How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 297: Explosion (1)

Chapter 297: Explosion (1)

“What on earth were you thinking when you did that?”


It had been exactly two weeks since I had delivered that satisfying slap to Hiriya’s cheek.

In response to Rina’s question, I answered in a brusque voice. Currently, Rina and I were heading towards the teleportation device installed in the royal palace.

As you might have guessed, we were scheduled to depart for the Kingdom of Ters.

Not only did I slap a princess in full view of numerous onlookers, but I was also being dragged away almost like a criminal.

No matter how much Hiriya insulted Adelia, the moment I laid a hand on her, the game was over.

After all, I was merely the son of a baron’s family, while Hiriya was a princess.

In my previous life, I had often seen power being used to suppress wrongdoings, and in a place where titles existed, it was bound to be even worse. If anything, it would be more severe.

“Things are hectic now, but if there had been time, it could have been resolved. Taking away a man already engaged makes no sense, even to us. If we had waited a little longer, someone from the Kingdom of Ters might have stopped it.”

“That’s just a possibility. Should Adelia Noona have tolerated being insulted about her parents?”

“There’s that, but… Sigh. Hiriya probably wanted this to happen. What do we do now…”

Rina, rubbing her forehead as if the thought alone gave her a headache, was clearly more troubled than I was. For her, it was like a bolt from the blue, and she was in a more difficult position.

I felt a pang of guilt and gave a bitter smile, recalling the incident from two weeks ago. Specifically, right after I slapped Hiriya.

With a crisp, clear sound, Hiriya’s head turned to the left, and a deathly silence fell over the area, accompanied by a few gasps.

After that, I declared to Hiriya, loud enough for only her to hear, that I was Xenon. Naturally, her reaction was one of utter bewilderment.

It was immensely satisfying to see Hiriya touching her cheek with a bewildered expression, but the problem was that there were too many witnesses.

Hiriya couldn’t just let it slide, so she officially lodged a complaint, prompting a response from the startled Minerva Empire.

“By the way, this is a personal issue. Why do you have to go too?”

I asked Rina, who seemed troubled. As I pointed out, this was a personal matter, and the Minerva Empire could have chosen to ignore it.

It’s a common tactic in politics, known as cutting off a problematic branch. And it’s quite fitting in this situation.

Even though a noble from our country made a mistake, this is strictly a personal issue. There’s no need for the royal family to get involved.

Moreover, the Michelle family doesn’t belong to any particular faction. Even though the Minerva Empire appears peaceful on the surface, it is divided into two main factions.

There’s the royal family and the Duke of Requilis, which include Rina and Marie. Then there are the nobles of the count rank, who currently wield the most power.

In actual history, counts often wield more practical power than dukes or marquises, except for margraves who essentially command armies.

In this scenario, the Michelle family doesn’t belong to either side and lives independently.

“You’re engaged to Marie. In essence, you’re allied with us.”

“Shouldn’t the counts be the ones keeping us in check? There hasn’t been any trouble so far.”

“They’re probably just watching for now. The moment you and Marie get married and we grant you a title, there will be countless checks. However, it’s tricky to curb the Michelle territory as it’s developing into a rare cultural city within the empire.”

Even as a cultural city, it would be difficult to curb because of my father’s presence. Once they realize my father is the Red Lion, they’ll be more cautious.

Especially since my father’s prestige in the military during his active duty was higher than most knights. Touching him is akin to challenging the entire military.

“Got it.”

“How does someone who ‘gets it’ slap a princess? Do you know how shocked we were? When I first heard it, I thought it was someone else, not you.”

Rina’s uncharacteristic grumbling showed she was genuinely surprised. After all, I’m not the type to slap anyone, let alone a princess from another country.

The more serious issue is that Princess Hiriya’s presence at the academy is for diplomatic exchanges with the empire. There were even rumors that she was there for a potential marriage with Leort.

Sending a princess with full goodwill, only for some baron’s son, who hasn’t even inherited a title, to slap her?

This is a matter that could turn not just Ters, but even Minerva upside down. Both the Kingdom of Ters and the Minerva Empire have grounds to hold me accountable for my actions.

However, seeing that only Rina, the highest authority, is with me, and no one else, it’s clear this is a case of cutting off the problem. Although Adelia and other bodyguards are accompanying us, it doesn’t hold much significance.

If I weren’t Xenon, I would have no defense against an immediate execution in the Kingdom of Ters. In the worst-case scenario, it could even lead to war.

An insult and assault on a leader is an excellent pretext for conflict.



“Can you handle the consequences? Judging by what you brought, it seems you’ve made up your mind.”

Rina gestured towards my hand with her chin. In my hand was a parcel containing the manuscript of Xenon’s Biography.

As she suggested, I had already made a firm decision when I revealed my identity to Hiriya. However, I need to gauge how to proceed depending on the situation.

When I told Hiriya, I made sure no one else could hear. At this point, only Hiriya knows my identity.

Even after getting slapped, she didn’t confront me but fled. It was a scene that could easily make her seem like a tragic heroine, drawing even more attention.

Regardless, the turning point will depend on whether Hiriya has told her family about it. If the Ters royalty reacts harshly…

‘No, I hit her first, so it’s unavoidable.’

It would be inevitable for them to react aggressively. This is something to be considered, so it’s best to wait and see.

Bringing the draft is a precaution in case I’m cornered or if they respond unreasonably.

Even though I slapped the princess, a reasonable person would consider the circumstances.

However, given their likely denial of Adelia’s existence, the chance of them responding harshly is ‘very’ high. The draft is not just insurance; it’s also a weapon.

“I’ve made my decision. But if the Ters royal family imposes a reasonable punishment, I’m willing to overlook it.”

“To what extent?”

“Enough for me to bow my head? Anyway…”

I paused and looked around. We were currently in the waiting room of the teleportation facility.

The teleportation device requires mutual interaction to activate, but for some reason, likely a delay on the Ters Kingdom’s part, it’s taking longer than expected.

So, it was just Rina and me in the waiting room. However, I wasn’t sure if the room was soundproofed.

“You don’t need to worry about soundproofing.”

“Thanks. I already told Princess Hiriya in a fit of anger that I’m Xenon. I’m not sure if she’ll believe me, though.”

“Hmm… I see. We’ll find out once we get there. From what I’ve heard, the Ters Kingdom is quite taken aback as well. They’ll probably want to hear the full story.”

Knock knock knock

As soon as Rina finished speaking, there was a knock at the door. Even though the room was soundproof, it seemed everything was ready.

Without hesitation, we both stood up. To lighten the mood, I decided to crack a joke.

“If I reveal that I’m Xenon, what will you do?”

“I’ll marry you. It’s not just my decision; Father will insist on it. You expected that, right?”

Rina replied with a wink, maintaining a calm demeanor. However, while she seemed composed on the outside, the idea of being used as a ‘tool’ wasn’t something she’d welcome.

From what I’ve observed, Rina is self-driven and proactive, unlike most women of this era. She is too talented to be used merely as a pawn in a political marriage.

“If you want, we can keep it platonic. You can just take the title.”

“Why not? I don’t have anyone else I fancy, so being with you works for me too. And…”

Rina trailed off, her expression turning thoughtful. Her cheeks started to blush faintly, likely lost in her own thoughts again. Given her tendency to spy on and fantasize about my relationships with other women, she was probably daydreaming.

“…I can see it.”


“Nothing, forget it.”

With a mysterious smile on her reddened face, Rina continued in her characteristic elegant tone.

“At least, to my eyes, there’s no one as exceptional as you.”

“You’re serious?”

“I am.”

“No ulterior motives?”

“…None at all?”

Although her response was delayed, I decided to let it slide.


The Kingdom of Ters is unmistakably synonymous with ‘culture’. It’s often called the cultural nation because of its formidable cultural power.

There’s a reason why most people, even elves, refer to the Kingdom of Ters as the cultural powerhouse.

While Alvenheim is considered the cradle of all civilization, the Kingdom of Ters is the first nation where humans established their own civilization.

One must ponder the scope of ‘culture’. Culture encompasses various aspects such as language, customs, religion, academia, arts, institutions, history, technology, and more. Given the diversity of these categories, even scholars differ in their interpretations.

In this context, the Kingdom of Ters, or more precisely its precursor state, is where human culture originated.

Unlike Earth, where humanity spread across the globe creating diverse civilizations, this world has the presence of monsters.

For ancient humans, who couldn’t use mana, monsters were walking disasters. Lower-tier monsters like goblins, gnolls, and orcs could be managed with bare hands, but they hit a wall with ogres.

Due to these chronic issues, humans chose ‘safety’ over exploration and only defended their established civilizations without thinking of venturing out.

However, the narrative changed as culture and faith emerged, technology and science developed, and humans learned to wield mana.

Monsters, once considered disasters, became manageable threats. Society progressed, leading to internal conflicts within civilizations.

This era saw ‘exiles’ or ‘pioneers’ breaking away from established civilizations to form new ones, eventually leading to the birth of numerous nations.

Despite this, aspects like clothing, customs, religion, and technology retained similarities because they originated from the same cultural seed.

Through events like the devil war, the emergence of demon race, and racial war, a vast amount of time has passed. Yet, scholars unanimously agree that the Kingdom of Ters is unparalleled culturally and symbolically as the birthplace of human culture. It is where humans, much like elves, found their pride.

Alvenheim, the starting point of all civilizations, can also be seen as a cultural nation. However, the Kingdom of Ters stands out because there are more human nations than those of other races.

Thus, while its symbolism is undeniable, the Kingdom of Ters has continually advanced its culture, improving the quality of life for its citizens.

Even the militarily powerful Minerva Empire can’t easily subjugate the Kingdom of Ters, knowing full well that any forced domination would face fierce resistance from its citizens.

To gradually undermine Ters, they have been nurturing numerous talents, including artists, and leveraging economic power to lure away these talents. However, the culture of Ters remains robust.

There was an incident, such as the Jairos Revolution, where Ters’s culture nearly crumbled due to internal missteps, but fortunately, it was managed well for now.

However, since the Jairos Revolution occurred during the reign of the previous king, it hasn’t been completely resolved.

Although the issue might seem fixed, like a nail removed from wood leaving a hole and causing surrounding cracks, lingering instability remained within Ters.

Currently, what Ters fears most is none other than Xenon’s Biography. This work surpasses cultural significance, and Ters is making every effort to secure it.

If Xenon were to be lured away by another country, especially the Minerva Empire, it could not only be a disaster but significantly increase the chances of an invasion.

As of now, Xenon’s Biography has infiltrated so deeply that it’s harder to find someone who hasn’t read it, and prominent artists are even showcasing related works in exhibitions.

An empire that crumbles from external attacks can rise again, but one that collapses from within has no chance of recovery.

Having learned this harsh truth from the Jairos Revolution, the Kingdom of Ters sees securing Xenon as an indispensable choice.

And the person who nearly jeopardized this effort and risked the downfall of the kingdom was none other than…

‘It can’t be. It just can’t be. How could someone like that…’

Princess Hiriya, the second princess of the Kingdom of Ters, who was slapped by the furious Isaac.

Since her return to Ters, Hiriya has confined herself to her room, refusing to come out.

This was because Isaac’s words, as he slapped her, kept echoing in her mind all day long.

More than the derogatory term, it was his angry declaration that he was Xenon.

In less than a day, the certainty she clung to shattered and fell apart in her mind.

‘What if he really is Xenon? No, that can’t be. There’s no proof that that redhead is Xenon. But if he said it to my face, there’s a high chance it’s true, right?’

The swelling on her cheek had long subsided, but over the two weeks, Hiriya’s appearance had rapidly deteriorated.

Despite eating properly and receiving care from her maids, Hiriya’s mind remained preoccupied with thoughts about Isaac and his potential identity as Xenon.

No matter how well she was taken care of, it was pointless if she couldn’t sleep properly. This was evidenced by the dark circles under her eyes.

While she could cover them with makeup she detested, it wouldn’t make much of a difference.

‘Please, let it not be true. If it is, I…’

Hiriya bit her nails anxiously. If Isaac truly was Xenon, both she and the Kingdom of Ters would be in grave danger.

One letter from Isaac could incite significant unrest among the people of Ters, potentially leading to an event even more catastrophic than the Jairos Revolution.

If that happened, the kingdom would gradually crumble from within, while the Minerva Empire would slowly devour the divided remnants.

Terrifying. Catastrophic. Completely doomed. Her mind was filled with all sorts of negative thoughts.

‘Should I have told them?’

She hadn’t informed her family about the possibility of Isaac being Xenon. She only explained the circumstances leading to her slap.

Naturally, her family, excluding Lara, vowed to make Isaac pay dearly. If things continued this way, they might severely insult and threaten him.

If an enraged Isaac then revealed himself as Xenon and provided proof…

Knock knock knock

“Princess Hiriya, the guests have arrived at the palace.”

While imagining the worst-case scenarios, a maid quietly delivered the news, knocking on the door.

Startled, Hiriya lifted her head from beneath the covers.

The stress of the past weeks was evident, with dark circles deeply etched under her eyes.

“They’ve arrived? Did you say they just arrived?”

“Yes. Also, the Crown Prince has instructed you to attend the upcoming trial.”

“Ah, I understand. I’ll be out shortly.”

“Do you need help with your makeup?”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll do it myself and come out.”

Hiriya hurriedly covered her dark circles, hoping that would be enough. Without even straightening her clothes, she leapt out of bed.

‘Please, let it not be true…’

Is this what it feels like to walk willingly into hellfire?

‘If it really is true…’

If Isaac truly is Xenon.

‘…Then I’ll have to sacrifice myself.’

She was willing to become his plaything if it meant saving her kingdom.

Translators note:

Bitch, he not interested in that

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