Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0251 Betrayal?

0251 Betrayal?

Time goes back to early November.

The majestic rain shakes the world, and the vast Black Lake trembles in the turbulent waves caused by the fierce wind. In the deep and bottomless depths of the lake, a massive black shadow grows restless due to the turbulent lake. It swings its tentacles, covered with huge suction cups, and occasionally smashes against the emerald green rocks, causing the Slytherin Common Room next to the Black Lake to shake.

"That ugly beast is throwing a tantrum again!"

Daphne cast a cold gaze at the raging giant squid outside the glass window. She could see its enormous eyes, glowing with anger and annoyance, as it thrashed about in the water.

If students from the other three houses had the chance to see the legendary giant squid in the Black Lake, they would definitely tremble with excitement. But for the students of Slytherin, it was just a daily scenery. Whenever the lake surface became turbulent, this giant creature would always get annoyed by being disturbed from its slumber. 

It was around noon, and the Slytherin Common Room, filled with dim green lights, was not crowded with students. Most of the people here were gathered around the exquisitely carved fireplace, continuing the discussion from last night and talking in awe about the incident that happened during the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. 

"I can't understand why Draco would do such a thing when he clearly despises that idiot Potter."

Pansy Parkinson looked weary and melancholic. 

"It is indeed puzzling–"

Outside the rippling window, the giant squid, which was venting its frustration, spotted a group of unfortunate Grindylows passing by. It changed its target, spitting out a series of bubbles big enough to fit Hagrid inside, and whipping its tentacles like a whip, spinning the unlucky water creatures around. The Grindylows squealed and squirmed, trying to escape the squid's wrath, but to no avail. They were tossed and turned, until they were either crushed by the suction cups, or flung out of the lake.

Daphne found this scene boring. She had seen it many times before, and she felt no sympathy for the Grindylows. She withdrew her gaze and patted Pansy's shoulder.

"No matter how you look at it, Draco's actions can be considered a betrayal. If it weren't for his unilateral actions, we would never have lost to those foolish and reckless trolls from Gryffindor. We should have been the ones to shine in front of Professor Watson!"

"I don't want you to speak ill of Draco, Daphne!"

To Daphne's surprise, Pansy didn't feel relieved or anything because of her words. Instead, she pointed at her with sharp eyes and said arrogantly,

"And you don't have the right, Daphne. Don't forget, your family relies on the support of the Malfoy family to maintain many of its businesses. You should show some respect for Draco!"

After an awkward silence, Daphne reluctantly nodded.

"You're right, Pansy–"

She first acknowledged the fact that Pansy pointed out, but then she quickly changed the subject and said,

"But I must tell you, Pansy, most of us–I mean Theodore, Blaise, Millicent, and the rest of us have reached a consensus. Draco must pay a price for his betrayal. We won't participate in cleaning the owlery today unless–"

"Unless what, Daphne?"

Before Pansy could express her anger at Daphne's words, a cold voice suddenly came from behind the two girls, causing both Daphne and Pansy to change their expressions.

It was Draco Malfoy and his two loyal supporters, Crabbe and Goyle. They had just entered the common room, and had overheard the last part of Daphne's sentence. He walked towards Daphne and Pansy, followed by Crabbe and Goyle, who looked like two large and dumb bodyguards.

In the current Wizarding world, apart from a few sacred pure-blood families with significant positions in the Ministry of Magic, the wealthy Malfoy family was probably the most powerful and influential one. Faced with the anger of the heir to such a pivotal family, Daphne and Pansy felt a bit nervous. 

Before Daphne could explain her words from earlier, Draco raised his chin and stared coldly at her, his tone full of contempt.

"Do I need to apologize to you, Daphne?"

He asked, as if he had done nothing wrong, and as if Daphne was the one who owed him something. 

"Shouldn't you explain yourself, Draco?"

Daphne couldn't be presumptuous in front of Draco. She suppressed her anger, looked down at the ground, and explained with a hint of dissatisfaction,

"You let everyone down. Theodore, Blaise, Millicent, and I worked so hard to buy time for Slytherin, but you spent your energy on saving that idiot Potter–"

"I don't need to explain anything to you, Daphne–"

Draco said without any courtesy, but when he saw the saddened Pansy, his expression showed some hesitation. But he quickly dismissed the thought, and put on a stern face and said,

"But since you all have reached a consensus, fine, I will go take care of that filthy creature's shed–"

"I can help too, Draco."

Pansy didn't hesitate. She stared at the dominant Draco Malfoy with infatuation and said dreamily. 

"No need, Pansy. I don't lack support."

Draco extended his thumb and pointed at Crabbe and Goyle standing behind him. After saying this, he turned and left.

Gryffindor lost to Hufflepuff in the Quidditch match, and the weak and incompetent Potter fell from the sky due to a Dementor attack. It was said that even his Nimbus 2000 broomstick turned into a pile of debris. Professor Watson showed his power and directly trapped the Dementors sent by the Ministry of Magic at the school gate.

These things should have pleased Draco, but Daphne's words just now completely ruined his mood. However, he couldn't find a suitable reason to explain his actions. He couldn't possibly tell them that he had a small favor for Potter because of the Dark Arts Defense class last year.

If he said that, Draco could be sure that he would become a laughingstock in Slytherin from now on. 

It was lunchtime, and the air in the Great Hall was filled with the aroma of delicious food. As they passed through the entrance hall, Crabbe and Goyle gazed longingly at the mouthwatering delicacies on the grand table, their mouths watering. 

"Can we go eat something, Draco–" Goyle said with a foolish voice, "We're so hungry we can't walk anymore."

"Cleaning is such a tiring job, Draco," Crabbe also chimed in softly, "We will starve to death."

"Do you honestly think I'd spend half the day in that stinky stone house, Crabbe, Goyle?"

Draco seethed with anger and scolded them.

"I plan to just go there and have a look, and give Professor Watson an explanation. Hurry up, we can make it back for lunch!"

He said this with a tone of impatience and reassurance. 

The three of them hurried up to the west tower, and stopped outside the shed.

They opened the door, and a strong smell of bird droppings hit them, making Malfoy nauseous.

Malfoy often came to the owlery, but when he really had to clean this stone house, he realized how smelly it was.

He felt a wave of nausea wash over him, and he covered his nose with his hand. He saw the piles of droppings and the bones on the floor, and he felt a surge of revulsion. 

Crabbe and Goyle were very conscious. As soon as they entered the house, they went to the corner where the brooms and other cleaning tools were placed, and rolled up their sleeves, ready to work hard.

They felt a pang of hunger in their stomachs, and they licked their lips with their tongues. 

"Put down those stupid things in your hands–"

Seeing Crabbe and Goyle's clueless look, Malfoy was even more annoyed. He lifted his foot, and looked disgustedly at the bird droppings and undigested rat bones on the sole of his shoe.

"Are the wands in your pockets for decoration?"

"But we don't know any cleaning spells, Draco--"

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other and said in a foolish voice.

"Then just do something random," Draco said this with a tone of sarcasm and ridicule. He pulled out his wand from his pocket while speaking impatiently, "Anyway, let people know that we've been here!"

Well, with Draco's command, Crabbe and Goyle finally found their direction. After Draco stepped back onto the threshold, the two of them began to wave their wands and clumsily imitate cleaning movements, resembling trolls wandering around with sticks.

Crabbe seemed to want his wand to spray some water to clean the floor, but somehow, a burst of orange flames erupted from the wand tip instead, shooting up into the air and exploding a tail feather of an owl that was resting on a high perch!

Now they had really stirred up a hornet's nest. The enraged owls, which were perched on the branches, took off one after another. They were not used to being disturbed by clumsy and careless students, and they were not happy about being set on fire by Crabbe's wand. 

Several owls fluttered above Crabbe and Goyle's heads, pecking at their heads with sharp beaks, while most of the owls in mid-air unleashed their killer moves. 


Draco, who was standing at the door watching the commotion, suddenly felt a warm sensation on his lips. He instinctively wiped it with his hand and looked at it closely, only to see a sticky, grayish-brown substance. 


In an instant, Draco, who was furious, drew his wand and jumped into the room, roaring at the agitated owls,

"You beasts, I'll KILL YOU!!"


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