Gospel of Blood

Chapter 133: Gods and Beliefs

Chapter 133: Gods and Beliefs

Charlotte's inquiry plunged Lottie into silence once again.

With a soft sigh, she nodded.

"Yes, I was indeed thinking of them..."

"Duke Borde is one of the masterminds behind the Flame Demon Disaster. My father's downfall is closely linked to his support..."

"Perhaps his original intention was not to bring about the descent of the Flame Demon, but his indulgence has brought too much suffering to the people of Borde."

"The High Priest is even worse. As the highest official of the Holy Court in Borde, he became an umbrella for the Dreaming Salon, and even he himself... was a guest of honor at the Dreaming Salon."

"I cannot accept it... If their crimes are not exposed to the world, if they do not receive the punishment they deserve, I cannot accept it..."

"The Brois family has done too many wrong things, and ultimately suffered retribution, receiving punishment..."

"This is what we brought upon ourselves."

"But I cannot just watch those masterminds, those high-and-mighty umbrellas, still active in the light of day..."

As she spoke, Lottie let out a bitter laugh, self-mockingly saying.

"You can also consider it my inner sense of injustice."

Charlotte's heart stirred.

"Do you want to personally expose their crimes?"

Lottie nodded.

"Yes, as an eyewitness to everything, I believe I have the responsibility and the duty to reveal the truth."

"Although the ritual failed back then, I did survive, and later even gradually recovered from my congenital weakness and illness..."

"The Blood Demon Cult did not completely deceive my father. I could recover because I received the life force of those innocent girls who were sacrificed."

"During these years in hiding, in order to gain the trust of Count Tulip, I have also done many wrong things, watching those girls slip into darkness..."

"My existence is inherently evil."

"All I can do is repent, reveal those truths, and clear the names of those innocent girls..."

"That was also my original intention for joining the Holy Court."

"I joined the Holy Court not just to obey Count Tulip's orders to get close to the High Priest, but with a heart full of repentance..."

As she spoke, Lottie let out a long sigh.

"Of course, even I didn't expect when I joined that, the Holy Court, which preaches goodness and upholds order and justice, was not so holy after all."

"The power of the clergy comes from the Gods, from their faith in the Gods..."

"Yet, even though the High Priest is so corrupt, the light of his faith is still so dazzling..."

"I am confused..."

"I once believed that I could cleanse the evil in my heart with holy faith, but today, even the meaning of faith... is confusing to me."

Lottie's expression was full of desolation.

Hearing Lottie's words, Charlotte put down her wine glass and pondered.

"Confusion is normal, but rather than relying on faith, I believe what's more important is one's own heart..."

"In my view, faith is just a tool to help you clarify your own heart, a belief and set of values imposed on you by the Gods."

"If your own heart remains clear, if your inner self remains strong, what does it matter even without faith?"

"Your own heart, the beliefs within you, is your faith."

Hearing Charlotte's words, Sebastian, who was serving beside her, couldn't help but have his eyelids twitch wildly.


What a statement, "what does it matter even without faith!"

What a notion, that one's own heart and beliefs are faith!

Such a denigration of divine faith, perhaps only the Lady of the Night could utter it!

And... it was said right in front of a priest of the Holy Court!

Wait a moment...

If that's really the case, then everyone can be their own God, so what do we need the exalted Gods for?

But that's not right...

The source of extraordinary power comes from the Gods, from the blessings of the Gods to the races and ancestors... any True God can inflict divine punishment and strip extraordinary beings of their powers.

Without the faith of the Gods, what do mortals who have lost their powers have left?

Sebastian was bewildered.

Charlotte didn't pay attention to Sebastian's strange expression.

After pondering for a moment, she continued.

"You don't need to worry about the Duke and the High Priest; they will receive their due punishment. As for you, I don't think you should continue to be involved in this matter."

As she spoke, she smiled slightly.

"Sister Lottie, when I entered your dream, I also saw your memories. I know you have never lost your own heart, and you have never fallen..."

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"The Inquisition is always strict, and your identity is somewhat special. It's not worth it to get yourself involved for the High Priest and the Duke."

"Think carefully about Miss Marie's proposal, Sister Lottie. Perhaps my territory still needs a just priest to preside over..."

Hearing Charlotte's words, Lottie was slightly taken aback and fell into deep thought.

Charlotte smiled.

"Sister Lottie, let's eat first. You can think it over about my and Miss Marie's proposal."


After dining with Charlotte, Lottie took her leave.

Charlotte did not try to keep her, nor did she continue to persuade her.

She knew that this priestess needed some time to consider, to think things throughly.

She also knew that the other had seen through the issue with her identity.

However, from that one phrase, "May I call you Charlotte?" Charlotte knew that no matter who she really was, in Lottie's heart, she would always be "Charlotte."

Perhaps it was Charlotte's protection of the Castell family that gained her recognition.

Or perhaps it was her rescue of Marie that earned her gratitude.

But in any case, the other had acknowledged her.

As for Charlotte's "Evil God" identity...

Lottie didn't seem to know, or perhaps it was the instinctive protection of her soul, as she didn't remember clearly some things from the night before.

Sebastian explained that weak mortals could not directly face the majesty of the Gods.

If the Gods did not wish to leave an impression in the hearts of mortals, they would even forget that they had ever had contact with the Gods.

Charlotte didn't think she was really a God.

But in her True Ancestor's Liberation state, she did indeed control power akin to that of a God.

Lottie's forgotten memories were probably related to this, as she was only a Starry Sky extraordinary individual.

However, after talking with Lottie, it made Charlotte think about another issue.

In the world of Myria, the Gods rule everything, and the source of all extraordinary powers originally came from the Gods.

So, what exactly is the relationship between Gods and extraordinary beings, Gods and their followers?

What is the connection between the strength of faith and the power of the clergy?


Charlotte was really confused too.

She once believed that the power of faith was the source of the Gods' power, as well as the source of the clergy's power, and even the Holy Code of the Holy Court was written this way.

But now it seems that's not the case.

The fact that the corrupt High Priest could still receive the protection of the Holy Light was the strongest evidence.

Charlotte felt very puzzled.

The black cat, Nice, had told her that Gods only needed followers and did not care about the corruption of faith, that Gods were parasites in false guise...

However, the clergy's power indeed comes from the Gods.

Not only the clergy, but even the nobility because their ancestors were the Gods' subjects.

If the Gods didn't care about the corruption of their followers' faith, if the Gods were "parasites," then what did they want to get from their followers?

What is the standard for the clergy to grow stronger?

Is it really as the Holy Code says, the more devout, the stronger?

Or is there actually another hidden selection criterion?

Charlotte didn't know.

But she had a vague feeling that if she could figure these things out, she would have grasped the greatest secret of the Gods in the world of Myria...

At the same time, perhaps this would be very crucial for her to control the Gospel of Blood and ascend to the true Divine Throne, as in the myths and legends!

Of course, the secrets of the Gods are not something that can be unraveled overnight.

Even if one has ambitions, it must be done step by step.

In recent days, Charlotte has read many Myria ascension legends, and in any legend, a new God who ascends to the Divine Throne must first possess the Legendary power.

Even if she wants to become a God in the end, Charlotte must first raise her true strength to the Legendary level.

As for the relationship between followers and Gods...

Charlotte actually has many ideas, many guesses, and even experiments she wants to try, but all of that needs to wait until she leaves Borde and returns to her own territory.

Pulling her thoughts back, Charlotte returned to the study.

Sebastian followed beside her, hesitating to speak.

Charlotte's heart stirred.

"Is there something on your mind?"

Sebas hesitated for a moment, then respectfully asked.

"My lady... do you plan to take action against the Duke and the High Priest next?"

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