HP: The Arcane Thief

Chapter 161: Sleeping Together

Chapter 161: Sleeping Together

Axel blinked, shaking his head.

What in the world happened just now?

He didn't know exactly how he did what he just did. He looked at Daphne's scared face and suddenly didn't feel so good.

"Are you alright?" He asked her, completely Ignoring Bellatrix for now. "Did the spell hurt you? We should go to the Hospital ward."

Daphne slowly calmed down upon seeing the previous Axel back again. She hugged him feebly, still looking distressed. "I'm fine. Just… weak."

But her stomach rumbled loudly at this moment, causing her to blush. "Well, I could use some food as well, I guess."

Axel sighed in relief. "We'll get you food. But first…" His gaze shifted back to Bellatrix, who was lying on the ground.

Bellatrix was in a horrible condition right now. Her face was bloody red, due to various blood vessels exploding and bleeding from eyes and nose, and a pungent odor wafted in the air, as her bladder had loosened while in pain.

"Kill… me…" she repeated.

Axel was still contemplating that, but Daphne shook her head, looking down at Bellatrix with cold eyes. "No." she decided. "That will be way too easy for you."

"You said you owed three life debts to his father that you want to return to Axel, right? Well, rather than paying them back, you've only made trouble for him instead. I'm not letting that happen."

"You sure about this? She might try to hurt you again," Axel warned her.

Although chances were pretty low after what he had done, Bellatrix was one psycho bitch, and there's no telling exactly what changes will occur in her after this.

Daphne wrinkled her nose. "Just look at her. Is there someone who would dare to hurt me after you do this to them?"

Axel shrugged. "Well, you never know," he said, as he began rummaging through his pouch.

"A parchment?" But Daphne was confused when Axel just brought out a piece of parchment from his pouch.

"A contract," he said, as he began writing the terms on it.

Daphne had an uncomfortable look on her face. Just like torture, she disliked contracts as well, since her mother was trapped in one for a long time. "Do we have to do it?"

Annoyed, Axel showed her the terms he was writing.

"This Wizarding Contract ("Contract") is entered into as of [Date], by and between Axel [Last Name], hereinafter referred to as "Party A," and Bellatrix Black, hereinafter referred to as "Party B."

WHEREAS, Party A has a vested interest in the safety and well-being of Daphne Greengrass and her family;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, Party A and Party B agree as follows:

Non-Harm Clause: Party B agrees not to cause any harm, directly or indirectly, to Daphne Greengrass and her family, including but not limited to physical harm, emotional distress, or any form of magical interference. Any breach of this clause shall be considered a material violation of this Contract.

Secrecy Clause: Party B also agrees to never reveal anything about the relation Party and Daphne Greengrass.

Consequence of Breach: In the event of a breach of the Non-Harm Clause (Clause 1) and Secrecy Clause (Clause 2), Party B acknowledges and agrees that severe consequences will ensue. These consequences include, but are not limited to, immediate and irreversible magical consequences that may result in significant harm to Party B, including but not limited to loss of magical abilities, incapacitation, or, in extreme cases, loss of life.


Everything written was for Daphne and her family. He hadn't added anything for himself. "This… what about you? What if she tries to harm you?"

Axel scoffed. "She can try."

Whatever the case, Axel didn't really fear a mere Bellatrix after having faced the organisation and Voldemort. His only concern was Daphne and her family. Since he had thoughtlessly revealed it in his anger, Bellatrix now knew exactly how much Daphne meant to him. If she ever becomes an enemy in the future, she knows exactly where to strike.

Axel still added a few more things which included Bellatrix not killing herself before he was done.

"Please…" Bellatrix really didn't want to live anymore. Her family all had their own families now. Tristan was already dead, and Axel didn't need her, and instead hated her, and rightly so. But more than anything, she hated herself too much.

Daphne took the contract and bent down to look at Bellatrix with cold eyes. "Sign it. You aren't allowed to die yet."

Bellatrix saw the contract through blurry eyes. She said something, but it was too indecipherable to hear. Axel read her mind and clicked his tongue, "What a crazy bitch," he muttered under his breath, but added one more condition.

"Come in already." Said Axel, stepping into the circle of immortality that he called his living space.

Daphne stood in the door, looking at it in astonishment. "This is where you live?" She asked, looking at the lavish interior. This place looked like it was designed for royalty.

Axel shrugged. "Dramatic upgrade, isn't it? Dumpster to, well, this."

Daphne shook her head as she stepped in. "No, I didn't mean it that way. It's just that, it feels so… lonely... desolate. Don't you think so?"

Axel looked at her with blank eyes. "Seriously? Such a great place to live, completely safe and secure, comfortable, warm, and rain proof... And that's the first thing you notice? That it's lonely?"

After hearing Axel's point, Daphne felt that she was quite insensitive and privileged. She was now extremely happy that at least now he was living well, albeit still by his lonesome.

Axel briefly introduced the room. "That's my bedroom, that's the luxury bathroom, that's the kitchen, and those are spare bedrooms.

"That's alright," Daphne nodded impartly before gripping his arm. "But now, about your condition. Tell me exactly how it is," she said, using a strict tone.

Axel looked away. "I'm fine."

"Please, no bullshit. It's me, Axel. You can tell me."

Axel blew a breath in annoyance. "It's nothing serious. I can't do magic anymore for a while. Neither can I strain my body. And this hand isn't moving properly. That's all."

"That's all?"


Daphne rolled her eyes. "It's so bad, and you are saying that's all?! Why have you been going around torturing Ministers of Magic when you are in such a bad condition?! Rest now!"

"Well, I was only worried—"

"I don't want to hear it. I would have been fine on my own for a few more days. You should worry about yourself. You need to rest right now," she said, dragging him towards his room.

"But you've had no food."


Daphne dragged Axel into the room he called his bedroom and pushed him on the bed. She once again realized how bad his condition was when he fell down easily despite trying to resist.

She then hoisted his legs on the bed as well, only to realize that he had been barefoot all this while and his feet were soiled due to the soil in the greenhouse.

"Merlin. You could have at least put on some slippers before coming for me," she said, applying a cleaning charm on his feet. Even though her demeanor appeared strict outside, her heart was being pierced by arrows. 'He really cares a lot about me.'

She proceeded to put pillows under his head and cover him with the quilt.

"You stay here. I'm bringing food," she ordered, before hurrying to the kitchen.


Axel obediently laid in bed, trying to peek over to see what she was making. Usually, whenever someone dares to orders him to do something, he makes a point to not do it, or even do the exact opposite. But strangely, he didn't feel like resisting right now.

Through the doorway, he could see Daphne busily working in the kitchen, having an apron tied around her waist. Cluttering sounds of kitchen equipment could be heard in the room, accompanied by the humming of a sweet voice.

He wasn't used to hearing any sound around here, but nestled comfortably in his bed, Axel felt like he could understand what Daphne meant when she said lonely.

Axel just Daphne cook, humming and swaying to herself as if in a great mood. She would occasionally eat some food herself, more to check the taste than to fulfill her appetite.

Soon, she came back with a piping hot stew and set in on the bedside.

"Come on, you have to eat while it's hot." She urged after finding him looking absentminded. She propped him up and adjust the pillows.

When Axel raised his hands to take the bowl, Daphne stopped him. "You aren't moving that hand under my watch. I'll feed you."

"I can eat with the other hand, you know."

"No you can't. I'm feeding you," she said, picking up the bowl and sitting on the bedside.

"Uh…you're being kind of forceful here—"

"Say ahh—"

Axel couldn't even protest properly before he had a spoonful of warm porridge in his mouth.

"Whthfff!" He said in protest with his mouthful.

"What? Is it too hot?" Daphne filled the spoon again and blew on it. "Here, it should be fine now."

As Axel tasted the food, the protest died down in his throat. He unwittingly ate another bite and was surprised. "How is it actually good?"

Daphne was surprised herself. "It is? Well, I did learn cooking in my non-rebellious phase,"

She had in fact been taught everything a perfect housewife should know so that she could be "sold" for the highest price. Daphne had really disliked everything she was taught but now she felt that it was all worth it if she could use it for Axel.

"Well it's good. But can you let me eat it myself?"

Daphne smiled, bringing another spoonful in front of his mouth. "I know you can do it on your own. But, can you please let me? Come on," she asked petulantly.

Axel sighed. "If you insist. But you should eat too."

Daphne shook her head. "I already ate while making this. I'm full," she said contentedly. Somehow, spending time with Axel like this… she really felt like she didn't need anything else.

"That wasn't much.."

"What?" Daphne looked at the doorway and suddenly realized that the kitchen was visible from here. "You were watching?" She asked, a slight blush covering her face, "A-Anyways, it was enough for me. Can you let me feed you now?"

Thus, Axel was propped up comfortably against bed while Daphne slowly fed him, one spoonful after another, a soft smile grazing her lips.

In the serene silence, both didn't say anything. They missed this, just being in each other's company. A lot. But they didn't say this. They didn't need to. Their feelings were deeply conveyed to one another.

Soon, the bowl was finished, and Daphne looked at the empty bowl with some complaint. It ended too soon.

"Now, shall we talk about removing that curse of yours?" Asked Axel, getting serious.

Daphne shook her head. "I think I'll be fine until you recover. More importantly, what are your plans for the future?"

"What plans?"

"I mean your hand. Are you really going to Atlantis to get it fixed?" She asked.

Axel nodded readily. "Of course. It's their fault to begin with." Strongest magical country, and they can't even handle one organisation. It really was their fault that Axel got involved in all this mess and injured his hand.

"But then, won't they force you to be the king or something? Do you really want that?" Daphne asked. She knew very well that Axel wouldn't want to be a king. While it may be a dream come true for others, she could just imagine him saying 'too much trouble'.

Axel shook his head. "They can't force me to do anything. But still, to avoid trouble, I have a plan."

With his uninjured hand, he brought out a shinning seashell from his pouch.

"What's this?" Daphne looked the thing in puzzlement.

"The Royal Emblem. They'll grant me any favour as long as I have this." Yep, it was the one his mother had given to Theron. No way he was going to let it rot in that fucker Theron's storage space.

Daphne understood his intentions. "So, does that mean you're not going as the prince?"

Axel nodded. "Exactly. I won't reveal my identity. At least not from the beginning. I'll have to see if I have to destroy on the Kraken or the Royal family as well."

Daphne's shoulders dropped. "But... that still means you're going...." She muttered.

Axel couldn't say no to that. "Yeah."

She put her hand on his. "Can you not go? Please? I just got you back."

"...You know I have to go. They'll keep coming after me," Axel's tone had hardened. There were few things he won't yield on, even to her puppy eyes.

Daphne sniffed. "Yes..... Yes I understand." She got up abruptly. "I'll get more food."

"I really don't need to eat more—" Axel tried to stop her but she was already gone, causing him to shake his head ruefully.

In the kitchen, Daphne forced herself to take a few deep breaths. 'Come on, Daphne! Get a hold of yourself!' She thought, mentally scolding herself.

Her feelings for Axel were too strong. She was scared that if she expressed too much, she might smother him. She understood the need to eliminate the Organisation, and she understood that he can take care of himself. But she still couldn't help but want him to stay safe with her.

'Act casual, act casual, act like you aren't imagining marrying him and having kids with him in the future.' She worried if she pushed too far he might shut her off.

To cool herself, Daphne went to the bathroom and took a cold bath. It calmed her nerves and made her more rational. Axel really does have to go. He is not a coward and he is not the one to hide and do nothing. Besides, she has faith in him to survive by any means.

When Daphne returned with another bowl of stew, she saw that Axel's eyes closed, already asleep. She smiled sadly. She would have liked to spend more time with him, but he deserved the rest.

Setting the tray on the bedside table, she just looked at Axel for a while. Her hand unwittingly rose up to gently run through his hair. "My angel…"

Of course it was him. Who else could it be? The angel who killed her father and brought her out of hell.

But it didn't change much for her. Daphne had already decided to dedicate the rest of her life thanking him for saving her sister.

What makes her restless is that there is nothing much she can do for him. She'll only end up bothering him even if she tries. All she can do is support him, and try her best to be less useless.

Daphne yawned tiredly. She only now realized just how sleepy she was. The Slumbershade she had consumed was still having effects on her. Looks like she needs to sleep as well.

'There were spare bedrooms, right?' She thought. Even though she wanted to spend more time with Axel, there was nothing she could do, could she?

Daphne leaned over and kissed Axel's forehead. "Sweet dreams," she whispered. She also kissed the two scars on his face. She liked them. They seem to only make him more handsome. Now that she knew how he got them, she appreciated them even more. Just as she was about to get away, a whiff of fragrance entered her nose.

This scent. Daphne drew another breath. Lavender.

Her teeth grounded. There was only one person they both knew that smelled like this.

'Why does he have that girl's scent on him?!'

Come to think of it, she was allowed near him while he had been resting all this while. He is clean and even his hair combed right.

Intense jealousy burned inside Daphne. While she had been trying to save herself from the curse, that bitch Martina was doing Morgana knows what to Axel. It was official. Daphne hates Martina.

'I can't let it stay there,' She decided. She hated even the thought of her scent staying on Axel. Without even thinking, Daphne climbed into bed and hugged Axel completely.

'What am I even doing?' She thought. She just wanted to erase Martina's scent off of him.

'This... this is too good!' But now she was in the bed hugging, she felt peace and comfort she had never felt before. She hated the fact that the bitch Martina might have been doing this while she was in the greenhouse, lying in dirt.

Daphne yawned again. There was no way she was going to move now. She simply didn't have the will to do it. 'Hopefully, he won't kill me when he wakes up,' he thought, before closing her eyes.

It won't be long before he leaves for Altantis to begin with, so she might as well make the best of the remaining time.


A.N.: Well, they did sleep together 🤥


Read Ahead: /Snollygoster

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