Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 1938 Charm

Chapter 1938  Charm

Ryu reached forward, holding Hope in his arms and gently cupping her cheek. He stared into her eyes with a depth of emotion Hope had simply never seen from him before. She couldn't help but shiver to her core, not understanding where all of this was coming from.

However, soon, that depth of emotion became firm and unwavering.

Before Ryu could say anything, he looked up, then smiled a bit.

"Little wife, I probably won't be able to give you what you want."

Hope was in an even deeper daze when she heard these words, completely stuck on the words "little wife". But then she couldn't help but blush down to her collarbone.

That was right, she had forgotten something incredibly important…


The protective formations around Wobbling Fairy's courtyard shattered apart.

It was obvious what was happening. A Dao God had just broken through in the middle of their Sect, and she didn't seem to have an aura they recognized at all, how could it not cause a complete uproar?

Before, they couldn't interfere because there were too many dangers involved in getting involved in the Tribulation of another, whether that was to help or to harm.

However, now that the Tribulation was over, how could they continue to be so indifferent?

Wobbling Fairy was still in a bit of a daze, so she didn't react before there were several powerful auras in the skies, two of which was Dao Gods.

One of them was, unsurprisingly, Star River. But the second was a Dao God that Ryu had never seen before. She was likewise a beautiful woman, but it was hard to care very much when Hope was in his arms. He hardly gave her a glance.

Cultivation was a path of tending toward perfection. It could be said that it was very rare for cultivators to be "ugly", at least by mortal standards. Saying that a man was handsome and a woman was beautiful was meaningless at this level. Rather, it was a matter of relativity.

Still, it was hard to look at a Dao God and not feel like they were the most gorgeous being you had ever laid eyes on. There was a reason despite having so much love in his heart for his wives, even Ryu had to admit, at the time, that Mae's master was simply the most beautiful woman he had ever seen…

But then he saw Ailsa.

And now he held Hope.

Of course, Mae's master was still very much on their level, but Ryu had seen enough now that he could be calm in the face of such beauty… which was also why the two Dao God beauties felt odd as they looked down…

Where was the Dao God?

There were only three people down there. One of Ryu, the other was Wobbling Fairy, and the last…

No, that didn't make sense either. How could a Dao Goddess possibly be sitting in the lap of someone who wasn't even a Dao Lord? Even if it was a Dao Sovereign it would be far too ridiculous.

"Is there a problem?" Ryu asked with a light smile.

"This…" Star River didn't know what to say. Wasn't the problem obvious? Why did this brat always insist on being such a nuisance. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Say, little wife," Ryu whispered in Hope's ear, causing her to blush even more, "how's your combat strength?"

"… Do we need to fight?" Hope suddenly became serious. She had obviously been unconscious all this time, so she had no idea what Ryu's current situation was.

Ryu suddenly laughed. "No, we don't need to fight. I only asked because I was curious."


Hope didn't even know what to say. Wasn't he a bit too carefree? There were better situations to be so "curious" in. He had just made the entire situation tense for no reason.

Ryu chuckled. He had only spoken like that to put Star River on edge a bit. This Dao Goddess was a bit too arrogant, but also a bit naive. It was an interesting combination that made her fun to tease.

"There's nothing to be so concerned about. My wife had a breakthrough into the Dao God Realm, is there a need for so much commotion?"

Star River froze. The beautiful Dao God by her side also froze. The various other Sovereigns didn't even know how to react. They felt that they should react the same way, but at the same time they didn't have the right to react at all about the decisions of a Dao God.

Wobbling Fairy was the only one among them that did, and her smile was just bitter. She had been here the whole time and she still hadn't quite adjusted.

Funny enough, it was still easier for her to accept since she had seen that Hope was only at the Omniscent Realm before. However…

Anyone who was able to cross so many Realms at once had to have already accumulated the insight and foresight of a Dao God already. It was still hard to believe that a cultivator at Ryu's level could gain the favor of such a woman.

"You…" Star River still didn't know what to say.

Ryu had been here for a quarter century already and he seemed incapable of not causing a commotion everywhere

 he went. But this still felt like too much.

Watching this scene, Ryu realized just the kind of pressure it was on a Dao Goddess to take on a man the world saw as weaker than herself. If it had been Ailsa, the reaction would be even fiercer than this. After all, Hope was still a Lower God, and the vast majority of Dao Gods would never take even a half step out of this level.

Obviously, Hope wasn't of this kind or else such a triple-stacked Tribulation wouldn't have been possible.


"Do you see that, Hope? They don't believe I have enough charm. Isn't that a bit sad?"

Hope sputtered with laughter. This was only because they didn't know what Ryu's current capabilities were.

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