kraush had directly defeated Assistant Professor Kairan.

She thought his pride would skyrocket, and he’d ignore assistant professors.

The reason other assistant professors pushed Kairan forward was that she had already lost once and asked her to endure it.

However, Kraush was mature, unlike his peers.

He knew how to admit his faults and considered the efforts of others.

“Kraush, are you sure you’re not hiding your age?”

When Kairan asked the question casually, Kraush blinked.

Then he stifled a short laugh and asked, “Then how old do you think I am?”

For some reason, the image of an older professor teasing a newly arrived assistant professor about their age came to mind.

“It was a joke because you seemed mature.”

What a strange student.

“Anyway, thank you for understanding. Everyone knows you diligently attend classes, so if you just pay attention to those areas, both the assistant professors and professors will hold you in high regard.”

“That’s a relief.”

“Well, I’ll take my leave then… Oh.”

As Kairan was about to leave, she realized she had something more to say.

When Kraush looked at her curiously, she spoke with slight caution.

“And also, be careful not to be too promiscuous in your relationships. It’s common at your age, but such a lifestyle can invite trouble.”

The next words were enough to make Kraush look dumbfounded.

“……Excuse me?”

“It’s natural for a man to like women. However, there’s also a saying about too much being as bad as too little.”

Kairan was already convinced.

Therefore, Kraush shook his head to clear his thoughts and hurriedly said, “……I don’t know what misunderstanding you have, but I’ve never lived such a lifestyle.”

“Really? But according to the assistant professors, you’re with a different girl every day… And I’ve heard you’ve even brought another student’s maid into your room.”

Kraush felt a mild headache.

Many of those he hung out with were women, so the first part was unavoidable, but the second was undoubtedly about Lirina.

With a short sigh, Kraush looked at Kairan with a complicated expression.

“There’s really nothing like that, so it’s fine. Moreover, I have a fiancée.”

Recent events reminded Kraush to seriously consider marrying Bianca.

Next year, she would be 15, so even if they had a ceremony, it wouldn’t be an issue.

‘Above all, Bianca has to want it too.’

Asking her intentions without forcing might be okay.

[The thought of solving it through marriage is quite amusing.]

At that moment, he heard Crimson Garden’s mocking voice reading his thoughts.

[Even if you get married, if women still flock around you, people will think of you as a womanizer who seduces women even after marriage. Do you think your notoriety will lessen?]

Kraush’s face hardened.

If that were truly the case, it meant marriage wouldn’t solve anything.

[That’s why I’ve repeatedly told you to just cut it off.]

Why does it always come to that conclusion in the end?

[If you didn’t go around flirting, it wouldn’t be an issue. A guy with a flashy face and background should be more discreet with women, tsk tsk.]

Ignoring Crimson Garden’s words, Kraush turned back to Kairan.

“Anyway, it really is a misunderstanding. If there are a lot of rumors like that, I’ll be more careful.”

“Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thank you for understanding.”

After parting ways with Kairan, Kraush began walking down the hallway.

Since it was almost time for the Martial Arts class, he intended to head back.

As he walked, Kraush felt a mixture of emotions on his face.

Life sometimes brings troubles like these.

‘Do I need to seriously reflect on my usual conduct?’

If he were truly a womanizer like the rumors suggested, it would be one thing.

Kraush had no idea how to change his usual conduct.

‘Would it be better if Bianca came?’

No one would say anything if he stuck with Bianca all day.

For some reason, he missed his fiancée.

After all, things like this hardly ever happened when he was with Bianca.

[If your fiancée sees you living the academy life, she might kill you.]

With Crimson Garden being no help at all.

“More than that, I’d like you to tell me who your spy in Rahelrn Academy is.”

[It’s a secret. Find out for yourself.]

Always so full of secrets.


At that moment, Kraush saw some people in the corridor who, upon seeing him, turned around and ran away.

They were none other than the Empire faction guys who had picked a fight with Kraush that day.

Kraush looked at them indifferently.

Since that day, they would have a convulsion just seeing him and then flee.

That day’s memory was unforgettable for them too.

Thanks to that, Kraush had become imprinted as a demon who would overturn everything if provoked.

So, they tucked their tails and ran away before getting into trouble.

Additionally, Kraush heard a rumor.

It seemed that Pandora had holed up in his dorm room.

Having been crushed by Kraush and even embarrassed himself by wetting his pants.

He couldn’t possibly show his face around Rahelrn Academy.

They say he still has seizures just hearing Kraush’s name.

‘Serves him right.’

At the same time, the children’s perspectives also changed.

Before defeating Arsoldar, some harbored competitive spirits and disgruntlement.

But now, he no longer felt those gazes.

It meant they had subconsciously recognized Kraush as someone not to be touched, on par with Charlotte.

Defeating Arsoldar had significant implications.

Even though they had a tendency to disregard the assistant professors unconsciously.

Arsoldar was someone they had personally experienced.

Moreover, there was someone whose attitude had notably changed since that day.

“Kraush, you’re here. I saved this seat for you.”

As Kraush en brightly.

It was none other than Glen, Mary’s cousin.

Looking at him blankly, Kraush rubbed the back of his neck.

Since that day, Glen had shown a loyal side every time he saw Kraush.

Although not as extreme as Arsoldar, he also had a reverence for martial prowess.

When he saw someone strong, he naturally felt admiration for them.

That’s why Glen had actively followed Mary, who was once called the New Spear.

But Mary was no longer someone he could admire.

Not only did she attempt to assassinate the princess, but her once confident demeanor had disappeared, leaving her as the timid Mary.

That’s why Glen disliked Mary.

During this battle, Kraush displayed chivalry and the pinnacle of martial arts by fighting for the weak.

Chivalry that opposed injustice for those he was associated with.

The grace to encourage those around him and guide them to find solutions themselves.

And martial prowess that proved his conviction.

Whatever the reality was, to Glen’s eyes, it seemed that way.

Even at the same age, what Kraush showed was enough to become an object of admiration for Glen.

He wanted to become like that.

He also wished to become such a person.

The moment he harbored those feelings, Glen’s admiration was directed straight at Kraush.

As a result, Glen looked at Kraush with those sparkling eyes every time he saw him.

At 15 years old.

It was a common admiration harbored by kids of this age.

“Kraush, not there, sit here.”

And for some reason, there was someone who felt a sense of competition with Glen.

“……Haring Lagrain, what are you saying? I spoke first.”

That someone was none other than Haring.

She had been glancing towards the door as if waiting for Kraush, and her face lit up the moment he arrived.

But when Glen beat her to it, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

“Kraush is closer to me.”

“That’s just your opinion, isn’t it?”

“I went on a mission with Kraush.”


Glen was about to retort but bit his lip instead.

Seeing that, Haring straightened her back slightly and smirked a little.

And Kraush, for some reason, felt tired.

What are these fools doing?

Simultaneously, he remembered Kairan’s advice.

To avoid being promiscuous, right?

But this time, since one was a boy, it didn’t count, did it?

[Reap what you sow.]

Unable to watch the bickering of these newly turned adults any longer, Kraush sat in any random seat.

He couldn’t possibly sit beside those two.

But unfortunately, Kraush underestimated the two of them.

Because as soon as Kraush chose another seat, they got up and sat on either side of him.

He was wedged between them in an instant.

“Haring Lagrain, isn’t Kraush uncomfortable?”

“That’s because you’re next to him.”

As their silent battle continued, Kraush began to feel a faint headache.

It was then that he heard a bustling sound from outside the classroom.

When he turned his head to follow the sound, he saw a familiar figure.

ht smile.

“Yo, my boyfriend.”

Darling Danphelion.

As soon as she spoke, the kids began to murmur.

Hearing the murmurs, Kraush recalled the meaning of Kairan’s advice.

In fact, most of the rumors were probably due to her nickname.

Getting up from his seat, Kraush walked over to Darling and firmly grabbed her lips with his hand.

When Darling looked up at Kraush with wide eyes, he matched her gaze.

“Address me properly.”

“Hmmph, mmph.”

As she tried to say something, Kraush let go of her lips, and she rubbed them and spoke.

“How could you forcibly take my first lips like that? How am I supposed to get married now?”

Kraush realized that it was impossible to stop Darling’s mouth.

So he decided to just drag her away.

She normally didn’t come directly to the Martial Arts building.

If she came here, there must be something important to talk about.

With a little time before class, Kraush quickly moved and arrived at a secluded spot.

After letting her go, he turned to look at Darling.

She hugged her opposite arm with an expression like a sullen maiden.

The way she twisted her body was oddly unsettling.

“Bringing me to such a secluded place. What are you planning to do to me? Although I’d allow it since you’re my boyfriend.”

“So, why did you come to find me directly?”

Kraush didn’t entertain Darling’s words further and asked her purpose.

She looked at Kraush with a disappointed expression and replied.

“Well, I completed the first batch.”

Hearing that, Kraush’s face lit up.

The momentarily enhanced elixir requested from Darling that mixed curses with poison.

It was finally completed, even if only as a first batch.


Knowing Kraush’s curiosity, Darling quickly loosened her pocket and handed over a vial.

Inside, there were about five small pellets like Haring’s unilateral dose.

“There are still many improvements to be made, but it’s usable for now. The efficacy is what we talked about last time, and the penalties are the same.”

To have created this.

Kraush held the vial tightly and looked at Darling with an expression he hadn’t shown in a while.

“Darling, you really are a genius.”

“Fufu, praise me more.”

“A master of alchemy, Darling Danphelion.”


Covering her mouth and laughing heartily, Darling nodded in satisfaction.

“To think you came to deliver this yourself. You must be quite pleased with what you completed.”

“Well, it was my first time mixing curses. I wanted to show it off. Plus, there’s something else I wanted to tell you.”

Kraush, shaking the contents of the vial, looked curiously at Darling.

Something else apart from this?

“One of the students from the Alchemy Division was summoned by Sigrid Ephania.”

Hearing those words, Kraush’s expression changed instantly.

Darling had vaguely noticed the entanglements between Kraush and Sigrid.

She was well aware of the relationship between Sigrid and Charlotte from the beginning.

In any case, Kraush was bound to be entangled with Sigrid.

“The one who was summoned came back and secretly peeked at what they were making.”

Darling said she had boldly peeked.

“Are they making poison?”

“No, it’s a different kind.”

Darling smiled meaningfully and told Kraush to lean in closer.

Even though there was no one around, Kraush played along.

Then Darling whispered very softly into Kraush’s ear.

“It’s an aphrodisiac. They even peeked at my recipe.”

Hearing the returned words, Kraush wore a baffled expression.

Never mind the aphrodisiac, why did she even have a recipe for that?


Her eyes curved into a smile as if to say she’d give it to him if he wanted.

“No thanks.”

Even if he had it, there was no place to use it.

“Although I made mine as a prank and it doesn’t have a big effect, the one who stole it, Baliyan, is pretty skilled in alchemy.”

At the mention of Baliyan, Kraush grimaced.

Baliyan the Eccentric Alchemist

He was known for being the second to Darling, the Alchemical Lord, then started making strange things, earning that moniker.

It was the result of veering off the path, knowing he couldn’t surpass Darling on the orthodox route.

But his skills were reliable.

At that time, Darling also recognized his skills highly, just like now.

‘The pinnacle of alchemy, the ‘Alixir’, was a joint work by Darling and Baliyan.’

An ultimate substance, also known as the Philosopher’s Stone.

It was these two who had created it.

“So it seems he’s doing quite an improvement. To ensure absorption when consumed, he even collected your hair?”

“And you left the hair as it was?”

“Yes, I thought I’d use it once it’s made.”

When Kraush looked at Darling with an astonished gaze, she curved her eyes into crescents.

“Just kidding. I didn’t touch it since it would make it harder to respond if suspicion arose.”

It was a Darling-style response.

“…….But why make something like that and use it for what?”

“I have no idea.”

Darling shrugged.

She had only come to inform Kraush and knew nothing beyond that.

“Kraush, do you think Sigrid Ephania plans to seduce you by feeding you this?”

Kraush covered his mouth.

The thought alone made him feel like vomiting.

“……That would never happen.”

If such a thing did happen, Kraush might really cut off Sigrid’s head.

“I’m done with what I came to say.”

With that, Darling let out a long yawn.

Judging by her expression, it seemed she had spent the entire night creating the momentarily enhanced elixir.

“Thanks for the hard work. I’ll repay you later.”

“Then could you introduce me to Charlotte?”

“Think of another item for repayment.”

Impossible repayment items can’t be given.

Laughing playfully, Darling said goodbye to Kraush and walked away.

When Kraush was about to return to the classroom.

Tap tap tap!

He heard footsteps receding from the end of the corridor and turned his head.

There, among the short black bob haircut, he glimpsed purple hair.


Seeing her dash out when it was almost time for the professor to arrive, Kraush tilted his head.

At that moment, he met Glen, who was coming out.


“What? Did something happen?”

Did they have a fight in that short time?

As Kraush thought this, Glen spoke with a slightly pale face.

“They say the Poison King was seriously injured by a World Erosion.”

And he received an answer he never expected.

End of Chapter

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