Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0134 Old Friends

0134 Old Friends

The Malfoy family's mansion is located in the secluded countryside of Wiltshire, England. It is a spacious and exquisite estate that covers two hundred acres of land, surrounded by a high stone wall and an iron gate. The gate is guarded by a pair of fierce stone lions, carved with the Malfoy crest on their chests. No one can enter without the permission of the master of the house.

Inside the estate, there are carefully designed gardens surrounding the majestic villa. As a symbol of the family, beautiful and elegant white peacocks stroll on the green lawn that can be used as a muggle golf course. Their feathers reflect the moonlight, creating a dazzling contrast with the dark night. On the many small squares scattered in the garden, there are also artistic statues and fountains, depicting scenes from ancient myths and legends. The water splashes gently, creating a soothing sound.

In the center of the estate, there is a villa that combines classical and dignified styles. It is built with white marble and black granite, giving it a striking appearance. In front of the door, more than a dozen white pillars stand tall to support the mansion. They are engraved with intricate patterns and runes, adding a touch of mystery and elegance. In the spacious hall, the walls are hung with portraits of the Malfoy family's masters from past generations. They all wear expensive robes and jewelry, showing their noble status and wealth. The precious marble tiles that decorate the floor curl up with white swirls, like snakes or vines. The ebony doors and windows are finely carved with floral motifs and animals. Under the shade of the trees, they highlight the magnificent and majestic beauty of this luxurious villa.

Late at night, the stars in the sky sprinkle clear starlight on the quiet estate. The peacocks resting on the huge gilded birdcage occasionally make crisp cries. But these cries do not break the pleasant silence, but rather set off this tranquility more distant.

Bang– With a few abrupt explosions, several figures suddenly appeared in front of the exquisite iron gate. These people hid their faces under black traveling cloaks and could not see their features. However, each of them was surrounded by a thick and indelible smell of blood that made one nauseous. They also carried wands in their hands, ready to cast spells at any time.

Looking at the brightly lit villa, the leader raised his head slightly, revealing his messy beard and his mouth with sores on the corners. Inside his mouth, there were sharp yellow teeth that looked like rotten wood. His eyes were bloodshot and wild, full of malice and madness.

"This is it, huh? How luxurious, how enviable. I hope the owner of the house won't mind our strange smell." The man said smugly, amid the snickering laughter of his subordinates behind him, he slowly stretched out a hand from under his cloak.

Under the bright moonlight, that hand showed a metallic silver color, shining brightly. The color was very beautiful, but the shape was not so pleasing to the eye. It was like the most clumsy craftsman made it with melted wax. This hand was full of pits and bumps, or swollen pus bags that oozed yellow liquid.

The man's eyes swept over his arm, and hatred flashed in his eyes. This hatred was so intense that it made his breathing disorderly.

"Wait and see–" The man gritted his teeth, "When I find you, I will treat you well!"

Study, Lucius Malfoy sat in a high-backed soft chair behind his desk, looking at the man opposite him who was greedily looking at the exquisite peacock painting on the wall made with thousands of gems. The painting was one of his prized possessions, a gift from his father Abraxas Malfoy. It showed a scene from their family history, when they allied with King Arthur against Mordred.

His face was pale and his expression was grim. From his tightly clenched cane, one could see that he was in a very bad mood.

"How dare you–" Malfoy almost held his breath, otherwise, the smell of blood and sweat mixed from that man's body might make him turn around and leave. He had to use all his self-control to not hex him on the spot.

"How dare you, just barge into my house so recklessly, Greyback, who gave you the courage!" Malfoy roared in a low voice, "Do you know how much galleons I have to spend to smooth out this trouble if someone finds out!"

He had already bribed several Ministry officials to cover up that incident. He did not want anyone to know that he had any connection with this werewolf gang leader.

"Ah, galleons–" Hearing this sensitive word, Greyback fixed his eyes on Lucius, baring his yellow teeth and showing a creepy smile. His face was covered with scars and fur, and his ears were pointed like a wolf's. He looked more like a beast than a human.

"We all love galleons!" He said mockingly, "Especially when they come from such a generous and noble family as yours, Lucius."

Malfoy's breathing became rapid, and cold light flashed in his gray eyes. But a strange red appeared on his pale cheeks. He realized that this person opposite him was a dangerous madman through and through. It was a very stupid thing to lose his temper. What he should do now is to get rid of him as soon as possible.

"If you came to me for the galleons, Greyback, you can leave now, I'll have someone send it to you." He said coldly, trying to sound calm and authoritative.

He did not want to deal with this werewolf any longer than necessary. He only hired him and his gang to do some dirty work for the Dark Lord, but he did not expect them to be so reckless and greedy.

"We've all worked under the Dark Lord, Lucius, we're old friends–" 

Greyback said in a sly tone, "Don't you want to invite me in for a cup of tea? Or maybe introduce me to your lovely wife and son?"

Malfoy's cold attitude of rejecting people from a thousand miles away made the most notorious werewolf in the wizarding world flash a glint of fierceness in his dull pupils. He looked at Malfoy's neck, as if studying what angle would be more suitable if he wanted to bite. He could almost taste the blood of the pure-blood aristocrat, and feel the thrill of tearing his flesh.

Zizi– Greyback stretched out that weird hand from under his cloak again, he popped out the claws under his nails and scratched the desk surface with a few scratches, satisfyingly seeing the fear in Malfoy's eyes. The desk was made of mahogany wood, polished and carved with exquisite patterns. It was a valuable antique that Malfoy had inherited from his ancestors. Now it was ruined by this savage beast.

"Now outside, our old friends are not many, Lucius, I came to see you, just to reminisce about those happy, free days, but you, but show so cold–" 

If he had full confidence, then Lucius Malfoy might have pulled out the wand hidden in his cane without hesitation, and rewarded this wolf who had no fear or bottom line with a green light, then took his head to the Ministry of Magic and mixed a third-class Merlin medal back, but unfortunately, Malfoy did not have this confidence, especially, Narcissa and Draco were still resting in the bedroom upstairs, if they fought, Malfoy did not have the confidence to protect their safety. 

Ever since he met Bryan Watson, who had stepped down from the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts at the Leaky Cauldron at Tom's Pub some time ago, Lucius Malfoy had completely woken up. Sometimes, shiny galleons are not omnipotent. 

And now, this notorious werewolf in front of him once again deepened his impression. 

If you don't have absolute confidence to suppress someone so that they can't turn over, then it is unwise to show too strong hostility. This has always been Lucius Malfoy's way of dealing with people. However, Greyback's appearance deepened Malfoy's fear of what Bryan Watson had told him before. 

Malfoy silently stood up and walked to the wine rack. He took out a bottle of red currant rum and poured it for Greyback and himself. Then he sat back in his seat. There was still coldness in his eyes, but his tone was much calmer. 

"Tell me what you want." 

The wine rack was filled with various kinds of wines from different countries and regions. They were all rare and expensive, collected by Malfoy over the years. He usually only drank them on special occasions or with important guests. But now he had to offer them to this lowly creature who did not know how to appreciate them.

"This is the attitude that a friend should have, Lucius–" 

Greyback raised his glass and smiled smugly. He fiddled with the glass, pinching the goblet with various gestures, and occasionally asked how to hold it to conform to the etiquette of the 'upper class'. He was mocking Malfoy's pride and manners, trying to provoke him and make him lose his composure.

"I just want to ask you for a small favor, old friend–" 

The werewolf leader raised his head and drank half a glass of wine. Then he licked his lips happily. He enjoyed the taste of the wine, but more than that, he enjoyed the taste of power. He knew that Malfoy was afraid of him and his gang. 

"We want to use your connections to find out about someone, old friend. I think you won't refuse this humble request, will you?" 

"Who are you looking for?" 

Malfoy blinked and asked succinctly. He hoped that it was not someone he cared about or someone who could cause him trouble. He hoped that it was someone he could easily find and hand over to Greyback without any consequences.

"A cunning and despicable villain. We don't know his real name." 

Greyback exuded a mad aura. He put down his glass and showed a ferocious smile. His smile revealed his sharp teeth and his tongue that was stained with blood. He looked like a hungry wolf that had found its prey.

"He calls himself 'Golden Viper' in his hole. With your skills, old friend, I think this is easy, right?" 

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