God Simulator

Chapter 68: Do you ask if I support it or not?

Chapter 68: Do you ask if I support it or not?

So the question is, what would humans in the tribal era play?

It can’t be too complicated or require too much thinking. It should be in line with the era and the environmental background. It’s best if it’s easy to learn and addictive to play.

Lu Yao thought about it.

Mahjong, no, too complicated.

Playing cards, also no, for the same reasons.

Chess? It’s difficult for them too.

Lu Yao found that there was only one game that was most suitable.


Lu Yao personally didn’t like this kind of gambling toy.

But gambling is a part of human nature. Adventure and treasure hunting are a form of gambling, and exploring the unknown is also a form of gambling. This is an undeniable fact.

Dice, with six different numbers on each face, is easy to understand.

Lu Yao searched for relevant information online.

As early as the Neolithic Age, humans began playing a board game, which can be considered the ancestor of modern board games. Dice is an important prop in various board games.

Now that the Garlic Tribe has mastered arithmetic, these simple numbers shouldn’t be a problem.

Lu Yao immediately went out and bought a stone dice from a jewelry store across the street. As soon as he returned home, he transferred the stone dice into the temple.

Inside the temple, the long silent old astrologer, Shahang, raised his arms excitedly and looked up at the dome of the temple.

"Oh, God, can you hear our prayers? You finally see your humble servant again..."

A exclamation mark appeared above Shahang’s head.

"Is this the ’Dice’?"

"Oh, divine one, did you bestow the ’Dice’ upon us to teach us to divine our fate?"

"You are so kind, so wise..."

While he was praising like crazy, Lu Yao felt embarrassed.

This dice is not meant for divination at all.

It’s just a professional habit of astrologers.

No wonder Shahang has been in the temple for so many years and the simulator hasn’t given him any hints that he can transform into a prophet.

Shahang lacks a bit of fate to be a prophet.

Fortunately, although the astrologer misunderstood, most people quickly understood the purpose of the dice.

"The dice can generate numbers, some big and some small."

"Yes, we can compare sizes! I’m bigger than you, hey! I rolled a six, you rolled a two! I win!"


"You have to lose again, forget it, winning against you is not fun."

"Come back! One more time!"

Most of the tribe’s people quickly understood the meaning of the different numbers on the six faces of the dice. The random jumps of the numbers can produce different results, which can be applied to many things.

Lu Yao noticed three people.

These three people were hiding in a corner, discussing something important.

"Just like we agreed before. Tonight, let’s steal a sailboat, steal it and leave, then sell it for sea shells. Take the sea shells to the island of the East Sea Clan, where no one will know what we did."

One of them said, "But if we steal the boat, who do we sell it to?"


The person continued to ask, "If we sell the boat to a merchant, how do we get to the island at sea? Steal another one?"



"You idiot, why didn’t you say it earlier!"

"I just remembered."

"You idiot!"

"I’m sorry!"

The three fell silent for a moment.

"What do we do now?"

The third person said, "...Let the gods guide us, using this dice that the gods have bestowed upon us."

"Will the gods guide us to steal a boat?"

The leader said again, "You idiot! The gods know everything. But they haven’t struck us with lightning yet, so they must support us! If the gods support us in stealing a boat, what are we afraid of!"

Before he finished speaking, a lightning bolt struck the head of this little person, turning him into ashes.

Lu Yao moved his fingers a bit.

You ask if I support it or not? Of course, I don’t support it.

Stealing a boat doesn’t really matter. But making such an outrageous request, it’s the first time I’ve seen it. I’ll fulfill it out of mercy.

The other little people were scared and quickly knelt down, trembling all over, praying.

"Oh, great divine one, we will change immediately, we will change immediately."

"We were wrong, we were wrong."

Lu Yao had already shifted his gaze elsewhere.

There were two pixelated little people chatting at the edge of the forest.

A man named Mu Ke said, "Have a child with me!"

A woman named Hai Wanggu said, "Are you stupid?"

"You said you liked me, didn’t you?"

"It was just a joke."


"You’re too young."

Lu Yao took a look.

Mu Ke is twelve years old, but Hai Wanggu is already twenty-two. The age difference in this brother-sister relationship is quite large.

Just by looking at their surnames, Mu Ke is a descendant of carpenters, while Hai Wanggu is a descendant of the East Sea Clan.

"I just want you to have a child with me. Before I grow up, don’t have a child with anyone else, okay?"

A crying face appeared above the young Mu Ke’s head.


Hai Wanggu said, "Then let’s listen to the will of the gods. Use the ’Dice’ bestowed by the gods. If you can roll three ones in a row, it means that this is the fate guided by the gods, and I will agree."

Mu Ke took out a dice and rolled a three."Keep chopping trees, you fool."

Hai Wanggu turned and left.

The young Mu Ke knelt on the ground: "Why, why is this happening!"

"God, God, why can’t you show me some mercy and blessings! I just want to sleep with Hai Wanggu and have children, why can’t you help me..."

"God, you’re too cruel!"

Lu Yao chuckled.

Kid, although you’re brave.

But you’re still too young, just keep chopping trees, don’t let your mind wander.

The pixelated people of the Garlic Tribe generally understood the dice, but most of the time they used it to resolve disputes, as the name suggests - using the guidance of the gods to determine who is right and who is wrong.

This was somewhat deviated from Lu Yao’s original idea of entertainment.

Just as he was observing the creatures, a large-scale brawl suddenly broke out in the tribe.

Two groups of little people, for some unknown reason, started fighting with bows and arrows and spears. As more and more people joined in, the chaos escalated.

The leaders, Senjian and Yulian, quickly came to stop it.

"What on earth is going on? What are you doing?"

Wizard Senjian, now a respected elder in the tribe, quickly quelled the riot as soon as he stepped in.

"The merchants are too despicable!"

"That’s right, they’re the ones who made us lose everything!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Merchants are despicable!"

A group of little people were all talking at once.

Lu Yao checked many of the little people’s statements, and finally figured out what had happened.

The cause was this.

The fishermen who went out to sea caught some beautiful corals and shells in the open sea, which were quite valuable. After they returned, the merchants bought them at extremely low prices, then sold them at high prices at the salt pool, making a fortune.

Not only that, the merchants also forged seashells, mixing fake seashells with real ones, causing the fishermen to suffer huge losses.

The fishermen finally couldn’t bear it anymore and asked the merchants to return the seashells to them. The merchants refused, so the fishermen launched an attack.

This large-scale brawl was the result of the fishermen’s long-term dissatisfaction and anger at being cheated by the merchants.

Lu Yao was curious to see how the tribe would handle this.

Whenever there are many people, there are always those who want to take shortcuts to gain excessive profits. This kind of thing can’t be completely eliminated for the time being, it can only be restrained through various means and rules to protect people’s legitimate interests.

What surprised Lu Yao was that before the leaders could make a judgment, a merchant stood up and offered to pay for all the fishermen’s losses.

It was the heroic merchant Li.

Merchant Li said: "In order to make the trade more fair and just, I hope the leaders can establish a rule. If the trade loss is caused by deception and concealment, compensation should be paid to the other party."

"Correspondingly, if the price is just high, but both parties agree, then this trade is legitimate and is recognized and protected by the entire tribe."

"I have made many records of the problems in the tribe’s trade over the years, and also wrote my personal thoughts, I hope the two leaders can review them."

Merchant Li took out a small notebook.

Senjian and Yulian looked at it for a while, and both of them had exclamation marks above their heads.

"Very good! Very good!"

"Well written!"

They discussed with Merchant Li for a while.

A new prompt appeared on the screen.

【Merchant Li has written the "Tribe Trade Code".】

【The Garlic Tribe has invented law.】

【The Garlic Tribe has learned to make and use laws, and everyone’s intelligence has slightly increased.】

Lu Yao took a sip of tea and nodded to himself.

This Merchant Li is a talent.

He and Yulian will be the future of the tribe.

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