Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch45- Shopping Spree!

Ch45- Shopping Spree!

Note 1: I'm not sure if Newt's briefcase is known to others years after, but there's an incident where his beasts escape from the briefcase in Hufflepuff Common Room, and they're later found in several locations in Hogwarts. I've decided to go with it being common knowledge. If anyone has canon information about it, please let me know.

2- The idea of house elves depending on a bond isn't mentioned in canon, but it's a sensible way to explain their behavior. For example, when Winky was freed, she seemed drained, and most house elves are eager to bond. This also helps avoid delving into the complex issue of the entire race being enslaved and conditioned to accept a slave mentality, which I really don't want to address in this novel.


Harry, holding the miniature briefcase, felt a surge of excitement. This was a discovery akin to that of Newt Scamander's famous case but with a history tied to his own family. The idea of having a self-contained world, complete with a mansion and a thriving ecosystem, was fascinating.

Nigel, observing Harry's reaction, commented, "A world within a world, Master Harry. Quite the find, I must say. Imagine the secrets it holds."

Harry was eager to explore this miniature world, to see the forest and the creatures it might house, and to step into the mansion that stood as a legacy of his family's past. However, he decided to wait before activating it, knowing that such exploration required time and preparation.

Harry carefully pocketed the briefcase, planning to return to it when the time was right. The potential of this artifact was immense, not just as a resource but as a connection to his family's adventurous and magical heritage.

As Harry looked at the many other artifacts, he realized the depth and breadth of his family's legacy. Each item in his inventory was not just a tool but a piece of history, a testament to the Potter family's role in the magical world. There were still tens of others, but he would check them later.

"Quite the collection we have here, Master Harry," Nigel said, his voice reflecting a hint of awe. "Your family's legacy is indeed rich and varied."

Harry nodded, feeling a sense of pride and responsibility. "This is more than just wealth," he said. "It's a heritage that I need to honor and preserve."

Walking out of the vault, Harry couldn't help but feel a mix of exhilaration and responsibility. The wealth and history of his family were now more real to him than ever. Turning to Grimbletack, he inquired about a practical matter. "I heard there's a special pouch that allows me to withdraw money without needing to come here. Is that true?"

Grimbletack nodded, his expression shifting to one of business-like efficiency. "Yes, it's known as the Gringotts Withdrawal Pouch. The cost is 13 Galleons, and it has a monthly withdrawal limit of 50 Galleons."

Harry pondered for a moment, "Is the limit in place to control the flow of gold in the market?"

The goblin's lips curled into a smirk. "No, Sir Potter. It's merely to ensure our vaults are not emptied in one fell swoop. The idea of such a loss would be heart-wrenching for any goblin."

Harry chuckled at the goblin's candid response. "Understood. I'll take one. And for today, I'll need 1500 Galleons for my shopping."

Grimbletack winced slightly at the amount but nodded. With a wave of his hand, a small, intricately designed pouch appeared. He handed it to Harry, who watched as 13 Galleons were automatically deducted from his vault.

Grimbletack began to explain the features of the pouch. "This is not your ordinary money bag. It's magically enhanced for your convenience. Anti-theft and owner-protected, only you, Sir Potter, can open it. Should it ever be dropped or lost, it will return to your side. It's enchanted with an expanded space charm, allowing it to hold more than its physical size would suggest, yet it remains feather-light regardless of its contents. The bag also has a discreet charm, making it unnoticeable to those around you, unless you wish it to be seen."

Harry was impressed with the pouch's capabilities. He placed it in his pocket, and like his other belongings, it vanished into his inventory, a feature of his magical System that he was becoming increasingly reliant on.

His next question was about the title deeds and wills he had seen in the vault.

Grimbletack's expression soured slightly. "You can't use those properties yet, I'm afraid. You should ask your headmaster for more details."

Harry nodded, having anticipated this. Nigel had previously mentioned restrictions on his family's assets.

Changing the subject, Grimbletack brought up another matter. "The Potter family has a house-elf. After your parents' demise, I took the liberty of keeping her here at Gringotts, so she could feed on the magic of our kind. House-elves thrive on the magic of their bonded masters."

Harry's interest piqued. "Could I take her to my current residence?"

Grimbletack pondered for a moment and then agreed. "That should be possible."

Calling out, "Misty!" a house-elf appeared with a soft pop. The elf's eyes darted from Grimbletack to Harry, widening in recognition and filling with tears.

"Master Harry!" Misty exclaimed, her voice quivering with emotion. Her speech was broken, typical of house-elves, but her joy at seeing Harry was unmistakable.

Harry knelt to be at eye level with her. "Misty, it is nice to meet you. I'd like to take you with me. Would you be willing to come to my home?"

Misty nodded vigorously, her ears flapping. "Misty would be honored to serve Master Harry! Misty missed the Potter family so much. Misty remembers Master Harry in diapers!"

Harry smiled warmly. "Then it's settled. You'll come with me to Privet Drive."

As they left Gringotts, Harry, Petunia, and Misty headed towards the shops of Diagon Alley. Petunia looked curiously at Misty, her expression a mix of surprise and acceptance.

"Misty, this is my Aunt Petunia," Harry introduced. "She's family."

Misty bowed politely. "Misty is pleased to meet Mistress Petunia."

Petunia, still adapting to the magical world, nodded. "Nice to meet you, Misty."

Petunia looked at Harry, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and pride. "Where now?" she asked.

Harry smiled, his heart swelling with excitement. "Let's get ingredients first." He led the way, his step light and eager.

Petunia chuckled, shaking her head affectionately. "You and your potions."

Their first stop was Slug and Jigger's Apothecary, a haven for any aspiring potion maker. The shop was filled with the scent of dried herbs and a myriad of potion ingredients. Harry's eyes darted around, taking in the shelves stacked with jars and packets.

"Ah, Master Harry," Nigel's voice echoed in his mind, "the paradise of every potioneer. Do stock up well. You never know when you might need a Bezoar or a bundle of Valerian roots."

Harry nodded, picking out various herbs, roots, and other essentials. He filled his basket with Nettle Leaves, Snake Fangs, Porcupine Quills, and much more. Petunia, though initially overwhelmed by the assortment of ingredients, soon found herself intrigued, asking questions about their uses.

Harry meticulously selected extra ingredients for each potion. He knew well the advantages of his System's inventory – a timeless storage ensuring his supplies never degraded. Additionally, for the potions where he had achieved 80% mastery, he planned to use the Virtual Alchemy Room for auto-creation, intending to sell these superior concoctions. Petunia, observing Harry's thoroughness, asked, "Is all this really necessary?"

Harry grinned, "Absolutely. In the world of potions, it's better to have and not need, than need and not have."

Their next stop was Potage's Cauldron Shop. Harry wasn't just any Hogwarts student; he sought a cauldron for every purpose. He chose silver and bronze cauldrons for their unique properties and large ones for more complex brews. With his new enchanted briefcase, transporting them would be a breeze.

"Each cauldron has its own specialty, Aunt Petunia. Silver cauldrons are perfect for potions requiring a delicate touch, while bronze ones are ideal for more aggressive reactions," Harry explained as he selected his cauldrons.

Petunia nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of fascination and pride.

At Flourish and Blotts, Harry's excitement was palpable. However, having visited this shop a few times before and copied the books to his System's library, he only purchased the school-required texts. His mental library was already brimming with hundreds of books, and Hogwarts' vast library awaited him with even more knowledge to explore.

As Harry picked up the textbooks from the list, Petunia browsed through the aisles, her eyes wide with wonder at the magical titles.

Harry then turned to his aunt, "Aunty, how about you pick a few books? You can expand your knowledge about the Magical World."

Petunia, initially taken aback, responded, "Isn't it forbidden?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't think so. As long as you don't go out promoting it, it's just knowledge."

Petunia's eyes lit up with excitement, and she began to peruse the aisles with even more enthusiasm than Harry. He watched her with a smile, pleased to see her taking an interest in his world.

Their next stop was Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. As they entered, the warm scent of fabric and magic greeted them. Madam Malkin, a plump, smiling witch, welcomed them.

"Here for Hogwarts robes, dear?" she asked Harry.

"Yes, and I was thinking," Harry glanced at Petunia, "Aunty, why don't you pick out something for yourself? Some of these clothes have magical properties like automatic mending and self-cleaning."

Petunia, surprised by the suggestion, was initially hesitant but soon found herself intrigued by the idea. Madam Malkin enthusiastically showed her a selection of robes and cloaks that were practical yet stylish.

Petunia tried on a sleek, midnight blue cloak. "This one is charmed to stay dry in the rain," Madam Malkin explained.

Petunia looked in the mirror, a hint of wonder in her eyes. "It's beautiful," she murmured, a smile touching her lips.

Harry looked at his aunt, adorned in the midnight blue cloak, and had to admit she looked quite striking. The magical garment accentuated her features, casting a soft glow on her face. Petunia, gazing at her reflection, seemed transformed, her usual stern demeanor softened by the elegance of the cloak.

Madam Malkin, observing the positive change, chimed in with a warm smile. "You look wonderful, dear. Magical clothing has a way of bringing out one's best."

Petunia, slightly flushed with the compliment, turned to Harry. "What do you think, Harry?"

Harry grinned. "It suits you perfectly, Aunty. You should get it."


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