Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0161 Black’s Attack

0161 Black’s Attack

As if looking down at the earth from a bird's eye view, a dark figure suddenly appeared in an empty alley near Grimmauld Square. They emerged from a hidden spot and sprinted away from the nearest Auror patrolling nearby. The others quickly mounted their flying brooms and soared towards the source of the loud explosion with full speed. The night sky was lit up by flashes of different colors, and the sound of curses and spells echoed in the air.

Tonks and Kingsley were among the first ones to reach the scene of chaos. They gasped in horror as they witnessed the devastation that had befallen on the street. A stretch of asphalt road built by Muggles was completely torn apart by a powerful blast that had also ruptured the drainage pipes hidden underground. Water jets spurted out from every crack and hole in an erratic fashion. The violent shock wave had ripped off the wall and roof of the second floor of a Muggle house closest to the epicenter of the explosion. 

Through the broken glass window, Tonks could see a terrified Muggle couple sitting on a collapsed mattress, clutching each other and screaming at the top of their lungs! Their faces were pale and their eyes were wide with fear. They had no idea what was happening outside their home.

The lights of the surrounding buildings flickered on one by one, and the noises and cries for help from the Muggles filled the air. Some of them tried to call the police or fire brigade, but their cell-phones were not working. Others ran out of their houses to see what was going on, but they were stopped by a group of wizards in black cloaks who cast memory charms on them

The horrific scene stunned Tonks, who felt a surge of pity and compassion for the innocent victims. She opened her mouth and instinctively wanted to comfort the Muggle couple on the second floor, but before she could take a step, she was pulled back by Kingsley's arm, 

"Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes will be here any minute, they will take care of everything here, Tonks, focus on our job. This is awful." 

Kingsley's voice was shaky and his breath was ragged, "This scene reminds me of twelve years ago!" 

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! 

The dazzling and dense curses flew like a hailstorm, the ground trembled incessantly, the explosions echoed in the silent night, and more and more Muggles on the outskirts of the city noticed the commotion. In a series of deafening blasts, it seemed that the whole city was jolted awake! 

"What's going on, Dawlish!" 

Kingsley, who had rushed to the battlefield and quickly joined the closing encirclement, looked pale at the man in the black robe who was dodging one curse after another with incredible agility. He shouted at Dawlish, who was seething with anger. 

"This person suddenly broke into my patrol area. I wanted to verify his identity and ordered him to stop. Then the ground suddenly exploded. The strong wind lifted his cloak. I saw his face!" 

Dawlish pointed at the man in black with trembling fingers. "It's him! It's Sirius Black!'

Kingsley hurled a stunning spell at a tricky angle, but the black-robed man who was fleeing seemed to have eyes behind his back. He abruptly threw himself forward before the red curse hit his ribs. He avoided Kingsley's spell with unbelievable speed. 

"Are you sure this is Black!" 

Kingsley, who had a vague feeling that something was wrong, yelled at Dawlish, 

"I think this guy is more like a werewolf or a vampire. Dawlish, how can a wizard be so agile!" 

But this question did not need Dawlish to answer. Kingsley had his own answer. In a gust of wind, the black-robed man's hood was lifted again. In the dim curse light, that face looked like a dry corpse. The two sunken black eyes on it showed a terrifying madness, 

"You can't catch me!" 

When the hoarse and ferocious voice fell into his ears, the world suddenly became silent for a moment, and then erupted again. 

"Even if Voldemort comes in person, he won't be able to save you tonight, Black!" 

Kingsley shouted angrily. The Aurors and wizards who had been transferred to patrol here totaled more than a dozen people surrounded him from all sides. 

A group of Muggles, trembling and stunned! stood at their own windows and gaped at the scene on the street that resembled a Hollywood movie shooting. 

Facing the dense crowd of magic department strikers on land and sky that surrounded him, 'Black' sneered incessantly without any fear, but raised his wand and slammed it down! A wave of surging air waves centered on him swept across the block with an overwhelming force. The strikers around him were thrown off their feet one after another. One by one, those who had blocked the sky on their flying brooms plummeted to the ground like falling stars, writhing and howling in agony! 

'Black' let out a shrill laugh full of mockery, but he also knew that he couldn't linger here for too long under these circumstances. So he quickly bent over and grabbed a flying broom at his feet. He mounted it smoothly without wasting a second. He zoomed away from the city and vanished into the endless night in a blink of an eye. 

Without waiting for anyone's orders, all those strikers who were still conscious rose up with clenched teeth and limped to their feet. They mounted their flying brooms, some sharing one broomstick with another, and pursued 'Black' with resolute eyes. 

"Oh my God!" 

An old woman in her sixties or seventies stood trembling behind a cracked glass window. She was so terrified by this magical scene that she could barely utter a word. She had lived in this neighborhood for decades, and she had never seen anything like this before. She thought she was dreaming or hallucinating, but the pain in her ears and the smell of smoke told her otherwise. 

"Is this the end of the world?"

"Don't worry, ma'am!" 

Tonks also mounted her Comet 260 and said softly, "We will be able to end this nightmare soon!" 

Swipe, swipe! Looking down from high altitude, it seemed that dozens of giant dragonflies had suddenly emerged, darting towards the suburbs in a swarm. Closer to the city center, the neon lights from the Muggle police cars and fire trucks were already faintly visible. They would probably arrive at the vicinity in no time. However, these Muggles were destined to play no role. 

At this moment, the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes that was in a state of turmoil was urgently contacting the Muggle government through relevant channels, hoping that the Muggles would remain calm and leave everything to the wizards to solve. 

According to normal development, tonight's incident would definitely cause a sensation in both the magical world and the Muggle world, causing incalculable impact, but Bryan was not worried, because under the notorious reputation of Sirius Black, whether it was on the Muggle side or in the Ministry of Magic, they would try their best to cover up the fact that 'Black' had launched another terrorist attack. Even the Daily Prophet would not have any reports. 

As for privately, unconfirmed news from the Ministry of Magic was nothing more than rumors and gossip, and would not cause subversive and catastrophic panic in the entire European wizarding world. 

There were not many residents near Grimmauld Square. The bombing just now had made all those who didn't witness it with their own eyes think that a gas explosion had occurred. Faced with this situation, they didn't dare to stay in the house at all, but ran out of the door in panic, scattering in all directions to escape the disaster. 

In the shadow of a tall street lamp near the square, Bryan in a black travel cloak without any markings came out of the illusory shadow state. 

After circling around for a while, his gaze fixed on the position of No. 11 and No. 13 Grimmauld Square. Although he didn't know the exact location of the Black family's old house, the alert and trap set by the Ministry of Magic gave him a clear clue. 

Da, da, da 

Bryan walked slowly towards the two houses, casually freezing the magic set by the Ministry of Magic with a flick of his wand. He stood in front of the two houses, staring intently at the partition wall shared by the two houses.

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