Hollywood What If

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

The official filming of The Hangover started. 

At the Caesars Palace, dozens of reporters started taking pictures for the press conference of The Hangover. 

Producer Enrico Pusi and Kazir Grey faced the cameras and let the reporters ask them bunches of questions. 

Of course, the Producer and Director had to answer them the best as they could. 

Thankfully, most of the questions were mild. Someone actually tried to ask about Kazir's past relationship but Kazir answered it well. 

"As long as it's not related to The Hangover, I will not answer it."

"Director Grey, is it true that Ed Helms tried to ask for a salary of 5 million dollars."

"That's right."

There was no reason to keep it a secret. Most people in the circle knew what happened. 

These reporters were under Time Warner. Time Warner was one of the media giants in the world. So Warner Bros had a strong influence with the backing of Time Warner. 

Kazir understood that some of the reporters' questions were for the purpose of attracting attention. 

Such as 'Kazir's new love life' or 'Friction between the Napoleon Dynamite actor and Director.'

These articles would be published by the paparazzi. As long as it could help the movie to attract attention, then everything was fine. 

Kazir was already informed about the questions that might be asked.

'Of course, I don't have any problem with Ed Helms. He is a hard-working person. This is nothing but publicity.'

Publicity was the main factor in having a successful movie. So film companies would invest so much money just to advertise their movies. As long as the movie was worth it, companies would invest in publicity. 

The best example might be the last year's Batman Forever... The overall publicity cost of the movie was $100 million. 

With the $100 million production cost plus $100 million publicity... The movie was a clear disappointment. 

'However, I heard that the videotapes are selling well. Many kids are dreaming to become like Superman or Batman.'

With the invention of VCR and VHS player, the Hollywood industry gained power and their profits every year were astronomical. So Warner Bros decided to make another Batman movie next two years. 

'Batman and Robin... That's right, the infamous Batman suit with nipples.'

Many people said that Batman's suit was ugly because of the nipples, which was right to be honest. 

Clearly one of the reasons why Warner Bros kept the Batman series hidden for almost ten years.

'If not for Christopher Nolan, Batman might be forever stayed in their film libraries.'

The press conference ended and the reporters dispersed. 

Kazir and the crew started their shooting. 

"Scene 36: The Elevator. Lights, Camera, Action."

The one who was holding the clapperboard was Fremont Smith. 


With the four actors inside the elevator(three adult men and a baby), the camera started rolling. 

"... Why can't we remember a Goddamn thing last night." 

Stu(Ed Helms) said while putting a towel on his mouth. He was confused about why he was missing a tooth. 

"Because, obviously we had a great fucking time."

Phil(Bradley Cooper) replied, leaning against the wall. 

"Why don't you stop worrying for just one minute?" Phil slightly raised his voice. 

"I don't Phil, maybe because I'm missing a tooth. Or maybe, it's because we have a tiger in our hotel room. Oh, wait, wait, wait, I know! Maybe because we found a baby in our room! A human baby! That's it. That's it. It's because we found a fucking baby!"

"I don't think you should curse around the child." 

Alan(Jack Black) faced Stu. Alan was wearing a baby carrier and the child was on his chest. 

"Really? I don't think you should be around a child."

The elevator opened. 


"Cut! Ten minutes rest. Let's reshoot this scene. Jane, call your team and retouched their makeup."


Kazir could say that the first scene was good. 

"How's the baby?"

"He's cute... Although I felt like he peed on me."

Jack Black bitterly smiled as he sat down. That's right, the baby that he was holding was a real baby. 

For a close-up scene, it was impossible to use a prop(fake baby).

"I'm sorry about that."

The mother apologized and held her child. She was a friend of Producer Enrico Pusi. They audition after hearing that the crew needed a baby. 

"Hush, hush, baby~"


Because of the giggling of the baby, the atmosphere was calming. 

"Ed, I want you to deliver your line in a more exhausted way in the first half. Although you still have to raise your voice at the latter."

Kazir approached Ed Helms who was currently receiving a makeup.

"I understand Director." 

Ever since they cooperated in Napoleon Dynamite, Ed Helms realized that Kazir took importance in line deliveries. The dialogues should be taken seriously.

Then, Kazir nodded at Bradley Cooper.

"Keep yourself in good condition."

"Thank you, Director."

In the crew, Bradley Cooper and Jack Black were part of the newcomers. They didn't have any idea of how Kazir used his position. 

Was he a tyrant? A pacifist? Or a silent madman?

Because Jack Black and Bradley Cooper were the protagonists, they didn't want to cause trouble on the set. So they were doing their job well. 

Once the ten minute break was over, Kazir started the shooting again. 

Unfortunately, a few seconds after the camera began rolling, the baby started crying and everyone was caught off guard. 


Kazir sighed. He already expected this.

He knew this was going to happen, so he decided to shoot all of the scenes in which the child was part of within three days.

"... Ten minutes rest."

He muttered after the first NG. 

It was impossible to talk to a baby. Perhaps the only one who could do that was the mother. 

[Author's Note: I'm at the funeral right now, I'll stay here for a week and my update schedule might be inconsistent. Still, I will update everyday.]

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