Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 44 The Head of the Kunlun, Shenzong

Chapter 44 The Head of the Kunlun, Shenzong

Di Qing sucked in a cold breath at the sight of the corpse. “Who can be so powerful that took the Wolf King’s spirit in a movement? Is it done by the man and the woman just now?”

“Carry him back to check if he can be curable or not.”

“Elder brother, your emperor’s position is sought by Brother Linghe for sure.”

When Di Li mentioned Xu Linghe, Di Qing did not dare to look at his younger sister, afraid that she would find something unusual on him.

“Li’er, have you ever thought about Brother Xiaosa? He was really a fool to mistake Ming Zhu for you. No one could expect that Ming Zhu did the bait and switch.”

“Elder brother, can’t you tell me the truth? Ming Zhu has told me that it was you who allowed her to take me away.”

Di Li stared at Di Qing closely, hoping him to give her a reasonable explanation.

“You little girl, trying to run your brother’s affairs? Aren’t you afraid of being disgusted?”

Lin Xiaosa really wanted to speak out the secret to let Di Li see how insidious her elder brother was. But the consequences were unbearable, because not only would Lin Xiaosa lose Di Li but also lead to fatal disaster.

“Di Qing will never allow me to leave the Qi Kingdom. The more secret I know, the more miserably I will die. To be his ally, or die.” But Lin Xiaosa knew that there were certain things that a gentleman did and not did. “How am I at the mercy of Di Qing?”

“Xiaoli, if you can’t adjust yourself to living in the Imperial Palace, you can live in the secondary yard temporarily.”

“Well, Your Majesty, I want to stroll about in the downtown for a few days. And after half a month, I will come back to resume my responsibility. Di Li, hurry up! Come with me to see the world.”

“Wait for me, Brother Xiaosa.”

Looking at the two backs, Di Qing did not feel reassured until they disappeared into the night.

“Tell You Hu, kill all the people in the Joy Hall. Do it neatly and don’t leave a living. After several days, I will ascend to the throne. You have to be careful and do not let others mix in the ceremony.”

“Yes! I will keep an eye on each influence. The crown ceremony will be held on time. I will not let Your Majesty down and will never forget the gratitude for Your Majesty’s recognition and appreciation.”

Han Chiyou worried about her parents. The misfortune overnight had made her grow up. At that moment, the only thing she wanted was to find her parents as soon as possible and escape the killing of Di Qing.

Xiao Qi injected the Spirit Power into the Xiaoyao’s body, hoping that she could hold on for more time, because the Fairy Kingdom was ahead after crossing the Black Water River.

There was Xiao Qi’s memory where his once depleted heart was dominated unexpectedly by Xiaoyao one day.

Xiao Qi could not tell when he had fallen in love with Xiaoyao. No matter how hard he tried to ignore, Xiaoyao’s crafty appearance had rooted and sprouted in his heart.

Even for a period of time, Xiao Qi could not fall asleep, and then he blamed himself. That lovesickness tortured Xiao Qi. He was fully aware that Xiaoyao was his sister-in-law, but he still loved her, love her so helplessly. “What would happen if I had not saved Xiaoyao?”

“Well, well. Just let her live in my heart. As long as I can solve the poison on her, what I can do is worthwhile.”

Fairy City was ahead. Xiao Qi on the cloud flew to the gate of the palace. Before the guards at the gate made salution, the black figure had flown past. So the little palace servants knelt on the ground and saw their emperor.

“Somebody come! Ask the Sorcerer Doctor to see me now!”

“Your Majesty, is he the King of Sorcerer and Demon tribes?”

“Why not ask him to come now?”

“But the King has secluded himself for refining for over 200 years.”

“If he doesn’t come, I will destroy his pharmacy cottage.”

“With your order, your Excellency.”

It was chilly to the bone in the Fairy Kingdom covered with perennial snow. Xiaoyao had a physical body like common people. “How can she resist the coldness?” Spirit Power surged among Xiao Qi’s fingers, and then a warm current spread.

Xiao Qi wanted to touch Xiaoyao’s face, but he raised his hand and put it down. The bridal dress in her told Xiao Qi that there was a wall across them. Even though Xu Linghe was dead, Xiaoyao would only be the sister-in-law forever.

When Xu Linghe woke up, it was already in late spring when snow began melting in the Kunlun. Shenzong in Ao Ze got up early. And just now Ruoshui (Xu Linghe’s Junior Sister ) had reported that Xu Linghe had woken up.

In order to save his grand disciples’ life, Shenzong had to use Heaven and Earth Eccentric Incantation to drag Xu Linghe and Little Blacky back from the gate of Hell. In the meantime, the time had been restored to the beginning of a year ago.

To bring Xu Linghe’s life back, Shenzong had disrupted the order of the three realms and knew that he would suffer the death one day. But for his own good grand disciple, Shenzong would rather die.

Looking at the buildings behind, Shenzong thought it was the hard work of the Kunlun people for several generations. Now, Chidi, the devil spirit had been resurrected. As the righteous place for cultivation, Kunlun must be Chidi’s ultimate goal.

At that time, Kunlun needed a new helmsman. Among the whole Kunlun, only Xu Linghe had the extraordinarily outstanding aptitude.

Shenzong slipped his fingers slightly, and then he could see his grand disciple who just woke up. To Shenzong’s relief, his grand disciple recovered very well.

“There is not much time in my own life. If I die one day, I hope Xu Linghe can take over my mantle. For the future of the Kunlun, I will never let the woman hold Xu Linghe.”

Shenzong had told his grand disciple to make a detour at the sight of purple-blood people. However, his grand disciple did not listen to Shenzong, and finally paid for the disobedience with his own life. “I will never allow a woman to destroy the grand disciple’s birth destiny. How can Xu Linghe, an uncommonly gifted person be enchanted by a fox spirit from the Teal Hill. My grand disciple can only be the God of the Kunlun.”

Xu Linghe, who was awakened just now, was in a trance. The figure of a woman in purple overlapped in his mind. When Xu Linghe wanted to probe into it, his mind went blank, and the elegant girl disappeared completely. He felt his heart was as heavy as a monolith.

The woman who once merged into Xu Linghe’s life was uprooted by Shenzong. Even if Shenzong could predict the future of the three realms, but he failed to control the heart who devoted himself to a woman. Perhaps one day, two beloved hearts would come together like spurting magma regardless of Shenzong’s power.

In the Wheel Disc of life, Xu Linghe who had been reset could not have any life encounter. Jiang Wuyou’s name fleeted away like a flowing light. To change his grand disciple’s fate Shenzong even used the Heaven and Earth Incantation, and was willing to risk his life for the future of the Kunlun.

Ao Ze was a Holy Land for cultivation. Xu Linghe sat quietly on the cliff as usual and absorbed the Spiritual Qi from the Ao Ze mountain with his eyes closed. In the spirit-power nourishing field, naughty Little Blacky threw a snowball suddenly.

Xu Linghe bounced the snowball and looked at Chengyi, his mouth curling up in the corner. Xu Linghe liked this kind of Chengyi (Little Blacky), whose round eyes gleamed with some cunning expression. If Little Blacky gave a grin, his white tiger teeth would be exposed, and he was like a little sun to warm the people around him.

The whole Kunlun seemed peaceful, but Xu Linghe knew that although Senior Brothers and Junior Brothers played together outwardly, it was hard to find brotherhood in private. The Kunlun was a place for cultivation, but it had the underlying roaring waves. Only Chengyi and Liu Ruoshui were his bosom friends.

“Senior Brother Xu, the Grandmaster wants to see you.”

“Junior Sister Ruoshui, why is the Grandmaster so anxious? Is there anything urgent?”

“If you want to know, go to ask the Junior Uncle Grandmaster. I have no idea at all.”

Looking at Little Blacky, Liu Ruoshui really wanted to knock this guy’s brain to take a look at what was loaded there. “Why is he so curious? Isn’t he afraid of displeasing the Grandmaster? Anyway, I want to live for a few years.”

“Senior Brother Xu, Grandmaster has been worried about you when you fell asleep for these days. It was Grandmaster who was at your side day and night. I was shocked to see Grandmaster this morning. He was unbelievably hoary and old.”

“How can’t I remember the things that Junior Sister talked about?”

“Senior Brother Xu and Senior Brother Chengyi were practising your skills when you were attacked to faint by the Evil Spirit and then slept.”

“I had been possessed by the devil? Impossible! Why don’t I know it? Junior Sister Ruoshui, you’re cheating me.”

Chengyi pointed to his own nose, showing doubt that he had slept for several days.

Xu Linghe followed his Junior Sister and headed to the Grandmaster’s dwelling. Chengyi stepped closely behind Liu Ruoshui, who turned around and threw a glare at him several times. But Chengyi was still as bold as brass.

“Junior Uncle Grandmaster, Senior Brother Xu is here.”

Liu Ruoshui stood cautiously outside the door, feeling more awed by the Head of the Kunlun.

Shenzong inside slid over his spiritual fingers, and his old face became vigorous. “I can’t let the juniors worry about me.” To be the master of the Kunlun, he had everyone’s safety on his shoulder. Any carelessness would lead to the split in the Kunlun, which was the last thing that Shenzong wanted to see. At present, Kunlun faced the impending internal and external problems. Shenzong had made up his mind that the Head of the Kunlun could be nobody but Xu Linghe.

“Come in.”

Xu Linghe looked carefully at Junior Uncle Grandmaster and found nothing unusual as Junior Sister had said. Junior Uncle Grandmaster was still strong with white hair and a youthful face. Xu Linghe’s suspending heart finally fell.

“Linghe, after a few days, I will go with my immortal friends to perceive Tao and rituals. You will take over my position as the Head. You should fulfill your responsibility and become a model of the Kunlun.”

“Junior Uncle Grandmaster, no, please don’t do that. My aptitude is not adequate enough to take it. I am afraid I can’t live up to your expectation.”

“Little Junior Sister, did Junior Uncle Grandmaster mean to ask Senior Brother to take over the position as Sect Master?”

When Chengyi heard the matter through the door, he did not feel unexpected. It would come sooner or later with the Senior Brother’s ability, but Chengyi was still shocked since it happened so abruptly.

“Senior Brother Chengyi, we should go now. If Junior Uncle Grandmaster discovers us, we have to face the wall again. I can’t stand the punishment.”

“Little Junior Sister, don’t you feel strange about the Junior Uncle Grandmaster’s decision? If the First Senior Brother is unwilling to be the Head, how to be good at that time?”

“Well, it is useless that we are worried about it. It should be Senior Brother Xu who feels stressed. What you said makes me nervous as well. How about waiting for Senior Brother Xu secretly and asking him about it later?”

“It is great. But what if we are discovered by Junior Uncle Grandmaster?”

Liu Ruoshui narrowed her eyes and sized up at Chengyi. “The little Senior Brother seems to be courageous, but his heart is as timid as a mouse’s.” Liu Ruoshui shook her head and leaned close to the door, neglecting this coward this timid guy. When Liu Ruoshui was close to listen carefully, the door opened from the inside. Seeing Senior Brother Xu, Liu Ruoshui felt her little ears were a little hot. “The First Senior Brother in front is really handsome.” The calmer Liu Ruoshui tried to be, the more flustered she was. Her heart leaped up.

“Why don’t you practice your skills, but run here to mess around?”

“Screw that! Junior Uncle Grandmaster has detected us!” Chengyi and Liu Ruoshui were shocked with their legs weak. It was too late for them to run away. They had no other choice but to kneel.

“The two little monkeys dared to listen to the corner of the wall. If He’er does not punish, the Kunlun rule will be ruined in their hands.”

“Junior Uncle Grandmaster is right. I am wrong.”

Looking at the unruly grand disciples bickering at the side, Shenzong felt his scalp numb. “Forget it, forget it.”

“Just go away.”

Shenzong waved his sleeves to close the door, keeping himself away from the noise outside the door. After rescuing the grand disciple, Shenzong felt his body was not as powerful as before. Looking at the veins of his hands’ back, Shenzong felt depressed secretly. “How fast I am getting older! I’m afraid my days are numbered.”

In order not to let his grand disciple concern him, Shenzong hid his weakness, but he would be discovered sooner or later. “I’d better choose an auspicious day to let the grand disciple take over my position as soon as possible lest a long delay might give rise to many a hitch. Now, although Kunlun is still in my own control, if I pass away suddenly, fights and disputes are inevitable. Can the grand disciple handle the situation at that time?”

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