How To Raise Your Regressor

Chapter 141 - Hunting Dogs

Chapter 141 - Hunting Dogs

??Well, you got me there,?? Mr. Wanky McWanker sighed with a soft chuckle.


Very sed, but that's what life is all about, no? It's always unexpected.

??Or did you??? He suddenly grinned and snapped.


What the fuck is this little fuckface up to now?


[So this is your play, eh?]

??Get pranked, big gurl,?? he suddenly burst out laughing.

With that groan, Noelle, who had come back, as if her existence had never been erased, made her presence known.

However, there was something different about her.

Her hairs were dishevelled, her eyes were darting back and forth, her lips were bobbing up and down while muttering incomprehensible things.

[So she was in the Information Dimension.]


??And she's back,?? he grinned.

"N-Noelle? Are you alright?" Azell, who was beside her, caught the glass that had just fallen out of her hand and asked.

However, Noelle paid no attention to him.

Instead, her gaze was focused solely on me. She was staring intently at me just like last time, except that this time, the worry, care, rage et cetera had all vanished.

What had replaced it was… dread.

If she truly was in the Information Dimension, the place where the information of everything in the Universe was stored, then she might have gotten a new outlook on life.

An outlook that now allowed her to glimpse into my true identity.

"W-what… are you…?" She asked in a quiet, sacred whisper.

So for her, I'm no longer the little 12-year-old child she has to worry about and protect with her life, but an incomprehensible being that stands in a plane of existence she can't even begin to imagine.

The things she learned in the Information Dimension have allowed her to look at my true self.

Hmm, I wonder what she sees when she looks at me.

Should I ask her?

"What are you talking about?" Neia, true to her title as the medic dragon, saw that something was wrong and stepped in. "Look me in the eyes. Are you alright?"

However, Noelle, who resembled a crying child who had just seen the monster under its bed, continued staring at me.

Well, this sure has gotten out of hand.

"What do you see, Noelle?"

Anyway, let's first ask her.

For all we know, she might be in cahoots with the wanker inside my head and with this their elaborate play to get back at me.

Fucking assholes.

I hope they get their asses fucked by street dogs.


…Hot damn.

Please get off me, pervert.

??Well, whatever. Handle this woman now.??

[You think I will?]

??The choice remains yours, of course,?? he sneered again.

This guy sure got me this time.

But oh well, it's not like this is the first time.

"Oh well," I couldn't help but sigh (I sure have sighed a lot of times during this party; what has my life come to?).

Noelle is still staring at me. If looks could kill, then boy oh boy would I be enjoying my next life right now.


Anyway, since looks cannot kill, her constant staring is not only useless, it's also pretty annoying, so let's do something about her gaze.

Hmm, let's proceed with that plan (a plan which had been concocted within 2 seconds).

And so, I manipulated the mana around us using my DVH heart and attacked Noelle's consciousness with it.

The moment it invaded her mind, her eyes rolled back and she started falling down.

"Noelle!" Azell shrieked as he caught her before she hit the ground.

"Noelle!" Neia, Arteria and Vafferan's reactions were pretty much the same.

I was expecting some variety, like 'Sweetie!' or 'Babe!', but I guess that's too much for wankers like them.

"Why don't we take her someplace else?" I suggested.

I don't think treating an unconscious patient right in the middle of this party venue is the most tactical decision on our part.

Also, what if we have to do something that requires us to take our clothes off? I doubt exhibitionism is one of Noelle's hobbies, and even if it is, exhibitionists don't enjoy it unless they are conscious of other gazes.

??You sure know a lot.??

[Perks of being a professional transmigrator.]

I know everything.

"I'll contact the guards," Jennifer said as she gulped down the contents of her glass and went off.

Her alcohol was more important for her than our comrade; those were the signs of chronic alcoholism.

Maybe I should kick her off from Team Important People.

Time to send some people to her home to play a game of 'Stab Jennifer in the heart' and retrieve the Elixirs I gave her today.

Well, I can think about that later.

Let's focus on the panicking chickens aka my comrades right now.

"Calm down, she's just unconscious."

God, and I'm supposed to be the youngest here.

??They aren't even that panicked.??

[Maybe, but I'm still the calmest right now. They should learn something from me.]

Like, Azell had put her head on his lap and was keeping a watch on his surroundings with a sharp gaze, as if he'd slit the throat of anyone who looked even slightly suspicious.

Neia, our medic, was currently checking Noelle's condition, probably to see if she had been physically harmed or poisoned.

Vafferan seemed to be checking the contents of her glass to see if something foreign was mixed in it (I have no idea how though; for all I know she could just be staring at it because she had nothing better to do).

Arteria just stood there and nervously looked at Noelle, perhaps wondering what she could do to help.

??You'd sell her soul for a corn chip; you don't count.??

[Why do you have to personally attack me like that?]

Did they never teach him that one should never personally attack someone? Contrary to popular belief, it comes under 'Mental Assault' and is a punishable offence.

Let's sue this motherfucker.

??I AM right though.??

[I never said you were wrong. I'll just see you in court.]

Right or wrong, some things should never be said.

That's why whenever I see an exhibitionist, I just give them a nod and move on.

I mean, sure their hobby is gross, but who am I to judge?

In fact, do any of us have any right to judge anything about anyone?

Everyone is made differently; they each have different likes and dislikes, passions, ideals et cetera.

We have no idea what it's like to like a particular thing, or have a particular belief, because we don't have them.

So what right do we have to judge it? What right do we have to insult someone for having a particular hobby when we can't put ourselves in their shoes?

In other words, officer, you hate me only because you don't know what it's like to be a serial killer.

You are allowed to arrest me only after you try it for yourself; if you still don't like serial killing even after feeling the life slip away from your victim as they stare at you in desperation, then you're free to kill me.

??That was unexpectedly deep.??


??I truly wish the police officers would broaden their horizons before deciding what is a crime and what is not. I always hate it when they interrupt my work.??

[That's why I only kill officers.]

??Haha, good one.??

[Haha, right.]



??Let's move on.??


"You're right," Neia looked back at me. "She's just unconscious."

"Told ya."

Samur Medic Eckart.

Looks like Neia has finally found her successor.

I'm ready to follow in her steps and become a crippled child beater I mean an awesome medic.


If I say 'Crippled Child Beater', does that mean I'm someone who beats up children who are crippled, or am I a crippled psychopath who beats the shit out of children for fun?

This is getting confusing, let's just use Neia 2.0 as that's basically the same thing.

"We should take her somewhere with fewer eyes for now," Neia suggested as she covertly glanced at the various people who were also covertly glancing at us.

I also covertly glanced at them; it's important to keep up to new fads.

Can't be an old man now, can I?

"Ms. Jennifer is arranging a room for us."

Hmm, now that I think about it, what if she used that as a pretence to get more champagne for herself?

Can't trust alcoholics.

Should I find a guard myself?

"I'm back," Jennifer suddenly appeared with some guys in tow.

Huh, looks like she was actually looking for a room. I'm proud of her.

"We'll take her to the medical room," one of those guys (who were garbed in white robes), said. "Please follow us."

With that, they put the stretcher down, put Noelle on it and towed her away.

Azell, Neia and Vafferan went with her.

"Let's go, brat," Arteria said as she patted my shoulder on her way out.


??Anyway, I'll be taking my leave as well.??

[Oh? So soon? Looks like your break is up.]


??Nah. I just have to deal with your hunting dogs.??

Oh my.

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