Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 20

20 times. I saw that the sword

was covering people.

“The King Daejo, that is what the Patriarch said. The fight hasn’t even started yet, and haven’t five windrunners been injured already? Even if you go a little slower, it is better to reduce unnecessary sacrifices.”

Those words touched the king’s pride.

Unlike Poongwoondae, there have been no injuries in Gyeongcheondae. I don’t know if it’s my own illusion, but it felt like Su Junping was looking down at me.

Wang In-geol, who lost his composure, shouted ‘Grunt!’ and turned back with a growl. It was a subjugation that I thought would not be difficult, but my head is complicated.


As soon as the sun went down, the mountain became dark.

Poongyeoncho set up a torch on top of the log wall and had five people take turns standing guard.

Most of the green forest access roads are secret and even narrow. It was the same with Obong Sanchae. Thanks to this, I was able to protect the log wall enough with five poles.

As time passed, it became impossible to see an inch ahead.

The bandits built a bonfire in the yard and prepared dinner.

The people preparing the meal brought out some seasoned vegetables and hard hwagwon.

Still, no one complained.

The bandits did not return to their prison after dinner. Enemies camped on the other side of the log wall, so I couldn’t rest in peace.

Even Chaeju Poongyeoncho did not call, but they gathered in the yard with weapons.

It was the same with Yeonjeokha.

He worked diligently in a corner of the yard, avoiding people, tending to his Bakdo.

Someone approached him hesitantly.

It was Yeom Sa-ung.

Yeon Jeok-ha, feeling the presence, turned his head.

Yeom Sa-ung smiled and carefully held out a gourd full of water.

“I brought you some water in case you get thirsty.”

I took the gourd and gulped down the water in it without much thought.

“Hehe, are you thirsty?”

“not really.”

Returning the gourd, he began sharpening the blade of Bakdo with a charcoal stone.

Skip. Skip.

Yeom Sa-woong was lightly fed up with the bizarre sound that scratched his nerves.

“Why are you so sharp? Aren’t masters able to cut people with blades of grass?”

Of course, the atmosphere was awkward, so I threw a joke.

However, jokes don’t work for a younger brother who has lived in a warehouse for ten years. This is because most of the trivial stories are new to him.

“It’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

From what I’ve heard, it sounds pretty solid.

Unaware of the situation, Yeom Sa-woong thought, ‘Yeon Jeok-ha does not want to talk to him.’

“Then, work hard.”

When Yeom Sa-woong disappeared, the rival murmured with a serious face.

“Masters can cut people with blades of grass. That’s great. i envy you. I envy you.”

It’s just surprising that the standard of master is like that.

When will he be able to use a blade of grass like a knife?

The sighing Yeonjeokha sharpened the blade with even greater effort. For now, this was the best he could do.


As time passed, the bandits returned to their huts one by one.

Still, a dozen or so timid bandits remained in the yard until the end, worrying about the future.

Shortly after midnight, flames suddenly erupted from the side of the log wall.


“They set fire!”

A thief guarding the log wall shouted as he ran into the yard.

The thieves hurriedly sprayed water on the log wall using buckets and gourds.

However, the fire caused by the oil spread more widely to the surrounding area. Soon the entire log wall was engulfed in flames.

All the thieves who were sleeping in the commotion came out into the yard.

The thieves stomped their feet and looked only at the mouth of the owner, Poongyeoncho.

Fortunately, Poong Yeon-cho, who had been heading towards blocking and defending, did not hesitate.

“Build a second wall behind you, out of reach of fire!”


The bandits moved logs that had been tumbling alive behind a wall of burning logs.

However, due to the lack of logs, the access road could not be blocked.

In the end, the thieves filled the hole with the planks they had torn down the hut.


The second day dawned.

Warriors from the South Sea, heavily armed with swords, gathered in front of the entrance.

The charred log wall looked as if it would collapse at the mere touch.

After a while, warriors from above threw hooks tied with ropes at the logs that turned into charcoal.

Took. Took.

After throwing the hook two or three times, the precariously standing log wall collapsed.

At the same time, a second wall that had been blocked off appeared.

“her! You’re making a fuss.”

Light Sky Swordsman Lee Mu-ryang frowned.

Three thick logs were strung across, with crude planks lined between them.

If I run and kick it a few times, it seems like everything will break.

The problem is that you can see the damn poles through the gaps in the planks.

Profanity came out of the mouths of Poongwoondaeju Wang In-geol and Gyeongcheondaeju Sogunpyeong who discovered the play.

“Those dog-like bastards!”

“You’re fucking up to the end!”

So Gunpyeong, who was in charge of the vanguard of the assault this morning, asked Mooryang Lee.

“What shall I do, Patriarch?”

“Are you confident enough to break the plank to avoid the pole?”

At Mooryang Lee’s question, So Gunpyeong scratched the back of his head.

To be honest, it was unreasonable to break the plank to avoid the pole with one’s own inaction.

Lee Moo-ryang nodded as if he understood, then slowly walked away and said.

“I will pave the way. Be prepared to attack right away.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Lee Moo-ryang’s eyes turned to Wang In-geol.

“Today, let’s support Gyeongcheondae with the people of Cheongwoon-gwan.”


Wang In-geol was heartbroken at the word “apply,” but she tried to answer in a calm tone. He couldn’t say anything because the patriarch had given him the same opportunity yesterday.

Muryang Lee received the ax from the warrior of Gyeongcheondae and walked away.

But that was a foolish mistake.

At that time, if Mooryang Lee had run instead of walking, the future might have been a little different.


Mooyoungshintu Baekkyo is a madman who has been everywhere due to the nature of his job.

Baegyo, who was watching the road ahead through the planks, murmured.

“what. Why did Lee Moo-ryang come with an axe? Are you sure you want to break this?”

For a moment, the voice of the former military commander Sim Yang-gak rose.

“You really mean that guy is the Supreme Swordsman? Heaven help! All I have to do is get rid of him…”

The thieves lined up behind the planks all looked at Yeonjeokha.

I put the sword that Yeonjeokha was holding over my shoulder.

It means going to fight.

Then the thieves gathered in front of the plank quickly split left and right.

It’s time for Yeonjeokha to walk in front of the plank.

“Tongue brother!”

Yeom Sa-woong blocked the opening of the bottle with his palm and approached it, shaking it up and down like crazy.

“Let’s quench our thirst and go!”

Looking at Yeom Sa-ung’s palms drenched in alcohol, Yeon Jeok-ha said curtly.

“You eat a lot.”

Who are you asking to eat something so filthy?

When Yeonjeokha glared at him, Yeom Saung smiled awkwardly and took a few sips.

“Is that so? This is a good drink… gulp gulp.”

“Tsk tsk!”

The tongue-in-cheek rivaler vigorously slammed the plank wall with his right foot.



Moo-Ryang Lee, who was walking proudly, stopped in shock when the sloppy wall suddenly shattered.

Lee Moo-ryang could not understand the current situation.

Are you determined to die?

Why do they break down the walls they built and come out?

To be honest, Moo-Ryang Lee was not afraid even if bandits came pouring out.

A tiger cannot be afraid of a pack of dogs!

However, what came out of the broken wall was not a pack of dogs, but a single puppy.

“Are you running away from there? Or are you here to confront me?”

Mooryang Lee threw the ax he was holding to the side before he could even hear the answer. Seeing the sword on the boy’s shoulder, it didn’t seem like it came with a good intention.

Yeon Jeok-ha responded by tapping the soles of his feet with a baton.

“Some old man said that. They say that if you defeat the boss, all of them will run away.”

“Maybe. Are you, by any chance, a ‘thief who can use a sword in Obong Mountain’?”

“Is that so?”

“What about Gumil Bokgeom or Muyoungshintou, did you, who are still young, come out?”

“The old brothers are behind. Are you close? May I call you?”

Mooryang Lee’s face hardened slightly at the word ‘older brothers’.

I couldn’t believe that the boy in front of me had broken the Gumil Bokgeom and the Muyoungshintou.

“My name is Moo-Ryang Lee, the supreme leader of the South Sea, Gyeongcheon Swordsman. What is your name?”

“Like it. It means ‘red sunset’. When do we fight?”

Mooryang Lee frowned at Yeonjeokha’s provocative words.

“When I climbed Obongsan Mountain, I made up my mind to slash anyone who stood in my way, regardless of age or gender. That’s what I learned from the Volcano Wave…”

“That’s natural. Where are men and women of all ages in sword fighting? Did you see that the knife cuts people?”

At the opponent’s words, Lee Moo-ryang was able to relieve the burden on his heart.

“That is correct. A sword has neither eyes nor a heart.”

Lee Moo-ryang nodded and slowly drew his sword.

It was only then that he stopped the matchmaking movement and extended his sword head to the ground.

Lee Chae appeared in Mooryang Lee’s eyes.

Yeonjeokha’s attitude was full of loopholes.

There are so many gaps that it is difficult to prioritize attacks.

Lee Mu-ryang decided to test the opponent’s skills with the six-pointed sword he had trained in the Volcano Wave.

shhh. Hiss. Hiss.

Contrary to its simple-looking name, the Volcanic Sect’s six-pointed sword is a very complex herbivore.

Originally, the yin and yang of the zodiac (十二支) means to change into another five elements (五行). If you put two of the zodiac together, there will be six in total, which is the sixth combination. You can simply think of it as the four directions and the top and bottom of heaven and earth.

Moo-Ryang Lee worked diligently with his hands, retracing the texture of the six-pointed sword in his mind.

‘The yin and yang (子丑) combine to become earth (土), and the kin (寅亥) combine to form tree (木)… will be!’

He stabbed the middle of the forehead with the last herbivorous ‘Omi-Mu-Byeon’.

“Cha ha!”

The secret of the six-pointed sword is in the last herbivore, Omi-Munbyeon. That is the extreme of quiet movement. It looks like a simple stab, but it contains ten thousand changes.

It is for this reason that the Volcano Sect teaches the six-component sword as a must to the disciples of the main mountain and the secular family. Martial arts instructors even say that ‘the six-point sword is the root of plum swordsmanship’.

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