Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0480 Alchemy

0480 Alchemy

It was still a school day, so Professor McGonagall and the others couldn't devote all their time to promoting the efficient way of learning spells developed by Bryan. In the office, only those with no urgent matters were present. Bryan and Dumbledore sat on the sofa, discussing incessantly over the parchment laid out on the table.

"The basic idea is that we need to design a brand-new alchemical device with a constant magic that can separate the young wizards' spirits and project them into a virtual spiritual space. For this, we can partially refer to the working mechanism of the Imperius Curse—" Bryan said, chewing on his quill as he pondered.

Bryan leaned forward, his finger tracing a series of interconnected runes. "The heart of our creation must be a magical corridor—a conduit, if you will—designed to house and channel the memories and thoughts of our professors. This will form the backbone of its instructional capabilities."

"Fascinating," Dumbledore murmured, stroking his long silver beard. "Perhaps we could incorporate elements of Pensieve magic? The ability to store and replay memories would be helpful in this context."

"Brilliant suggestion, Headmaster," Bryan agreed enthusiastically. "We could create a hybrid system, combining the immersive nature of Pensieve magic with the instructive elements we're aiming for."

Dumbledore's expression grew serious as he considered the practical implications. "We must not overlook the enormous magical power such a device would require. We'll need to develop an efficient method of extracting and storing magical energy to fuel this alchemical device."

Bryan nodded grimly, adding yet more intricate runes to the already densely packed parchment. After several minutes of intense concentration, he sat back with a heavy sigh, rubbing his tired eyes.

"It's very challenging. Integrating so many diverse magical elements will result in an incredibly complex runic structure. Ensuring all these components are not only functional but also harmoniously intertwined is no small feat." He shook his head, a wry smile appearing at the corners of his mouth. "This isn't a task we can hope to complete in a day or two. Nevertheless, I'm convinced it's achievable. I'll need to make a visit to the library to dig up some crucial reference materials."

As if suddenly remembering himself, Bryan glanced towards the window. The sun had dipped low on the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant hues of orange and pink. From the grounds below, the joyous sounds of students released from their daily lessons drifted up, a reminder of the world beyond their intense focus.

"I should head to the library," Bryan pondered, already mentally cataloging the books he'd need to consult. "There are several obscure texts on magical synergy that might prove useful..."

"I can allocate some of my time to assist in designing portions of the runic patterns," Dumbledore rose, conjuring a steaming cup of honey-laced water with a casual flick of his wand. At Bryan's place, apart from green tea, he never offered any other beverages to guests.

"Perhaps you'd care to join me for dinner in the Great Hall first?" Dumbledore invited warmly.

Bryan, however, was already gathering his notes, his mind racing with new ideas and potential solutions. "Thank you, Headmaster, but I think I'll head straight to the library. Time is of the essence, and there's so much ground to cover."

Dumbledore could only shake his head helplessly. He was about to leave with his cup of honey water when Bryan suddenly called out to him.

"Wait, Headmaster—there's something else I wanted to discuss."

Curious, Dumbledore settled back onto the plush sofa, cradling his warm drink. "What's on your mind, Bryan?"

Bryan suddenly looked up and called out to Dumbledore. Facing Dumbledore's curious gaze, he pondered for a few seconds before slowly saying,

"I just remembered something. You should recall our conversation on that evening before the school year started, right?"

Dumbledore looked a bit surprised, clearly not expecting Bryan to suddenly bring up that conversation. However, his expression quickly returned to normal.

"If you're referring to the matter of Hogwarts separating from the Board of Governors, of course I remember. What is it, Bryan? Do you have any new ideas?"

"That's precisely it," Bryan confirmed with a nod. Looking at Dumbledore, who had sat back down on the sofa, he said softly, "We had planned to maneuver the Board of Governors into voluntarily withdrawing their financial support from Hogwarts. Simultaneously, through the Ministry of Magic, we would freeze the assets of those families blindly loyal to Voldemort. Through careful political and legal maneuvering, we would then convert those frozen assets into school property. However, such a transition would inevitably take time, and Hogwarts must maintain a reserve of funds to ensure its continued operation."

The light in Dumbledore's bright blue eyes flickered. He knew Bryan wouldn't have suddenly brought up this matter without reason. Leaning forward slightly, Dumbledore asked calmly, "What solution have you planned, Bryan?"

"Initially, I had considered 'persuading' the Malfoy family to contribute a substantial portion of their wealth," Bryan explained, a sly smile appearing at the corners of his mouth. "I have too many compromising details and handles on that fellow— enough leverage to ensure his cooperation, albeit reluctantly."

Looking at Dumbledore's furrowed brow, Bryan smiled widely, "But now I have a new idea—"

He tapped his finger meaningfully on the parchment spread across the table between them.

Dumbledore's eyes widened as he grasped Bryan's implication. "You believe this alchemical machine could generate some revenue for the school?"

"Not just revenue," Bryan said, his voice gaining enthusiasm. "I believe it could revolutionize magical education on a global scale. Think about it—Hogwarts already enjoys a sterling reputation as one of the seven finest institutions of magical learning in the world. Moreover, the combined academic achievements of yours, mine, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick gives considerable weight to any endeavor we undertake. With our combined reputations and a bit of strategic marketing, we could have individuals, families, and organizations clamoring to acquire this Alchemical learning tool."

Dumbledore listened intently, his expression thoughtful as he considered the implications of Bryan's proposal. Encouraged by his attentiveness, Bryan pressed on.

"This... well, let's call it a 'learning machine' for the time being. We don't need to set an exorbitant price for the device itself. Instead, we could generate a steady stream of income for Hogwarts through a more nuanced approach."

Bryan's eyes gleamed with excitement as he outlined his vision. "Picture this: we input the practical knowledge of all spells from the 'Standard Book of Spells,' Grade 1 through 4, into the machine. We then establish contracts with the buyers, structuring them so that increased payment correlates with greater user privileges. The more they invest, the more spells they can access and study using the learning machine. Naturally, these privileges would have a predetermined time limit. Should they wish to extend their access, they'd need to make additional payments."

Ignoring Dumbledore's slightly mystified expression, Bryan continued enthusiastically, his words flowing faster as his excitement grew. "And why stop at standard charms? The same principle could apply to transfiguration, potions, even specialized magic like the Patronus Charm. We'd embed the experiential knowledge of these spells into the machine's system. Imagine being able to learn such magic from the comfort of one's own home, guided by the Hogwarts' finest professors.

Users seeking to learn these more advanced or specialized magics would pay a premium for access. A portion of the galleons earned would be allocated to the professors who contributed their expertise, while the remainder... well, we'd have Remus establish a separate company to handle the finances. All funds would be channeled through this company's accounts. Until we're ready to sever ties with the Board of Governors, there's no need to expose the relationship between this company and Hogwarts itself."

When Dumbledore left, his face was a bit dark. No matter how progressive his ideas were, compared to Bryan, he always seemed a step behind. This was because Bryan possessed perspectives from both the Muggle and wizarding worlds, and moreover, the Muggle world he belonged to was even more advanced in its working than the Muggle world in current era.

Before parting, Dumbledore made only one stipulation: that Hogwarts students would not be required to pay extra to enjoy the benefits of this new learning tool. Bryan, of course, had never had the notion of profiting from the students under their care.

The two men parted ways at the corner of the third-floor corridor, the torchlight casting flickering shadows on the ancient stone walls. Dumbledore was heading for the Great Hall, his missed lunch had left him with a hearty appetite. Bryan, meanwhile, set off towards the library, his mind already racing with ideas for the research ahead.

Just as they were about to go their separate ways, Bryan called out once more, "By the way, Headmaster—"

Dumbledore paused, turning back to face Bryan with a quizzical expression.

"Neville Longbottom, Harry's classmate – you must be familiar with his situation," Bryan began, his voice taking on a more somber tone. "If I recall correctly, the Longbottom family—"

Dumbledore's shoulders sagged almost imperceptibly, his voice heavy with old sorrow. "Ah, yes. Young Mr. Longbottom's parents... They suffered grievously in the final days of the war. They are still receiving treatment treatment at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries."

Bryan's eyes narrowed in understanding. "The Cruciatus Curse?"

Dumbledore nodded solemnly. "In their desperation to locate Tom after his disappearance, a group of Death Eaters captured Frank and Alice Longbottom. They were subjected to... unimaginable torment." He sighed deeply, the twinkle in his bright blue eyes dimming. "As you so eloquently explained to our students in Alastor's class, the severity of the Cruciatus Curse they endured... Well, to use your terminology, their mental worlds were shattered beyond recognition. They exist now in a state of complete confusion, requiring constant care for even the most basic functions of life."

Bryan absorbed this information in silence, his mind clearly racing with possibilities.

Noticing this, Dumbledore stared at Bryan and said gravely, "Bryan, I've also tried to heal Frank and Alice before, but I must admit, I was powerless against the damage caused by that magic. You can imagine the impact this has had on young Mr. Longbottom. So please, unless you are absolutely certain you can help, I implore you not to raise false hopes in that child's heart. He has borne enough sorrow for one lifetime."

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