Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch94- Tryouts

Ch94- Tryouts

At breakfast, Harry joined Daphne and Tracey, proposing an idea. "Ladies, how about watching the Quidditch tryouts? We don't have much else on today."

Daphne rolled her eyes playfully. "Speak for yourself, Potter. We still have Potion and Transfiguration essays to finish. Oh, and that spell 'Teacher Potter' wants us to create."

Harry chuckled at Daphne's sarcasm. "I'll help you with the essays later, promise."

Tracey's face lit up. "Really?"

Harry nodded. "Sure."

"What about the spell?" Tracey inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Harry, maintaining his playful demeanor, replied, "Sorry, you're on your own with that one."

Tracey's excitement deflated slightly as she started to play with her breakfast, clearly mulling over the challenge of creating her own spell variation. Chuckling at her reaction, Harry filled his plate too.

After breakfast, Harry, Daphne, and Tracey made their way to the Quidditch field, taking their seats among a small group of other students who had arrived to watch the tryouts. The sky was a clear blue, perfect for flying, and the anticipation in the air was palpable. Harry observed the gathering crowd, noting the presence of students from all houses, their interest in the Slytherin tryouts a testament to the sport's popularity.

As the tryouts commenced, Marcus Flint, the Slytherin captain, took charge, directing the players with a firm hand. The seekers were up first, and Harry watched with a detached amusement as they took to the air, their attempts to catch the Snitch varying in skill and technique. It was clear to Harry that none of them matched his own abilities, but he kept his observations to himself, not wanting to discourage the hopefuls.

Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind. "Quite the spectacle, isn't it, Master Harry? It's like watching ducks trying to be eagles."

Harry smirked, watching the enthusiastic yet unpolished attempts of the hopeful seekers. "Nigel, that is rude. They are doing their best, we should applaud their effort," he thought, observing the tryouts with a critical but fair eye.

Nigel chuckled in his mind, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Of course, Master Harry. Let's cheer for the valiant efforts of the flying ducklings. After all, everyone deserves a trophy just for participating, right?"

Daphne, leaning closer, whispered with a hint of amusement, "Some of them look like they've never been on a broom before. What do you think, Harry?"

Harry, with a sly grin, replied, "Well, Daphne, they say every champion has to start somewhere. Looks like we've got some real 'potential' here."

Tracey, not one to mince words, added, "Yeah, but some of these starts are pretty far back, if you ask me."

As the tryouts progressed, the Seeker candidates were quickly assessed and dismissed, none displaying the level of skill required for the position. The focus then shifted to the other positions – Chasers, Beaters, and the Keeper.

The Chaser tryouts were more competitive, with several candidates showcasing promising skills. Marcus Flint directed them through a series of drills, evaluating their agility, teamwork, and goal-scoring abilities. Harry noted a couple of players who seemed to have a natural flair for the position, their movements fluid and their teamwork seamless.

Nigel observed, "Ah, the Chasers seem to be on a different level. Quite the show they're putting on. It's almost as if they've seen a Quidditch match before."

Daphne's eyes followed one of the Chaser candidates, her expression thoughtful. "That one there, he's got good instincts. Quick and agile."

Tracey nodded in agreement, her eyes keenly following the action. "True, but he needs to work on his passing. It's a bit off."

The Beaters were up next, their task to demonstrate not only their strength but also their precision and timing. The candidates wielded their bats with varying degrees of expertise, some more adept at hitting the Bludgers accurately, while others seemed to struggle with control.

Nigel quipped, "Ah, the art of Bludger batting. Nothing quite says 'Hogwarts' like teaching children to swing clubs at high speeds."

Harry chuckled at Nigel's comment, his eyes following a particularly strong hit by one of the candidates. "That one's got a good swing, but he needs to watch his aim. Almost took out a spectator."

Finally, the Keeper tryouts began. This position demanded not only skill in blocking goals but also a keen sense of anticipation and positioning. The candidates took turns guarding the hoops, their performances varying from impressive saves to near misses.

As the tryouts drew to a close, Marcus Flint gathered the team and the hopefuls for a final debrief. The candidates waited anxiously for his decision, while Harry observed from a distance, already aware of the outcome.

Getting up from his seat at the Quidditch field, Harry turned to Daphne and Tracey, "Let's go." The girls, a bit surprised, followed him but couldn't help questioning, "Won't we wait to see the result?"

Harry smiled, his eyes glinting with a mischievous yet confident sparkle. "We will see in the first match anyway, won't we?" His tone suggested he already knew more than he let on.

The girls nodded, their curiosity piqued by Harry's enigmatic demeanor, as they walked out of the stadium. As they left the field, Harry's thoughts turned to the team dynamics he had observed. 'Marcus is too aggressive,' he mused. 'That doesn't give a good image. I need to change the team's reputation if I am to cultivate a good fame from this.'

Nigel, ever ready with a sardonic comment, snickered in Harry's mind, "Ah, the troubles of building up fame and dealing with bad team players. It's almost as if they don't realize they're in the presence of the great Harry Potter. How inconsiderate of them."

Harry, used to Nigel's jabs, ignored the remark and continued his train of thought, 'I will talk with Selena. She should be able to change their minds.' Selena Rosier, with her keen insight and leadership skills, would undoubtedly understand the importance of a positive team image.

As they walked back to the castle, Harry's mind was already strategizing the conversation with Selena. It wasn't just about winning games; it was about setting a standard, about showing that Slytherin could be more than just the house of ambition and cunning. They could be leaders, exemplars of skill and sportsmanship.

Daphne, catching the thoughtful expression on Harry's face, nudged him lightly, "Penny for your thoughts, Potter?"

Harry glanced at her, a slight smile forming. "Just thinking about the team dynamics. We need to be more than just skilled players; we need to be a team that others respect."

Tracey, walking beside Harry, joined the conversation with a reflective tone. "Slytherin has always been aggressive, at least that's what my parents say. They're known for playing hard and dirty to win. That's their style."

Daphne, nodding in agreement, added her perspective. "It's about ambition, Potter. We're driven to win at all costs. We're not Hufflepuffs who prioritize making friends over winning." Her voice, though firm, carried an undercurrent of critique, hinting at her own dissatisfaction with Slytherin's current reputation.

Harry, his expression thoughtful, responded, "But winning shouldn't come at the expense of fair play and sportsmanship, should it?" He could sense an ally in Daphne, who seemed to share his view that Slytherin could rise above underhanded tactics. To achieve his goals, he needed to project a more favorable image, and Slytherin hadn't quite lived up to his expectations so far.

Daphne sighed, a hint of resignation in her voice. "Ambition drives us, Potter. But I agree, it shouldn't define us in such a negative light."

Their conversation continued as they made their way back to the common room. Once there, Harry excused himself and approached the brass snake head that marked the entrance to the Serpent of the Crown's room. He knocked softly, and the wall split open to reveal the familiar interior.

Inside, Selena Rosier sat behind her desk, her posture exuding authority. "Potter," she greeted him, her voice devoid of the warmth her words suggested. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

Harry, undeterred by her cool demeanor, took a seat across from her. "I wanted to discuss the team dynamics," he said, getting straight to the point.


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