Hilarious Pampered Consort: Lord I Will Wait for Your Divorce

Chapter 50

"Who are you?" Qu Tan’er at once knew that things had gone too smoothly, so smooth that it makes one doubt whether there was a conspiracy behind the scenes.

"Small me is housekeeper Zhou of w.a.n.g fu, pays respect to w.a.n.g fei." Housekeeper Zhou took a ceremony and said faintly.

(Small me 小的 xiǎode : a humble way to call oneself , usually what a servant calls himself in front of his superior)

(w.a.n.gfu : prince’s mansion)

(Zhou is the butler’s family name)

"It turned out to be housekeeper Zhou."Qu Tan’er smiled softly.

For a long while, Qu Tan’er did not speak. She does not speak, nevertheless,others will still ask.

"w.a.n.g fei , what do you command?" The housekeeper rigorously stood up and asked respectfully.

"There is nothing I want with you here, you should go ahead, if there is something I need, I will definitely call you."

"Yes, small will retreat." housekeeper Zhou did not straighten his waist, did not look up, really like she commanded, he slowly retreated backwards.

Qu Tan’er was startled, she didn’t expect housekeeper Zhou to really retreat.

"Master, do we still have to go in?" Jing xin asked with some concern.

"Yes, of course!" Qu Tan’er squinted slightly, solemnly thought, not to stop until one reaches the Yellow River (idiom meaning to persevere until one reaches his/her goal, to keep going while some hope is still left)


"No buts." Qu Tan’er waved her hand, she didn’t want to waste time, merely thinking about a quick fix (to resolve something in the shortest time possible.)

Jing xin was speechless.

Qu Tan’er stretched out her hand again in front of the door, just a little bit, like that she moved bit by bit ......

"w.a.n.g fei, are you looking for w.a.n.g ye? w.a.n.g ye is not in the room right now, he went to the study room."

Housekeeper Zhou with his head lowered, once again, patiently asked.

Just now, he actually went back and returned? What’s more he did that without us noticing?

Qu Tan’er twitched her mouth and paused her hand in the air. For the second time she put it down, "This w.a.n.g fei truly is looking for w.a.n.g ye. Isn’t he here?"

"Replying to w.a.n.g fei, w.a.n.g ye is in the study, small me can bring you to him." The housekeeper replied.

"Need not, I will wait for him in the room. There is nothing for you here, you can withdraw first." Qu Tan’er waved her hand and smiled weakly.

"Replying to w.a.n.g fei, small me can’t walk away." The housekeeper was a little embarra.s.sed.

"I am w.a.n.g fei, so, isn’t it right for you to listen to w.a.n.g fei’s words? This w.a.n.g fei is saying that there is nothing for you here, you can go on." Qu Tan’er stared fixedly at housekeeper Zhou and chewed each word one at a time. When she talked, she also specifically increased the volume of her voice because she was afraid that the housekeeper could not hear her clearly.

(chewed each word: means supplying exaggerated enunciation while speaking, usually to provide a subtext, or to convey a secondary message. For example, someone might imply, by chewing her words, that the person she’s talking to is a stupid person who needs more than the usual degree of verbal articulation in order to understand her.)

"Asking w.a.n.g fei to please allow small me to finish what I want to say. This small one merely wanted to say that w.a.n.g Ye never permits outsiders to enter his room."

"But I am w.a.n.g fei, not an outsider!" "Please w.a.n.g fei’s forgiveness, this is the rule that w.a.n.g Ye set. Even w.a.n.g fei can’t go in." The housekeeper’s face was a bit ugly, as if he was unable to accept Qu Taner’s words, he needed to be cautious and solemn.

(face was a bit ugly: meaning that someone is unhappy or in a difficult situation)

(to be cautious and solemn: idiom meaning doing something very carefully, prudent, gently and cautiously)

"Then what should I do so that I can go in?" Qu Tan’er took a deep breath and finally figured it out. It wasn’t the housekeeper who refused to let her in. But Mo Liancheng had already set the rules.

"Replying to w.a.n.g fei, w.a.n.g Ye said, you need to get the permission of w.a.n.g ye, otherwise, no one is allowed to step into this door." The housekeeper replied.

"Oh? It turned out to be like this." Qu Tan’er couldn’t help but sweep the bedroom door with a puzzled look. Is there any concealed secret in the room? If so, then it’s like what’s often played on TV. There are countless corpses hidden in the Mo Liancheng’s room. Every time he kills someone, he will throw the body inside, then kills another person, and throw it in again... Thinking about it, the soles of her feet started to feel cold. (meaning to feel too frightened to do something)

Because housekeeper Zhou watched her attentively, and he was the housekeeper, Qu Tan’er figured that he is not a simple character. (meaning someone difficult to deal with)

She finally realized that she was unlikely to have the opportunity to go in without the consent of her husband.

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