Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 25: System Evolved

Chapter 25: System Evolved

"Long live, your majesty!"

"Long live, your majesty!"

As the chariot of the king appeared, the cheers from the crowd resounded.

At the chariot, the king was standing with a proud expression. He was wearing a golden crown, which made his image even more overbearing, but a slight smile could be seen hung at the corner of his mouth.

However, the people who knew about his ugly side only sneered at him. But no one dared to utter a single sentence.

Following behind him were ministers and his kin. Finally, it was the commander and battalion of hundreds of equestrians, which made the scene even more surreal.

For ordinary people, it was almost impossible to see their king, but because of this special occasion, they were able to see him, and that's why the place was even more crowded.

Almost all the civilians were here to see the king while higher-ups of the kingdom were here for the people of the temple.

The civilians didn't know what the meaning of having one of the temples in the city was, but almost every influential figure in the capital knew its meaning. So, all the big shots of the kingdom were present here at this moment.

"Even the king came to welcome the people of the temple," Ayaan murmured in a surprised manner.

Rebecca, who was standing at the side heard and replied disdainfully, "It is just a minor kingdom, even if it was one of those higher kingdoms; their king still has to come to welcome the people of the temple."

Nonetheless, Ayaan nodded when he heard her and focused his attention on the people present.

After the king's arrival, all the horsemen stood in a horizontal line at both sides of the gate and waited for the arrival of the priests from the temple patiently, and no one dared to utter a single complaint.

Ayaan, who was already inside the city, stood at the corner with Rebecca with a curious expression.

Subsequently waiting for more ten minutes, the clamours of horses resounded from a kilometre away. The din of the horses immediately attracted the attention of everyone around.

Everyone could see the flying dirt in the sky from the gate of the city.

"Looks like the people from the temple have arrived."

"Hahaha, who could be other than them, see how fast their horses are."

"I have never seen anyone from 'Life Temple' in my life. I heard every one of them are mighty mages."

Immediately, the heated discussion started to take place around.

At the moment, the king saw the flying dust not far away from him and immediately walked down of his chariot and stood along with his monsters and commanders with a smiling face.

Not even two minutes passed, a vast caravan arrived. Moreover, the six fire-dragon stallions were driving the caravan, which stunned the people present at the scene.

The stallions which were driving the chariot of the king were already considered quite majestic in the kingdom. However, in front of these fire-dragon stallions, they were nothing.

The purity of its bloodline decided every stallion's level, and the fire-dragon stallions had the traces of fire dragonsone of the noblest bloodlines in the world.

After seeing the fire-dragon stallion, an embarrassed expression appeared on the king's face, but he immediately covered it. He quickly calmed his mind down by reminding himself that the people were from 'Life Temple.'

Nonetheless, the caravan stood not far away from the king. The driver of the caravan hurriedly opened the gate, and a middle-aged man looked out without exiting. The man had the proud expression; he looked around him and nodded before coming out of the caravan.

The moment he walked down from the caravan, he searched the people present at the scene, and a disdainful expression appeared on his face, but he didn't show it.

Following him were a middle-aged man and three youngsters.

Every one of them was wearing different clothes. The man who first walked out of the caravan was wearing a purple robe and a man behind him was wearing a green and following them, three youngsters were wearing white clothes. Anyone could tell the leader was the man who first walked out.

Usually, the main character makes his entry at the end, but here everything happening was opposite.

The moment Ayaan saw the man in purple, he immediately tried to see his level.

Following this, the data started to show at the head of the man.

Cultivation: 5th level Great mage

Magic power: 500

Race: Human

Bloodline: Ordinary(Peak-level)

Condition: Healthy

Element: Life element and Light element

Nemesis: Death element, Dark element.

"Heh? Why is the window different from before?" He said in confusion and looked towards the king to check his status.

Cultivation: 7th level High mage

Magic power: 300

Race: Human

Bloodline: Ordinary(Medium-level)

Condition: Healthy

Element: Fire and Wind

Nemesis: Water and Earth

"It changed," He murmured in surprise, and looked at Rebecca, without wasting time he grabbed her hand and walked away towards the inn. No one paid any attention to this simple matter.

Nonetheless, Ayaan already has seen what he wanted to see. It won't do him any good even if he stays more.

"What happened?" Rebecca asked in confusion.

"Nothing," Ayaan replied and arrived at the inn in no time.

As he entered his room, he immediately opened his status window. At the moment, Ayaan was in a hurry because he remembered about the rewards of the magic library, which he still didn't check.


Name: Ayaan

Protection time: 30 days

Cultivation: 1st level Junior mage

Exp: (500/1000)

Magic power: 80

Credits: 10000

Race: Heaven destroyer

Bloodline: Supreme

Condition: Healthy

Magic Art: Archaic Art (Incomplete)

Element: All

Nemesis: None

Spell: Death-Eyes (Compatibility: 10)

Quest: None


He looked at his status with wide eyes. It was completely different. Thirty days of protection? He remembered one of the rewards was protection--no one could hurt him below heaven realm for the Thirty next days.

However, when he saw his elements, he again became surprised. All elements? He immediately focused his attention on his consciousness to check the condition of his death rune.


There was no trace of death rune on his consciousness.

However, he can practice all elements. What does this mean? Am I not required to form the runes before using elemental power? He wondered.

At this moment, a piercing pain hit from inside his head.


He groaned in pain and grabbed his head by both of his hands, veins were popping out of his temple, his face was completely red, and sweat was flowing like water.

"What happened, Ayaan!?" Rebecca, who was standing by his side, supported him from falling. A worried expression could be seen on her face.

However, there was no reply from Ayaan because after his pain dimmed, he found his head filled with lots of information and started to browse it. This knowledge wholly altered his previous thinking process; it opened a new path for him. Finally, when he again opened his eyes, they were completely different.

They were filled with wisdom and knowledge.

Ayaan looked at Rebecca and smiled before replying, "I am alright."

Rebecca relaxed a little; however, worry still could be seen on her beautiful face.

Ayaan felt warmth in his heart and sighed when he remembered Noor. He reassured her, "I am fine, no need to worry."

After he reassured her, only then, a smile appeared on her face and nodded towards him.

Later, Ayaan opened the main menu because he knew there were few changes in this section as well.

Magic Library System

1: Magic Art

2: Runes

3: Spells

4: Planes and dimensions

5: Shop

As the main section appeared, he became speechless. There were only five options. He was aware of the three, but there were two new options.

Without wasting time, he opened them one by one.

Planes and dimensions:

You can use credits to open the gates for other dimensions for practising your battles skills and elemental powers. You can gain an understanding of different elements in different planes according to their environment.

Types of planes:

1: Ordinary Planes ( 1 day = half an hour)

2: Middle Planes (Not eligible)

3: High Planes (Not eligible)

4: Peak Planes (Not eligible)

5: Supreme Planes (Not eligible)


Every day you can buy three things from the shop.

1: Healing potion (Low level) (5 credits)

2: Magic wand (Low level) (10 credits)

3:Magic replenishing potion (Low-level) (10 credits)

The moment he checked the details, he forgot about every option, which disappeared because the benefits of these two options weren't small. Especially planes and dimensions. He always wanted to practice his magic power and increase his battle skills, but he never knew such an opportunity would arrive on its own.

After understanding all the changes, he turned towards Rebecca and said, " You wait here. I have something to do; I will be back in half an hour."

Afterwards, He dashed out of the room after replying to her, leaving only confused Rebecca in the place. She looked at the gate and sat on the bed with a long sigh.

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