Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0233 Two Problems

0233 Two Problems

The kitchen was like a deep, dark cave, surrounded by rough stone walls that seemed to close in on them. Most of the light came from the large fireplace at one end of the room, which Bryan had lit for warmth. The smoke from the chimneys filled the air, creating a gloomy and oppressive atmosphere. The heavy iron pots and pans hanging from the blackened ceiling looked menacing and terrifying in the smoky haze, as if they could fall and crush them at any moment.

Sirius was no longer bound by the silver-striped snake, but he still did not get up. He lay on the floor, his face twitching, and his eyes full of undisguised anger as he glared at Bryan. 

Bryan had heard some shocking news today, but he couldn't simply believe Black's side of the story. He had taken a moment to delve into Black's mind to ensure he wasn't being deceived by these absurd words. 

"Alright, Mr. Black, stop making that pitiful expression," Bryan cleared his throat and said impatiently, "Do you really expect me to believe your 'truth' without any doubt after hearing it from someone I've never met? I have to find a way to verify the truth!"

That was reasonable, but Sirius could not help being angry. Anyone would be furious if someone invaded their mind without permission, peering into the darkest corners of their memories that they didn't want to revisit. He felt violated and exposed.

"Now that you know the truth, Watson," Sirius struggled to stand up, leaning on the table for support. He sat down on a chair, breathing heavily, and stared at Bryan with a gloomy and resentful tone, "What are you going to do now?"

"What else can I do?" Bryan sneered, looking at him sideways, his eyes like those of a parent dealing with a naughty kid who had caused trouble and asked for help. "Of course, I'll find a way to catch that guy named Peter Pettigrew and see if I can get a bigger reward from the Ministry. Ahem-, I mean, let Wizengamot judge him and clear your name."

Sirius: *speechless*

"I don't care about clearing my name, Black!" Sirius exclaimed after a brief silence, waving his hands in frustration, "I just want to send Peter to hell. Ever since I found out that vile bastard was still alive, I've been thinking about it day and night, dreaming of taking his life. Now that you know I'm innocent, Watson, you can help me get into the Gryffindor dormitory and catch that rat. I want to tear him apart with my own hands!"

"It's not that simple," Bryan chuckled coldly, "In my opinion, there are two important problems that need to be solved."

"No problem is more important than killing Peter, Watson!"

After spending twelve years in Azkaban, Sirius had been tormented by hatred to the point of losing his sanity. The only reason he hadn't completely broken down was because he wanted to avenge James and Lily. He wanted to make Peter pay for what he had done.

Even though he knew Black was innocent, Bryan couldn't bring himself to like the guy. On the other hand, Black didn't like Bryan either, a young wizard who was powerful but cruel and seemed particularly obsessed with Galleons. Moreover, Bryan seemed to have a close relationship with that slimy Snape. If possible, Sirius would rather get rid of him immediately.

"The first problem is," Bryan looked at Sirius with a deep and piercing gaze, and raised his index finger, "I'm afraid you don't know that Ron's rat, Scabbers, died a month ago, on the second night after you broke into Hogwarts. Ron found bloodstains from Scabbers on his bed, and he also found some yellow hairs from Crookshanks. This almost caused a rift between Ron and Hermione, who is Harry's friend."

"That's impossible!" Before Bryan could finish, Black shouted and jumped, his nails scratching the table, leaving marks on the wood. "I bet it's a trick, that despicable scum!"

Sirius couldn't find a way to express his rage and could only grind his teeth. 

"He faked his death and escaped. It was the same when I cornered him on a Muggle street before going to Azkaban. He's definitely not dead, that cowardly and shameless bastard must have sensed the danger and hid early!"

"Don't shout nonsense," Bryan said coldly, his voice cutting through the smoky air like a knife. "Who do you think caused this trouble, Mr. Black? Whether it was when Voldemort fell or when you just got out of Azkaban for touring, Dumbledore had plenty of means to clear your name and send Peter to Azkaban for the rest of his life. 

But now, we have to find a rat, and this rat could be anywhere, Black. Maybe your brain is rusty, or maybe you don't have a brain at all, but I still want to ask you, what are you going to do?, spend the rest of your life chasing a rat around the world? Let me remind you according to Muggle scientist's statistics, there are approximately two billion rats in the world. 

I'm sure you're thrilled to hear that because you finally have something to occupy your overly energetic self!"

If it were a dozen years ago, faced with such an insult, Sirius would have drawn his wand and dueled Bryan. Even now, hearing Bryan's words, he had the same thought in his mind. But the reality was cruel. He didn't have a wand, and at least until Peter was dead, he had to keep himself alive.

"I know Peter," Sirius's face turned red, and he explained with a panting voice, his eyes shining with determination. "I bet he's still at Hogwarts. He wouldn't dare to leave because that would mean giving up the protection of the Ministry and Dumbledore. He's a coward and a traitor, and he knows I'm after him."

"So what?" Bryan still had a displeased expression, his lips curled in a sneer. "Are you suggesting we tear Hogwarts apart, digging three feet underground? Do you think Dumbledore will let us do that? Do you think the other students and teachers will stand by and watch? Do you think Peter will just sit there and wait for us?"

Sirius fell silent, but Bryan continued with another finger raised, his eyes narrowing. "The second issue is, why should I help you, Black? This is a mess you created, and you caused me to lose a reward of fifty thousand Galleons. Do you have any idea how much money that is?"

He paused for a moment, as if expecting Sirius to answer, but Sirius just glared at him.

"I could have pretended I didn't hear anything from you tonight and just killed you. No one would blame me, not Dumbledore, not Remus not even Harry. Cornelius Fudge might even be grateful to me and personally award me a Order Of Merlin First Class Medal for helping the Ministry solve a big problem. I would be a hero, Black, a hero!"

He spat out the last word with sarcasm,

"Of course, I'm not that heartless. Knowing that you're innocent, I won't kill you just to get the reward. But why should I help you get into Gryffindor and catch Peter? You should be grateful for my kindness for not killing you!"

If possible, Sirius wanted to curse and swear at Bryan. He wanted to tell him that he was a greedy and selfish bastard, that he had no sense of loyalty or honor, that he didn't deserve to be a wizard. 

He never intended to reveal the truth about James and Lily's sacrifice, nor did he want anyone else's help. Otherwise, he would have gone to Remus long time ago. It was only because he had been careless and was caught by Bryan who wanted to pack him to Snape that he finally spoke up.

But he couldn't say those words because he could tell that Bryan-Watson was undoubtedly a Slytherin. He wouldn't show pity just because Sirius was innocent or help him seek justice. 

"Come with me to see Dumbledore at Hogwarts," Bryan said indifferently after a long silence, his tone flat and emotionless. "For the sake of Harry and Remus, I won't let the murderer of the Potters go unpunished… But as for how to catch Peter, you can discuss it with Dumbledore and Remus. I have my own matters to attend to. Now that I'm sure you won't harm Harry, I'll be leaving Hogwarts soon after dealing with your troubles."

"No!" Sirius stubbornly refused when he heard that Bryan wanted him to explain everything to Dumbledore, his voice hoarse and desperate. "I won't tell anyone the truth. I don't want to see them until I kill Peter!"

"What's the matter?" Bryan mocked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Now you feel ashamed of your foolishness? Unfortunately, Mr. Black, I can't ignore the information I've heard. I also don't want to play your boring revenge game. I didn't sleep all night. After dealing with your troubles, I hope I can at least make it in time for breakfast at Hogwarts!"


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