How To Raise Your Regressor

Chapter 149 - The Chronicles Of Mr. Cat

Chapter 149 - The Chronicles Of Mr. Cat

"Meow," he hit his face lightly with his paws, but there was absolutely no reaction.

Samur's eyes remained closed and he continued his dream in which he died in new and exotic ways.

"Meow!" He tried again, this time hitting him a bit harder.

"Mmm…" A response; Samur stirred, but instead of waking up, he just turned over thus pushing Mr. Cat off his chest.

"…" Mr. Cat looked at him and quietly sighed.

It didn't seem that he was going to wake up anytime soon.

Well, Samur had been working really hard for the past few days, to the point that he slept only 2 hours a day, so it was only natural that he was so tired that slept right away.

However, if he wants to sleep, he should sleep in his room on his bed and not in the garden.

What should he do now? Sleeping by Samur's side seemed like a good idea, but he wasn't sleepy enough to do so in a garden.

If he was big enough then he could have put Samur on his back and dropped him off in his room, but he wasn't at that stage yet so that was out of the question as well.

Should he keep watch and protect him? He was, after all, perhaps the man who held the key to winning the war against the Aggressors. No one else had managed to develop an Artificial Elixir.

No, the most logical thing to do here would be to get someone.

Though the result was less than stellar the last time he did that, he had learned from his previous mistakes; this time, he would fetch someone who could deal with this situation without making a big fuss about it.

And so, Mr. Cat left on his epic journey.

The first step was to leave this garden. While it sounded easy, it was anything but that; the garden was guarded by several guards, after all.

However, he had already found a solution to that; all he had to do was go through the gaps in the bushes. Since the guards weren't equipped with X-Ray vision goggles (this world wasn't that advanced, yet), they were completely bamboozled by this tactic.

Even in the worst-case scenario where he was caught, all Mr. Cat had to do was mewl at them cutely until they fell victim to his cuteness and let him go. That strategy worked every time.

And if he happened to be so unlucky that he encountered a heartless psychopath aka someone who took his job seriously, all he had to do was cancel the summoning magic spell and return to the Witch.

His plan was full proof.

So, with a prideful gait, Mr. Cat left on the epic adventure to find someone who'd take Samur to a room.

As planned, he went through the gaps in the bushes to pass through the guards. The tactic worked perfectly as not a single guard stopped him.

And so, he reached the castle building.

This area was a bit harder to clear. The hallways were constructed in such a way that there were very few places to hide, even for a cat.

He could use magic to hide himself, but the castle was fitted with devices that would immediately sense use of unauthorised magic. Within moments the entire castle guard would collapse on him.

In Samur's words, that won't be the most tactical decision.

Thankfully, Mr. Cat had long since memorised the guards' patterns and had found a small window which he could exploit.

His movements would have to be extremely precise, however; even a difference of a single second could spell his doom.

After watching a Guard reach the desired position, Mr. Cat moved. He was on the ground floor and had about 17 seconds to get to the second floor.

He dashed with the speed of wind and reached the first floor within 5 seconds. From there, he took another 5 seconds to reach the second floor.

He was fast as fuck.

17 seconds left; ample time to find the party hall.

As far as he knew, he had to take a left from the stair, then a right and then enter the third door on his right. He would have nothing to worry about once he entered the party venue; no one would question his existence there.

And so, following the map in his mind, Mr. Cat took a left. Quietly yet swiftly, he made his way to end of the hallway from where he'll have to take a right.

However, just as he was about to reach that end, he heard a set of footsteps from the hallway on the right.

He immediately stopped and dived behind a pillar to hide.

A fraction of a second after he did so, a guard appeared from that hallway and turned left, walking down the hallway Mr. Cat was currently in.

Why was there a guard here? The hallway should have been empty for another 12 seconds. Did the schedule change? Did the Princess increase the security of the castle?

Such questions resounded inside Mr. Cat's head, but he quickly stuffed them away. Now wasn't the time to think about such things; the guard was getting closer.

The pillar was narrow, so Mr. Cat shrank his body even further to hide his body, but even that couldn't completely conceal him perfectly.

A single glance by the guard and he'll be caught. He couldn't let that happen, not this late in the game.

His only option was to match the guards' movements; he had to shift his body in such a way that at every moment, the guard won't be able to see him behind the pillar.

The concept was based on parallax, in which the apparent position of an object changed depending the according to the line of sight it was viewed from.

In other words, even if an object wasn't actually behind another object, it could stay hidden as long it was in the same line of sight as the observer and the other object.

So, as the guard approached his position, Mr. Cat shifted his body according to his calculations regarding the guard's line of sight. The closer the guard got, the more the cat shifted.

Suddenly, right as he was about to cross the pillar, the guard stopped.

Mr. Cat gulped.

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