Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 29: The Emperor in My Heart

Chapter 29

After everyone had left the hall, the Retired Emperor looked at Eunuch Chang with displeasure. Why was he standing there motionless like a wooden statue? Didn't he know when to make himself scarce?

Eunuch Chang glanced resentfully at Yuan Qingling. Ever since the Princess Consort of Chu had entered the palace to care for the Retired Emperor during his illness, he had lost his standing with the Retired Emperor. But considering that she and the Prince of Chu had saved Fubao, he let it go.

Eunuch Chang dismissed all the palace maids waiting outside as well, leaving the hall quiet.

The Retired Emperor glanced at Yuan Qingling. "What's on Fubao's belly?"

"A centipede...I think!" Yuan Qingling replied weakly.

No one else had stared at Fubao's belly earlier. After all, Fubao was covered in blood all over.

Only a true devoted owner would notice.

"Still not telling the truth? Do I need to ask my grandson to interrogate you before you speak?" said the Retired Emperor coldly.

What business was it of hers to be interrogated? It would be best if he was flogged with thirty heavy strokes to vent his anger.

Of course, she did not dare say this aloud. Under the Retired Emperor's piercing stare, she said, "Fubao's spleen ruptured. It required surgical incision and suturing. The scar that looks like a centipede is from the stitching of the wound."

The Retired Emperor closed his mouth. He really wanted to ask how this procedure was done, but his dignity did not allow him to ask. He could not admit to not having heard of such a treatment method before.

"Who took the Imperial Purple Gold Elixir?" the Retired Emperor asked next.

Yuan Qingling said, "I did."

"My grandson has treated you quite well," nodded the Retired Emperor.

Yuan Qingling could not agree with this. With his readiness to flog people at any moment and slap them on impulse, how could this be considered good treatment?

"What exactly happened with the injuries?" the Retired Emperor asked again.

Now Yuan Qingling did not dare tell the truth. "It really was from a fall," she said evasively.

"Being so stubborn and not speaking a word of truth, you really deserve a beating. He has hit you too little," the Retired Emperor snorted.

Yuan Qingling lowered her head. "The truth is always unpleasant to hear."

"Does this old man not have enough pleasant words in my life? But I have not heard many words of blunt honesty. Will you speak or not?"

Yuan Qingling stood woodenly for a moment before replying softly, "From a caning."

"What offense was committed?"

Yuan Qingling shook her head. "I don't know."

"So you are accusing my grandson of caning you for no reason?" His eyebrows shot up.

Yuan Qingling truly could not fathom what the Retired Emperor had in mind. She only felt that he was being overbearing yet not deeply malicious. She answered perfunctorily, but he saw through it. Tell the truth and he was unhappy. The people of the Yuwen clan were really hard to serve.

"It's time for medicine!" Yuan Qingling changed the subject as she walked behind the curtain to fetch some medicine and brought it over with water to the bedside.

The Retired Emperor was exasperated. "So young yet bearing grudges already."

Although he grumbled, he still swallowed the medicine.

After taking the medicine, the Retired Emperor lay down and exhaled in relief. "After a brush with death three times, I fear the next will truly end me. Princess Consort of Chu, helping me battle evil spirits, you are weak and powerless. How will you know how you died?"

Yuan Qingling was taken aback for a moment, seeing the Retired Emperor's meaningful expression.

The old fellow's mind was bright and clear.

He knew someone wanted to harm him.

Yuan Qingling said lightly, "A life is trivial to give up if needed."

The Retired Emperor was somewhat surprised. His gaze on Yuan Qingling gradually filled with appreciation, though his mouth remained venomous. "I'm afraid you won't find death so easy. You'll be tortured to the verge of dying yet unable to."

"Then I have no fear of that either!" said Yuan Qingling.

It wasn't fearlessness, but fear was useless.

"Among the many people in this hall earlier, who were human and who were monsters, could you discern?" asked the Retired Emperor.

Yuan Qingling shook her head. "I cannot tell."

"Look closely. As long as your heart is calm enough, your eyes sharp enough, the fiends will slowly surface. Ambition cannot be hidden. When you see clearly, I will tell you how to deal with them."

Yuan Qingling was truly confused now. "Since you already know who is human and monster, why don't you take action?"

"Because I cannot eliminate them all. Eliminate the monsters, and those who were originally human will slowly turn into monsters too. Ambition devours one's true nature. As for me, I already have one foot in the coffin. I lack the strength. They are all of the Yuwen clan, my descendants, to kill one is to injure myself once."

After the Retired Emperor said this, he slowly closed his eyes.

Yuan Qingling felt these words were somewhat sad. He was the reigning Retired Emperor, of the highest status, yet unfortunately, he could not even deal with those harming him.

"My grandson is clever but unfortunately blind!" the Retired Emperor muttered with eyes closed.

Yuan Qingling tucked his quilt around him. "Sleep."

But the Retired Emperor suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed her wrist. "I hope your medical skills can cure the blindness in his eyes."

Yuan Qingling looked into the Retired Emperor's anxious, worried eyes and said gently, "When the heart is blind, no medical skill can cure it."

The Retired Emperor closed his eyes again, clearly agreeing with her words.

After a while, soft snores could be heard as the Retired Emperor fell asleep.

But Fubao woke up, stirring slightly and whimpering.

Yuan Qingling squatted down and stroked its head. "Tell me, who hurt you?"

Fubao whimpered three times, stating a name Yuan Qingling could understand.

"Good boy, don't be afraid. It's alright, she can't hurt you anymore." Yuan Qingling consoled.

Fubao licked her hand, its gaze extremely dependent.

After a while, Yuan Qingling walked out of the hall. Eunuch Chang was waiting outside.

"The Retired Emperor is sleeping. I trouble Public to keep watch," she said.

Eunuch Chang made a sound of agreement. "Princess Consort, this old servant has had food prepared. Go eat something."

"You have my thanks!"

"The meal is set up in the West Warm Chamber. The Prince should also be there."

"Has the Princess Consort of Qi left the palace?" Yuan Qingling asked.

Eunuch Chang said, "She should also be in the West Warm Chamber. The Prince of Qi is there too."

Yuan Qingling strode towards the West Warm Chamber.

Upon arriving at the West Warm Chamber, she did not see Yuwen Hao or the Prince of Qi, only Chu Mingcui standing in the corridor.

Looking at Yuan Qingling, her eyes were cold and mocking, with an arrogant smile at the corners of her lips.

As Yuan Qingling approached, Chu Mingcui suddenly said softly, "Do you really think you've won his heart? Dream on. He can't forget me. He won't love you his whole life. You can't even match up to a substitute."

Yuan Qingling watched her calmly. Chu Mingcui, talented beauty of the capital, gentle, humble, knowledgeable and reasonable. Everyone sang her praises.

But now her curled lips mocked, ambition nakedly revealed, ugly to the extreme.

"It was you who threw Fubao down, right?" Yuan Qingling asked evenly.

The Retired Emperor said that as long as the heart was calm enough, everything could be seen clearly.

Chu Mingcui gave a cold laugh. "A woman's thoughts really are meticulous and sensitive. You know about me and the Prince of Chu at Wenchang Tower, but it's a pity it's just your speculation. No one will believe you, only think you are slandering me. The Prince of Chu would rather die himself than protect me."

"I know no one will believe what I say. I just want to confirm whether my inference is correct. You threw Fubao down, right?" Yuan Qingling asked again.

Chu Mingcui leaned to her ear and said proudly yet gently, "You guessed right, it was me. Do you want to know what the Prince of Chu said to me at Wenchang Tower? He said you are filthy and disgusting, he has to take medicine even to touch you."

"He said that to you?" Yuan Qingling asked.

"If not from him, how would I know?" Chu Mingcui laughed unrestrainedly. She watched Yuan Qingling, waiting to see her reaction. With Yuan Qingling's usual temperament, she would surely go mad.

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