How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 706

- Episode 73 of the Gaiden

Episode 73

The relationship between the different races.

Even if it wasn't very friendly, it wouldn't have been a tough relationship to the extent that they could easily bleed each other.

[Though it will change over time.]

Let's do it. After hundreds of years, perceptions will naturally change.

“… … teacher. What are you going to do now?”

[I need to think about it. It wouldn't be a very good idea for you to stay here all the time.]

“Yeah. Think hard. gulp.”

Hetia seemed to be at ease, as if she liked it. I'm just watching while eating something.

[Yanmar… … You also have a habit of rolling your head.]

“No. Because it’s annoying to use your head.”

[ha… … I give you advice, but later you grow up and suffer? If you don't roll your head around, only the same guys will gather around you.]

“Ah~ again… … saying something strange.”

Hetia frowns as if the sermon is annoying.

You will really suffer from thoughtless things around you in the future, but that is only a story in the very distant future.

[But it's not very good... … .]


[It's ambiguous if you dare to stay.]

It doesn't matter if you stay for a few days, but as time passes, someone will doubt Hetia's whereabouts.

It seems difficult to settle down.

[From what I've heard, the smell of blood seems to be less on the shore where the mermaids are staying.]

“Yes. I will.”

It was about time to devise a suitable plan.

“???? uh'?”

Hetia, who has bright ears, reacted first. Even after that, Cressel immediately sensed the abnormality.

[what… … That dwarf kid is talking nonsense.]

The reason why he said strange things. It is because of what is currently happening on one side of the city's walls.

Dust rises from beyond with a roar


It didn't sound like a simple accident. Obviously the cause of the destruction was outside the city, not the city.

[Is it an attack… … You really look like you can smell the bloody smell.]

“Teacher. how will we do it?”

[Let's look at the situation first. Hide on the street where you won't be seen just in case.]


As it was, Hetia deftly made her way through the chaotic crowd and headed for the scene.

Hide yourself in an area that can be identified even with her eyesight and observe the situation.

Those who launched an attack from outside the broken wall are pressing in.

“A cow’s head? Are there guys like horses? Are they of the same race?”

[Minotaur-kun. The guys with horse-like lower bodies next to them are called Centaurs.]

Cressel told Hetia, who was seeing them for the first time, their identities one by one.

[But that dwarf kid. What's wrong with those two people? I was very openly cooperating and sitting down... … .]

“What? Did the old man lie?”

[Well, that's probably not it.]

When Cressel judged, there was no lie in the story the dwarf said.

[Originally, depending on the occasion, even bad friends hold hands. It's a common occurrence.]


Hetia puts on an expression that doesn't quite understand yet.

Anyway, Cressel said let's wait and see.

If you get caught, jump out right away.

Don't forget to say that either.

[But it's not good.]

As they watched, the situation was not very good.

Unexpected surprise and unexpected enemy combination.

The Centaur pushes forward using its mobility, and the Minotaur pushes the Dwarf guards who have become confused.

[They know how to use each other as badly as they do... … .]

You know the specs of your hateful enemies better than your clumsy allies.

[The damage must be quite large.]

If I do something wrong, this city might fall. Or even if it doesn't, it will cause great damage.

“How to?”

[…] … Well, that's okay.]

However, he didn't tell Hetia what to do.

It is deliberately silent.

[Hetia. It's up to you to decide from here.]

I lend you the knowledge, but I have no intention of taking away the right to make decisions.

[Either get out of here quickly… … Or they help, that's none of my business.]

They give opinions, but they don't make decisions.

[I am, at best, nothing more than a dead skeleton head. So make your decision.]

One day, when Cressel is free, this little boy will be left alone.

Even in preparation for that time, you must give yourself the mind to decide.

I don't have the heart to boast of being a teacher, but I mean to do the minimum duty.

[What do you want to do?]

You can run away, but you don't have to. Are there any wrong choices?

“If it’s dangerous, we can help.”

Hetia made the choice without hesitation.

“Because I don’t mind running away more than anything!”

[Hmm… … Yes, that's your personality.]

It's like an old man watching his grandson's actions and evaluating them.

If you decide, don't object.

[good night. Do it your way. If anything goes wrong, I'll give you some advice. Hahahahaha!]

As soon as permission was granted, Hetia quickly jumped.

Hetia, who rushed all the way, lightly kicked the Minotaur, who was about to strike the ax at the Dwarf soldier.


A sound that might be a little cute rather than powerful.

Tung behind this! A light tapping sound would suit it.


What really rang out was the roar of the rock being blown down by Homsa Temple.


Just like that, the Minotaur's back thumped! It fell out with an ominous sound.

It's not dead, but it will be difficult to rise again right away.

[Please adjust a little more. that is breathtaking If you do it wrong, it will explode.]

“It is surprisingly fragile… …

Amid the astonished glances, only Cressel evaluated it calmly.

The decisive reason why he did not force the option of running away in the first place.

[…] … If it's you, you can defeat it enough.]

It's because they can't be Hetia's enemies.

This kid is strong.

From the moment of birth, it possesses qualities that go beyond the common sense of creatures.

Plus, more than anything else, the things that this little boy hunted once in a while after he found him.

Among them, monsters that even those of different races could not easily handle were sometimes mixed.

… … Hetia herself did not know that fact.

“Ha ha ha! jump on it anyway do you wanna fight yes?”

Hetia lightly flicked her hand and provoked the rest of the enemies.

It wasn't intentional, but it would shake their pride.

“red. You talk well about things that hit gaps.”

One of the centaurs boldly stepped forward, overtaking his hesitant brethren.

Of course, it wasn't that he couldn't see through Hetia's power because his eyes were gnarled.

So I had to do it on purpose.

If you do something wrong, the morale of your people will be broken.

“There is no need to be arrogant about breaking a cow head. I will deal with you personally.”

The centaur swung the spear he was holding round and round, showing off his majesty as if to show off.

“Malok, the best centaur warrior, will deal with you!”

And the people of his country cheered as if in response to his momentum.

But Hetia just stared blankly at him.

“so? When are you going to run? best warrior? huh? when?”

“red… … I'll shut that mouth soon.”

The centaur Mallok stamped his feet with his hard hooves and charged at Hetia.

don't be careless

It's a surprise attack, but it's strong enough to neutralize the Minotaur at once.

If you clumsily careless, on the contrary, it was your intuition that it was you who would fall out.

“I don't know what he is, but I'll subdue him first and ask him slowly.”

On the other hand, Hetia, who confronted Malloc, is surprisingly calmly staring at her opponent.

[Centaurs are fast, especially leg strength. At least don't get hit or stepped on.]

“… … then. not hit or not? Is it okay if I escape and lose?”

[You say it well.]

In the meantime, Malok rushed right in front of Hetia.

“Be prepared!”

Their specialty is the rushing power based on solid leg strength.

It is the same as when knights mount their horses and throw out their lances. However, these words themselves are the same as their own bodies.

From his formidable rushing power to his free will above all else.

“It is over.”

There is no one who can withstand this sting.

‘It doesn't matter if I avoid it.'

Even if you avoid it, you can respond right away.

‘ hmm?'

However, during that short period of time, Malloc had a question.

For some reason, that little guy doesn't avoid it.

In the face of their charge, the enemy's action was usually to circumvent or otherwise evade.

But it doesn't even budge.

‘no way??????

When he realized it, the spear he fired had already reached Hetia right in front of his nose.

Hetia silently stretched out her arms at the spear.

And I grabbed it without hesitation.


It is impossible to hold the spear of a charging centaur with bare hands.

All that remains is a future that has been blown out and shattered.

But nothing goes as he thinks.


Hetia's little spirited voice.

And Malloc's vision flipped.


can not understand. But when he saw what was reflected in his own vision, he could not help but realize.

Surprisingly, the kid actually grabbed Malok's spear with both hands.

That was not enough, so he threw it upwards.


Nor is it technology. made possible by pure force and compulsion.

No, there is no way to try more than that.

If your hand slipped even a little bit, wouldn't it be pierced by the spear and shattered?

Don't you even know how precious your life is?

Or are you just that brave?

However, his thoughts were cut short there.

Hetia jumps towards him who is overturned in the air.

be stupid

The fist that was swinging was the last thing Mallok saw.


With a roar, the centaur's massive body crashed into the stone wall and collapsed together.

“after. Simple, right? yes?”

Opening her clenched fist, Hetia briefly spoke only about that fact.

All the other guys have already gone crazy.


“Did you just see it? Did that little boy catch Mallok's spear and throw it?”

“Is that possible?”

Confused, they didn't notice. The moment Hetia grabbed the spear, her arm strangely changed... … wrapped in black scales.

“so? Who's next?”

Hetia just calmly waved her hand as if asking who the next one would jump on.

“what… … Called?”

“Who's going to attack next? hmm? Does anyone care?”

The attitude that it doesn't matter if you attack as much as you like. It didn't matter if I beat everything up.

But nobody steps out.

The guys who were talking about courage just a moment ago can't stand up against a kid who looked down on them like that.

It has to be.

Now, they are looking at the guy who just suffered in vain.

thinking soberly.

How can you overcome the monstrous power of catching the spear of a centaur charging with all your might and throwing it straight upwards?

“Heh heh! Now, it is a fluke.”

Even though I do my own tricks.

“There is no need to be frightened just because you have been bitten by a horse.”

The one who stepped out was one of the Minotaurs.

“I'll show you that I'm not like that braggart Malloch.”

He stood in the way of Hetia.

“You seem to be a bit confident in your strength, but if that’s the case, then we… …



I can't even listen to the end anymore

As Hetia lightly swung her fist, the Minotaur was also buried alongside Malok.

“Is the Lord dead?”

“… … I didn't kill him.”

Hetia replied dissatisfiedly, but he probably wouldn't even listen.

“Then what next?”

Again, I ask calmly.

This time, no one will step out.

“… … surrender.”

Whoever said that first? They lay down their weapons one by one without anyone protesting.

[Well, that's a wise decision.]

While Cressel muttered softly, Hetia still made a face that seemed to be incomprehensible. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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