Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0184 Return (Part-2)

0184 Return (Part-2)

'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; Student Safety Office Director?' 

Bryan blinked his blue eyes and smiled nonchalantly, his grey hair shining in the candlelight.

'The title sounded a bit better than 'Castle Security Officer'.' 

He shrugged his shoulders, as if it was not a big deal. 

"–I easily convinced the board of governors to agree to my request, perhaps, it was the troubled days of the past two years that made them realize that we should really think about the safety of the young wizards." 

Dumbledore said in a relaxed tone, his twinkling eyes behind the half-moon spectacles reflecting the wisdom and kindness of the old wizard. 

"I plan to put the castle administrator and gamekeeper under the management of this department, in addition to arranging the daily patrol of the castle by the Head boy and girl and the prefects of each house, this department will also have a very special right." 

He continued, his voice calm and steady. Bryan looked sideways at Dumbledore, waiting for his explanation. He sensed that there was something more to this new position than just a fancy name. 

"–Those monitoring devices you left in the school, Bryan, I think they are wasted in Argus's office, I have communicated with the board of governors and the Ministry of Magic, in special times, I mean when there are some events that will threaten the safety of the young wizards in the school, then those alchemy devices will be legally used." 

Bryan raised his eyebrows in surprise, this was not an easy thing to negotiate. He had invented those devices using his knowledge of alchemy and magic, and they could detect any unusual movements or activities in the castle and its surroundings. He had left them in the school as a precaution, but he did not expect that they would be officially recognized and authorized by the authorities. 

Speaking of which, Dumbledore showed some regret, his face clouded with sadness. 

"I have talked with Minerva, and we both think that your alchemy devices are indeed useful, if it weren't for them, before Miss Weasley was taken into the Chamber of Secrets last semester, maybe more young wizards would have been hurt. Tonight, if they were there, we probably would have found out about Black's intrusion into the school in time." 

He sighed, his eyes darkening with worry. 

"Do you have a reasonable inference, Headmaster Dumbledore?" 

Bryan asked with a frown. 

"The most likely possibility is that Black took a detour from the Forbidden Forest," Dumbledore pondered, stroking his long silver beard. 

"But we'll have to wait for Hagrid to ask his magical creature friends." 

He added, referring to the half-giant gamekeeper who had a fondness for all kinds of beasts and beings. 

With Dementors and many ancient wards, the defense of Hogwarts was like an iron wall, if Bryan wanted to sneak into Hogwarts, he would probably choose from the Forbidden Forest as well, but sneaking into Hogwarts from the Forbidden Forest, which was densely vegetated and inhabited by numerous and varied creatures, was still a difficult thing to do, you never knew who was peering at you from the corner with a pair of eyes. 

"About the Student Safety Office Director–" 

Dumbledore suddenly smiled and said, changing the topic. He seemed to sense Bryan's discomfort and wanted to cheer him up. 

"In less tense situations, I mean, when the teaching activities can proceed normally, you can leave Hogwarts freely to do your own things, Bryan." 

Bryan smacked his lips, not knowing what to say, 'Did Dumbledore change his mind, just let him go to make extra money?' 

 "–The Student Safety Office Director, has a heavy responsibility because he needs to bear the personal safety of all young wizards, the board of governors thinks that the importance of this position is equivalent to that of deputy headmaster, so, your salary and Minerva's are the same, Bryan, both are 1200 galleons–" 

Dumbledore announced while his eyes were sparkling with mischief. 

'Ahem, you have to know how to say the key points first, Dumbledore!' 


Before dawn, the biting cold enveloped the earth, the horizon, the boundary between the earth and the sky still did not see a trace of light, but the starlight and moonlight above the sky gradually dimmed, the dark that made people sink was rampant, like a thick blanket covering the world. 

The brilliant firelight flashed in the deep night, a short and a tall, two equally thin figures appeared on the steps outside the castle gate, their silhouettes contrasting with the warm glow behind them. 

Everything in sight was almost no different from when they left, this ancient castle seemed to dwell in the gap of time, regardless of the years like flowing water, alone and still. It stood proudly on the edge of the lake, its towers and turrets silhouetted against the dark sky. It was a symbol of magic and history, a home for generations of witches and wizards, a place of wonder and mystery. 

"Minerva will be very happy–" Dumbledore's beard was covered with crystal dew, he smiled and said, 

"As the deputy headmaster, besides teaching, she also has to ensure the normal operation of the school, whenever there is a special situation, she always gets very anxious, now, finally there is someone who can share some of the responsibility for her." 

"Ensuring the normal operation of the school is the responsibility of the headmaster, not the deputy headmaster or the student safety office director, Headmaster Dumbledore." 

Bryan rolled his eyes and said politely, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"Oh, if you say so, I have to do something myself-" 

Dumbledore wanted to explain something, but Bryan ignored him, he walked straight to the magnificent gate, which was carved with intricate patterns and symbols, and guarded by two stone lions. He pursed his lips, and smiled, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement. 

'Hogwarts, I'm back.' 

The restless young wizards who had been discussing how Black sneaked into the castle for most of the night fell asleep, because no matter what happened tonight, tomorrow's classes would always continue, under the starry sky of the Great Hall, which was enchanted to reflect the weather outside, Except for the occasional footsteps of the professors passing by, there was only the snoring of the young wizards echoing each other, some of them clutching their wands or brooms in their dreams. 

Although Hermione and Ron had already fallen asleep, Harry was only pretending to sleep, because the other young wizards could treat Black's intrusion into the castle as a strange and unusual thing, but he couldn't do that, after all, Black was coming for him, Harry was not sure if this cunning criminal was still lurking in the dark, taking advantage of Dumbledore's absence from Hogwarts, to make a comeback. 

'Speaking of which, Lupin had hurried back to the castle a while ago and joined the night patrol team. He looked pale and exhausted, as if he had been through a lot. 

Snape also returned to the school, apparently, he had figured out that the old friend he met with Lupin was not Black, he came back and went straight upstairs without appearing again, but Dumbledore had not been seen until now, shouldn't they have come back together?' 

Harry wondered what had happened between them, and why Dumbledore had left the school at such a critical time. 

Without Dumbledore, Hogwarts always felt less reassuring, Harry couldn't help thinking about where Dumbledore had gone, he tossed and turned in his sleeping bag, restless for a long time, finally, he couldn't stand the heat and decided to get up and breathe. He put on his glasses and his cloak, and tiptoed towards the door, careful not to wake anyone up. 

Squeak! The sound of the door hinge rotating was very harsh in the quiet hall, Harry, who was halfway up, rolled back into his sleeping bag, facing the direction of the castle gate, and secretly looked through the bright starlight scattered from the night sky on the ceiling of the hall. 

Oh! With Just one glance, Harry exclaimed like he was celebrating a victory in a Quidditch match!


When Bryan stepped into the same office as last year again, he knew from the moment he saw the furnishings in the room that Dumbledore probably had been thinking about how to put the title of Student Safety Office Director on his head for a long time. Tonight Black attacked the castle, and the sudden 'meeting' with Professor Snape gave him a very good opportunity. 

Bryan didn't mind, he liked the office, it was spacious and comfortable, and it had everything he needed. He felt a sense of nostalgia, as he looked around the room. The desks, bookshelves, Bunk bed, fireplace. Everything was as it was before, even the black curtain covering the monitoring wall was spotless. The monitoring wall was a alchemy device that allowed Bryan to observe the whole school, and detect any anomalies or threats. 

A temporary meeting was being held in this office that was used again, the participants were the owner of the office Bryan, the headmaster Albus Dumbledore, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Lupin, the deputy headmistress Minerva McGonagall and the castle caretaker Argus Filch who had already clearly belonged to the management of the owner of the Student Safety Office. 

"Although I said this a few months ago–" 

McGonagall, who had been busy for most of the night, had a messy round bun behind her head, the weakness between her eyebrows showed that she was very tired, but she still squeezed out a smile for Bryan. She was the one who had organized the evacuation of the students and the search for Black, and she had done a remarkable job, despite the chaos and the danger. 

She walked over to Bryan, and greeted him with a warm hug. She said, "But I have to say it again, Bryan, welcome back to Hogwarts. I'm so happy to see you. You don't know how much we missed you." 

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall–" 

Bryan waved his wand and conjured a few chairs, helping the old and overworked McGonagall to sit down, while the older but energetic Dumbledore obviously knew that he didn't have this treatment, he happily found a stool and sat down, his beard and robes sparkling with dewdrops.

Lupin, who had a gloomy face, went to the shelf above the fireplace to make tea for everyone, his movements slow and careful, as if he was afraid of breaking something. He looked pale and weary, his eyes haunted by shadows, as if he had seen something terrible. 

Only Filch, who faced his new direct boss, was full of hesitation, not knowing what to do. He stood awkwardly near the door, clutching his lantern and his cat Mrs. Norris, his expression a mixture of fear and resentment, as if he was expecting to be scolded or dismissed at any moment.

"Sit down, Argus!" Bryan said kindly. 

"Oh, Mr. Watson….. sir, I'm fine standing!" 

Filch, who had big bags under his eyes, was terrified, his bulbous nose was red and shiny, his voice trembling and hoarse, as if he had been shouting all night. But in the end, he couldn't resist Bryan's gentle eyes, he half-assed on the stool, trying to straighten his back and sit down, his posture stiff and uncomfortable, like a puppet on a lonely string. 

"So now–" 

Bryan, who quickly entered the role, looked around and said calmly.

"Who can tell me more about the current situation?"

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