Gospel of Blood

Chapter 226: A Call

Chapter 226: A Call

"Countess, regarding the reconstruction plan for the Northern Academy, the church has sent two documents that require your review and signature."

"Additionally, Viscount Leon-Castell has written to inform you that as of yesterday, the review team has successfully completed the inspection of three baronies in the south. Two baron families accused of collaborating with the bloodborne have offered to pay a substantial atonement sum and cede three castles and four estates in exchange for your forgiveness."

"The Viscount has attached the letters of confession from the two barons for your review and decision."


"Countess? Countess…?"

In the study, where Charlotte was processing administrative matters, the secretary softly called out to the drowsy figure behind the desk.

Charlotte snapped awake, shaking off her drowsiness.

She glanced wearily at the ever-growing pile of documents on her desk and nodded slightly.

"Alright… Leave the documents there. I'll look at them later."

"And about the signatures…"

The secretary asked cautiously.

"Hand them over."

Charlotte extended her hand, and the secretary hurriedly presented the documents that needed signatures.

After carefully reviewing them to ensure there were no issues, Charlotte picked up a quill pen and, dipping it into the fragrant carbon ink, signed her flamboyant signature.

The secretary respectfully withdrew with the signed documents, while Charlotte yawned, revealing dark circles under her eyes, a testament to her fatigue.

"Countess, please enjoy some coffee milk and pastries."

The head maid, Sherry, brought a steaming beverage and placed it respectfully before Charlotte.

The coffee milk was much like the coffee milk from Charlotte's previous life, made from finely roasted elven coffee and special hot milk from Luna Island. It was a common drink among elves in the world of Myria and had been popular across the continent for thousands of years.

The pastries were wheel-shaped puffs filled with nut cream and almond powder, a specialty from the Honey Workshop.

Charlotte picked up the milk coffee, and the rich aroma instantly refreshed her.

She took a small sip, the perfect sweetness and rich texture bringing a satisfied nod. Sherry clearly understood her tastes better and better.

"Countess, while it's important to handle affairs, please also take care of your health and ensure sufficient sleep. After all… your body is still growing."

Seeing Charlotte happily sipping coffee milk and enjoying pastries, Sherry hesitated but spoke cautiously.

Charlotte: ...

Although she knew Sherry meant well, the maid's glance at her head and chest made her feel that the coffee milk suddenly lost its appeal.

"Alright, I'll be careful. Thank you."

Charlotte smiled.

"If there's nothing else, please leave. I'd like to enjoy my coffee milk and the view outside alone."

Sherry bowed respectfully and withdrew, while Charlotte sighed and rubbed her temples in exhaustion.

Since the departure of Count Yurst of the Nez clan, she hadn't slept well for two days.

It wasn't just the busy workload—though that was partly true, with Sebastian not around to help and many of the officials in the direct domain dismissed following the audit, she had to handle many matters personally. More importantly, she hadn't been able to sleep well for two nights.

Since the night before last, Charlotte had felt a persistent unease, as if someone was calling her.

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At first, she thought Sebastian needed to report something, but the blood servant's soul contract showed no reaction.

Then she considered whether it might be the werewolf Luff conducting some religious ceremony or recruiting new members, as he had been devoted to spreading the faith of the True Ancestor since arriving in the North.

However, after observing the light points representing her followers in her mental realm, she ruled that out.

Charlotte wondered if it was a situation similar to when the High Priest prayed to her.

But this call was much weaker than the High Priest's prayer, making it difficult for her to pinpoint its source.

Although faint, the intermittent call was like a mosquito, constantly buzzing in her ear.

Especially at night, it became more persistent, even causing her bloodline to stir, making sleep impossible.

Fortunately, the call weakened and became less frequent during the day, giving Charlotte hope for a brief rest.

However, just as she finished her coffee milk and pastries and planned to take a nap in her chair, the call came again…

Not only that, this time it was stronger and clearer than ever.

"Damn it! Where is this noise coming from? It's like a constant, annoying renovation sound!"

Hearing the call that seemed to come from both her soul and her bloodline, Charlotte could no longer bear it.

She ordered the maid not to let anyone disturb her, locked herself in the study, and sank into her consciousness, directly using the divine power stored in the Gospel of Blood.

She didn't believe she couldn't find the source of the call with the use of divine power!

Under the protection of divine power, Charlotte's golden hair turned silver, and her blue eyes transformed into mysterious golden pupils.

With enhanced perception, she entered an "observer" state that seemed to perceive everything.

This time, perhaps due to the stronger call, she finally located its source.

To her surprise, the source was the crimson star sea in the depths of her consciousness, representing the bloodbornes!

No, more precisely, it was one particularly bright red star among the others!

"A bloodborne member? A bloodborne member… is calling me?"

Charlotte was astonished.

"Wait… this aura feels familiar."

She pondered.

After a moment of contemplation, Charlotte carefully touched the glowing blood-red sphere in her consciousness.

Immediately, she felt her consciousness being pulled, ascending infinitely, as if crossing an endless void, to a dark room.

In the room, blackened bloodstains on the floor formed twisted symbols that looked oddly familiar, resembling her Thorny Rose.

In the corner, a nobleman with disheveled hair, pale from severe blood loss, sat on the floor, staring blankly at the latest blood symbol in front of him.

His gaze was dull but carried a hint of hope.

The symbol before him was the most accurate Thorny Rose among the room's many scrawled symbols…

When Charlotte recognized him, she was stunned.

"Count Yurst?"

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