Gospel of Blood

Chapter 130: Bloodline Suppression

Chapter 130: Bloodline Suppression

What... is going on?

Watching the Flame Demon Valaroka turn and run, Charlotte was stunned for a moment.

However, she quickly realized what was happening.

The other party should have recognized her identity, just like in the dream world!


More accurately, it recognized the power she possessed from her True Ancestor's Liberation!

It regarded her as the Bloodborne True Ancestor!

The movement of Valaroka's retreat was swift.

It was very anxious and very afraid. Charlotte could even feel its genuine anxiety, regret, fear, and dread.

Actually, thinking about it, it's understandable.

As a Legendary demon who had finally broken through the seal and descended to the real world, ready to exert dominance, suddenly encountering a descending myth, anyone would be startled.

Not to mention, Charlotte didn't hide her hostility at all.

Her divine power surged fiercely...

As a Legendary, especially one who had been sealed for ten years, Valaroka clearly did not perceive Charlotte's true state.

Though her True Ancestor's Liberation looked terrifying, it had its limits, and its power hadn't reached the true mythical level. To a divine being, it was more like an empty shell.

Valaroka... was bluffed!

Charlotte's gaze turned somewhat strange.

Although empathizing, she found it strange to see Valaroka in such a panicked state...

Was the identity of the Bloodborne True Ancestor that terrifying?

Of course, Charlotte wouldn't let the other party leave like this.

It's quite dangerous to expose one's back to the enemy while fleeing.

Clearly, Valaroka was frightened by Charlotte's "identity," so much so that it forgot to defend itself and just tried to escape as fast as possible...

And this gave Charlotte the chance to strike!

Seize the opportunity while he's down, that's the best time to strike. Charlotte didn't hesitate, unleashing all her remaining blood divine power, forming a sword with her fingers, and slashing towards the Flame Demon Valaroka!

The crimson divine power erupted at Charlotte's fingertips, forming a faint divine sword that directly struck Valaroka's back.

Valaroka let out a painful wail as a deep wound appeared on its back, and the golden-red divine power turned into boiling flames, suddenly burning in the wound...

Meanwhile, Charlotte was astonished to find that with the burning of divine power, the time of her True Ancestor Liberation began to recover!

And Valaroka's aura instantly wilted.

What... is happening again?

Charlotte was surprised.

She hadn't actively absorbed the other's power like bloodsucking.

However, when her divine power attacked the other party, she naturally began to "suck blood," and the consumed divine power in her body was replenished.

Not only that, her divine power of power wasn't replenished from external sources.

Rather, it surged naturally from the depths of her consciousness, as if it stemmed from a deeper connection with Valaroka...

This kind of connection stemming from bloodline allowed her to possess a power that surpassed the other, enabling her to seize the opponent's strength when attacking!


This was blatant bloodline suppression!

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Valaroka was a retainer of the Bloodborne Archduke and also possessed the power of the Bloodborne. Charlotte's miraculous power likely originated from the bloodline!

With such a miraculous power, even if she only had half the time left for her True Ancestor's Liberation, even if she had only a few seconds left, Charlotte could become stronger with each blow, directly wearing down Flame Demon Valaroka to death...

Clearly, Valaroka probably knew that she possessed such power, which was why it ran so fast!

Charlotte quickly gained confidence.

She once again unleashed her divine power, and the brilliance of the divine sword on Valaroka's back became even more dazzling.

Under the burning of the golden-red flames, Valaroka let out a miserable cry.

And Charlotte felt the depths of her bloodline surge with new power again under the True Ancestor's Liberation state.

That ecstatic sensation akin to bloodsucking came again, making her want to moan.

Valaroka's transmitted emotions grew even more terrified.

Just then, it roared, suddenly drawing a demonic blade, curling up its large, pointed tail, and forcibly chopping off the half of its body that was burning with golden-red flames.

That half of the body was the part Charlotte had attacked, connecting to the left arm and half of the upper body.

Black-red demon blood splattered, and Valaroka's aura became even more withered. However, it finally took the opportunity to enter the crack of space...

Charlotte was about to chase after it, but seeing the half of Valaroka's body, which was continuously burning, falling towards the Borde City below, she hesitated for a moment.

The demon's body carried the power of contamination and corruption.

Ten years ago, just half of Valaroka's power destroyed half of Borde City, leaving behind pollution that hadn't been cleansed even after several years.

If this time, its half body fell to the ground, it would probably bring an even more terrifying disaster to Borde City!

Deeply glancing at the half of Valaroka's body fleeing into the crack of space, Charlotte didn't pursue it anymore, but used a divine fire to burn down the half of its body that had been cut off.

Or, more strictly speaking, it wasn't burning down, but absorbing it.

Under the burning of the golden-red flames, the half of the demon's body quickly withered, collapsed, and eventually turned into ash...

At the same time, Charlotte sensed that a lot of divine power of blood surged from the depths of her bloodline again, and the time of her True Ancestor's Liberation was extended by a few more seconds.

When she looked back at Flame Demon Valaroka, it had successfully escaped back into the crack of space and completely sealed the crack...

Vaguely, Charlotte seemed to sense emotions like regret, relief, and palpitations through the connection with the other party.

However, this last thread of connection was quickly severed by the other party.

Charlotte sighed softly, knowing that Valaroka had realized who had disrupted its consciousness and had voluntarily severed the connection.

It was somewhat regrettable not to have Valaroka killed, but... even if it survived, Charlotte knew it had undoubtedly suffered unprecedented damage.

After the battle, although Charlotte's True Ancestor's Liberation had been replenished, overall, the time was still reduced, with about twenty seconds left in total.

It was still a loss.

However, Charlotte had no regrets.

Without using True Ancestor's Liberation, she would never fully understand the extent of the power she possessed.

In the crimson radiance, Charlotte descended to the ground, tenderly retracting her divine power, swiftly ending her True Ancestor's Liberation.

Her figure once again shrank, returning to the appearance of a young girl, and her black divine robe transformed back into the cloak of the Blood Demon Cult.

The night sky of Borde City returned to calmness once again.

Only many houses in the abandoned city district were still burning due to the flames of the Flame Demon.

The startled residents and extraordinaries still gazed blankly at the night sky.

It was as if the awe-inspiring scene just now was nothing but an illusion.

Meanwhile, in the mansion of the Dreaming Salon, the High Priest's body trembled incessantly.

He knew that tonight, the fact that an Evil God had descended upon Borde City... could no longer be concealed.

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