Gospel of Blood

Chapter 228: I won't eat you

Chapter 228: I won't eat you

"Dark Night?"

Her title is "Dark Night?"

Yurst's eye twitched, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, his mind immediately running wild...

He couldn't help it; the title "Dark Night" was too sensitive for the bloodborne.

After all, the Bloodborne True Ancestor who created the Bloodborne was known as the Queen of the Night, and her sanctuary was called "Dark Night Castle!"

Given the towering castle around him that closely resembled the style of the Dark Night Castle in his distant memories, it was hard for Yurst not to make the connection...

Especially as he got closer to her, he increasingly felt a certain disturbance deep within his bloodline.

His power, his blood, seemed to come alive in an instant, as if it had its own life, cheering, celebrating, and... giving him a feeling that it might break free from his control at any moment and rush into her embrace.

That was resonance!

Blood resonance!

Yurst realized almost immediately what was happening, and his heart surged with waves of shock.

Wait a minute...

This kind of resonance, akin to that of a Bloodborne Prince but even stronger, originates from the bloodline...

This kind of power...

This kind of feeling...

Could she be...?!

Yurst's heart pounded wildly, his breathing quickened, and he couldn't help but tremble.

All these clear signs unmistakably connected this mysterious God before him to that ancient and powerful figure in his memories.

Though her aura seemed somewhat different from his ancient memories, and the surrounding scenes differed from his memories of Dark Night Castle, this kind of power, akin to that of a Ruler over the Bloodborne, was not unfamiliar to Yurst, a Bloodborne Count who had lived for thousands of years and had once had the honor of meeting that great being.

Such power... could only belong to the True Ancestor!

This was the True Ancestor's power!

Such terrifying blood resonance and oppression could only belong to the True Ancestor!

Yurst made his judgment almost instantly, and his entire body went numb.

His mind went blank, and for a moment, he didn't know how to respond to her question. His mind was filled with a single, roaring thought.

It's her!

It must be her!

She's back!

She's going to settle accounts with her descendants!

At this moment, Elder Maxim and the Blood Demon Cult were no longer important in Yurst's mind.

His mind was a storm of thoughts and waves of shock, leaving only one thought.

The Myria Continent...

Is about to change!

Yurst's face was filled with horror, his complexion pale.

And sitting high on the Blood Throne, Charlotte, who could see through his thoughts thanks to the special abilities of Dark Night Castle, felt a bit helpless.

She knew that this bloodborne member was likely to recognize the source of her power after being summoned to Dark Night Castle.

After all, he was a seasoned bloodborne member, and the power she was using now was the blood divine power.

No matter how others perceived her, Charlotte understood that she was not truly a God.

Her "divine power" came from the Gospel of Blood. She could use this power, but she couldn't disguise or change it.

In other words, as long as she used the blood divine power, it was only a matter of time before some beings familiar with this power recognized its source.

She just didn't expect to be exposed so quickly, just like when she faced that guy, Sebastian.

But after hearing Yurst's thoughts, she understood: this Bloodborne Count was also an old antique who had lived for thousands of years!

He had seen the real True Ancestor!

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One had to admit... the bloodbornes really lived up to their reputation. As long as they didn't encounter any accidents, they could survive even longer than elves and dragons!

Also, it turned out that Dark Night Castle was the sanctuary of the True Ancestor...

It seemed that if she summoned others here in the future, she would have to completely change the environment and refrain from calling herself "Dark Night."

Charlotte thought thoughtfully, summarizing the various issues exposed by this Blood Summoning.

With the blessing of the blood divine power, her thinking speed was far beyond normal. At this moment, multitasking was not a problem.

Of course, her main focus was still on Count Yurst.

The chaotic thoughts in his mind revealed one piece of information after another, which piqued her interest, such as the internal strife of the Nez clan, the past of the Bloodborne True Ancestor, and the conflicts between the True Ancestor and the Bloodborne Clan.

However, it was clear that Yurst was now terrified by her.

She could even sense his thoughts becoming increasingly chaotic and disordered, the information conveyed diminishing, commonly referred to as a "mental blank."

Clearly, even after thousands of years, the True Ancestor's residual might still lingered among the Bloodborne Clan.

Even a count could lose composure so dramatically.

Charlotte thought for a moment and then smiled faintly.

"Blood descendant of Nez, what is your answer?"

The ethereal, lazy voice seemed to carry a power that could penetrate the soul, pulling Yurst out of his shock and fear.

And with that came even greater fear.

Oh, heavens!

He... he...

He had lost his composure in front of this being!

Yurst was shocked, scared, and terrified.

He now regretted it to death. If he had known that the being behind Castell was this entity, he would never have dared to pray to her, even if he became a blood slave!

Facing Elder Maxim, he would lose his freedom.

But facing this being, a single misstep could mean annihilation!

Recalling the events of thousands of years ago, he had no doubt that his rudeness would be met with a supreme seal or a terrifying slap that could make a prince spin 1080 degrees in place...

Even after thousands of years, there were still several second-generation princes who had offended the True Ancestor sealed in stones somewhere!

Not to mention...

The current Princes and their actions towards her...

Recalling the countless attempts by various clans to diminish the True Ancestor's influence, erase the True Ancestor's faith, and hunt down the bloodborne royalty to prevent her return, he felt a chill run down his spine.

Charlotte felt the same chill.

Good heavens... what had the Bloodborne True Ancestor done to make the entire Bloodborne Clan so hostile to her?

"Great... Great... Your... Your Highness..."

"I... I... I..."

Yurst stammered, unable to form coherent words.

Seeing his mouse-like behavior in front of a cat, Charlotte lost interest in frightening or deceiving him.

Because it was unnecessary.

This Bloodborne Count was clearly already in complete disarray.

Under Charlotte's insight, she could feel his deep-seated fear and regret, wishing he could give his own praying self a few slaps.

Moreover, she could clearly sense that he no longer had any thoughts of seeking help. He just wanted to leave here as quickly as possible, far away from her.

In his heart, she was far more terrifying than the Blood Demon Cult and the Blood Demon Archduke combined!

Charlotte sighed and said.

"You can relax a bit. After all... I won't eat you."

Hearing her words, Yurst abruptly raised his head, his wide eyes filled with tension and anxiety, and couldn't help but ask.


Charlotte: ...?

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