Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 3: Cashback System Activated!


[Cashback System Activation Requiremt Met!]

[System Binding In Progress...!]

[System Successfully Linked!]

[Spt $,000. X Critical Hit. Earned $,000! The money has be transferred to account XXX-XXX-XXX!]

[Spt at least $,000 on a beautiful lady!]

You have received lottery ticket!]

[Do you want to draw?]


Kyle was a man that never had any luck in life and he was on the verge of ding it all after being fired from his minimum wage job due to a customer's complaint which turned out to be a lie but due to the customer being an attractive lady, no one believed Kyle.

Beautiful people, they had it easy, didn't they?

This was his last step and he knew that he wouldn't see tomorrow as he searched for a river to throw himself in.

He thought his mind finally broke as there was no explanation for the Cyan Scre that popped up as he clicked the [YES] button.

[Congratulations! You have drawn Charm!]

[Charm: There is nothing the user can't charm his way out of or into! The universe has blessed you with charisma!]

"Hahaha! I must have lost my marbles…!" Kyle muttered to himself as he readied himself for the impact below but his phone soon rang out to show that he had a notification.

And to his surprise, he saw $,000 sitting in his account and his jaw dropped.

"THIS IS FOR REAL!!!" Kyle screamed at the top of his lungs but this nearly st him tumbling over the edge, Kyle immediately moved away from the edge.

"Fuck that! I want to live!" Kyle barked as he stared at his phone for a full minute.

He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing, this was a lot more than what was in his account previously. a

"Holy fucking shit!" Kyle screamed at the top of his lungs and quickly recalled that he was out in public and had to compose himself.

There was one thing he took note of, the requiremt for such a thing to come to pass in the first place was spding money on beautiful wom.

That was way too easy but Kyle noticed that it was already in the middle of the night and crime was high in this area.

Kyle didn't waste time and headed back home in a heartbeat, his room was a mess but this was the least of his problems.

He jumped on his bed and instantly scrolled through his phone to see which girls he had saved there but the reality of this alone dawned on him.

"Damn… I really do get no girls…" Kyle muttered to himself but there was no use feeling sorry for himself.

He had to take care of business first and that was paying his rt or he would be homeless in no time.

After that, what he needed to do next was to find the next beautiful girl to spd money on the next day.

Kyle wt from almost ding his life to having rewed hope for a pottial future.

The night came to an d and Kyle was unemployed but who needed a job wh life had giv him a second lease?

Kyle didn't hesitate, he transferred $6,000 to his landlord because he had backed up rt so why not clear everything at once to get a clean slate?

It wasn't ev up to a minute he st the money but someone was banging on his door.

"KYLE! KYLE!" The voice called out, this was no doubt the voice of his landlord.

Kyle hurried to the door to see what prompted such a reaction and the momt the door oped, the landlord was out of breath.

It was clear he ran up here the momt he received the

"Have you sold your soul to the devil!?" Mr Jones questioned, shaking Kyle to see if he was still in there because there was no way he could cough up that amount from thin air.

"Hahaha! I did sell my soul to the devil but there is a catch…"Kyle said, pausing dramatically.

"Anyone that touches the money will forfeit their soul as well…" Kyle said expecting Mr. Jones to panic.

Mr Jones just stared at Kyle before letting out a faint chuckle and turning a.

"See you in hell th, buddy," Mr. Jones said before leaving the house.

He knew this was an obvious joke but this only showed the relationship betwe both m as Mr. Jones had a family to feed.

Kyle didn't know what to do for the rest of the day as he was now unemployed but he could recall the name of the lady that had fucked him over.

"Calista…" He muttered under his breath, realizing he might have the power to tame her in one way or another.

He quickly flipped through the internet, searching for her but to no avail, she must have be anything but famous hce why she resorted to such a trick in the first place.

Kyle sighed but just as he was about to give up, he stumbled on a page with a lady that looked exactly like her with the bio clearly pointing out that she was an actress/model in need of a gig.

Kyle smiled to himself, there had to be a way he could use this to his advantage but he needed to get his money up first.

He put on the nicest clothes he had but there was nothing fancy about his clothes seeing as he got them from the thrift store with his sse of fashion being anything but impressive.

Kyle noticed there was no money coming back to him upon paying for his rt so this thing only registered wh he spt money on wom or at least that was the information he managed to get from it.

Kyle stepped out but there was a spring in his steps as he had something to look forward to, this was California, crawling with some of the most beautiful wom in the world.

Maybe, just maybe he would bag himself an A-list celebrity but there was one thing he was sure about. He could only go up from her.

Kyle knew he had to be careful with the money in his possession because the condition for multiplying was spding it on beautiful wom.

He looked a, desperately trying to find a pretty woman but the busy streets of California only gave him seconds to approach them with everyone always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Kyle knew his best bet would be to visit a store and offer to pay for any pretty lady's goods.

But the store couldn't be too expsive, how embarrassing would it be if he offered to pay for something only to find out he couldn't afford it?

Kyle looked over his shoulder and luckily, there was an Apple store a the corner and what better place to blow money than Apple devices?

The momt Kyle took a step into the store, he was hit with the fresh air that reminded him the earth wasn't made up of heat.

But a lady slowly approached him with a wild smile on her face, Kyle could recognize that smile anywhere, it was the smile marketers wore right before advertising a product.

"Welcome sir, how may I help you?" A lady with blue eyes said.

Kyle found her mildly attractive as she was a bespectacled lady with somewhat of a slder build.

"I would like to buy a phone and I want to pay it in full…" Kyle pointed out and this was surprising as most people paid in installmts but this made her suspicious.

"What is up with this guy?" She thought to herself, this lady was in her early twties, she was exactly 0 years old but this information didn't matter to Kyle.

All that mattered to him at that momt was getting his money up as his eyes glanced a the store to see if there was anyone worthy of spding his money on.

However, his eyes met an almost empty store with employees all wearing an artificial smile.

Kyle sighed as he looked at the girl's name-tag before him.

"You're Jane… So Jane, how would you like an IPhone?" Kyle asked right away prompting Jane to raise a suspicious brow.

"Um… Sir, are you sure about that?" Jane was tak back by this, she had an old Apple device that was in need of replacing but it was still in optimal condition so she never got a to getting a new one. It wasn't like a phone was her top priority.

"I am absolutely certain! Let's get you the IPhone 5 Pro Max and a Mac Pro with a little phone insurance to sweet the deal." Kyle said in an upbeat tone.

"Are you one of those Youtubers?" Jane questioned, looking a frantically for a camera but her eyes saw nothing.

The momt it settled on the man, he was already paying for the items, Jane was speechless but she wasn't going to turn down this act of kindness.


[Spt $5,000. X Critical Hit. Earned $50,000! The money has be transferred to account XXX-XXX-XXX!]

[Spt at least $5,000 on a beautiful lady!]

[Congratulations! System upgrade requiremt met!]

[New system function unlocked!]

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the Harem function!]

[You have received 3 lottery tickets!]

[You have received extreme lottery ticket!]

[Do you want to draw?]


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