Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0268 Commission

0268 Commission

But, to his surprise, Lucius's words made Bryan realize that he might have guessed wrong.

"–Or you can also think of it, Mr. Watson, as me wanting to designate you to take on my commissioned task, and these gems are the reward for the task."

Lucius Malfoy bowed slightly to Bryan Watson, showing a hint of respect and sincerity.

This sudden turn of events finally made Bryan react. He narrowed his eyes and said in a light voice, "You broke the rules, Malfoy."

Last year, Bryan had accepted Dumbledore's commission from Kakus. He entered Hogwarts as an investigator to investiage the Chamber of Secrets, and to stop the attacks on the students. Before entering, it was Kakus who had used his influence to persuade the Hogwarts board of governors.

At that time, Lucius hadn't been removed from the Board of Governors yet, so he knew that Bryan and Kakus must have known each other. It wasn't difficult to guess that Bryan was probably a bounty hunter in the underground world.

There was an unwritten rule in the underground world that the party issuing a commissioned task and the party accepting it would not meet each other to prevent information leakage and other complications. The tasks were usually arranged through intermediaries, who ensured the anonymity and security of both parties.

Bryan didn't mind that Lucius had figured out a bit of his past, because he had already taught Lucius a lesson for it during their last encounter at the Leaky Cauldron. He just mentioned this rule to test the waters, and to see how Lucius would react.

"I have no other choice, Mr. Watson."

Lucius Malfoy was obviously not ignorant of that place. He had heard of this rule, but his current predicament forced him to take a risk and find Bryan.

"You didn't go to Kakus or any other commissioned task intermediaries. It seems that your task is not that simple, Malfoy." 

Bryan said calmly, "For Professor's sake, I will listen to what you have to say. I hope it's not an invitation for me to participate in your foolish plan to trip Dumbledore."

After listening to Bryan's words, Lucius's face immediately turned sour, as if he had bitten a rotten lemon. He felt a surge of anger and resentment in his chest.

Last school year, his plan to drive Dumbledore out of Hogwarts through that Chamber of Secrets was actually perfect. He had planted the cursed diary in the hands of that Weasley girl, and watched with satisfaction as the ancient horror unleashed its terror on the school. Dumbledore had already been officially transferred out of Hogwarts, and his reputation was tarnished. If it weren't for the man in front of him interfering, Dumbledore would likely not have been able to turn the tables. 

However, soon after, Lucius couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Bryan gave him the opportunity to explain the commission, which meant that there was a possibility of success. However, how to speak about it was also a problem. Lucius knew that Bryan was not someone to be trifled with, and that he had to tread carefully.

Lucius picked up the cup of green tea and took a sip. His brows furrowed as the bitter taste filled his mouth. He couldn't imagine how anyone could enjoy this "uniquely flavored" drink, but out of politeness, he forced himself to swallow the tea, but the bitterness in his mouth lingered. 

Bryan didn't rush him, but instead waited quietly. He leaned back on the sofa, his eyes fixed on Lucius with a calm and curious expression. 

"There is something you may need to see first–"

After a brief silence, Lucius finally made up his mind. His face darkened as he withdrew his hand from his robe, hesitating to reveal what he held. He knew that what he was about to show Bryan was risky, but he hoped that it would pique his interest and persuade him to cooperate. Seeing this, Tom, the black cat, desperately gestured to Bryan, trying to remind him not to overlook the fact that Lucius Malfoy was a cruel and cunning Death Eater. But Bryan, who noticed his reminder, showed no reaction and calmly sipped his tea.

Finally, under Tom's vigilant gaze, Lucius slowly placed what he held on the table. It was a small, black leather pouch, tied with a silver string. Lucius loosened the string and opened the pouch, letting its content fall out with a thud. When Tom saw it, he leaped ten feet from the sofa, his claws firmly gripping the table, his fierce gaze locked onto Lucius, who was slightly surprised by the black cat's reaction to his actions.

A claw resembling that of a human hand, charred black all over!

'This was a werewolf's claw!'

Seeing the black claws, Bryan recognized them and happened to know the owner of these wolf claws.

Things were getting interesting.

A mysterious light flickered in Bryan's eyes as he stared at Lucius Malfoy, who had shifted his attention away from Tom and was cautiously testing him and waited for his explanation.

"You have probably recognized it. This is a werewolf's claw."

Not seeing anything from Bryan's expression, Lucius controlled his speech speed and cautiously said, "And its owner is the infamous werewolf, Fenrir Greyback."

Ding-- Bryan tapped the cup with his finger, making a crisp sound, and the tea in the cup automatically refilled with a slight tremor. He set the cup down and leaned forward, his smile turning into a smirk.

"Fenrir Greyback–" Bryan repeated the name, as if tasting it on his tongue.

"This is a dangerous criminal that the Ministry of Magic dreams of capturing. So, did you kill him?"

"I don't have that ability, Mr. Watson–" Lucius said, his tone becoming harsh. 

"In fact, last summer, Greyback brought a few werewolves into my mansion. He hoped that I could use the Malfoy family's influence to help him find someone. And this claw is his 'commission fee'."

He paused, hoping that Bryan would ask him who Greyback was looking for. But Bryan remained silent, his eyes narrowing.

Meow-- Hearing this, Tom withdrew his attacking posture and instead looked at Lucius Malfoy with a disdainful and contemptuous gaze. He snorted, as if he was saying, 'serves you right'. 

'Voldemort had fallen twelve years ago, and now his loyal followers were starting to turn on each other? How pathetic!'


Bryan narrowed his eyes, his tone becoming subtle. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table, and clasped his hands under his chin. 

Without much thought, Bryan also knew who those stubborn werewolves were looking for. However, he didn't expect Greyback to think of asking Lucius Malfoy for help. No, Lucius Malfoy found him because he knew he had a foundation in the underground world. Or perhaps, he was trying to test him through some clues?

Both of these guesses were possible, and for a moment, Bryan couldn't judge. But at least, he was sure that Lucius didn't dare to confirm that he was the Golden Viper. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so foolish as to come directly to him. Doing so would only anger him.

Bryan decided to play along, and see what Lucius had to say. 

"–Greyback hoped that I could help him find the person he was looking for in the dark and dangerous underground world. This person's name is Golden Viper, Mr. Watson. He has become quite famous - or rather, infamous - in recent years, and I believe you have heard of him."

When saying these words, Lucius Malfoy ignored the risk of angering Bryan Watson and stared intently at those distinctive purple eyes, hoping to get the answer he wanted. However, besides the chilling abyss that seemed to swallow his gaze, he didn't find anything.

And upon hearing the name "Golden Viper," Tom quietly opened his mouth.

'Isn't Golden Viper, Bryan Watson?'

Remus had called him by this name on the day he exposed his identity. Because the misunderstanding hadn't been cleared up at that time, Remus thought Bryan was his accomplice. So, He said this name himself!

Tom didn't know the twist and turns, but based on the information he just heard, Greyback expected Malfoy to use his family's influence to help him find the Golden Viper and left behind that charred claw as a warning. This claw probably belonged to Greyback, and the Golden Viper that is Bryan Watson, turned these claws into this blackened and twisted appearance with his powerful magic. 

And for some unknown reason, Lucius Malfoy directly came to Bryan Watson, hoping he knew something about the Golden Viper?

If this was a coincidence, then Lucius Malfoy was too unlucky!

Not getting the expected response, Lucius was disappointed, but he controlled his emotions well and believed he didn't reveal any flaws.

"Those despicable and lowly werewolves used Draco to threaten me–"

Lucius knew that Bryan had a good impression of Draco, so he deliberately said this, hoping to appeal to his sympathy.

"–and asked me to find out the true identity of the Golden Viper as soon as possible. They forbade me from openly inquiring in the underground world, for fear that the dangerous person named Golden Viper would hear about it and retaliate. I couldn't use some of my connections there, so I requested Cornelius Fudge to access some secret files in the Auror Office, but there was no discovery there either. I know you have some–"

"This is not the style of the Malfoy family I know, Mr. Malfoy–" Bryan tilted his head, smiling faintly, but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"With the Malfoy family's wealth, if you wish, you can push for the enforcement of relevant laws and let the official forces go all out to strangle the pack of wolf cubs led by Greyback. You have the power and the influence to do so."

"That is indeed more in line with my wishes!"

Bryan's words ignited Lucius's anger. His face turned iron blue, filled with hatred. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"But if even one werewolf manages to escape the siege, the Malfoy family will never have peace. You must be aware of Greyback's disgusting actions! He is a monster who bites children and turns them into his slaves!"

Tom stared at Lucius Malfoy with disdain. He knew about the dirty deeds Lucius did as a Death Eater, and now he had the audacity to criticize Fenrir Greyback, whose actions were as 'noble' as his own. It was ridiculous!

Tom turned his head and focused his gaze on Bryan Watson, wanting to warn him not to agree to any of Lucius's requests. But then he suddenly realized that Bryan Watson was the Golden Viper!

'Interesting. What would Bryan do?'

Tom suddenly lost his urgency. He leaned on the table and scratched his beard with his cat paw, waiting with Lucius Malfoy for Bryan's reaction. He wondered how Bryan would handle this situation, knowing that he was the one Lucius was looking for. 


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