I am a Big Villain

Chapter 104: The Whole World Was Reborn 4

Chapter 104: The Whole World Was Reborn 4

Old Lady Jin spoiled him, and because of his older sister, Jin Zhande was also loose with this child. The original self, who had never been short of pocket money, became popular in the eyes of some people.

Disco, smoking, drinking, and playing mahjong, except for not visiting a prostitute, he was proficient in everything else, and his money was pouring out like running water.

If not enough, he would ask Old Lady Hua with an excuse to study, and the old lady would not oppose it. If it was still insufficient, he stole money from the family, his own mother, and his two older brothers' families, but he cried after his ulterior secret got revealed. The crying old lady felt distressed and helped him to make his two brothers pay his debt.

The second he confessed his mistakes, but he still repeated them until he reached the marriageable age. It was better to have a girl he liked, but it did not take long. After he got married and his wife became pregnant, he committed the deliberate violation again, and this time he upgraded.

After graduating from high school, he found a job and had some money in his hand. He used to gamble one or two Yuan, but now he has the capital. He began gambling more than ten to twenty and even hundreds later.

In the end, penniless, he made up his mind on the three big tile-roofed houses at home. In the 1990s, three residences in that area, priced at more than 300,000. Because he wanted money urgently, he directly asked for 200,000, so he mortgaged the real estate certificate to the loan shark, and one could imagine it in the end.

His wife was pitiful. She was driven out of the house by the loan shark when she had a big belly. She had a miscarriage at that time. After seven months pregnant, she lost both the general public's sympathy and her child.

At that time, the original self had heard the news and ran away. On the one hand, it was the family property lost by the most beloved son, and on the other hand, it was the innocent daughter-in-law and unborn grandchild. The elderly Jin Zhanhua did not survive. She was depressed and worried. She complained that she spoiled this son, the original self, and died with guilt for her daughter-in-law.

Of course, his mistakes implicated not only those who indeed liked him but also Yan Dabao and Yan Erbao's family. They also got entangled by those debt collectors, and their families had no peace.

At that time, the eldest child Yan and the second-eldest child Yan were facing layoffs and retrenchment. The trouble caused by the original self even made it worse. Everyone hated him and blamed him. They wished that he had not been born since the beginning.

This story was the first world.

Although Yan Chu's client was the original self, he was the one from the second world.

The original self of the second world was very miserable. What was sadder was that the second world's self did not know why his life was so miserable.

Everyone around him, except for the old lady, was unkind to him. Most of them maliciously led him into the abyss earlier and gave him little chance to struggle. He was only fifteen years old at the time of his death. In just one year of rebirth, those people shaped him into a child who was good at dining, wining, whoring, and gambling at a young age. He died of excessive drinking. No one was sad for him except the old lady. Everyone thought he died very well. They just stopped the tragedy in the future early.

After the accidental death, the original self finally understood the cause of his death in this life and that he would become such a person in another world.

He understood that his brothers and sisters hated him, but at the same time, he was confused. He was a spoiled and pampered child. Why didn't anyone try to teach him well? When he had not made those mistakes, he was not a bad person from the very beginning.

In the first life, the original self ran away. He naively thought that those loan sharks would not come to trouble his family if he ran away. When he finally found a safe place to hide, he heard that his wife and mother had died because of him. Therefore, they were the two women who loved him most. He did not think that things would develop to that extent.

The old lady weaves the first half of his life so excellently that even if he got married, he could not get rid of that kind of child's innocence. Of course, this innocence was derogatory. But speaking of it, the original self would become like this. The old lady had to pay half of the responsibility, and the remaining half was his own.

In the first world, the original self died soon after the old lady passed away. He went back to the capital city of a country regardless of the bad news. He was found by loan sharks, beaten, and died in an alley full of snow in winter. People could not see his face clearly because he did not have anything to prove his identity, coupled with his ragged clothes and frostbite on his body. So he was directly treated as a vagrant. Ultimately, his family did not know that he had already died on the way back to the funeral.

Yan Chu's client this time was the original self of the second world, but he also knew the first world's ones. He did not know whether he should hate the relatives of the second world, who took the initiative to lead him into the abyss. Because in this way, it seemed that hatred had entered an endless cycle.

So this time, he hoped that Yan Chu could replace him as a good person and let those reborn relatives realize that he was not unchangeable.

And he hoped that Yan Chu could replace him to be filial to Old Lady Hua so that those neighbors in the courtyard, who laughed at the old lady for spoiling a waste, knew that the old lady did not favor the wrong son, and he would bring her endless glory.

Finally, it was the marriage that ended in tragedy. The original self hoped that Yan Chu could compensate his first-life wife and prevent her from being attached to hatred. If the other party was still willing to marry him, then let her be happy forever. If she did not want to, then guard her and not let anyone hurt her.

These were the three missions of the original self, but all of these and the group of people reborn with malice toward him make it a lot trickier. In comparison, the second task was the simplest. The old lady had always had this son in her heart, and the old lady would not be disappointed in him unless the original self of the first life had done too much.

But the first and third missions, especially the third ones, were Yan Chu's biggest headache.

"Sister, I still have to go back in advance, and I'll see you when I've finished the matter the next day."

When Jin Zhande saw this nephew, his heart, liver, spleen, and lungs hurt. He could not remain here at all. At least he could not stay until this nephew changed. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would give two big slaps to his nephew's face, who had not done anything, in front of his elder sister.

"If you have something to do, go back quickly. Don't delay your business. Big Sister is staying here and can't run. When you miss your sister, come to see her or plainly say it. It's the same when I go to see you."

Jin Zhanhua smiled at her brother. Although many people still looked down on the self-employed, who felt that the private firms were made up of low-quality talents, her brother was the best in Jin Zhanhua's eyes. Everything was good.

He was also a spoiled child. Jin Zhande was lucky. His identity was fated to be as arbitrary as Yan Chu when his brother-in-law was alive. With gossip, the chance of being spoiled was low. On the contrary, it also promoted his self-improvement and self-reliance.

After listening to his elder sister, Jin Zhande's eyes were sore. He had thought that way in his previous life, but he lost his elder sister.

There was an old soul in his thirties. Jin Zhande had just been reborn one day. He had to go back and clean up his emotions. The current him could not interact with his elder sister normally. He was too excited and suffering.

Before leaving the Yan family, Jin Zhande glanced at his nephew vaguely.

Coming, coming, that's the dreaded look of his eyes.

Sanni'er shrunk her shoulders in fright. Her granduncle suddenly became so scary.

At the same time, Yan Dabao and his wife, Yan Erbao and his wife, who lived in the employee's family building of the machinery factory, woke up in their respective beds.

They were back.

"Oh! The rare guests are here."

The old lady was thinking about replenishing her little son's mind, who constantly studied hard with books recently. She saw the second son and his wife visit with a net bag containing apples. There were two apples in the net bag. It looked really stingy.

But she heard that the machinery factory had issued benefits, and each employee had given ten catties of apples. The sum of the second son and the second daughter-in-law was twenty catties.

Jin Zhanhua was not those who covet their son's things, but the second son let her bring his three daughters up. Even if they loved their daughter, they could not come to the door with two apples.

She raised her eyelids and felt that the old saying was right. He forgot his mother after having a wife. How long had her second son not come to her door? Like the eldest child, he was unreliable.

Her obedient Jin Bao was better, which was different from these ingrates.

The old lady's words were unpleasant to hear, and she liked to waste time on an insignificant problem in her heart, but he was the meat falling from her stomach. So what if she was not happy to see them? She still took the apple and then figured out whether she should go to the newly opened delicatessen to buy some cooked food and added a pot of vegetables at noon.

"Second Brother, Second Sister-in-law."

All seven children went out to play. Because they did not have pocket money, those children were used to picking up some toothpaste tubes, cans, and some waste clothes, to the recycling center to get returning money for buying snacks. This activity was also what children in this era were used to doing*3doing*from [gn] that can mean as to do or to f*ck (vulgar). They could earn four or five cents a day with good luck. They played along the way and killed two birds with one stone.

Yan Chu stayed at home and greeted them when he saw his second brother and second sister-in-law coming back.

"Jinbao2JinbaoYan Chu's nickname, refers to valuables in general; precious; darling; sweetie is at home."

Looking at this little brother-in-law, Liu Hui could almost describe it by gnashing her teeth.

"Hui, your eyes are cramping, or did you deliberately come back to annoy me?"

The old lady's eyes were sharp, and she immediately saw the undisguised look in the second daughter-in-law's eyes. Her heart jumped and shielded her youngest son behind her back.

Liu Hui looked at this old lady's prejudiced appearance and even hated her. But because her husband was still there, she did not say anything extreme after all.

"Mom, we're going to take Big Girl and the others back this time." Liu Hui said directly.

She did not want to get involved with anything here. Although the three girls were not what she wanted, they were all born from her. It was better than letting them come to the old lady personally.

Those girls were also cheap. The old lady gave them something good and was pampering with that waste. However, they still felt that the old lady was good. When the old lady died in the previous life, she cried like when her mother died, which made Liu Hui uncomfortable all her life.

She was doomed to have no son. In the future, she could only rely on these three girls to provide for the elderly. It was better to take people back and put them around as soon as possible.

"Take them back?"

The old lady took a look at her second daughter-in-law and did not ask who would bring them up. The husband and wife had to go to work. So where could she, this old lady, be free?

"Take them if you want, and you don't have to worry about me."

If her son did not bite, he might also have the same idea. It was also not a matter for father and daughter to see two or three times a month. It was good to take them back. When the moment they could not raise them comes, they always could send them over to her.

No matter what, after raising them for so many years with each one delivered right after weaning, how could it be possible that there was no feeling at all? But this feeling was not as deep for the youngest son.

The old lady wondered about the look in her daughter-in-law's eyes just now and hid something in her heart.

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