HxH: God of Choice System

Chapter 383: No Worthy Opponent

Chapter 383: No Worthy Opponent

Magellan furrowed his brow in confusion: “You say there’s an inmate of suspicious origin? Pray tell, who is this individual?”

Domino’s eyes narrowed, her tone conveying a hint of unease. “We don’t know yet. This person is not donned in the standard prison garb, and there is no record of their arrest in Impel Down. To put it simply, they are not a registered prisoner within our confines. And their identity is most perplexing.”

Magellan rubbed at his chin in thought. “If they aren’t a prisoner, how did they end up within our walls? And why were they released from cell 303?”

Domino shook her head, the gesture one of frustration. “We’ve reviewed the surveillance footage at the entrance. But the methods used to gain access to Impel Down elude us. Even the cameras could not reveal how they entered.”

Magellan’s gaze turned speculative. “Could it be that they infiltrated our ranks, disguised as a Navy soldier?”

Domino scoffed, “Unlikely. Every Navy soldier goes through a thorough search before entering Impel Down. That possibility can be ruled out.”

Magellan nodded in agreement. “Indeed. This inmate remains a mystery.”

Domino’s voice took on a serious note, “Though we may not know their identity, we can be certain that the rebellion on the second and third levels, is directly tied to this person. It’s highly probable that they instigated the inmates’ escape. Furthermore, the Navy personnel and guards on the second level, including the chief guard Saldeath, have all been subdued.”

“What? Even Saldeath was defeated?” Magellan exclaimed, his expression contorting from shock.

He knew all too well that each level’s guard was an appointed Navy captain, their strength rivaling that of pirates with bounties in the hundred thousand berries.

Yet, now one of these formidable individuals had been defeated by an enigmatic inmate.

At this thought, Magellan ordered Domino, “Find that mysterious inmate as soon as possible. I want to see for myself who dares cause trouble on my territory.”

On the other side, in a corridor on the fourth level.

“Halt! Who goes there?” Two guards on duty spotted Allan and immediately issued a warning.

Allan’s lips curled upward in a smirk, his trusty sword, Golden Wolf, in hand as he walked straight towards them, showing no indication of stopping.

“Dammit, if you don’t stop, we’ll shoot!” The guards aimed their guns at Allan, issuing another warning.

Allan paid them no heed, continuing to advance.

Bang bang!

The guards pulled the trigger without hesitation.

But their bullets failed to hit the target.

In the next moment, Allan had vanished from his spot.

The guards, who hadn’t even had a chance to react, now lay unconscious on the ground.

Allan, after defeating the guards, continued on his journey, making no effort to conceal his presence.

His plan was to draw the attention of the Impel Down guards, allowing Bon Clay and Mr. 3 to take the opportunity to release the pirates imprisoned on the fourth level, so he couldn’t hide.

Soon, a patrol of about ten navy soldiers discovered Allan. This time, Allan didn’t wait for them to attack, he swung his Golden Wolf, with a casual slash and easily defeated the patrol, showcasing his formidable strength.

Allan’s appearance quickly caused a commotion on the fourth level. Alarm sirens rang out, and nearby guards rushed toward him. Within a minute, over thirty guards had arrived to block Allen’s path.

“Quite a crowd, but it’s pointless.” Allen sneered.

“Open fire!” Without hesitation, the guards aimed their guns at Allan and pulled the trigger.

In an instant, dozens of bullets flew toward him.

Bang bang bang bang…

Faced with the barrage of bullets, Allan blocked them all with his sword, leaving the guards flabbergasted. They couldn’t believe that Allan could block bullets with just one sword, his speed and reflexes were nothing short of superhuman.

“It’s my turn.”

After blocking the bullets, Allan followed up with a powerful slash.

In an instant, a golden light shone, as a golden shockwave swept over the guards.

The guards were nothing more than ordinary soldiers, and there wasn’t a single formidable opponent among them. Under the powerful impact of his flying slash, they all fell and lost the ability to fight.

“None of them was worth fighting.” Allan shook his head in disappointment, surprised that the guards on the fourth level of Impel Down were so weak.

“Is there not a single worthy opponent in Impel Down? ” Allan muttered to himself, he was looking forward to a good fight.

“Now that I think about it, Bon Clay and Mr. 3, they should have made their move by now?”

As Allan was deep in thought, another group of guards appeared from the distance.

In addition, there were four Jailer beasts.

Allan looked up and saw that the leader was a very young woman.

The woman had golden curly hair, wearing a pink outfit, her long bangs covering her eyes, and wore a white earring shaped like a candle on her head, she had a unique appearance that makes one know that she is not an ordinary Guard.

At the sight of her, Allan’s eyes lit up, this woman seems to be the Warden, Sadi.

Sure enough, the woman opened her mouth: “I am Chief Guard Sadi, you’re the one causing trouble here? What’s your name?”

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