I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 93.2

.By Yue Xia Die Ying.

When Ban Hua reached the Empress palace, the Empress was not in a good spirit. After a bit of chat, Ban Hua rose and bid farewell to go see His Majesty. The Empress did not try to retain her, but seemed to wanting to say something before she stopped.

Niangniang? Ban Hua looked at her with a question.

About Rong Junpo, please be patient. The Empress sighed, His Majesty has been in a bad mood, it will be better when he has things figured out.

Ban Hua smiled, Niangniang, I dont put this in mind.

You, this child The Empress was slightly relieved to see her smiling brightly. No matter what, she did not wish for this child to drift away. His Majesty had become more and more absurd, he would not even listen to her anymore.

Go now. The Empress shook her head, His Majestys mood isnt good lately, be more careful when you talk to him.

Yes. Ban Hua saluted and retreated.

Niangniang, A palace official walked up and whispered, The servants sent a message. The Second Princess Consort stopped Fule Junzhu on the way. The conversation did not seem to end pleasantly.

The Second Princess Consort was indeed too young. There was no such thing called a secret in the Palace, such a big commotion like blocking someones way would eventually reach the Empress ears.

Each and every one of them, none can stop making people worried. The Empress closed her eyes in weariness, Let them be. As long as its not too far,bengongdoesnt care.

Niangniang has been too tired lately. The female official stepped forward and lightly massaged the Empress shoulders, Better take a few days of rest.

The rear courtyard is chaotic. Hearsays are circulating non-stop. How can bengong be in peace? The Empress anxiously propped her chin with one hand, His Majesty had Yao Peiji and Rong Xia canned just a few days ago, and today he issued a reprimanding decree to some other ministers. Wont these be demoralising to the officials?

Niangniang please dont think too much, all of the officials are loyal and faithful. They wont be displeased with His Majestys decisions.

Its because they are loyal so His Majesty shouldnt have been like this. The Empress sighed. In a trance, she recalled the night His Majesty suffered the stroke. In his incoherence, he had agitatedly mumbled the taboo names of Old Duke Jingting and Rong Xias father.

Having been husband and wife for so many years, she still did not understand him well enough.

In the Great Moon Palace, Emperor Yunqing swiped the medicine bowl in a rage. It splashed to the face and body of the palace maid, she dropped down kneeling on top of the broken shards begging for mercy, panicking and yet dared not show any trace of pain on her face.

Clumsy trash, get out! Wang De kicked the palace maid lightly. She went along with the kicking momentum to roll on the floor, then scurried away in a hurry.

Two of the eunuchs stepped forward to lightly wiped the shards using their sleeves, but despite their swift efforts, the hall was soon full of medicine bitter smell.

Your Majesty, Wang De bowed respectfully towards the Emperor, Fule Junzhu is here.

Emperor Yunqing froze for a moment, turned and said, Announce.

Wang De retreated. At the door of the palace, he gave Ban Hua a brilliant smile, Junzhu, please.

Have troubledGonggong.

Nubi doesnt deserve it. Wang De helped Ban Hua to lift the outermost thick layer of curtains. Stepping into the palace, a thick smell of medicine ambushed Ban Huas nostrils, her gaze fell on Emperor Yunqing on the bed.

Emperor Yunqing had aged considerably In just half a month. His face yellowed, his eyes sunk deeply, and gone was his gentle but majestic look, replaced by a mean and crazed one. Ban Hua blinked, the light of admiration and deferential still brimmed in her eyes. Ban Hua briskly walked up to the dragon bed and knelt down, Your Majesty,youfinally remembered to call me.

T/N This is the respectful you. Normal you looks like this: , while respectful you . is normal you on top of a heart character. Isnt Mandarin interesting?

Meeting Ban Huas obvious look of affection, Emperor Yunqings expression softened, Its you who doesnt want to seezhen, why are you blamingzhenfor not wanting to see you?

You also know that I am still in mourning. If I come to see you, everyone will say that I am ignorant of the rules. Ban Huas eyes lit up, But if you summon me, then I can come to the Palace openly.

And then the rules can be ignored?

Rules are dead, people are alive. Isnt it so. Ban Hua smiled cunningly, Anyway, as long as you are here, lets see who dares to criticise me.

You twist the logic to suit yourself. Emperor Yunqing smiled, Zhenshouldnt have spoiled you.

Your Majesty,chennvisnt twisting the logic, justa fox borrowing the tigers power. Ban Hua smugly said, Chennvuses this idiom well, isnt it?

T/N A fox borrowing the tigers power, see the story of this idiom at the bottom.

Ban Huas smug face reminded Emperor Yunqing of years past. The lazy student Ban Hua often quoted wrong idioms, and he couldnt resist laughing at her. He then started to praise her whenever she managed to use a correct one. Since then, whenever she thought she had properly used an idiom, she would look at him proudly, expecting a praise.

The dumpling-like fair little girl of those years had now grown up, and he had also grown old.

A gentle smile appeared on Emperor Yunqings face, Not bad, you have progressed.

Ban Huas smug smile grew prouder.

She has not brought up the Emperors health at all since she entered, Emperor Yunqing seemed to have also forgotten his own discomforts. The two of them chatted, and he felt as if several years of his age dropped off.

Before they knew it, half ashichenhas passed. The palace staff stationed outside the hall could hear His Majestys laughters from time to time, and all of them breathed a huge sigh of relief. They admired Fule Junzhu even more for achieving what several princes and princesses had failed to do. No wonder His Majesty liked her so much, if they also had someone like her who could make them happy, they would want to be nice to her too. A little nicer, and a little more nicer.

Hua Huaah, Emperor Yunqing suddenly brought it up, Zhen had Rong Junpo beaten, do you resent zhen?

Why would I resent you? Ban Hua looked confused, she reacted after a pause. Waving her hands, she said, Dont worry, I have been to Count Chengans residence, Master Rongs injury isnt serious.

Zhen is not worried of his injury, zhen worries that you are unhappy because of this. Emperor Yunqing observed Ban Hua, not wanting to miss any change on her expression.

I I am fine? Ban Hua pondered, He now has more time for me because he doesnt have to go to work. He still have his title, he doesnt lack food or drink, isnt this quite fine?

The Emperor lost his smile. He had forgotten this girl had grown up in a honey pot, his family was powerless at the Court, but she never lacked anything. Her vision was narrow, limited to the world in front of her eyes. She had no idea of what position and power meant for a man.

It was the honest truth of her.

How if his title was also gone?

Your Majesty wouldnt do that, would you? Her eyes widened, Then in the future after getting married, Id have to go back to my mothers house everyday to eat and drink. Isnt that embarrassing?

Herfive featuressqueezed together, Emperor Yunqing couldnt resist laughing out loud. As she became increasingly irritated, he said, Dont worry, zhen wont take his title away. When he has recovered, he can return to the Court to work for zhen.

T/N Five features are nose, eyes, lips, tongue, and ears. I think it means that Ban Hua was pouting and scowling so hard that her face became ugly and distorted.

No good, no good. Ban Hua shook her head repeatedly, You had him beaten up that his skin and flesh became pulp. He needs to rest for a few months.

Youah. Emperor Yunqing shook his head. Good thing that Rong Xia wasnt here, if he was to hear this, the couple would fight even before the wedding, Didnt you just say he is fine, how come his injury is serious now?

Oh.. Ban Hua turned away, Anyway, he needs to recuperate slowly.

Emperor Yunqing laughed in helplessness, not refuting her words.

Your Majesty, Ban Huas shoulders suddenly slumped, You have to get well soon.

Emperor Yunqing saw the youthful and watery eyes were filled with worries and expectation. After a moment he said, Zhen will be well soon.

Thats good! Ban Huas smiling face was bright, Chennvcan be at ease then.

The Emperor thought, how would such a nave girl face the future? After all, this was the child who had grown up under his eyes, his heart softened. En.

A nave and outspoken child, but this heart of hers, was rare and precious.

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At Count Chengans residence. After taking medicine, Rong Xia laid on the bed with a book. The problem was, after half ashichenthe book was not turned more than a few pages because his eyes kept on darting towards the door.

Master, Du Jiu couldnt bear to see it. He said bluntly, Today Fule Junzhu was summoned to the Palace.

Rong Xia turned one page, flatly responded, I know.

Du Jiu went out for an errand. Two quarters of an hour later he returned, and the book was still on that same page.


What is it? Rong Xia put the book down, turned to face Du Jiu.

Is there something on your mind? Du Jiu thought of the last few days. Nothing seemed wrong, but his Master was so distracted.

Nothing. Rong Xia closed his eyes and carelessly said, Next time when any of the Bans entered the Palace, remember to let me know.

Yes. Du Jiu responded, His Majesty and the Empress dote on Fule Junzhu very much, there should be no problem.

Rong Xia opened his eyes, stared at him, I know itll be fine, I am just asking.

Du Jiu: Oh..

Master, The housekeeper came in, A servant from Jingting residence is here with a message. Fule Junzhu is busy today, and will not be able to visit until this afternoon.

Since Junzhu is busy, then we should not bother her to run around. Ask Junzhu to take a rest at home.

But that servant has left. The housekeeper thought for a moment, How ifshuxiasend the message to Jingting residence?

There was a strange silence in the room.

No need. Rong Xias voice was calm and plain, Why keep disturbing them.

The housekeeper and Du Jiu exchanged glances, silently shared an understanding.

T/N He was sulking, but he still wanted Hua Hua to come to see him! Lol.

At noon, a servant came to report that Fule Junzhu has arrived.

Du Jiu watched the book in his masters hand had crumpled from squeezes, but Masters tone was still as calm as ever.

Invite in.


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