Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 19: The Struggle Between Two Heads

I mean... I shouldn't be weird. She's my wife, after all.

But the next moment, his thoughts changed.

Hell no! She's a monster! A tall, curvy, beautiful, strong monster—what am I even thinking!?

The goblin woman tilted her head slightly, wondering what was going on inside her mate's head. YuWon noticed her looking at him and cleared his throat, gathering his thoughts.

But as he did that, he realized something. Despite being her husband, he didn't even know the woman's name, and wondered if asking her now would be awkward.

Forget that. It'll be more awkward to ask for her help if I don't even know her name.

YuWon sighed, breaking the silence, and asked, "What should I call you? Like, do you have a name or something?"

"Name?" she repeated, as if the concept was foreign to her. "I don't have one."

"Wait... you don't have a name?" YuWon asked, surprised. "Then how do you communicate with your kind?"

"I... can't," she shook her head and her white hair swayed along. "Only my father could understand me and he didn't give me a name. I was just 'daughter', nothing more."

YuWon scratched his head, feeling awkward. He hadn't expected this. But then again, it was foolish of him to hold monsters in the same regard as humans, even though they were the same to him.

Besides, it gave YuWon the opportunity to get closer to her. After all, if he named her, then it would make the goblin feel closer to him and then they could bang—hang! Hang around and sleep—live! Live together.

"Well, you should have a name," he said, trying to sound casual.

He looked at her as he tried to think of something, anything, to call her.

"How about… Gina?" he said lazily, the first name that popped into his head.

The name didn't have any significance at all, other than that YuWon just so happened to combine G for goblin with the name of his favorite idol. Despite his laziness, Gina's eyes lit up when she heard the name.

"Gina," she repeated, as if savoring its sound. "I like it. I'll cherish it forever."

YuWon couldn't help but feel guilty watching her smile. He hadn't put much thought into the name, but it seemed to mean a lot to her.

"I'm glad you like it." he mumbled.

Gina kept smiling back at him and the warmth in her expression was something YuWon hadn't seen in a while. After all, whenever anyone saw him, they only shot him disgusting looks.

But Gina's smile. It almost looked cute, unlike how fierce she had been before. YuWon's eyes then fell on the markings on the ground and he remembered about the altar and his reward.

Although Gina was the best reward YuWon could get from there, he was a greedy bastard and always wanted more. This case wasn't any different.

"Gina, did you make this altar?"

Gina's smile suddenly faded at the mention of the altar as she nodded.

"It's incomplete, but I created it to help me find the one who killed my father."

YuWon's face turned pale when he heard that. He couldn't let her continue working on the altar or she would discover his lie. And if she realized he was the one who had killed her father, things could turn bad quickly.

Fuck! I need to destroy that altar, but how!?

If he did anything to the altar, Gina would realize something was off. But he couldn't let it be. YuWon needed to find a way to get rid of the altar without making her suspicious.

But before YuWon could even think of a plan, Gina suddenly raised her arm and, with a single strike, broke the altar in half. The stones and bones shattered into pieces, scattering across the terrace.

YuWon looked at Gina, confused. Why would she destroy the altar on her own? However, she looked back at him, smiling once again.

"Avenging my father was my goal before I met you," she mumbled. "But I no longer want that. All I want now is to be by your side forever."

YuWon forced a smile, trying to hide his immense relief. It felt like he took a step inside his grave, but someone pulled him back.

But he was also worried. What did she mean by not avenging her father? He had gone through the trouble of framing Hoon for it and now she wanted to ignore all that?

"That's… good to hear," he said in a strained tone, ignoring the questions in his head.

But there was one thing he couldn't get past. As glad as he was to see the destroyed altar, her devotion to him was a bit unsettling. YuWon was worried Gina might turn into a yandere and that would be troublesome for him.

The last thing I want is for her to kill me and carry my head around or, worse, kiss my severed head like that crazy Ackerman.

Changing the topic, YuWon retrieved the key and asked Gina what it was for.

"Come, I'll show you." Gina gestured for him to come closer.

YuWon hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward. Gina kneeled by the remains of the altar and revealed a hidden keyhole underneath the broken stone. YuWon raised an eyebrow, not expecting the treasure to be hiding under the altar.

"Go ahead," Gina said, pointing at the keyhole.

YuWon nodded and carefully inserted the key into the keyhole. For a moment, nothing happened. But then an orb of light appeared before him, floating in the air.

On Gina's insistence, he touched the orb, and a notification appeared before him.

[You have found the Hobgoblin's hidden cache!]

[The Awakener will receive a class-specific item as a reward for their feat.]

A moment later, the orb of light turned into a backpack. YuWon grabbed it and the next moment it disappeared and a strange swirling tattoo appeared on his left palm.

[You have received the Phantom Bag.]

[Grade: Unique.]

[Description: The Phantom Bag is a magical tattoo on the holder's arm. Despite its appearance, it is a storage space for carrying many items without a physical bag.

To access the items, the Awakener needs to touch the tattoo and think about what they want to retrieve or store. The item will appear in their hand or disappear into the tattoo.]

[Special skill: The Phantom bag isn't affected by respawning effects. The items once stored inside, will be there even after the Awakener respawns.]

YuWon couldn't believe his eyes. Phantom Bag was invaluable for him, especially considering how many times he had already died and respawned.

"This is perfect!"

YuWon turned to share the joy with Gina, only to be shocked. Gina was undoing her clothes to untie the laces and straps.

Before YuWon could do anything, her top fell off her shoulders and so did his mouth as he blankly stared at her, or specifically, her breasts as one word echoed in his mind…


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