Gospel of Blood

Chapter 128: You are the Bloodborne True Ancestor!

Chapter 128: You are the Bloodborne True Ancestor!

Spiritual power!

These threads are manifestations of spiritual power!

The essence of the dream world is the spiritual world, and spiritual power is the cornerstone of the spiritual world...

Assimilating these spiritual powers, she can completely gain control of the dream, seize the spiritual power belonging to the Flame Demon Valaroka, and erode its strength like sucking its blood!

Charlotte quickly realized what these ubiquitous threads around her were and immediately began to act.

With a slight movement of her mind, the divine power of blood erupted completely, rapidly spreading the crimson radiance throughout the dream world.

The majestic and vast aura continued to boil, and the ubiquitous black lines in the dream world quickly took on Charlotte's red color and spread rapidly around...

At the same time, in Sebastian's view, the entire dream world underwent earth-shaking changes!

Space tore apart, the earth shook, and the dream composed of lava collapsed with a thunderous roar, as if doomsday had come.

Terrifying cracks quickly spread across the dream world, and crimson mist gushed out from the cracks in the dream.

Under the diffusion of the crimson mist, volcanoes and lava collapsed one after another, and the collapsing dream suddenly began to reassemble!

Blocks of black bricks, seeming to possess vitality, transformed continuously, constantly building, soon forming solemn and majestic ancient walls.

The dream continued to reassemble, layers of stairs spread with the diffusion of crimson mist, and a majestic Blood Throne slowly emerged beneath Charlotte...

Under the support of the throne, Charlotte slowly rose into the air, overlooking the entire world from a high vantage point.

She sat on the Blood Throne, stroking the familiar armrest of the throne, silently watching and marveling at the dream world gradually transforming into the Dark Night Castle in her mind.

After invading Valaroka's dream world, it unexpectedly transformed into the Dark Night Castle in her consciousness!

Now, this dream was hers!

Charlotte looked down at "Marie" from above.

No, it wasn't "Marie" anymore.

With the invasion of Charlotte's power into the dream, Valaroka's appearance also reverted to its true form, a terrifying demon with burning hellfire and fearsome demonic horns!

However, at this moment, this terrifying Flame Demon, who was like a world-ending giant in the Flame Demon Disaster, looked quite petite...

Its body hadn't even reached the size of Sebastian standing below the throne, making the Flame Elf stare wide-eyed in astonishment.

However, Charlotte, who had just become the master of the dream, knew what was going on.

She had seized the dream, and Valaroka's power had returned to its true form.

It had not fully recovered and its consciousness in the dream world was just a part of its whole consciousness...

And at this moment, the Flame Demon looked at Charlotte on the throne in horror, its flaming pupils filled with dread.

"Dream erosion?! This is... the devouring power!"

"True Ancestor! You are the Bloodborne True Ancestor!"

Valaroka roared strangely, its terrifying demonic head bearing a human-like fear.

Without hesitation, it turned and fled, rushing towards the still unclosed crack in the reformed dream world...

But Charlotte acted faster.

With a slight movement of her mind, the crimson mist instantly condensed into chains, flying towards the fleeing Flame Demon.

In an instant, Valaroka was imprisoned by dream locks transformed by the divine power of blood.

Charlotte raised her hand slightly, and the divine power of blood continued to spread, eroding Valaroka's strength.

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With the blessing of divine power, she once again saw the spiritual threads of Valaroka.

These were deeper-level spiritual threads, still black in color, the core spiritual power that made up this part of Valaroka's consciousness.

However, this time, the threads were somewhat different from before. They intertwined with each other and interwove with a dim milky-white thread.

The milky-white thread was enveloped by layers of black threads, even showing a certain degree of assimilation.

On that milky-white thread, Charlotte sensed a familiar aura.

This was... Marie's spiritual thread?

Charlotte's heart stirred.

She manipulated her divine power, continuing to erode Valaroka's strength, while... carefully avoiding the seemingly fragile milky-white thread that could break at any moment.

With Charlotte's actions, Valaroka let out a painful roar.

The crimson mist rose continuously on its body, emitting sizzling sounds, its flames extinguished, and its pitch-black demonic armor began to melt...

Soon, Valaroka's aura gradually weakened, the black power faded away, and the illusory figure of Marie reappeared.

She fell to the ground, unconscious.

Her connection with Valaroka had been severed by Charlotte.

The fusion with the demon was irreversible... but, that was for ordinary people.

Under the True Ancestor's Liberation state, Charlotte wasn't ordinary. She could save the girl whose consciousness had merged!

Of course, Charlotte had just discovered this ability while trying to separate the girl from the demon.

After rescuing Marie, Charlotte continued to erode the remaining power of Valaroka.

Under the erosion of the divine power of blood, the demon's power was no match and was quickly devoured...

And as Charlotte devoured them, various memories also flooded into her mind.

These were Valaroka's memories.

More accurately, they were the memories of this part of its consciousness.

These memory fragments were not much, obviously adjusted through consciousness projection. It was retained only the plan and belief of the main body's awakening from the seal through the God's Descent Ritual...

Charlotte's heart moved, quickly realizing that this part of Valaroka's consciousness was not sharing memories with the main body.

However, although there was no memory sharing, Charlotte, through the obtained memories, located the seal of the opponent.

Charlotte slowly raised her head, the reddish-gold flames burning in her pupils, perceiving a faint black thread penetrating the void...

That was the connection between Valaroka and this part of its consciousness.

Perhaps because it penetrated the seal, this connection was quite weak, but for Charlotte, it was like a path straight to the opponent's seal!

Charlotte glanced at the remaining two-thirds of the time of True Ancestor's Liberation, and without hesitation, poured the divine power of blood into the connection in the void.

She wanted to follow this connection and invade Valaroka's spiritual world again!

The divine power of blood continued to spread, aided by the connection in the void, and Charlotte soon saw the other end of the connection.

However, what she "saw" was not some closed extra-dimensional space, but the Borde City at night...

Charlotte was startled, her expression changed suddenly.

She realized what was going on.

She, in her True Ancestor's Liberation state, was very powerful, easily seizing control of the dream world, but at the same time, she had also destroyed Valaroka's seal!

The main body of Valaroka had taken the opportunity to enter the real world!

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