Gospel of Blood

Chapter 126: Awakening

Chapter 126: Awakening

"Miss Marie, have you... already merged with the Flame Demon Valaroka?"

Sebastian's gaze at Marie, who remained calm, was somewhat complicated.

Lottie also widened her eyes.

"Sister, you..."

Marie remained silent for a moment, then nodded gently, revealing a lonely smile.


"The Demon Eye obtained by the Blood Demon Cult is actually Valaroka's eye. The High Priest merged it with my body..."

"I... am actually the node of the Flame Demon Valaroka, and also the core of the Bloodborne Archduke's Descent Ritual."

"Ten years ago, Valaroka planned from the beginning to transform one of its eyes into the sacred vessel for the Bloodborne Archduke. This was part of the Flame Demon's plan..."

"Now, what the Blood Demon Cult is doing is just the remaining part of the plan."

"The Blood Demon Cult had everything planned out, but what they didn't plan for was that my consciousness was not completely consumed, but instead I maintained my existence because Valaroka was sealed..."

"This was the contingency left by my father in the ritual..."

"The Blood Demon Cult used their domination magic to control our father's mind. They turned our father, who loved his people like his own children, into an executioner who saw the people as tools. They wanted our father to kill his own daughter..."

"But, they overlooked our father's love for us..."

"Even though his mind was controlled, our father still regarded his daughters as his most precious treasure..."

"Between Valaroka, the Bloodborne Archduke, and his daughter, he ultimately chose his daughter."

"From this perspective, when the Blood Demon Cult chose us as vessels and mediums ten years ago, they had already failed..."

With that, Marie took a deep breath and said to Charlotte.

"Lady Charlotte, please act."

"I know you also possess the miraculous power to interfere with the dream world. Please destroy Valaroka's dream node and banish it completely!"

Sebastian's expression became serious.

"Miss Marie, are you serious? You must understand that losing the consciousness node in the dream world for a high-ranking demon like Valaroka would at most mean losing the pathway to invade the real world. But for you, who have fused with its consciousness node, it means death..."

"This is not ordinary death, but the annihilation of the soul. As a coexistor, your soul will be completely purified, and even the possibility of resurrection as an undead will be lost..."

Marie smiled slightly and said.

"Mr. Sebastian, I have long been prepared for this."

"I have witnessed the horror of Valaroka, and I have gained some of its memories through our fusion..."

"I know how evil and terrifying it is."

"To see Lottie safe and sound, to see Lottie rescued from the control of the Blood Demon Cult, my final wish has been fulfilled."

"No! Sister! There must be another way!"

Lottie said urgently.

Marie smiled and shook her head.

"Lottie, it's time for everything to end. You..."

Marie didn't finish her sentence.

Halfway through, her whole body suddenly trembled, and her illusory figure became unstable.

At the same time, the entire temple suddenly began to shake violently, the ground cracked, and large chunks of stone and earth fell from the dome.

The Demon Eye above the altar emitted a deep glow, and the terrifying eyeball trembled slightly, its moving eyelids seeming like they could open at any moment.

Seeing the changes in the Demon Eye, Marie's expression changed slightly.

"Oh no... Valaroka has sensed my actions..."

"It's trying to reclaim all control over the dream... Its level is far beyond mine! I can't hold on for much longer..."

"Lady Charlotte... Please... Quickly destroy it!"

Marie barely finished speaking before an ancient and desolate darkness slowly spread throughout the temple...

With the gradually rising pressure, the eyeball above the altar slowly opened.

The wrinkled eyelids flickered, revealing a cold and indifferent pupil, within which a deep and dark hellfire seemed to burn...

At the moment the Demon Eye opened, Mary's trembling stopped abruptly.

Her aura also changed in an instant, and her brown eyes also turned golden-red. The anxious expression disappeared, replaced by a cold indifference.

"Sister... Sister?"

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Lottie looked at "Marie" whose temperament had changed in surprise and suspicion.

Sebastian's expression became serious.

"No, she is no longer Miss Marie..."

"She is Valaroka, the Flame Demon!"

Hearing Sebastian's words, "Marie" immediately cast her gaze downward at the few people below the altar.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and her gaze toward the three of them was threatening, but she remained silent, seemingly uninterested in communicating with ants.

A terrifying aura emanated from her, and the entire dream world suddenly began to undergo earth-shattering changes.

The dilapidated temple was instantly shattered, and scorching lava erupted from the cracks in the ground, quickly engulfing everything, leaving only the altar with the Demon Eye.

In an instant, the dream world turned into a hellish landscape of lava...

The thick scent of sulfur filled the air, accompanied by unbearable heat.

If one didn't know they were in a dream, it would be hard to distinguish the surroundings from reality.

Seeing the changed scenery around her and sensing the increasingly terrifying aura of the other party, Sebastian's expression changed slightly.

"This is bad! It's about to awaken! Master, we must retreat from the dream!"

However, when he looked at Charlotte, he suddenly frowned.

Charlotte had not moved.

She still stood in place, looking at the increasingly terrifying "Marie", seemingly lost in thought.


Sebastian called out anxiously.

Charlotte only then snapped out of her reverie and said.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought."

"Sebastian, you mentioned... if a myth were to be converted into divine power, how much power would it provide me?"



The expression of the flame elf was extremely helpless.

Yet, within that helplessness was also anxiety.

"Master! We must retreat! If what Miss Marie said is true, Valaroka has already acquired all its power. Once it awakens, it will be a complete Legendary!"

"That's a level of power we can't contend with right now!"

After hearing Sebastian's words, Charlotte nodded.

"You're right. Even if I were to confront a Legendary in the real world, it would not be easy..."


Does Mr. Sebastian refer to Charlotte as "Master"?

A... a Legendary?

Charlotte was going to confront a Legendary?

Listening to their conversation, Lottie was stunned.

And Charlotte's voice continued.

"However, this is not reality, but Valaroka's dream..."

Sebastian became even more anxious.

"That's even more terrifying! This is its home ground!"


Charlotte shook her head.

She looked up at the increasingly powerful "Marie" and suddenly smiled.

"Mary said it herself, in the dream world, levels... are the source of power."

"Levels? Wait... could it be that you..."

Sebastian's heart skipped a beat.

Charlotte narrowed her eyes and nodded slightly, "Yes, I want to see, after I am completely liberated, what level I can reach, and what level it can reach... Who is higher."

With that, Charlotte sank into consciousness and communicated with the Gospel of Blood.

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