Chapter 1366 Who The Crown Fits.

Chapter 1366 Who The Crown Fits.

The gods found it difficult to believe that a divine ability from the path of perfection would be compatible with the source of power on the path of divinity so they were skeptical of what the Phoenix said.

"How can we be sure that you are not lying to us?" The Celestial Supreme asked with undisguised skepticism. "How can we be sure this is not a false promise just to get us to betray the Supreme Alliance?"

The Phoenix said confidently, "I am willing to sign an Oath with your divine plane as a witness. If I am lying then I will forfeit my rebirth. Instead, the Celestial Supreme will be able to use me as the foundation of rebirth in place of an egg."

"So I will gain rebirth regardless of the validity of your claim?" The Celestial Supreme asked incredulously.

The Celestial of Light asked in disbelief, "Isn't that too much of a sacrifice."

The graceful Phoenix said calmly, "It is necessary to be willing to sacrifice myself to show my uttermost sincerity. Of course, you have to swear that if I promise is true, then you will fulfill your end of the bargain."

Her red feathers shine brightly so all the gods who gazed on her thought she was beautiful. At this point, she didn't need to be physically appealing to be considered beautiful. She represents the opportunity for immortality to them and that's enough for her to be the most beautiful creature ever.

The Celestial Supreme nodded and said, "That sounds like a good foundation for cooperation."

The other Celestials were convinced. Even the Celestial of Light and Justice was more than convinced. He was moved enough to consider making a move right now against the Celestial Supreme to kill him and take his throne.

After all, even if the phoenix is wrong, then the Celestial Supreme will gain true immortality like the Origin gods. The other Celestials might not gain anything. That is too tempting a prospect to pass off.

He wanted to act immediately but then he held himself back and shook his head inwardly. He thought to himself, "I can't do it. At least not by force. I should consider it from another angle."

He didn't think about what he should do for long before he said to everyone, "If that is the case. Then I think the Authority of the Celestial Supreme should be given to the strongest god. That way we will be able to protect ourselves better."

The Celestial Supreme almost flared up. He asked in anger, "What nonsense are you saying?"

The Celestial of Light and Justice made his intentions bare with confidence. He said, "The Authority of the Celestial Supreme should be given to me since I will be able to fully utilize it to protect the divine plane."

He has always coveted the throne of Celestial Supreme. Unfortunately, he wasn't lucky to be the first Celestial in the plane or the second Celestial. The first Celestial was the Celestial of fire while the second Celestial was the Celestial of Power.

The Celestial of Fire became the Celestial Supreme because he was the first. He was the third one to become a Celestial after those two. Even so, they have about the same level of strength.

In the past, the combined might of himself and the Celestial of Power couldn't defeat the Celestial of Fire. After all, they were just level one. So he sought to devour the Celestial of power.

The Celestial of Light and Power fought amongst themselves to absorb the other and fight the Celestial Supreme. Their dynamic was stable until the Celestial of Light became the Celestial of Light and Justice by gaining another domain and advancing his Authority.

His advancement made him become on par with the Celestial Supreme who is just a level 2 Celestial. This improvement threatened his enemies. The Celestial of Power decided to ally with the Celestial Supreme for protection against him.

The Celestial of Power knows that she will be next to die if the Celestial of Light and Justice kills the Celestial of Fire and becomes the Celestial Supreme. That is if she doesn't die before the Celestial of Fire. So she joined hands with the Celestial of Fire and the two of them have been suppressing him ever since.

The addition of the next four Celestials in the plane didn't change the status quo because they wanted to maintain this balance. No one wanted a supreme that could push them around so they worked to keep the Celestial Supreme at level 2 and him at level 2 so that he would be able to threaten the Celestial Supreme but never be able to defeat him easily.

But that isn't the situation now. Now they need a supreme that can protect them so the other Celestials didn't reject his request outright. Instead, they decided to watch and see how the Celestial Supreme would handle this.

The Celestial Supreme groaned inwardly when he saw that no one stood up to defend him. He said to them, "Now is not the time to be divided. We are at a critical junction which can make a diversion of our attention fatal."

"You make a good point." The Celestial of Light and Justice agreed. Then he said to everyone else, "That's why I think we should all agree and work together as one to kill the Celestial of Fire. There won't be any problem if we are not divided."

The Celestial of Power spoke up. "I am afraid that I disagree."

The Celestial of Light and Justice sneered. "And what does that matter? Or do you think your opinion will change all of our minds?"

He spoke to convince the other Celestials, "Think about it. We are five and they are two. If things go my way, this fight will be easy. We will also have a level 5 Celestial who is immortal on our hands by the end of the fight. Fight with me and ensure the safety of all the gods by granting the crown to who it fits."

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