Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0179 Halloween

0179 Halloween


The dazzling lightning that tore through the silent sky like a jagged knife, illuminating the dark clouds that hung over the shrieking shack. The old house was shaking in the thunderous roar, as if it was about to collapse at any moment. The rainstorm was like a sword of silver, shooting the earth with relentless force, raging and roaring towards every corner of the village. The wind howled and whipped the trees, making them sway and creak.

A large group of bats conjured by magic stretched their wings and soared in the fierce rainstorm, defying the natural elements. They flew over every household's door, where pumpkin lanterns with candles flickered and cast eerie shadows on the walls. The mysterious singing echoed in every street and alley of Hogsmeade village, creating a spooky atmosphere. Even the thunder and rainstorm could not stop the joy of Halloween for the villagers, who dressed up in costumes and masks, and celebrated the night of magic and mischief.

"I have to leave early today, Crookshanks." 

The sky was dark, but it was actually only evening. Bryan, who had packed everything up, looked at the ginger-colored big cat squatting in the corner of the living room, on a rotten sofa that was covered with holes and stains. He smiled warmly, as he always did when he saw this furry companion. 

Since the last time Crookshanks got a sweet deal from Bryan, he was very fond of running to this shack, and Bryan, who was alone all day, didn't mind having a little guy to talk to, so he didn't deliberately drive him away. 


Crookshanks made a soft sound, not as usual, obeying the order to leave the shrieking shack. He looked at Bryan with pleading eyes, hoping he would understand his request. 

"Today is Halloween, I'm not sure if those naughty kids in the village will suddenly have a whim, and want to come to this haunted house to play an adventure game, and, I have an appointment with a friend for dinner tonight." 

Bryan walked over, squatted down and rubbed the fur on Crookshanks's head, and said gently, feeling a bit guilty for leaving him alone. 

"Halloween Eve's dinner is very rich, if you run fast, maybe you can still catch up with Hermione and get some good food and drink. She always spoils you, doesn't she?" 

Meow– Crookshanks lowered his head even more, apparently not wanting to leave, facing Bryan's puzzled eyes, he raised his paw and pointed at the sky, then scratched at another mountain, and kept repeating this action. He tried to convey his message with gestures, hoping Bryan would get it. 

It took a while for Bryan, who was half-dazed and half-guessing, to barely figure out Crookshanks' meaning, 

"Hmm, you want to invite your stray dog friend to come here and avoid the rain?" 

Crookshanks put down his paw and clasped the sofa tightly, he nodded his head, his body tensed, and a trace of nervousness flashed in his bright yellow pupils. 

"You're quite loyal–" 

Bryan laughed, but he didn't agree immediately. He looked at the ceiling, where water was dripping from a crack, and wondered if the roof would hold up. 

If Crookshanks' friend was a cat, Bryan wouldn't care, but if it was that black dog that was too big and he had seen from a distance that night, he was a bit worried, because this house was after all a 'dangerous' house, and if he let a energetic big dog run around here, Bryan wasn't sure if he would only see a pile of ruins when he came back tomorrow. 

He also wasn't sure if the dog would be friendly to him, or if he would bite him or bark at him and disturb him during his research later.


After hesitating for a bit, Bryan nodded and agreed, he said in a slightly serious tone.

"The stairs to the second floor are about to collapse, I hope you two can stay honestly on the first floor. Also, the spiders and rats in the cage can be your Halloween feast, but you have to tell that dog, not to make a mess, otherwise, I'll use you two as materials for experimenting magic!" 

He tried to sound stern, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face. He knew Crookshanks was smart enough to understand him, and he hoped the dog would be obedient enough to follow him. 


Zonko's joke shop was the most eye-catching magic shop this Halloween, the owner of the shop got some inspiration from somewhere, he put an engorgement charm on a pumpkin lantern, making it swell to the size of a house, and used a spell to control it floating in the air. It was a spectacular sight, that attracted many curious eyes and admiring comments. The pumpkin lantern had a carved face, that changed expressions every few seconds, sometimes smiling, sometimes frowning, sometimes winking, sometimes sticking out its tongue. 

Under the thunder and lightning, such a huge pumpkin lantern swayed with the wind and rain, this scene was undoubtedly very visually effective, even Bryan, who came down from the mountain, couldn't help but stand on the street and look at it for a few more seconds. 

A few little kids in raincoats ran out of Bryan's house happily, each holding a handful of fancy wrapped candy, Bryan smiled and stepped aside, giving way to these little guys. He had prepared some treats for them, knowing they would come to his door, as they did every year. 

Turning his head, Remus was standing at the door, looking at him with a smile. 

"How's the research going, Bryan?" 

Lupin asked kindly, 

"It's the same as before, no breakthrough."

Bryan said lazily, he strolled past Lupin and walked in first, and when he caught sight of the scene inside the house, he halted in his tracks, looking utterly astonished. 

The original dim and dilapidated living room was transformed into a dazzling spectacle by hundreds of neatly arranged candles floating in the air, casting a warm and flickering glow on everything. The walls were covered with twisting golden ribbons that sparkled like stars, and the ceiling of the living room was also crudely enchanted like the Hogwarts Great Hall, reflecting the stormy sky above, with dark clouds rolling and thunder and lightning flashing. 

The house's original square table soaked in grease and stains was replaced by Remus with a brand new long table that occupied half of the living room, the table was piled with mouth-watering dishes that appealed to the senses, such as succulent lamb chops, sizzling sausages, crispy grilled eels, creamy chocolate pudding and other scrumptious food that made Bryan's stomach growl. 

Looking at all this, Bryan was speechless for a few seconds, turned his head and looked at Remus, who was gazing at the shrieking shack in the rain, with a perplexed expression, 

"Did you prepare all this?" 


Lupin took back his uneasy gaze and smiled sheepishly, 

"It was Albus who ordered the little elves in the kitchen to prepare it for us, according to him, he wanted to invite you to the school for dinner, but he knew you would refuse this request, so he let me bring it over directly." 

Heh– Bryan chuckled dryly, raised his eyebrows, and nodded slightly,

"Anyway, thank him for his kindness, and help me bring him the money for the meal later–" 

"Why, Bryan?" 

Remus, who was pulling the chair and sitting down, heard this and couldn't help but smile bitterly, 

"If you say that you were wary of Albus before because of the 'Golden Viper' identity, but obviously he doesn't intend to pursue anything because of it, why do I always feel that you seem to be very resistant to having anything to do with him?" 

Bryan sat on the other side of the table, Lupin's question didn't make him react much, but smiled and pointed his eyes at the wine bottle on the table, and asked softly, "Do you know what kind of wine this is, Remus?" 

"Ogden's Firewhisky, at least eighty years or more–" 

Although poor and destitute, Remus, who had been walking in the magical world for half his life, was obviously a knowledgeable wizard, and he quickly answered the question after his eyes settled on the bottle. 

"That's why I don't like to have too much involvement with him, Remus,"

The bright golden candlelight danced in Bryan' pale purple eyes, he maintained a faint smile, and said to the puzzled Remus, 

"Dumbledore is a very wise wizard, but the problem is, sometimes, he is a bit too smart. I keep my distance from him, hoping that Albus Dumbledore will maintain a relatively friendly relationship, if we get too close–" 

Under Remus' thoughtful gaze, Bryan smiled coldly, and stopped talking.

Since leaving Hogwarts, this was the first time Bryan had a proper Halloween, no matter what the relationship between him and Lupin was, mutual use, or a little appreciation, he still thanked Remus Lupin tonight.

Time passed by, the atmosphere on the table was very pleasant, they didn't talk about anything related to Sirius Black, nor did they discuss Dumbledore, as the former and current Defense Against the Dark Arts professors of Hogwarts, they spent most of their time talking about the young wizards in the school, and Lupin also told him about the situation when he met Harry today. 

The sudden rainstorm made the temperature at the end of October even colder, but Bryan and Remus, who had drunk a lot of strong alcohol, didn't feel anything. 

"By the way–" 

The table was a mess, Remus, with a blush on his cheeks, casually asked,

"Why did you choose to go to the shrieking shack for magic experiments, Bryan, I went there with a bunch of friends when I was in school, and the environment inside was very bad, and it seemed that there were often beasts around?" 

"I haven't encountered any beasts," 

Bryan shrugged, he picked up a piece of chocolate pudding and put it in his mouth, he savored the sweet and smooth taste, and said indifferently, 

"I chose the shrieking shack because it was secluded and quiet, and no one would bother me there. Besides, I don't mind the bad environment, I've seen worse places in my life. And as for the beasts, well, maybe they sensed my magic and decided to stay away from me-"

Bryan, who was feeling a bit dizzy from the alcohol, continued, "But there is a cat who likes to run there to find rats to eat. It's very quiet there, Remus, no one will bother me." 

Hearing this, Remus, whose eyes were hidden by a strand of hair that fell over his forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, he smiled and raised his glass to Bryan again, hoping to ease the tension. 


The deafening thunder made the earth tremble slightly, as if announcing the arrival of something ominous. Bryan also picked up his glass and returned to Remus, but when the glass was raised, his movement suddenly stopped, and he turned his head to look outside the door, with a sharp and alert expression. 

"What's wrong, Bryan?" 

Remus asked, feeling a chill run down his spine. The abyss-like eyes of Bryan made him shiver, and in a trance, the young man opposite him had changed from Bryan Watson to Golden Viper.


Bryan put down his glass, and he calmly said, "Something's wrong." 

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