His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 83: What lays there?

Chapter 83: What lays there?

Sometime after his return, 14 years old Adira Nielsen Kahn is looking in the direction of the country A from the window in the emperor's chamber. He crosses his arms and deep frown forms on his exquisite face. The atmosphere in the room is getting darker and colder with each passing second. No one knows why this prince's mood is foul.

The emperor is sitting in the corner, trying his best to be quiet as much as possible. He wonders what did he do recently that his son personally visited him without any warning. Adira is his son and the crown prince. His son should be afraid of him. Sometimes, the emperor doubts whether he is really his son. It's not his fault. Even the boy's mother doubted it once. His features match neither of his parents.

They secretly got him tested to see whether the boy is his son. They also tested to see if he has demonic blood in him. Unfortunately, he was their son by blood and he was also a human. That's more frightening to them.

The boy has been standing still near the window. It's scaring the emperor. He asks him with a cooing voice, "My favourite son, do you want something from me?

Adira turns around and looks at the wimpy emperor with a dark look in his eyes. He doesn't like being talked like that. He's not a spoiled brat. With each passing day, he is growing frustrated for some reason. There is something that he wants. He doesn't know what that is. He wants it desperately as soon as possible. But what is it? He points in the direction of country A.

"What lays there?"

Emperor squints and sees the part of the capital. "Eastern district of the city?"

Adira is irritated because of his father's low IQ. "Beyond that?"

"My empire?" Emperor can't guess what's going on here. What does he want? He's only 14. Should he get him betrothed to someone? He should dump this son on a cheerful girl. The girl might be able to remove that constant dark look on his face. His interests in women should begin around this age.

"Beyond that?" Adira is on the verge of his patience. He can't guess what's on his father's mind. If he knew, he would disapprove of him more.

"Beyond the empire?" Emperor scratches his chin. "There are some small kingdoms."

Adira crosses his arms. "Why are they not part of our empire yet?"

The emperor gapes at him. He didn't expect that his son would ask this question. "They are too small. So, I let them be."

"I don't want to let them be." Adira looks at him like he's an idiot. "If they are too small to protect themselves, we should make them a part of us."

The emperor swallows. Is he being commanded by his son? He becomes infuriated and steps toward him haughtily.

"Son, are you -" The words drown in his throat when Adira raises his brow. He cowers back and thinks of a different solution. He might lose his throne to his son soon. It's better to make this boy really really really busy.

"Son, why don't you go and win them yourselves?"

Adira has a thoughtful look on his face.

The emperor takes that as a hint. "You should go as far as you can go. Win them all. I will land you all the resources."

The emperor doesn't have a single doubt that Adira is more than capable even if he's young. He can't wait to send this boy on an adventure to keep the throne to himself for a few years more. There will be some peace in his palace for some time.

"Mn." Adira narrows his eyes in the direction of country A. "What will you give me in return for expanding your empire?

"..." The emperor doesn't know what to say. He's the one who wants to expand them.

"I want the throne when I return."

Adira leaves after throwing his last command on the flabbergasted emperor.


"What?" The king of country A hears the news of the war initiated by country Z on the neighbouring countries. They have been peaceful for a long time. What happened suddenly? Between country A and Z, there are 10 more countries. So, the King isn't worried that much. However, it is strange that country Z would suddenly break the peace after such a long time.

The minister bows his head. "Yes, his majesty."

The king still has a headache. He is sure that his son will finish his training by then and return to the palace. The soul magicians are rare. Once his son returns, no one will be able to invade the kingdom. He needs to protect his kingdom until then.

"We should be ready for the war." The King is not a fool to ignore the danger. "Prepare."

The minister takes the commands and leaves quietly.

In the Ashbourne manor, Ari Ashbourne is reading the letter sent by her fiance. It's been years since she saw him. In the letter, he has promised her that he would return before her 16th birthday. She caresses the bead bracelet. It helps to strengthen the soul energy. Since she wore it, she is a little less sensitive to cold.

She daydreams about Tristan. How does he look now? He must be handsome. She can't wait to get married to him. When will her prince return?

"Little Ari." Her third brother pulls her round porcelain cheeks. "You can't wait to leave us, can you?"

She covers half of her face with the letter and looks at him shyly. She tells him with a voice that sounds like the soft ringing of the bells, "It's not like that, third brother."

"Then, what is it like?" Her third brother is annoyed - not by her. He's annoyed at Tristan. The boy left three years ago, but he managed to capture his precious sister's heart just with his letters. He would also send her dreamy gifts on every occasion. He feels like his sister has been bribed to be taken away. "Don't get married early. You can wait until you are thirty."

"I second that." Her second brother appears out of nowhere. "Little Ari, don't marry him. We will find a better man who will stay with you here."

"I wonder if there's any man good enough for our Ari." Her eldest brother walks to them slowly. He doesn't like anyone from the royal family. Ari should be married to a man who only loves her. She should never share her husband with any other woman. If she marries Prince Tristan, there is always a chance that he will be forced to take more consorts to bear more magician children.

"Tristan is best for me," She tells them stubbornly. "He loves me and me only. He hasn't forgotten about me for a single day since he left."

The brothers sigh. They hate Tristan more. How dare he takes their sister's heart at such a young age? She even tells them that she loves him more than she loves them.

Though her health is always a little weaker than other people, she is the most beautiful woman in the country. The sound of her voice can make a dead man come alive. Her gaze can make any man's heart flutter pleasantly. Her smile is akin to the dawn after a long night. Her tears can make people rip their hearts out. She's pure as the sunlight and captivating as the rare blue lotuses.

So, how is there any man in the world who is good enough for her?


God 1: I don't like where this is going.

God 2: What's there to dislike? He will expand the empire first. It's going as we planned.

God 1: I am suspicious. Ari lives in eastern direction.

God 2: Haha... no! Wait, you are right. They can't meet. Do something. Why isn't that Tristan brat back yet?

God 1 *sighs* Let's get him to return soon and get married to the girl before the time. I am so tired of changing the scripts.

God 2: Hurry!

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