Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 168: Maternal Affection

Chapter 168: Maternal Affection

When the light faded and the figure within appeared, a beautiful young woman stood before the Su residence’s main gate, instantly drawing a stir from the surrounding crowd and shock from the Su residence’s guards and attendants.

The crowd surged forward to greet her, but among them, a young servant’s expression suddenly changed. He glanced around and, seeing that no one was paying attention, stealthily slipped away, running deeper into the Su residence.

The first person to speak from the front of the crowd was Lao Li, who called out, “Miss, why are you back?”

The newcomer was none other than Su Qingjun. Her attire was the same as usual—red feathers draped over her shoulders and a long sword on her back—though her expression was not as pleasant. After scanning the crowd, she nodded to Lao Li and called out, “Uncle Li.”

Lao Li had served the Su family for many years and had watched the younger generation grow up. When Su Qingjun was still at home, she would always address him as Uncle Li. However, Lao Li, observing Su Qingjun’s demeanor, felt a pang of unease. While Su Qingjun had always been polite and composed, her current demeanor seemed to carry an underlying anger.

Standing on the steps at the main gate, Su Qingjun looked back and saw a large crowd gathered in front of the Su residence, all craning their necks to look this way. Her face darkened slightly, and she asked Lao Li, “What’s going on?”

Lao Li wasn’t sure how to respond, but under Su Qingjun’s stern gaze and the natural reverence for a Golden Core cultivator, he quickly made a decision.

No matter how arrogant the Su brothers were, they could not compare to this highly esteemed young woman.

Thus, Lao Li honestly recounted what he had seen, then pointed towards the crowd and added, “Young Masters Su Qian and Su Wen brought someone into the residence. These people have been gathered here for a long time, waiting and not dispersing.”

Su Qingjun’s expression grew even more furious as she asked in a deep voice, “What does the person look like?”

Lao Li described the appearance of the man who had been captured by Su Qian and Su Wen, with additional details provided by other attendants.

In a wealthy family like the Su’s, observing and interpreting appearances was a fundamental skill. The servants quickly noticed that Su Qingjun seemed displeased with the Su brothers’ actions. Since Su Qingjun was crucial for the Su family’s future, they felt there was no need to hide anything. It was better to be honest now than face severe consequences later if they were caught in a lie.

After hearing the descriptions, Su Qingjun quickly determined that the person in question was likely Lu Chen. She had an idea why Su Qian and Su Wen would target him, which made her even more upset and a little worried.

So, after listening to Lao Li, she nodded and, with a cold expression, headed into the Su residence.

Naturally, no one dared to obstruct her, and a clear path was immediately made.

At that moment, a young maid, around fourteen or fifteen years old and with a somewhat anxious expression, rushed out from the Su residence. Seeing Su Qingjun approaching, she quickly ran over, greeted Su Qingjun, and said loudly, “Miss, the madam heard that you’ve returned and is very pleased. She wants to see you in the front hall.”

Su Qingjun paused, showing a hint of surprise, and asked, “Mother wants to see me?”

The maid nodded repeatedly and said with a smile, “Yes, the madam said she hasn’t seen you for a long time. It’s rare for you to come back today, and she’s eager to see you right away.”

Su Qingjun’s expression showed a moment of hesitation. From a young age, she had been taught to be respectful and dutiful to her parents, and to be kind to her younger siblings. These were supposed to be natural virtues. Furthermore, since joining the Kunlun Sect, she had spent less time at home and rarely had the opportunity to enjoy her parents’ company.

Thinking this over, she glanced towards the west side of the Su residence. She knew her younger brothers and cousins well; although they were somewhat mischievous, they were respectful in her presence and had not done anything excessively outrageous. It should be fine to delay her visit a little, right?

After pondering, she nodded and told the maid, “Alright, I’ll go.”

The front hall of the Su residence was in an expansive, grand, and well-lit building just past another courtyard beyond the main gate. At this moment, the doors and windows were open, and several maids and attendants were coming and going. When they saw Su Qingjun entering, they all smiled and greeted her, calling out “Miss” repeatedly.

Su Qingjun, of course, did not show any displeasure towards the maids. There was no need to, and it was not in her nature. After giving them a nod, she entered the hall and saw the woman sitting at the main seat.

Judging by her age, she should be in her early forties but was exceptionally well-preserved, with no visible wrinkles on her face. Slightly plump, with a fair complexion, she resembled Su Qingjun, indicating that she must have been a great beauty in her youth. Su Qingjun’s appearance was likely inherited from her.

Seeing Su Qingjun, the woman immediately stood up, her face brightening with a joyful smile. She waved at Su Qingjun and said, “Qingjun, you’re back! Come here and let me see you. It’s been a while since I last saw you.”

Su Qingjun responded, walking up to her mother and helping her sit down.

When the light dissipated and the figure within became clear, a beautiful woman appeared at the front gate of the Su residence, immediately attracting the attention and surprise of the onlookers, as well as the astonishment of the house guards and servants.

The crowd quickly gathered and greeted her respectfully, but among them, a young servant’s expression suddenly changed. After looking around, he quietly slipped away, running deeper into the Su residence.

Lao Li, standing at the front of the crowd, was the first to speak, “Miss, what are you doing back here?”

The newcomer was, of course, Su Qingjun. At this moment, she was dressed as usual, with a crimson feather cloak and a long sword on her back. However, her face did not look well. After glancing at the surrounding people, she nodded to Lao Li and called out, “Lao Li.”

Lao Li had been with the Su family for many years and had watched the younger generation grow up. Even when Su Qingjun was at home, she would always address him as Lao Li. However, seeing Su Qingjun’s expression now, Lao Li’s heart sank. Although Su Qingjun was usually calm and courteous, today she seemed to harbor an undercurrent of anger despite her outward composure.

Standing on the steps at the gate, Su Qingjun looked back and saw the crowd of people on the street, all craning their necks to look in her direction. Her face darkened slightly as she asked Lao Li, “What’s going on?”

Lao Li was momentarily unsure of how to respond. But under Su Qingjun’s gaze, which carried a natural authority and reverence due to her status as a Golden Core cultivator, he quickly decided to speak up.

No matter how arrogant the Su family’s young masters were, they could not compare to the esteemed genius in front of him.

Thus, Lao Li honestly recounted what had happened, ending with, “Young Masters Su Qian and Su Wen brought someone into the residence. Those people you see were waiting here for a long time without dispersing.”

Su Qingjun’s face showed a trace of anger as she asked in a deep voice, “What does the person look like?”

Lao Li thought for a moment and then described the appearance of the man who had been captured by Su Qian and Su Wen. A few servants nearby added their observations as well.

In a wealthy and influential family like the Su’s, it was essential for the servants to be adept at reading people’s expressions. They quickly sensed that Su Qingjun was displeased with the actions of the young masters. After all, the family would rely on her in the future, so there was no need to hide anything. It would be disastrous if they were found out later for concealing the truth.

After hearing the descriptions of the captured man, Su Qingjun quickly realized it was likely Lu Chen. She had some idea of why Su Qian and Su Wen might have targeted him, but this only made her more furious and concerned.

After listening to Lao Li, she nodded and, with a stern expression, headed towards the Su residence.

No one dared to obstruct her, and a clear path opened up immediately.

Just then, a young maid, looking around fourteen or fifteen years old and appearing anxious, came running from inside the Su residence. Upon seeing Su Qingjun enter, she hurried over, bowed to Su Qingjun, and said loudly, “Miss, the Madam heard you’ve returned and is very happy. She wants to see you in the front hall.”

Su Qingjun paused, her face showing a hint of surprise. “Mother wants to see me?”

The maid nodded repeatedly, smiling, “Yes, Madam said she hasn’t seen you for a long time and wanted to see you as soon as you came back.”

Su Qingjun hesitated for a moment. She had been taught to be respectful and dutiful to her parents and siblings from a young age. Indeed, she had spent more time on Kunlun Mountain recently and rarely had the chance to visit her parents.

Considering this, she glanced towards the west side of the Su residence. She knew her younger brothers and cousins there, who, while somewhat unruly, were respectful in her presence and had not heard of any serious misconduct. She decided that it wouldn’t be a big issue to delay her visit for a while.

After a moment’s thought, she nodded and said to the maid, “Alright, I’ll go over.”


The front hall of the Su residence was a spacious, bright, and elegant room located beyond another courtyard from the main gate. With its doors and windows open, several maids and servants moved in and out. Upon seeing Su Qingjun arrive, they all greeted her with smiles and calls of “Miss.”

Su Qingjun did not show any displeasure to the maids, as it was unnecessary and not in line with her demeanor. After giving them a polite nod, she entered the hall and saw a woman sitting in the main position.

The woman should have been in her early forties but looked well-preserved with hardly any wrinkles on her face. She appeared somewhat plump and had features that resembled Su Qingjun’s, suggesting she was once a great beauty. Su Qingjun’s current appearance was largely inherited from her.

Seeing Su Qingjun, the woman immediately stood up with a joyful expression and waved to her, “Qingjun, you’re back! Come here and let me see you. It’s been quite a while.”

Su Qingjun responded and walked to her mother, helping her sit down.

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