Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 16: Torture

Chapter 16: Torture

Ayaan took her in his arms and walked towards the Oriel, lying flat in the dirt without any energy.

Oriel turned towards Ayaan with his blurry eyes when he sensed someone walking towards him. A smile appeared on his face before saying, "You can't kill me, or my master will know I am dead and send even more powerful people next time, and then you won't be this lucky, hahaha!"

Ayaan looked at his face emotionlessly without saying anything and asked Birdy, "Is he telling the truth?"

"How the fuck would I know if he is telling the truth or not?"  Ayaan didn't ask her anything after receiving her reply.

Ayaan grabbed Oriel by his neck in his other hand and walked towards the city lord's mansion. No one dared to stop him. He arrived in her room and placed Rebecca on her soft bed.

He looked at her tattered clothes and tired face. A melancholic expression appeared on his face. Without waiting, he turned towards the man who was the reason for everything, and a furious expression appeared on his face.


A slap resounded in the whole room. A shocked expression appeared on Oriel's face. He didn't think this teenage boy would have guts to hit him, that's why he was still acting arrogantly, but it seems he overestimated himself. A red palm-mark appeared on his right face.

"You dared to hit me!!" Oriel shouted at Ayaan with all the remaining energy he had.

Ayaan smiled at his shout before speaking with an evil smirk, "It's just a beginning, lady."


Without giving Oriel any chance to speak, Ayaan slammed his body on the ground.

"Argh~" He groaned with a painful voice.

"You are something eagle. After spending so much energy and burning your life force, you can still stay awake, impressive."  Ayaan praised him, but his next sentence made the eagle despair, "Let's see how long you can endure., but you will face less pain if you tell me the name of your master."

Oriel looked at Ayaan with a strange gaze and burst into a peal of laughter, "Hahaha!"

Ayaan looked at this crazy eagle without any expression and asked, "What's so funny about it?"

"You are asking what's so funny about it? Hahaha!" Oriel continued to laugh without replying. An impatience expression appeared on Ayaan's face.

He looked around the room and saw the dagger at the corner of the room. He took the knife before asking again, "Last chance. Who is your master?"

Oriel looked at Ayaan with a mocking face and said, "You want to torture me, kid? Do you even know how to do that? Hahaha!"

Without bickering any longer with him, Ayaan grabbed one of his fingers.


"Ahhh!.... Arghh!.... Bastard!" A blood-curdling scream resounded in the whole mansion; whoever heard it felt a chill inside his body.

His hands drowned in red blood, and a small finger was twitching on his palm. Ayaan didn't pay attention to his side, which was covered by Oriel's blood. He turned towards Oriel, who was jerking on the ground in pain.

"So, Have you decided if you are going to speak or not?" Ayaan asked with a smirk.

"You devil!" Oriel shouted with a face full of anger and resentment.

Ayaan looked at him before saying with a chuckle, "Now, what do you think if I can torture people or not?"

"I will never tell you anything! Even you kill me!" Oriel shouted with red eyes.

"Heh? Trying to be faithful, aren't we?" Ayaan replied with a broadened smile.

Without dwelling any more, Ayaan took another finger in his hand.


"Ahhh! Kill me if you want, you fucking bastard!"

"Kill you? You think you can die an easy death after killing that many innocent peoples." An evil smirk was playing all over his face; even someone like Oriel felt scared of him.

He was scared of this maniac look of Ayaan but still didn't open his mouth. One by one, his all fingers disappeared from his hand; what remained were the two hands without even a single digit. Both hands were dripping with blood nonstop.

Oriel's face was pale as white, saliva was dripping from his mouth continuously, and slowly his consciousness faded away and fell into oblivion. 

Ayaan looked at him before murmuring  a smirk, "Alright, next will be toes, hehe."

Any sane person was to see him at this time; he would scare shitless. The maniac look in his eyes could scare even devils at this time. He turned towards Rebecca, and all the craziness disappeared from his eyes. What remained in them was the only gentleness.

He arrived beside her before looking at her beautiful sleeping face with a worried look.

"What happened to her?" Ayaan asked.

"She burned her magic and life energy. Oriel was still better because he used a forbidden spell, but Rebecca burned all her energy directly without any medium or spell." Birdy explained to him with a grave voice.

Ayaan looked at the pendant, which was still hanging on her hand; there was curiosity in his heart but didn't examine it without Rebecca's permission.

"Continue," Ayaan asked Birdy to continue her explanation.

"There is nothing much to tell, in simple words, you can understand that she lost all her magic and her runes shattered on her consciousness, if she wants to be a mage again, she has to start from the basics." Ayaan nodded his head in understanding. She was the person who saved his life when he was on the verge of dying. Now, when she is facing a hard time, he has to repay her kindness with kindness.

Ayaan already knew she must have paid a heavy price to stop that attack but still felt sad when he heard the consequence.

As he was deep in his thoughts, Birdy again spoke, "but I think this tragedy can also turn a huge opportunity for her."

"Heh? What do you mean?" Ayaan immediately asked Birdy when he heard her previous words.

"You know she won't have any rune on her consciousness anymore if Rebecca wants to practice magic; she has to start from the beginning, and when she forms her rune this time, you can help her to form more powerful runes. Isn't it a great opportunity for her?" Birdy said with a small chuckle.

Ayaan rolled his eyes at her statement before asking, "Why would I help her?"

"Because you want to, hehe."


Half a day passed, and Rebecca woke up at that time. She realized there was no magic power inside her body; a sad expression appeared on her face and teardrops as well fell from her eyes.

Ayaan, who was just in front of her, saw her tears and walked towards her and held her hand without giving her any chance to speak before comforting her, "Don't worry, you just lost your magic, but you still have your body. You can reach the same realm again or even become more powerful."

Rebecca looked at his handsome face, and her eyes again became wet, before Ayaan could speak anything, she threw herself in his arms. Ayaan was shocked at first, but a gentle smile appeared on his face and patted her head tenderly. And when she came to her senses, she pushed him away and looked at him with a red face before saying, "You pervert."

"Hey..hey, you were the one who threw herself in my arms. Would I still be considered a man if I push a beauty like you away?" He said with a teasing voice, after hearing him, Rebecca's face became redder from embarrassment.

When Ayaan was sure that she was alright, he again walked towards his prey.

Oriel was already awake. His blood drowned his body, and scars were present all over his body.  After getting tortured for half a day, he was on the verge of a breakdown. He wanted to cry, but there were no tears left in his eyes. And when he saw Ayaan turning towards him, a shiver ran down throughout his body.

There were no fingers left on his body; his body was twitching from pain and agony. 

"So, what have you decided? Do you want me to continue the next session, or will you open  your mouth." Ayaan asked with a calm, smiling face.

As Oriel sensed Ayaan's gaze, he felt like a prey who didn't have anywhere to run and remembered all the agony he was gone through and felt like viper crawling all over his body. He had the courage neither energy to take any more torture.

"I will tell you, please, no more torture." He said with a voice filled with terror.

Rebecca, who was resting on her bed, saw everything, and a surprised expression appeared when she saw the dreadful look on Oriel's face. She was unconscious all this time and didn't see anything if she had seen, she would pity this poor eagle.

Ayaan didn't say a thing when he heard Oriel and continued to stare at him. Oriel didn't wait anymore and immediately spat out everything, "His name is Rex, my master. He is the king in one of the kingdoms on the demon continent, and he is a descendent of the vermillion."

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