How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 715

- Episode 82

Episode 82

After that, Arell headed to the place he had prepared for the lecture. Even just looking at Pena, he could see that he was excited.

“… … Arell is so excited.”

I mean he likes to sneak out.

With a faint smile as if she couldn't help it, Pena took a moderate walk around the academy.


I felt a strange sense of discomfort.

Maybe only she can notice.

“government ordinance?”

In the world, Arel's name as a wife seems to be higher, but she is a natural elementalist in her own way.

Because she was like that, she immediately recognized the sense of incongruity.

Someone is using elemental magic.

“Who is it?”

But when I heard the explanation from Arel, there must have been no department related to spiritism at the academy?

It's the Mage's Tower that's in charge of magic, and in the first place, the main purpose of this place is learning and culture.

Feeling incongruent, Pena moved away without even realizing it.

Well, basically, an escort is also attached. There was also a thought that if this level of presence would be nothing special.

and… … .

“ruler! Those who want to obey the order of nature are calling. Come out quickly.

A being with the energy of Mother Nature!”

Draw Jin with a strange phenomenon and pretend in front of it! I saw a girl with a plain impression of about 15 who was waving her arms wide and shouting something.

‘wow… … What is he doing?'

… … I felt like I saw something I shouldn't have seen.

I did know one thing though.

“you. Are you practicing spiritism?”


As if she hadn't expected someone to hear it, Fena sighed lightly as the young lady screamed grotesquely and pointed towards the summoning station.

“Will it fail if I leave that summoning circle as it is?”

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?! Now hold on!”

His concentration was already distracted, and a strange light was flowing from the summoning circle.

And as Pena predicted, the iridescent light flowing from the summoning circle soon became cloudy, and then something strange came out.

“oh! That’s what happens when you fail.”

“What?! At this rate... …

As the young lady panicked, Pena sighed.

I waved my finger lightly.

“Sele. Nelphie.”

As soon as the names of the two spirits are called, the two spirits materialize as if they had waited.

Embers and wind swayed, and then a fairy with blue wings similar in size to a lizard holding fire appeared.

A wind spirit that she recently contracted with Sele, the spirit of flame. My nickname is Nelphie.

The two spirits read Pena's will and flew vigorously to execute the command.

Flames and wind engulf the summoning circle from which the strange object churns out.

“Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Fire fire!”

“Calm down, it’s nothing.”

Forgetting face, he patted the frightened young lady on the shoulder and reassured Pena as if it was okay.

The flame burns fiercely, but does not spread further. It's because of the wind wall that Nelphi controls.

and that flame.

Again, Sele sucked it all in and swallowed the burning substance back.

“huh. It's sorted out.”

What she did was to burn away all the objects that were mistakenly leaked due to the summoning failure.

The lady whose summoning failed blinked blankly, as if she had finally understood it.

row? But who are you?”

Well, I guess I should explain that.

Pena sighed.

There will be no lengthy self-introduction. Upon hearing Pena's name, the young lady's complexion immediately turned blue, and she trembled and lowered her head.

“Sorry! Stop being rude?”

“are you okay. Rather, I'm sorry that I interrupted the ceremony.”

“Oh no… … If Pena-sama didn't come, it would probably have failed.”

The young lady who spoke in a somewhat insecure tone.

“Ah, sorry for the late introduction. My name is Ilya Ranfelst, the second daughter of the Ranfelst family.”

The Ranfelst family... … I don't know.

Not even Arel, he probably won't be able to remember all the faces of everyone.

I'm sorry to say that I don't know. Pena slightly changed the topic.

In fact, there are things that I care about separately.

“By the way, Ilya? That strange attitude and way of talking... … What was it?”

What was that bizarre posture and way of speaking when practicing spiritism? Pena hadn't even guessed there.

” yes'?”

However, Ilya made a face that made me wonder why Pena didn't know.

“They say it’s natural for a Elementalist?”

“huh? What do you mean?”

As a spirit sage, this is something I have never heard before.

“but… … in this book... …

Illia pointed to the spirit book that seemed to be used as a textbook while flustered.

I heard that it is difficult to find books on spiritism.

In the past, when the Zelnian Kingdom was a strong country, it was particularly hostile and oppressive.

It must have been because each kingdom tried not to touch it after that.

I have never been able to find books related to Penado. Even if there is no book in the first place, there is Arel.

“There is something like this these days… … Eh?”

Pena, who received the book in a curious mood and opened it, frowned in half-absurdity.

< Nothing is well known about spiritism. >< However, it seems that there are some spiritists who have acted strangely in the past. >< Maybe it's related'? >< Yes! Perhaps the spirits are attracted to cool poses and behavior. >< So, if you're not sure, why don't you try bluffing? >What bullshit is this?

It's a mess. It is rare that the theory of spiritism coincides with what Pena knows, but the most speculative thing was this kind of nonsense.

“You can’t believe this and follow it?”

“Am I wrong?”

Only then did Pena feel sorry.

Even if it was a messy book, Illia would have no way of knowing its authenticity.

I see… … . Did he just follow the embarrassing content without questioning it?

Somehow, I also felt pity.

“I think it's at least largely off the beaten track.”

“is that so… …

Ilya only sulked after hearing Pena's point.

“With my words… … I thought the pose was cool.”

Cancel what you thought was pity.

After all, I can't understand the emotions of young people... … .

“But Pena-sama also looked great on the battlefield and in various places in the past… … I heard.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

More than that, I hope you don't bring up useless stories about your past.

It's embarrassing to be honest.

Looking back now, I thought it was quite shameless.

“But if it was all in vain… …

Ilya was embarrassed and cried.

If it meant suffering, there would be no way to avoid sympathy, but somehow the atmosphere was strange.

Should I be a little more desperate?

Being nervous, Pena tried to ask more about the circumstances, but... … .

.what's going on?”

Her words were interrupted by the sound of unfamiliar footsteps.

Perhaps it was a bit of a commotion, but someone was coming this way.

It was a man who appeared to be in his mid-40s. Judging by his outfit, he must be a professor working at the academy here.

“I don’t know who it is, but I don’t remember permission to use this place… … Ilya?”

He recognized Ilya and narrowed his brows.

And Ilya flinched for some reason and died as it were.

“Ah father… …


As if Pena was unexpected, he was a little surprised. Maybe Ilya was the daughter of a professor who works here.

“I told you not to call me that outside, but… … Hmm? you... …

He tried to warn her, but when he realized Pena's existence, he sent his gaze away, then opened his eyes wide as if somewhat startled, and hurriedly bowed.

“Excuse me. My name is Chelford Ranfelst. If I have caused any inconvenience, I will formally apologize afterwards.”

“no. there's nothing to say about that. … … But this child.”

“yes. It's a shame, but this is my daughter. Did it cause any harm to you'?”

It may have been in a sense, but Pena shook her head that it was not necessary.

I had no intention of acting so rudely as to blame the child.

“no. I was just a little bit interested, so I just bothered him.”

“Is that so.”

Of course, he wouldn't have listened to it straight away.

He looked around and sighed as he understood what Ilya had done.

“Is it spirit magic again?”

That though... …

“Didn’t I tell you to quit? What is this like? You are a nuisance to others.”

Ilya was completely intimidated and unable to speak.

Pena, who was watching, wondered if his admonition was a little too much, but she didn't intervene.

In the meantime, the reprimand continues.

“I should have told you, but you don’t have the qualities to excel as a Elementalist.”

But it was a bit unpleasant.

‘Hmm? Do you speak well?'

Pena refrained from interfering as much as possible.

“If you understand, do what I said last time… …

“Are you telling me to give up spirit magic?…

“Okay, graduate seriously.

It seems like a good story will come out with the Marquis of Gamels as well.”

In short, it means to prepare for marriage.

It can be said that it is a very common phrase in the aristocratic family.

However, if you look at Ilya's expression, you can tell that there is not even the slightest hint of her own will mixed into it.

Pena was worried.

It is right not to intervene.

But this discomfort that started a little while ago... … .

‘I see… … That was it... …

The child recalled his childhood.

Not related but... … I don't know if I felt a sense of kinship as the same Elementalist.

then… … .

Pena decided to quietly interfere a bit.

“I wonder if these are things worth talking about right now.”

Interference to do it in moderation. I said it back, but you will understand enough.

He must be aware that it is not something to say in front of others, much less.

“Excuse me. You showed me what I couldn’t see.”

“It's not like that, but it doesn't matter as long as you don't show a fuss anymore.”

Chelford, too, seemed to understand properly, and withdrew meekly.

“… … Get it sorted out.”

“… … yes.”

Ilya just kept his head down and said nothing.

I can't help but ask after seeing this.

As Pena quietly looked away, Ilya began to explain as if he couldn't help it.

“He just… … Is your father disapproving of your training in spiritism?”


At least that doesn't seem to be the case.

Part of the conversation a while ago was bothering me, but I roughly understood it.

“I understand. I understand. Ugh. Anyway, this won't change?”

“???? yes?”

“So you're training spiritism to be recognized?”

Pena gives a warm gaze as if she knows everything.

But what does Ilya really mean? He made a blank face as if he didn't understand.

“It’s not really like that. If it was right, it might be right, but there is another reason why I want to learn spiritism.”

“oh? then?”

“… … That is what it is.”

Somehow hesitating to speak.

Pena nodded lightly to mean that it was okay. I have the confidence that I won't be shaken no matter what the reason for this happened anyway.

Above all, isn't her current family overflowing with all sorts of quirks?

Once again, even if this kid gives some strange reason, I wonder if it will really come into my ears.

“line… … Actually, I like spirits.”

“I see… …

“That’s good????? ah?????? That might sound a little strange.”

somehow hesitant

Saying it doesn't matter, Pena calmly listened. So even if it's okay Because I have the confidence that I won't blink an eye no matter what reason I tell you anyway.

“I think spirits are the best.”


“The spirits that Pena-nim showed me were also wonderful… …


It's kind of strange. The emotions accumulated through Pena's experiences so far speak.

that the senses have come

“Especially that fire spirit… … Are you a seller? As for the smooth and warm scales, surely it wouldn’t be fun to stroke them, right?”

Mandible! Mandible! People who simply say that spirits are cute won't say anything.

This has definitely come to mind.

Certainly this is a gimmick.

I'm not happy about that... … .

“Anyway, I think spirits are the best! Yes?!”

“… … Do I have to agree to that?!”

If I sympathize with this, I feel like I'm losing something as a human being.

‘As expected, he's a strange kid.'

What would he have said if Arel was here instead? I might have hit that idiot in the back of the head right away.

In any case, it is necessary to reverse the thinking of that fool who has fallen into his own world now.

Come on, get out of your dreams.

“… … Nelphie, go and make her feel better.”

Nelphy shakes his head.

Do you instinctively think that something is creepy?

Perhaps failing in spiritism isn't simply a theory that's wrong, but maybe spirits are avoiding it? How

a former pro

sucks honey

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