Gospel of Blood

Chapter 142: Being single is a matter of principle

Chapter 142: Being single is a matter of principle

Regarding her oath to the Holy Court, Charlotte knew it would certainly provoke opposition from the vassal nobility.

For vassals, the family matters of their liege lord are somewhat equivalent to "state affairs," especially the lifelong matters of the liege lord, which concern the future heir.

A feudal lord family without an heir would bring too much uncertainty and would not give the vassals enough sense of security. Especially in a wealthy domain like Castell, where there are too many covetous eyes, the lack of an heir virtually signifies a struggle for inheritance rights.

And in Charlotte's case, the situation is even more complicated.

Not only does she swear celibacy, but she also promises to donate her territory to the church after "death."

This makes the nobles even more furious...

In the world of Myria, the interests of feudal nobles and ecclesiastical lords are different. It's difficult for the nobles, who rely on marriage and inheritance to strengthen their families and maintain their rule, to align with ecclesiastical lords.

One thing that nobles particularly detest is that when a territory becomes ownerless, ecclesiastical lords are highly likely not to grant the land to nobles but to reclaim it for church management.

Undoubtedly, Charlotte's promise to donate the county to the church will inevitably provoke strong reactions from the nobles.

Just look at Baron Sharon's expression now.

Charlotte dares to affirm that he will soon try to persuade her to retract her oath, at least the promise to the church.

"Lady Charlotte, please... think this over! It is well known that His Majesty and the ecclesiastical authorities are in conflict. The Crescent Royal Family absolutely does not want to see another ecclesiastical domain in the kingdom, especially a wealthy one like Castell!"

"Your decision... may further amplify the conflict between the kingdom and the church in the future, and may even bring chaos to Castell!"

"The Castell lineage has been passed down for hundreds of years. For the sake of the family and the subjects, please, you must reconsider!"

Baron Sharon earnestly persuades.

Charlotte unexpectedly glances at him.

This extraordinary knight does not warn her from the perspective of the nobles' interests but uses the pressure from the higher-level king and the moral high ground of the subjects. It must be said that he was quite clever.

Even if she knows that the other party is likely just waving the flag to dispel her thoughts, at least... a noble who can mention the interests of the subjects will not be disliked by Charlotte, who is a transmigrator.

However, Charlotte will not give a commitment.

Even if she knows it will cause backlash from the nobles, she cannot loosen her declaration of celibacy and the promise of donating the land.

That would leave evidence and worsen relations with the church, plunging her, who is already firmly established, back into an inheritance crisis...

Not to mention, after lifting the oath, would they really make her bear offspring?

Just thinking about some possibilities and scenarios, Charlotte shuddered and got goosebumps all over.


She absolutely will not!

This is a matter of principle!

"Baron Sharon, I have my own considerations in this matter, no need to say more."

Charlotte says firmly.

"Lady Charlotte!"

Baron Sharon still refuses to give up.

"That's enough! Baron Sharon, do you still want to decide the lifelong matters for your lord?!"

Charlotte raises her voice, looking displeased, and directly uses her majesty magic.

With a light reprimand, Baron Sharon feels as if Charlotte's voice is thundering in his ears. Though immature, it carries undeniable majesty, making him involuntarily feel a sense of fear and genuine dread.

He immediately lowers his head and kneels on one knee.

"I... dare not..."

Seeing the kneeling baron, Charlotte let out a soft sigh, slightly relaxing her authority magic, and said.

"Regarding the future of the territory, I have my own considerations, rest assured... I will not put the vassals and subjects in jeopardy."

"Baron Sharon, you may retire if there's nothing else."

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Charlotte dismisses him.

Baron Sharon opens his mouth, but in the end, he lets out a long sigh.

"I... take my leave."

With that, he stands up and leaves.

Exiting the hall, Baron Sharon feels considerably relieved. It's only when he leaves the manor that he completely shakes off the influence of Charlotte's majesty magic.

At this moment, he realizes he's sweating profusely and becomes aware of his loss of composure in the hall.

Damn it!

He, a distinguished First Tier knight, was actually subdued in front of a fifteen-year-old girl!

Was it magic?

Or some kind of bloodline power?

He can't help but wonder.

Recalling the petite figure that reprimanded him in the manor, Baron Sharon suddenly gains a new understanding of this future lord.

She... is no longer just a child.

She has her own thoughts, her own opinions, and equally possesses the authority of a lord.

He suddenly realizes that the child once protected by her family is about to come of age.

He's unsure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, especially for the various noble families in the current County of Castell.

With complex emotions, Baron Sharon returns to his small villa.

Inside, his friends are still gathered for a meeting, obviously waiting for his return to inquire about the news from Castell Manor.

"Baron Sharon, have you finished advising Miss Charlotte?"

A merchant asked.

"Yes, I had finished advising her."

Baron Sharon sighed.

"And what was the result?"

Another person hurriedly asked.

"No result, Lady Charlotte is very determined."

Baron Sharon shook his head.

"In that case... Miss Charlotte's faith is indeed as fanatical and steadfast as rumored... the church will have another ecclesiastical lord in the future."

One person sighed.

Another person shook their head slightly, sneered, and commented.

"Well, after all, she's still a child, impulsive and reckless. When she returns to her territory, I'm afraid she won't be able to withstand the opposition of the noble gentlemen..."

But as soon as he finishes speaking, he realizes his mistake and quickly apologizes and explains to Baron Sharon.

"Ah... Baron Sharon, I didn't mean you."

Baron Sharon didn't mind and just shook his head indifferently.

"What you said is not wrong. If Lady Charlotte really wants to donate the land to the church, our family will definitely oppose it."

"Oppose? But... the church is backing her. With all due respect, even if Baron Sharon is unwilling, there's nothing you can do."

Someone shook their head and said.

However, someone quickly refuted it.

"That's not necessarily true. The church hasn't signed a contract with Castell yet. Considering that the legal boundaries of contracts with minors are relatively vague. The High Priest may be waiting for her to come of age."

Baron Sharon suddenly froze with this revelation, his face showed him deep in thought...

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