Gospel of Blood

Chapter 101: Count Tulip

Chapter 101: Count Tulip

In the world of Myria, although astrology magic is niche, it is not uncommon.

Many mages would dabble to some extent in astrology studies, at least enough to conduct certain magical divinations through star observations to enhance the success rate of their magical research.

Looking at the plethora of astrology magic books in the room, it was evident that the owner of the study was quite obsessed with astrology magic.

And being obsessed with astrology magic, referred to as "the Count" by the Blood Demon Cultists, the direction became quite clear.

Especially when Charlotte picked up the astrology device and saw the Borde's coat of arms on it...

"Count Tulip."

Charlotte frowned.

Count Tulip was quite famous in the Borde Duchy. However, it wasn't due to his status as the original heir of the Duchy but because of two embarrassing incidents.

One was when shortly after being declared heir and going to the Tulip domain, he managed to incite the anger of the locals within three months, leading to a revolt that sent him back.

The other was his obsession with astrology magic, and his utter disregard for governance, which even caused the political alliance Duke Borde had painstakingly arranged for him to be ruined, infuriating the Duke to the point of nearly breaking the Count's legs...

It could be said that Count Tulip, while holding a prestigious position with minimal presence, had become quite a laughingstock in Borde's aristocratic circles.

Even Charlotte only remembered him because of his relationship with the original body owner as her cousin, due to her occasional contact during her childhood.

However, this person, such a waste in the public eye, was actually a collaborator with the Blood Demon Cult?


Had he been pretending all along?

Charlotte was genuinely surprised.

However, after some deep thought, she had a sudden enlightenment feeling...

Charlotte knew that the nobles were colluding with the Blood Demon Cult and plotting her assassination because they aimed to gain control of Castell.

If you considered the lineage inheritance, if she were truly dead, Castell would return to the Duke's estate.

The first to inherit in that case wouldn't be the Duke but Count Tulip. Because he was Charlotte's aunt's son, the closest blood relative of the Castell family!

This fact was known to everyone. But nobody believed that, in the unlikely event the Castell's estate would eventually fall into the hands of Count Tulip.

Even if he were to inherit, it was highly likely that, like Count Tulip's estate, it would soon be reclaimed by the old Duke's estate. Because he behaved like such a wastrel.

However, now, Charlotte suddenly realized that this widely-regarded astrology-obsessed, irresponsibility-ridden Count might have been pretending all along!

Wastrel? If he had been covertly rallying the nobles of the estate through the Dreaming Salon, if he had clandestine dealings with the Blood Demon Cult, and with the High Priest...

He was no wastrel!

"It turns out to be Count Tulip... It seems that the entire noble circle of Borde has been deceived by him, perhaps even the Duke has been deceived by him. He has been pretending all along."

Charlotte said, surprised.

"It should be him, only he, with his status, could have acquired the kingdom's standardized hand crossbows and framed the Duke's estate... No, to be more precise, he should be framing the Duke."

She pondered.

"Looks like, perhaps, the Borde family isn't as united as the outside world believed."

Sebastian narrowed his eyes.

"Master, what should we do next? Lay in ambush here and wait for his return?"

He respectfully inquired.

Charlotte checked the remaining time of her True Ancestor's Liberation.

During this time controlling the blood servants, the time limit for True Ancestor's liberation had decreased by 0.1s from 58.5s.

Obviously, even though she hadn't fully liberated her True Ancestor state, controlling the blood servants outside the door still reduced the time limit for True Ancestor's Liberation.

Sensing around the study and confirming the absence of any Gospel pages, Charlotte thought for a moment and said.

"No need. A fleeing monk cannot escape the temple. The Blood Demon Cult's conspiracy is the more important matter."

"We will continue tracking the secrets of the Blood Demon Cult."

After identifying the mastermind behind the Dreaming Salon, the two exited the study.

This assault turned out to be even smoother than Charlotte had imagined. It had to be said... When you possess sufficient power, many things that once seemed quite difficult become simple. Even if the obtained power is temporary.

Returning to the corridor, over twenty blood servants respectfully bowed to Charlotte. As the girl stepped out of the study, she once again caught sight of the little girl in the white dress darting past, disappearing in the direction opposite the corridor.

Charlotte's heart stirred.

"Let's go there again."

Following the mysterious little girl's figure, Charlotte arrived at the other end of the corridor.

This should be directly below the hall of the Dreaming Salon, where she saw a stone door carved with intricate magic runes.

Upon arriving here, Charlotte felt an indescribable sense of gloom, as if there were waves of chill emanating from the cracks of the stone door.

Sebastian stepped forward, examining the magic runes on the stone door, and soon raised his eyebrows.

"Master, this is a sealing door. Something must be sealed behind it, and... there are warning runes on the seal. Unauthorized entry may alert the person behind the scenes."

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"I am quite ashamed... I am not well-versed in sealing magic. Perhaps, you will need to step in to break the seal and the warning runes."

Sebastian said respectfully.

'But I don't know sealing magic either. In fact, right now, I only know low-level majesty and necromancy...'

Charlotte scoffed inwardly.

But just because she doesn't know it doesn't mean others don't know either.

"Open this door without alarming the warning runes."

She ordered the other two forbidden blood servants who had followed.

They had been standing guard in front of the stone door just now.

Upon hearing the girl's command, the two first-rank forbidden blood servants trembled once again, even more violently than before. They seemed to be struggling with the soul contract once again.

But in the end, Charlotte's power prevailed.


After a moment of trembling, they respectfully bowed their heads and then took a step forward, taking out keys from their pockets and inserting them into the stone door.

The next moment, the magic runes on the stone door suddenly lit up, emitting a deep light.

With a grating sound that made one's heart ache, the stone door swung open, and a tide of blood and malice gushed out, causing Sebastian and Charlotte to pale simultaneously.

And when the stone door fully opened, the two also saw what was inside.

It was an underground cave.

The dome of the cave depicted intricate and complex magic runes and various evil and corrupted patterns.

They extended from the surroundings to the depths of the cave.

The ground was covered with a lot of white bones, countless of them.

In the center of the cave was a giant blood pool emitting a strong bloody smell.

The blood pool was designed in the shape of an incredibly sinister and evil eye.

"It's the Eye of the Demon! It's the symbol of the Bloodborne Archduke Abaddon!"

Sebastian's expression turned grave.

Bloodborne Archduke Abaddon?

Charlotte's heart twitched.

Her gaze quickly fell on the blood pool.

In the center of the blood pool, white bones were stacked to form the pupil of the "eye," and in the center of the pupil, a black coffin emitting a chilling aura was placed.

For some reason, looking at that coffin, Charlotte felt a strong sense of unease in her heart.

Charlotte looked around, wanting to find the little girl's figure again, but found no trace of her.

Thinking for a moment, the girl withdrew her gaze and looked again at the blood servants behind her.

The brilliance flowed in her eyes.

"Tell me, what is the Blood Demon Cult planning?"

Upon hearing the girl's command, the blood servants trembled once again. This time, their trembling was even more violent than the first.

Their expressions were ferocious, their eyes rolling back, and Charlotte could sense their souls undergoing intense turmoil, beginning an unprecedented frenzy.

Obviously, Charlotte's question touched on their deepest restrictions.

Charlotte exerted a bit more force, slightly increasing the output of her blood power.

The next moment, the blood servants trembled even more violently.

Not only that, Charlotte even sensed the soul contracts within them beginning to emit a faint light, as if they were about to tear their souls apart at any moment.

Her heart sank, and she quickly stopped the interrogation.

It was evident that these blood servants' soul contracts were built around keeping the secrets here. If Charlotte forcefully obtained the answers, even if she got results, it would inevitably alert the Blood High Priest behind the scenes.

She didn't want to alert the High Priest unless absolutely necessary.

Withdrawing her gaze from the blood servants, Charlotte looked again at the dry bones in the cave.

The bloodborne's keen perception, coupled with the Dark Path's unique awareness, allowed her to clearly sense that there were still countless lost souls lingering here.

Associating with the various illusions she had just seen in the hall, she formed a slight idea.

Charlotte approached the countless bones, gently closed her eyes, and spread her consciousness over them.

Then, she once again connected to her divine power of blood.

Under Sebastian's awe-struck gaze, a hint of ancient and vast aura slowly rose from Charlotte's body, then vanished in an instant.

A crimson light radiated from the girl, quickly enveloping the entire cave.

In a flash, Charlotte felt a huge memory filled with boundless hatred, fear, and despair rushing into her mind...

Then the world before her eyes shattered.

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