Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch69- Kitchen

Ch69- Kitchen

Harry then turned back to Daphne and Tracey, who had been observing the interaction with interest. "Let's go," he said, leading the way to the basement.

As they walked, Nigel's voice resonated in Harry's mind, "Master Harry, your knack for forming alliances is quite impressive. It's almost as if you're weaving your own web of connections."

Harry chuckled softly, a hint of warmth in his voice as he spoke of Neville. "Neville is a kindred spirit. He's suffered under the same prophecy. Let's not forget our bond as Godbrothers." His words carried a sense of camaraderie and shared fate that went beyond the usual student relationships at Hogwarts.

Tracey, confused by the path they were taking, couldn't help but ask, "Where are we going, Potter?" Her brows furrowed in curiosity. Daphne, equally puzzled, echoed her sentiment with a frown.

Harry's smile widened, a spark of mischief in his eyes. "I'm going to show you a secret," he said, leading them through the corridors with a confidence that piqued their curiosity even further.

They arrived at a painting of a bowl of fruit, an unremarkable piece of art that would usually go unnoticed by the bustling students of Hogwarts. "This is your secret?" Daphne asked, her tone laced with playful skepticism.

Rolling his eyes, Harry reached out and gently tickled the pear in the painting. To the girls' amazement, the pear began to giggle, its animated laughter filling the corridor. Moments later, a door handle appeared, magically transforming the painting into an entrance.

Twirling the handle, Harry pushed open the door, revealing a large room bustling with activity. Tracey and Daphne's eyes widened in astonishment as they stepped into the Hogwarts kitchen, a hidden gem within the castle's walls.

"Welcome to the Hogwarts Kitchen, ladies," Harry announced with a grin. The kitchen was a hive of activity, with house-elves busily preparing meals and treats. The aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering stews filled the air, creating an inviting and homely atmosphere.

A familiar house-elf, Slytherin Elf Tweak, approached them, his eyes bright and ears perked with excitement. "Sir Potter, and his friends. Welcome," Tweak said, bowing deeply. "What can Tweak be doing for you?"

Harry smiled warmly at Tweak, appreciating the house-elf's eagerness to please. "Tweak, could we have some snacks, if it's not too much trouble? But please, no garlic. We've had our fair share of that today," he said with a light chuckle.

Tracey, unable to contain her amusement, snorted with laughter, while Daphne giggled softly, both girls finding humor in Harry's playful jab at their garlic-infused Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson.

Tweak, his eyes lighting up with delight, nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, Sir Potter! Tweak be delighted to prepare snacks for you and your friends!" the elf exclaimed, his voice filled with joy.

Harry then reached into his sleeve, pulling out a book with an almost magical flourish. He presented it to Tweak, saying, "I have a gift for you and others, Tweak. This book contains recipes from Latin America, like Asado, Empanadas, Peruvian Ceviche, Feijoada, Dulce de Leche, and Guacamole. Perhaps you can add them to the Hogwarts menu. Some of them are light and delicious."

Tweak's eyes widened, his expression a mix of surprise and gratitude. He carefully took the book from Harry, his fingers trembling slightly with emotion. "Sir Potter, this is a wonderful gift! Tweak be very grateful. Tweak be make sure to try these recipes!"

The house-elf's enthusiasm was infectious, and Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at being able to contribute something meaningful to the Hogwarts kitchen.

As Tweak scurried off to prepare the snacks, Harry turned to Daphne and Tracey, who were both looking around the kitchen with fascination. The house-elves were a whirlwind of activity, each one dedicated to their task, yet moving in a harmonious and efficient manner.

"This place is amazing, Potter," Daphne remarked, her eyes taking in the bustling kitchen. "I had no idea this was even here."

Harry nodded, "It's one of Hogwarts' best-kept secrets. The house-elves work tirelessly to provide for the entire school, yet they remain largely unseen."

As they spoke, Tweak returned, balancing a tray laden with a variety of snacks. The delightful aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air, making their mouths water in anticipation.

"Here you go, Sir Potter, Miss Greengrass, Miss Davis," Tweak announced proudly. "Tweak made sure there be no garlic."

The tray was a colorful array of treats: sandwiches with a variety of fillings, bite-sized pastries, and a selection of fruits. Each item was perfectly presented, reflecting the house-elves' meticulous attention to detail.

"Thank you, Tweak. This looks fantastic," Harry said, as they each took a plate and began sampling the snacks.

As they relished their unexpected banquet, Nigel's commentary, laced with a tad more dryness, resonated in Harry's thoughts. "Master Harry, I must commend your strategic foresight. Cozying up to the kitchen staff, how very cunning! You never know when the need for an emergency treacle tart might arise."

Harry's grin was tinged with amusement at Nigel's sarcastic tone. "Well, Nigel, you know what they say, 'Win the kitchen, win the castle.' In Hogwarts, a well-timed chocolate frog can be just as powerful as any spell."

After finishing their snacks and thanking Tweak once again, Harry, Daphne, and Tracey made their way back to the common room.

In the common room, Harry settled into one of the plush chairs, observing his fellow Slytherin classmates. The room buzzed with the usual evening activities, a mix of study and leisure. Malfoy, Nott, and Zabini were deep in conversation near the fireplace, their voices a low murmur blending with the crackling flames. Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, in contrast, stood near a window with a view of the Black Lake. Their faces showed an unexpected seriousness as they undertook the rather peculiar task of counting the fish swimming in the water. It was quite clear that they were determined to figure out just how many fish were living in the lake.

Harry's presence caught Nott's eye, causing him to pause mid-sentence. Among the group, Nott's views were the most extreme, influenced heavily by his father's rigid pureblood ideology. He regarded Harry with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. Harry's status as a heir of a most ancient and most novel house was undeniable, yet his mother's mudblood status and his role in Voldemort's downfall made him an enigma in Nott's eyes.

Draco, on the other hand, held a different perspective. The conversations on the train and the interactions over the past days had given him a newfound respect for Harry. He saw Harry's intelligence and potential as an ally, recognizing the benefits of aligning with someone as resourceful as him.

Zabini, the most observant of the trio, had a worldview that set him apart from his peers. He was less concerned with blood status and more interested in the dynamics of power and influence within the wizarding world. He watched Harry with a keen interest, trying to gauge his motivations and ambitions.

Malfoy was the first to break the silence, addressing Harry with a tone that mixed respect and curiosity. "Sir Potter," he said, a subtle nod acknowledging Harry's status.

Harry responded in kind, his voice calm and measured. "Sir Malfoy, Nott, and Zabini," he greeted them, maintaining the formal decorum typical among pureblood families.

As the conversation unfolded, Harry discreetly activated the Observe function, ensuring none of the three Slytherins were under spells like Neville, Ron, and Hermione.

[System Message: Draco Malfoy - High ambition and pride, influenced by family legacy. Exhibits a strong sense of determination and loyalty to traditional values.]

[System Message: Theodore Nott - Ideologically influenced, potential for change under the right circumstances. Displays intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills, open to new perspectives.]

[System Message: Blaise Zabini - Observant, calculating, open-minded compared to peers. Demonstrates a keen sense of observation and analytical thinking, willing to consider alternative viewpoints.]

Harry felt a sense of relief knowing they were free from external influences. His interactions with them would be genuine, albeit strategically managed.

Harry had no innate hatred towards Theodore Nott or Draco Malfoy. They were kids, shaped by their upbringing and influenced heavily by their parents' ideologies. Especially in the case of Theodore Nott. Harry was aware that Theodore's mother had died when he was very young, leaving him to be raised solely by his father, a known extremist Death Eater. This background provided a significant insight into Theodore's beliefs and actions.

Despite these circumstances, Harry didn't consider them friends, but potential pawns in the larger scheme of things. Unlike Neville, and perhaps Daphne and Tracey, Draco, Nott, and even Ron were seen as chess pieces in Harry's strategic game.

Sitting comfortably in the common room, Harry observed the trio—Draco, Nott, and Zabini—conversing near the fireplace. Their body language and the nature of their discussion were telling. Harry could see the wheels turning in their minds, each contemplating their own ambitions and the role he might play in their realization.

*About Nott's familial situation, it is not meta knowledge given by Nigel. People talk, and since Harry is in Slytherin, he hears bit of gossip. I will not always write where he hears them from, but you can assume he heard it from others.


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