Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 70 Get Grand Marshal by Tact

Chapter 70 Get Grand Marshal by Tact

Di Qing was defeated and fled to Qi’s palace. When seeing the Queen, Di Qing fell down, unconscious. You Qingcheng had never seen him like that before, so she turned pale with scare and hurriedly asked the imperial doctor to feel Di Qing’s vein. And then, she knew that Di Qing was just bogged down with tiredness. You Qingcheng stayed beside her husband until the daybreak and fell asleep then. When Di Qing woke up, the sun was three poles high. Sunshine came in through the breach of window curtains and crept on the woman’s face. Bathed in the golden sunshine, the woman looked rather tender and beautiful. Di Qing raised the woman’s hair, and the soft hair slid through his fingers. Perhaps because the wind in the morning disturbed the woman, or her hair was being curled up, the woman began moaning, which ignited a desire fire to burn on Di Qing. So he took off the woman’s clothes and covered her with his body. A sudden chill made You Qingcheng scream with fright. When she opened her eyes and found it was Di Qing, her eyes were still glistened with alarm. But Di Qing totally ignored it and continued to capture her completely. You Qingcheng started struggling when thinking what the rapist had done to her. Di Qing was really getting in the mood and went randy at You Qingcheng’s tears. The lust burnt in his body while the tender woman blossomed with pain. Di Qinge showed great affection to the woman. When his lust burnt out, everything became calm again.

“Your Majesty.”

You Qingcheng was sitting up and combing her hair, while Di Qing was thinking the woman’s scared look when they had enjoyed the great time. “Did she not like my favor?” Di Qing felt upset at the thought. At that moment, the weeping outside rang and eased the erotic atmosphere inside. Ni Shang had been waiting outside the door. When the door opened, Di Qing’s arbitrary look scared Ni Shang to lower her head.

“In the morning, this is keening.”

Di Qing took a glance at the beautiful girl kneeling on the ground. You Qingcheng knew that she was her unmothered younger sister.

You Qingmo.

“Your Majesty, how did my father die?”

You Qingmo wept like pear blossom bathed in the rain, who looked rather pitiful. Di Qing was shocked, wondering where she could get the news. Di Qing had blocked the news not to let the Queen know it. It turned out that someone spread it deliberately. Thinking of You Hu’s death, Di Qing was somewhat flustered, but calmed himself down quickly for fear of being discovered. Because of his craving for survival that made You Hu die from thunderbolt, and his fear that You Qingcheng would hate him, Di Qing kept the news in the dark. But out of his expectation, the news spread so quickly. If the influential and powerful people knew that the Grand Marshal died because of the Emperor’s clinging to life, what would they think? Besides, the vacancy was a lucrative position that everyone was eager for, even became the chip in the battles of the imperial harem. Without the assistance of You Hu’s influence, the Queen would have a hardship in the palace. And now the only person that could fit the position was only Lin Xiaosa. Thinking of it, Di Qing had some plotting expressions gleaming in his eyes. He thought his sister should come back and live in the palace for some days. In the distance, two figures flashed— Xu Yin and Xu Xi. Since they had been spared by Xu Linghe, the two spent a large amount of money finding a facial changing doctor to change them into young eunuchs in the palace. In order to take revenge for their father, they infiltrated into the palace. With many inquiries, they chose a concubine with weak influence as their master, and then they found You Qingmo was You Qingcheng’s unmothered younger sister. So the two began plotting. Even the Queen’s being insulted was one part of their plot. But the rapist was disguised by Xu Xi. Although he had been almost killed by the Queen, he realized his dream for many years. As a matter of fact, Xu Xi loved You Qingcheng for a long time, but it was the Holy Mother Empress who arranged the marriage, and he was also helpless. But now he could see her everyday.

Inside the room, You Qingcheng only felt her head spin around. “Is my father dead?” You Qingcheng dashed out of the room. Di Qing was afraid that the woman would lose her mind and hurt herself, so he quickly pulled her into her arms and held her tightly. You Qingmo, kneeling on the ground, became cold, since she showed too much sorrow about her father’s death. After all, her father spent more effort and energy on her sister, and she was like a weed under her sister’s feet, even the servants in the You family did not look up to her. In one word, You Qingmo felt she had never been treated like a Miss at all. In the You family, her sister won the preference of her father; after the death of the father, her sister could still be favored by the Emperor. So, for You Qingmo, the last string was torn off, and she was seethed continuously by jealousy. Her little hand clenched pinched his thigh and did not loosen her hands until the thigh hurt.

“Your Majesty.”

You Qingmo reminded the Emperor that she was still squatting. But at that time, Di Qing just pampered the woman in the arms, totally neglecting You Qingmo, such a tiny concubine. Ni Shang kept hiding in the corner and knew everything there like the palm of her own hand. In fact, she did see such scene before. For Xu Linghe, Ming Zhu used tricks to put Ni Shang into the prison. Just now, Ni Shang seemed to see the same play again, although the leading actress had changed, the play was the same and obsolete. It seemed that the woman was really an emotional species. For love, they were willing to bring destruction on themselves like a flying moth darting into the fire. Since Ni Shang had experienced the Wolf King, she could see everything incisively and would not fight for love any more, but just wanted to take revenge as soon as possible and returned to the Teal Hill to live a quiet life. In the past, Ni Shang was forced to leave there, and now the Wolf King was dead and there was no war in the Teal Hill. As long as Ni Chang could take revenge for the Spirit Master, she was bound to come back to the Teal Hill. Although the Spirit Master was not there, Ni Shang would take good care of the people in the Teal Hill.

“Your Majesty, the Royal Court is engaged in a brawl now.”

A little palace servant hurried there and stepped back seeing a person squatting on the ground. Women’s positions in the palace were changeable, no one knew whether the woman would become his master or not one day. So the palace servant thought he’d better stay away from her and did not stir up killing trouble for himself. Di Qing was unwilling to leave, but the affairs in the Royal Court were waiting for him. You Qingcheng in his arms became calmer, but Di Qing was afraid that his woman would do stupid things. He threw a glance at the little maidservant in the corner and came up to grab her. Ni Shang lowered her head more with scare, only hoping Di Qing would leave soon.

“Take care of your master.”

Di Qing threw a word and turned away. Not until the footsteps went far away did Ni Shang raised up her head. When thinking that the rapist forced her, You Qingcheng had more grudge to her younger sister, even wanted to kill her with a knife. But You Qingcheng could not do it. After all, You Qingmo was her half-sister who shared the same father with her.

“Elder sister, our father has passed away.”

You Qingmo picked up herself with tears in her eyes, while You Qingcheng could not help but wailing, never expecting that her father would leave her. But the day came, You Qingcheng could not express the sorrow in her heart. Seeing her sister so sad, You Qingmo had to accompany her to cry. Xu Yin who had been observing them in the corner acknowledged the superiority of his master. It seemed he had followed the right person. It was not an easy job to play. Before succeeding in cheating others, the actors should deceive themselves first. “The Second Miss of You family is shrewd indeed.” Ni Shang began worrying about You Qingcheng and was pretty sure that the things happening in the military camp must be instructed by You Qingmo, but this woman kept showing her weakness.

Di Qing went to the Royal Court and found all the important ministers present there. It seemed that the Grand Marshal was a hot flavor, even the old Prime Minister who had been sick for a long time also turned up. Di Qing had his own candidate, but he still needed someone to recommend Lin Xiaosa. Glancing at the ministers in the Royal Court, Di Qing spotted Leng Cang lowered his head. Since he did something helpful for Di Qing in the underground palace, Leng Cang’s promotion skyrocketed, so he had assumed that the Emperor would appoint him as the Grand Marshal, but unexpectedly, he was asked to work for others— the Emperor ordered him to recommend Lin Xiaosa, the princess’ husband to be the Grand Marshal, which made Leng Cang somewhat displeased. But he could not resist the Emperor’s cold eyes and had to brace himself to do it. And Di Qing was waiting for that moment.

“Your Majesty, I want to recommend a person.”


“Prince Consort, Lin Xiaosa.”

“Your Majesty, I have something to report. I think it is not appropriate to have the person from the northern desert to be the Commander in Chief in our Qi Kingdom.”

The moment Leng Cang’s voice just fell, the old Prime Minister was the first to object, followed by a group of ministers to support him. Di Qing knew that it was not easy to let Lin Xiaosa as Grand Marshal of Qi Kingdom, but he was well-prepared. The old Prime Minister had a son who was a general in the frontier and was always dissatisfied with You Hu. Now Di Qing’s father-in-law was dead. What sudden happiness to the old Prime Minister. But to his surprise, a person rushed out halfway to stand in his way, so how could the old Prime Minister tolerate it? Therefore, stood up to oppose it. And no matter what, he would still be opposed. For Di Qing, he was the last person to give the position of the Grand Marshal to the old Prime Minister, because it was like to send a goat into a tiger’s mouth. But Di Qing thought the father-in-law did die for me. If someone spread it to the people on purpose, saying that their Emperor was as timid as a mouse, how could Di Qing set a national authority. Now the only solution was to find a capable military commander to wage a just war, and to turn the domestic contradictions to the outside, this would not only expand the contradictions in the territory but also resolve. So why not go ahead with it?

“It seems that there have been suitable candidates in the hearts of all the ministers.”

Standing on the right was Su Tu from the Grand Council, and he recommended the son of the old Prime Minister. Hearing the name, the Royal Court was a burst of agreement, as if the position was sure to get. Obviously, all the ministers in the Royal Court were currying favor with the Prime Minister. Di Qing eyes at Leng Cang. Having received the Master’s hint, Leng Cang knew that it was time for him to play. Leng Cang stepped out of the queue steadily in the direction of the throne where Di Qing was seated on. Di Qing fully knew what Leng Cang was going to do. Since they had grabbed others’ vulnerable point, they would grab tightly and not let it go. When Leng Cang knelt down closest to the old Prime Minister, something dropped on the ground. Leng Cang picked them up in a hurry, but his hands failed to listen to him. And more things in his chest fell down on the ground. The old Prime Minister took a glimpse. Only the glimpse chilled the old Prime Minister thoroughly. Those fallen documents were with his son’s signatures, but the revised documents on the border had to be submitted to the Emperor. In other words, his son took some kickback and kept down those documents secretly without handing over to the higher level. So the Emperor and people in the upper level knew nothing about it. The old Prime Minister felt bitter in his heart. If the Emperor looked into it, his son would be charged with treason without doubt. The more the old Prime Minister thought, the more frightened he was. So he made up his mind immediately. Since the Emperor was willing to recommend the princess’s husband, he would like to do a favor to the Emperor and make him happy. So the old Prime Minister stepped up, faster than Leng Cang. Although the old man was sick, he walked so agily that he came to the front of the hall within several steps. The old Prime Minister knelt on his knees, and Di Qing narrowed his eyes, waiting for words to come.

“I think, the princess’s husband is the most suitable candidate for the Commander in Chief.”

When the resonant voice of the old Prime Minister resounded the main hall, the people who had just flattered were shocked and confused. They didn’t understand what happened. But there were always a few smart people who secretly complained, fearing that the person on the throne also took their own vulnerable points. Finally, the vacancy of the Grand Marshal was made up. Di Qing had expected such a result, but it just took some tricks. Although his movement made the old Prime Minister lower his head, it also caused a potential disaster, because the old Prime Minister had been Xu Yinchang’s deputy and also knew that Di Qing raised souls in the Blood Pool. Although the dynasty had been changed, how could Di Qing sit well if the people of Qi King knew that the king was a demon? But it was because the old Prime Minister knew the truth that he could be promoted to the position. “Di Qing, you dare to threaten me today. I will not walk on Xu Yinchang’s old path. Since you dared to use your father-in-law to block arrows for you. Perhaps you also will kill me one day.” The old Prime Minister began calculating for himself, afraid that he would be sold out by Di Qing, but still worked for him.

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